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CHEM -road

These specifications is for the contruction of new existing roads by in-situ stabilization
of road base layer with chem-road and Cement. Cover all the work in connection to the
stabilization of soil road base and include the scarifying of the in-situ soil road base.
Supply. Mix the road base with Cement. And the mixture of chem-road and water, compact
and cure the stabilization road base to the width and thickness shown on the drawing and to
the tolerances specified herein.
The contractor shall have good experience in work involving in-situ-stabilization and
recyeling of road. The work shall be supervised by a qualified and experienced stabilization

a. These materials are normally aggregates and soil. The aggregates and soil shall be
crushed rock, gravel, milled asphalt concrete, laterite, coarse sand, or combination of these
b. Soil classification when tasted in accordance with AASHTO T27-70 AASHTO T, 89
and AASHTO T90 should be A-1, a, A-1b, A-2 and A-3 group (AAHTO classification)
c. Maximum nominal size aggregates is limited to 50 mm.
d. Liquid Limit when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 89 should be less than 40
e. Plastic Index when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 90 should be less than 15
f. L.A Abrasion loss when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131 should be less than 60

2. Cement
The cement should be orntdinary sctting Portland cement complying with ASTM C
150. Cement delivered to the size should be fresh or tese to be fresh. The cement shall be
used within a reasonable period after delivery. Dry storage should be provide for cement that is not
used immediately upon delivery to the size.
3. Chem-road
The objectives of Chem-road soil cement stabilization are,
a. To minimize the damage to the road surface caused by cracking/settlement of
subgrade appearing as reflective cracking, rutting and pot hole.
b. To provide a waterproofing effects so as increase the durability of the road by
reducing the rate of saturation of the sub-base/base.
c. To provide a more flexible pavement wherein a reduction in stiffness can be
achieved without a decrease in strength.
d. To allow for pavement to rebound upon removal of load and there increase the
resistance against rutting.


1. Mixed Process
Homogeneously mixing cement to the soil
Uniformly spread the mixture of Chem-road and water
Homogeneously mixing the mixture of Chem-road and water to the dry soil –cement.

2. Degree of compaction
The minimum degree of field compaction with AASHTO T 191 should be 95 percent of the
maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180. The moisture content
of road base materials before compact should be at optimum moisture content when
determined according to AASHTO T 180.

3. Layer Thickness
The thickness of Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base is determined from Asphalt
Institute method or the multi – layer design method. The minimum layer Thickness should not
be less than 120 mm.

4. Field Compaction
Combination of different categories of the same plant will be permitted. In which case the
number of passes for each should be such proportion of the appropriate guide line number in
Table 1 as will together produce the same total compactive effort as any one operated singly.
5. Unconfined Compressive Strength
The Unconfined Compressive Strength of the Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base
should meet the design value. The minimum requirement is 1.7 mpa. Labortory samples
prepared in connection with the mixed design Proportion are make in cylindrical moulds to be
tested at 7 days age to determine the unconfined compressive strength in accordance with

6. Flexural Strength
The Flexural Strengh is use to define by craking. The modulus of rupture test shall be
carried out according to AASHTO T 97. The modulus of rupture for Chem-road soil
cement stabilized road base should meet the design required value

7. Modulus of Elasticity
The Modulus of elasticity of Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base can be measured
statically by loading 150 mm. diameter cylinders fitted with extensometers or dynamically
using electrodynamic excitation on long became of 150 mm. square section. The resilient
modulus test for Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base material should by carried out
according to AASHOT T 274-82. The resilient modulus value should be meet the design value
following the design required value. The minimum modulus of elasticity is 10,000 kg./ cm.


1. The Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base material should be kept moist at
optimum moisture content before compact
2. The cement spray, mixing, level correction, and compaction should by carried out
within two hours to avoid the destruction of initial hardening bonds of cement.
3. The cement stabilized road base material should be kept moist for 7 days at least or
covered with prime coat. It is recommend not be to use heavy trucks for curing or
prime coat spraying during the first 7 days to avoid early loading of Chem-road
soil cement stabilized road base or using manual lightweight equipment. Therefore,
the spray of bituminous prime coat should be carried out either immediately after
the final compaction, or be carried out later when the strength of the Chem-road
soil cement stabilized road base is sufficient stand against spray turck axle loads.
4. If the curing of the Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base would be carried out by
spray of water, the water spray should be carried out using manual or lightweight
equipment especially during the first 7 days.
5. For new road, lightweight passenger cars should be allowed to pass on the cement
stabilized road base only 7 days after construction of the stabilized layer or as required
design for other types roads.


A sample of quality plan for construction of Chem-road soil cement stabilized road
base layer is shown in Table 2. A comprehensive laboratory and field-testing program
for design purpose should be carried out prior to the commencement of construction.
The testing program results should be used to determine the target and frequency of
tests for each property of Chem-road soil cement stabilized road base. These properties
should fulfill the design requirement.
Product Specification of polymer Chem-roadTM

Description :
Polymer SBR is a soil-cement additive, the polymers based mixture of latex and
cellulose dispersed in water. It is specifically formulated to stabilized the insitu soils with the
cement and water. Polymer SBR mix used as an additive to modify Portland cement
mixtures. The mix of Polymer SBR and Portland cement together bind the soil particles to
from a polymer concrete- like material. It allows concrete work to be made with out course
aggregate but to be used with insitu soil as a filler.
Benefits :
Improves cohesion between the soil aggregates and the cement paste, increases
fracture toughness and cracking resistance, modifies porosity and water penetration. In road
construction work, improves stability of material, provides water retention and Increases
workability. Non-toxic and environment friendly product.

Appearance : White viscous liquid.

Physical Properties :
Specfic Gravity @25oC 1.0-1.02
pH value @25oC 9.00-12.00
Viscossity @25oC (Spindle # 3, 50 rpm) 9.00-1,600
Solubility miscible in water

Caution : Mechanically agitate before using.

Shelf life : 24 months un-opened packing
Storage condition : Stored in a dry cool. Shaded area.
Packaging : Available in 25 and 200 litre-plastic drum.

Note : Chem-roadTM indicates a trademark of the International Polymer for Soil stabilized.
Chem-road TM

soil cement polymer road base

Properties :
Polemer SBR is polymer latex witch persists to chemical
and wheather changes. Is is insolutable when dry.
Being the Dispersing agent, Is can smoothly emulsify cement
And soil substance.
It decreases airgap in the soil (Capillary void) witch prevent
water adsorbtion.
Polemer SBR creates small bubble between the airgap to
prevent absorbtion. The bubbles will prevent concrete or
cement from fragmentation since it has hight Tensile strength.
Polemer SBR increases the compression strength by
decreasing water.
The polymer will be the aging solvent by itself witch help
hydration process. Increases the resistance of concrete and
cement soil to chamicals especially Carbonic acid from
cabonioxide and exhaust gas.
The benefits of having Chem-Road instead of conventional road :
The flexibility system of Chem-Road. (FS.)
When a vehicle moves on the road, the load of the vehicle and its force deflects that particular segment
thus causing altermating stress from time to time. As time goes by, the aggregate base is unable to stand
this alternating stress. The elasticity limit of the pavement will be exceeded every time when there is a
high load and deformation rill stay even after the load has already passed the segment. This effect causes
a well known problem called “furrows”

The Solution of Chem-Road to furrows

Chem-Road flexibility system can provide high modulus of elasticity and high flexibility
The modulus of elasticity is a value, which determines the amount of force needed to deflect the
material. The higher value for the modulus of elasticity means that the force also has to be higher to
eflect the material. In turns, the elasticity limit of the pavement then is raised.
High flexibility for the pavement is needed to compensate the deformation (or deflection) after load to
avoid things like furrow, which often cause crack in the asphalt concrete.


Between the particles, Chem-Road adds kind of “Micro-rubber bands” which are under pressure. These
particles and bonded together much stronger than the particles in the convention road base. Which means
the Chem-Road concrete base can sustain higher load. It is proven that average of modulus of elasticity is
25% - 50% higher by using Chem-Road. The deflection I compensated very efficiently after every load
because the “micro-rube bands” will push the particles back to their original positions.
How can Chem-Road help in road contruction?
With a road base consists of a mixture of Chem-Road, cement and on site materials. The result is a 20%
to 50% less cost and time consuming depending on the road design criteria for traffic volume and service
Chem-Road concrete base has a very high resistand of loads, has a long durability and low maintenance
cost, which is again saving time and money.
The anti water penetration system of Chem-Road
water penetration of cement treated base
One of the most dangerous effect on pavement with concrete or cement treated base is water penetration,
when water is stored within the pavement, is will be expose to hot and low temperatures. High
temperatures, such as in tropical countries, will cause the formation of water stream within the concrete.
On the other hand. Low temperatures will cause ice formation which both dangerous for the pavement
body, because it can cause well-Known effect like potholes.
During the curing process, as the cement hydrate, very small channels are formed on the surface (see
figure 4). Unfortunately, these channels have the physical tendency to raise water. These small channels
can also be very deep, which means water can penetrate deeply into the pavement.
Water penetration of Chem-Road base
The Chem-Road anti water penetration system provides a mechanism with the ability to block the rise of
water. Here is how the system works.
Chem-Road adds micro-pores to the pavement with concrete or cement treated base (see figure 5), which
are distributed throughout the pavement body randomly.
These micro-pores settled in the small channels and break their physical tendency to raise water. Therefore, water is
only able to rise up to the level of the first micro-pores (see figure 5) and unable to penetrate in the pavement
with concrete or cement treated base, when Chem-Road is used.


A well-defined amount of water is needed to allow the cement to react with the soil during curing
process. If this amount of water is reduced through evaporation, the cement will not be able to react
properly with with soil. Big clusters will then be formed in the pavement structure, which weaken the
strength of the road structure. Consequently, it cause cracks and potholes in severe form after loads.
With Chem-Road, additional water is stroed (see figure 7), to compensate the loss of water.
If necessary water for the binding process is lost because evaporation or insufficient supply, the additional
water will be supplied completely from Chem-Road water supply system. The Chem-Road water storage
will control the humidity of the road base and keep it at it optimum. This minimizes the shrinkage of
the road base.
You can see that Chem-Road based roads have more resistant against cracks than conventional roads and
have a lower shrinkage during curing time, which results in a longer durability and again less need of
What are dust suppressant ?
Dust suppressants are chemical applied to the soil surface to maintain the moisture levels and chemically
bind the soil to reduce fugitive dust emissions.
Since the beginning of civilization, dust generated from unsealed soil surface has beleaguered people’s
health, reducing the values of vehicles and machinery, created a negative impact on the environment and
reduced the quality of life for many residences.
Today, with Chem-Road dust, can stabilize and control undesirable dust by using a simple and most
advanced method. Our dust suppressant process bonds unsealed soil surface locking dust particles into
place leaving beautiful sealed surface that is environmental friendly and best of all will save a lot of
money in road maintenance.

The benefit of using Chem-Road Dust control program.

Reduces unpaved road maintenance costs by 30% to 75%
Reducing loss of fine-grained road surface materials
Reducing the costs of re-graveling
Eliminates traffic accidents and human injuries due to poor visibility cause by dust.
Reduces impacts on vegetation, agricultural crops, and water quality due to dusting, turbidity, and
Reduces damage to vehicles and equipment due to mechanical abrasion and impact.
Reduces cleaning costs for homes and vehicles.
Reduces liability for damage caused to property, people or animals.
Reduces drastically dust related human respiratory health problems like allergies, hay fever asthma;
irritation of eyes and lungs for people and animals.
Improves greatly property values and quality of living.
Chem-Road dust is an innovative, cost effective product specifically engineered for today’s challenging
dust control need without polluting the environment.
This revolutionary line of product is copolymer emulsion that is environmentally friendly and
biobegradable. Compare to other products, Chem-Road –dust is designed to be effective all year round
performance. Chem-Road product qualifies for the industry highest standard as a result of is high quality,
unbeatable price, top performance, and its simplicity application.

Chem-Road dust may be applied to any site especially critical in arid areas where exposed soil is more
likely to be transported in to receiving water bodies by runoff and wind action. Chem-Road dust can also
be applied to any industrial activities that generate large quantity of dust, particularly if this dust could be
transported to a nearby water body
Chem-road TM
Soil Cement Polymer Road Base
Technical Characteristic

 Unconfined compressive Strength : 17.5 – 40 kg./cm.2
(7 Days and Soaked water for 2 hours)
 Flexural Strength (28 day) : 9–2 kg./cm.2
 Elastic Modulus : 30,000-70,000 kg./cm.2
 Soaked CBR : <250%
 Poisson Ratio : 0.1 - 0.3


Polymer Soil Stabilization Base 7 inch thickness can be taken load capacity 3 time of
granular base at the same thickness (Data from PCA)

I Slake Durability Index (ASTM D 4644-87) more than 75%
I No Pot-hole, no rutting depth and minimizes cracking.
I High Stiffness with no brittle.
I Minimizes subgrade pressure and has low deflection under loads.
I Bridges over weak spots in the subgrade.

I Dry Density : 1,700 - 2,300 kg./cm.3
I Water Absorption : <2.5%
I Coefficient of permcability: >10-8 cm./sec.

Degree of compaction not less than 95% (Modified Proctor Density)

Unconfined Compressive Strength (7 day curing and soaked water for 2 house before testing)
not less than 17.5 kg./cm.2

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