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USERS table

• ID
• AUTH_ID (to be used to connect to RADCHECK.ID)
• LASTNAME - text 50 characters (free input)
• FIRSTNAME - text 50 characters (free input)
• SEX - text 1 character (M/F selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• BIRTHDAY - numerical (day in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• BIRTHMONTH - numerical (month in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• BIRTHYEAR - numerical (year in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• BORN_IN_ITALY - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• BIRTHPLACE_ITALY - text 100 char. (city names selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• BIRTHSTATE_ITALY - text 2 char. (state code selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• BIRTH_DETAILS - memo area text based (4 rows x 50 characters each)
• FISCALCODE - text 20 characters (free input and/or obtained through a specific routine)
• RESIDENT_IN_ITALY- yes/no field (from a drop-down in the form)
• ADDRESS - text 100 characters (free input)
• STREETNUMBER - text 10 characters (free input)
• STATE - text 2 char. (state code selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• CITY - text 100 char. (city names selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• ZIPCODE - text 10 characters (free input)
• RESIDENCY_DETAILS - memo area text based (4 rows x 50 characters each)
• PHONE - text 20 characters (free input)
• FAX - text 20 characters (free input)
• MOBILE - text 20 characters (free input)
• EMAIL - text 20 characters (free input)
• ID_DOCUMENT_TYPE - text 30 characters (selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• NUMBER - text 30 characters (free input)
• ISSUED_BY - text 50 characters (free input)
• COUNTRY - text 30 characters (free input)
• ISSUEDAY - numerical (day in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• ISSUEMONTH - numerical (month in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• ISSUEYEAR - numerical (year in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• REGISTRATIONDAY - numerical (day in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• IREGISTRATIONMONTH - numerical (month in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• REGISTRATIONYEAR - numerical (year in numbers selectable through a drop-down in the form)
• PROMO_CONSENSUS - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• CHECK1 - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• CHECK2 - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• CHECK3 - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• CHECK4 - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• CHECK5 - yes/no field (from a radio-button in the form)
• OPERATOR_ID (to be used to connect to OPERATORS.OPERATOR_USERNAME – saves the
operator’s code)
• LAST_UPDATE - simple date field that records from the server’s system date when the last
update or record creation occurred by the operator saved in the field above.


• ID
• OPERATOR_USERNAME (to be used to connect to USERS.OPERATOR_ID)
• PASSWORD - text 8 characters (free input)
• PASSWORD_UPDATE - simple date field that records from the server’s system date when the last
• LASTNAME - text 50 characters (free input)
• FIRSTNAME - text 50 characters (free input)
• FISCALCODE - text 20 characters (free input)
• OFFICE - text 30 characters (free input)
• LAST_UPDATE - simple date field that records from the server’s system date when the last
update or record creation occurred.

(*) In Italy due to another law related to Privacy reasons, passwords of operators (so not simple users then! Only these
operators) must be changed every 3 months, so the PASSWORD_UPDATE field will need to be in place in order to
track for every single OPERATOR when the password needs to be changed by automatically informing the operator
before he logs in if he’s nearing the date of expiration … ok?

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