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(ODD SEMESTER 2023-24)


Mr.R.VIGNESHVARAN. Asst.Professor,
Department Of Mechanical Engineering,
Kingston Engineering College.
Year : 2023-24
Sem. :ODD

Subject Code : ME 3393 Branch : MECH



1. What is cohesiveness and explain briefly? (Nov/Dec 2020)

2. Mention the need for using CO2 on mould preparation. (FAQ) (Nov/Dec 2020&23)
3. Write the advantages of investment casting. (Apr/May 18)
4. What is natural moulding sand? Give its constituents ( Nov/Dec 2017)
5. What are hot spots and hot tears? ( Nov/Dec 2017)
6. What is meant by permanent mould casting? ( April/May 2017)
7. What are the cases of casting defects called “Hot tear”? ( April/May 2017)
8. What are the characteristics of a core? ( Nov/Dec 2016)
9. Name the die cast generally die cast. Why is aluminium alloys preferably cast in cold chamber die
casting machine? ( Nov/Dec 2016)
10. What are the causes of mis-runs in castings? (May/June

11. What are chaplets? (FAQ)

12. State any four types of pattern. (FAQ)

13. What are the causes for the formation of blow holes in the sand casting? (FAQ)

14. What are the factors to be considered in calculating the shrinkage allowance? (Nov/Dec 2015)

15. What are the essential requirements of core sand? (Nov/Dec 2015)

16. What is the ideal profile of a sprue? (Nov/Dec 2015)

17. What do you meant by core print? (FAQ)

18. Write the applications of core prints. (May/June 2015)

19. What is meant by grain fineness number? (Nov/Dec 2014)

20. Mention few applications of centrifugal casting. (Nov/Dec 2014)

21. List out the casting defects occurred due to improper ramming. (May/June 2015)

22. Name any four casting defects. (FAQ)

23. List the materials used for making patterns. (Nov/Dec 2014)(Apr/May 18)

24. Define a casting. (May/June 2014)

25. What is pattern? (May/June 2014)

26. Differentiate shrinkage and porosity. (Nov/Dec 2013)

27. Compare the advantages of metal moulds over sand (Expandable) mould. (May/June 2013)

28. Name the different melting furnaces employed for metal casting. (Nov/Dec 2012)
29. “Draft and machining allowance is provided on all sides of the pattern” – state true or false

with reasons. (Nov/Dec 2011)

30. Differentiate between semi centrifugal casting and centrifuge. (Nov/Dec 2011)

31. State the application of sweep and skeleton patterns. (FAQ)

32. Write a note on chilled casting. (Nov/Dec 2010)

33. State any four properties of molding sand. (May/June 2010)

34. Which type of furnaces are suitable for melting of ferrous materials and why?(FAQ)

35. What is split pattern? (Nov/Dec 2009)

36. What are the factors that you will consider before selecting materials for pattern?

(Nov/Dec 2009)

37. Differentiate the terms 'mould' and 'core'. (Nov/Dec 2008)

38. What are the different ingredients of core sand? (Nov/Dec 2008)


1. (a) Explain the different moulding sand and its properties(6) (April/May 2018)
(b) Write a notes on defects in sand casting (7) (April/May 2018) (April/May 2023)

2. Name any 2 casting defects and its remedies of the following categories
(i) Metallic Projection (ii) Cavities (iii) Defective Surfaces (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. (a) With neat sketch explain the sand casting process.(13) (FAQ)
(b) Enumerate with neat sketches various steps involved in making of investment casting (lost
wax moulding) (Nov/Dec 2020) (April/May 2017 & May/June 2013&2010)
4. (i) Explain how pipes and cylinder lines are made by centrifugal casting process.(8)(FAQ)
(ii) What are the desirable properties of moulding sand for sand casting? Explain briefly each
one.(8) ( Nov/Dec 2016&2012)
5. Explain the design consideration to be followed when designing a part for the casting process.
(Part- C) ( April/May 2017)
6. A casting is required to have the following composition C-3.25%, Si-1.8%, Mn-0.6%, P-0.5%,
and S-0.1%. Determine the weight of big iron from pile A and B to be picked up in each
material changes if the charge (200kg) is to contain pig iron -50%, Foundry return -40% and
purchased scrap -10%. Analysis of metals is as follows.
Material Si% Mn% S% P%
Pig iron (Pile A) 2.4 0.9 0.05 0.4
Pig iron (Pile B) 1.4 0.95 0.05 0.35
Foundry Return 1.7 0.6 0.06 0.3
Purchased scrap 2.2 0.7 0.07 0.25

7. (i) Explain the various types of pattern used in mould making.(7)

(Nov/Dec 2020) (Nov/Dec 2016 & 2015) (FAQ)

(ii) Name any five casting defects and explain the remedies for those defects. (6)(FAQ)

8. Why are steel more difficult to cast than cast irons? (May/June 2016)
9. What are the operations required in sand casting after the casting is removed from the mould?

Write briefly about any two them. (May/June 2016)

10. What is the drawback of hot chamber die casting with respect to casting of different metals?


11. With neat diagrams explain the process of cold chamber die casting operation. (FAQ)

12. Describe briefly with sketches, the steps involved in making a sand mould to cast this

following component. Sketch also the shape of the casting as soon as it is removed from the

mould. (16) (May/June 2016)

13. Write short notes on the following ceramic mould and centrifugal casting. (May/June 2016)

14. Explain operation of cupola furnace with necessary sketch. (Nov/Dec 2014&Nov/Dec 2015)


Draw the cupola furnace and indicate the various zones in it. Describe its operation and

various zones present. (Nov/Dec 2017)

15. Enumerate the steps in sequence for producing shell moulding. (Nov/Dec 2015)

Explain the principle of shell moulding process with a neat sketch. Also write its merits and

demerits. (April/May 2018)

16. What design considerations are to be followed in pattern design and explain how patterns are

constructed? (Nov/Dec 2015)

17. Describe the procedure of making castings by the true centrifugal casting and write its

advantages and disadvantages. (Nov/Dec 2015)

18. List the various mechanical tests carried on castings. Enumerate the tensile test and its

importance in testing castings. (Nov/Dec 2015)

19. (i) Explain the preparation of moulding sand process. (8) (Nov/Dec 2014)

20. Explain the various steps involved in sand core manufacturing. (16) (Nov/Dec 2014)

21. (i) Explain the materials generally used for pattern making. (8)

(ii) Describe the procedure to make a green sand mould. (8) (May/June 2015)

22. (i) Explain the different types of moulding sand. (8)

23. (i) Describe the stages in cupola melting. (8) (May/June 2014)

24. Describe the stepwise procedure of making a mould with a two piece split pattern. (16)
25. What are the allowances given while making pattern? Explain. (May/June 2013)
26. (i) Briefly explain the principle, operation, advantages, disadvantages and applications of CO2

moulding. (May/June 2013)

27. Give examples of typical products with reasons for manufacturing using centrifugal casting,
permanent die casting, shell moulding and investment casting. (Nov/Dec 2011)

28. Discuss the following types of sand moulds: i) Green Sand Mould ii) dry sand mould iii) loam sand mould iv) CO2 mould.

Year : 2023-24
Sem. : ODD

Subject Code : ME 3393 Branch : MECH


1. What is minimum distance maintained between two successive spot weld made by resistance
welding? Why? (Nov/Dec 2020)
2. What are causes and remedy for weld porosity? (Nov/Dec 2020)
3. What is the principle of thermite welding? (April/May 2018)
4. How do you specify an electrode? (April/May 2018)
5. How does penetration vary for DCSP and D CRP welding? (Nov/Dec 2017)
6. Define the terms 'weld decay' and 'dilution'. (Nov/Dec 2017)

7. Sketch the Oxidizing flame in Oxy acetylene gas welding. (April/May 2017) (FAQ)

8. What are the two types of plasma arc welding? April/May 2017)

9. Why do residual stress get developed in weldments? (Nov/Dec 2016)

10. Why the temperature in plasma arc welding is much higher than in other arc welding

process? ( Nov/Dec 2016)

11. Why is spot welding commonly used in automotive bodies and in large appliances? (FAQ)

12. What is the role of flux in welding operation? (FAQ)****

13. Why shielding of weld area during welding is required? -(Nov/Dec 2015)

14. What is a spelter and give the composition of some commonly used spelters? (Nov/Dec 2015)

15. Name various causes for the defect porosity in the welding. (Nov/Dec 2020) (April/May 2015)

16. What is meant by nugget in electric resistance welding? (Nov/Dec 2014)

17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of A.C. and D.C. welding.(April/May2015)

18. List any four welding defects. (Nov/Dec 2014)

19. What is the difference between soldering and brazing? (FAQ)

20. Write short notes on transferred and non-transferred arc in plasma arc welding. (May/Ju
21. Write short notes on thermite welding. (FAQ)

22. What is meant by “carburizing flame” in gas welding? (Nov/Dec 2012)

23. Differentiate between solid state welding and fusion welding. (FAQ)
24. Explain the principle used in percussion welding. (Apr/May 2011)

25. State whether flux is used in aluminium gas welding-Name two chemicals used in flux manufacture.
(Apr/May 2011)
26. Mention the application of friction welding. (Nov/Dec 2010)

27. Why is flux used in soldering and brazing? (April/May 2010)

28. What factors affect the depth of penetration in arc welding? (Nov/Dec 2009)

29. Mention a few possible problems that can be encountered in brazing. (May/June 2009)

30. Present a neat sketch illustrating the flux cored arc welding. (May/June 2009)


1. Why the solid state welding process are preferred over fusion welding process during the

joining of dissimilar metals? Explain any one of the solid state welding process and highlight

their specific advantages. PART C (April/May 2018)

2. With suitable diagram, discuss the principle and variables of operation in TIG welding. What

are functions and names of shielding gases used in TIG and MIG? (Nov/Dec 2017)

3. What is explosive welding? Describe its principle, process parameters and applications

(Nov/Dec 2017)
4. Name and describe any one of the methods of joining dissimilar materials having different

coefficient of thermal expansion. PART C (Nov/Dec 2017)

5. (a) Explain the principle and equipment of Gas tungsten arc welding process with neat

sketch.(13) (April/May 2018)R 2013-( April/May 2017&Nov/Dec 2015) (FAQ)

(b) (i) What is thermit welding? Explain with neat sketch and write its advantages, limitations
and applications.(8) R 2013-(Nov/Dec 2015) R2008-(April/May2015)(May/June 2012)
(ii) Sketch the different types of weld defects and mention how they occur (FAQ)***

6. (a) (i) Compare MIG and TIG welding in respect of their principle of working and field of

application. (FAQ)*

(ii) What is a soldering flux? What different type of soldering fluxes are used?

(b) Write short notes on (i) Electron beam welding, (ii) Friction stir welding.

(FAQ)*(April/May 2018) (Nov/Dec 2020)

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of welding compared to other types of

assembling operations. R 2013-(May /June 2016)

8. What is the principle of resistance welding process? (FAQ)***

9. Differentiate electro gas welding and electro slag welding with its principles and applications.

R 2008-(May /June 2016) (FAQ)*

10. Explain the following welding process with neat sketches of resistance seam welding and

friction stir welding. R 2008-(May /June 2016)

11. Explain with neat sketch the components of oxy-acetylene gas welding equipment.(FAQ)**
12. Explain the process of metal transfer in GMAW process with neat sketch. Also explain the

relationship between the shielding gas used and the type of metal transfer in GMAW.
(Nov/Dec 2011)R 2013-(Nov/Dec 2015) (FAQ)

13. Explain the resistance spot welding process with a neat sketch. (8) R 2013-(Nov/Dec 2015)

14. Explain in detail the function of various coatings on a welding rod. (8) R 2008-(Nov/Dec 2015)

15. Explain the process of transfer arc and non-transfer arc mode of operation in plasma arc

wildling with applications. (May/June 2011) (FAQ)**

16. Difference between upset welding and flash welding. (8) R 2008-(Nov/Dec 2015)

17. Enumerate the various welding defects with causes of occurrence and describe a method of

detecting cracks on a weld surface. R 2008-(Nov/Dec 2015)

18. (i) Explain various welding positions with neat sketch. (8)

(ii) Explain the submerged arc welding process with a neat diagram. (8)R 2013-(April/May2015)

19. (i) Explain the arc welding process with neat sketch. (8)

(ii) Describe the ultrasonic welding process with neat diagram. (8) R 2013-(April/May2015)

20. (i) Explain the process of rotary drive friction welding with its advantages and limitations. (8)

(ii) Briefly explain the principle of operation, advantages and limitations of Electron beam

welding. (8) R 2013 (Nov/Dec 2014) (FAQ)*

21. Describe the different types of flame in gas welding. (8) R 2008-(April/May2015)

22. (i) Compare and contrast brazing and soldering process. (8)
(ii) Explain the principle and application of friction welding process. (8)(FAQ)*
23. (i) Explain any four major ways to control the output of arc welding transformer.(8)

(ii) Explain the three variables involved in continuous drive friction welding. (May/June 2013)

24. What are the non-destructive tests used in welding inspection? Explain anyone method.

(May/June 2013)

25. List out the different types of welding process. Briefly explain the working principle of any

two welding process. (Nov/Dec 2010)

26. Describe with a neat sketch the principle of percussion welding. State its advantages and

limitations. (FAQ)

27. Differentiate welding, brazing and soldering.

28. What is brazing? Explain the brazing types and working principle with neat sketch.

29. Explain about three types of flames used in gas welding and their
applications. (Nov/Dec 2020)
Year : 2023-24
Sem. : ODD

Subject Code : ME 3393 Branch : MECH


1. What are the factors, which influences the working temperature of hot working?
(Nov/Dec 2020)
2. What is meant by tandem drawing? (Nov/Dec 2020)
3. Name the defects in rolled parts (April/May2018&23)
4. What is precision operation? (April/May2018)
5. Differentiate flat rolling and shape rolling. (Nov/Dec 2017)
6. What is precision forging? (Nov/Dec 2017)
7. How can you re duce the “roll force” in a rolling process? ( April/May 2017)
8. Differentiate between hot and cold forging? ( April/May 2017) (FAQ)**
9. Why it is necessary to conduction the metal before hot rolling? (Nov/Dec 2016)
10. Give few examples for hot forged products. (Nov/Dec 2016)
11. What is the surface finish of a rolled product better in cold rolling than in hot rolling?
(May/June 2016)
12. What is strain rate sensitivity? (May/June 2016)
13. Working on metal lead at room temperature is considered to be hot working. Why? (FAQ)**
14. List two advantages of cold extrusion over hot extrusion. (May/June 2016) (FAQ)
15. What do you meant by lateral extrusion? (Nov/Dec 2015)
16. What do you meant by angle of bite? (Nov/Dec 2015)(FAQ)
17. What are the effects of cold working? (Nov/Dec 2015)
18. Define hot iso-static forging. Nov/Dec 2015)
19. What are the various forming processes? April/May2015)
20. Name various defects in parts produced by drawing. (April/May2015)
21. Why is drop forging called so? (Nov/Dec 2014)
22. How do compound dies differ from progressive dies? (April/May2015)
23. List out some common applications where extrusion is used. (April/May2015)
24. Name the types of forging machines. (Nov/Dec 2014)
25. Define “upsetting” and “drawing down” in forging operations. (FAQ)
26. Sketch the different types of rolling mills. (May/June 2014)
27. What is ironing? (May/June 2013)
28. What is meant by fullering? (May/June 2013)
29. Differentiate extrusion and forging. (Nov/Dec 2013)
30. Define extrusion as manufacturing process. (May/June 2012)
31. Why are rollers with smaller diameters preferred over larger diameters? (Nov/Dec 2011)
32. Differentiate between direct extrusion and wire drawing processes. (Nov/Dec 2011)
33. What is meant by recrystallization temperature? (April/May 2010)

34. List any four parts that can be manufactured by shape rolling operations. (April/May 2010)
35. What is meant by closed die forging? (Nov/Dec 2010)
36. Mention the different types of shape rolling operations. (Nov/Dec 2010)
37. Mention any four rules that are to be adopted in forging die design. (May/June 2009)
38. Give a schematic representation of the rolling process. (May/June 2009)


1. What are the types of power hammers available? Explain the pneumatic hammer with a neat

sketch. (April/May2018)

2. Explain the principle of extrusion process. Compare the hot and cold extrusion process.


3. Explain the process of making seamless tube. (Nov/Dec 2017)

4. Discuss how the tubes for shaving creams/tooth paste is produced (Nov/Dec 2017)

5. Sketch and explain the various types of rolling mill arrangements used in rolling process. (13)

(Nov/Dec 2020) (April/May 2017) (Nov/Dec 2017) FAQ*

6. Sketch and explain the difference between impress die forging and precision forging (near net

shape forging) operation. ( April/May 2017)

7. Sketch and explain the sequence of steps in manufacturing a connecting rod using the forging

process. (Part – c ) ( April/May 2017) FAQ**

8. (a) (i) Briefly explain the various operations performed in forging process

(ii) With suitable sketch explain the stages involved in shaping rolling of structural sections. (b)

(i) Explain the working of Mannesmann process with neat sketch

(ii) How is tube drawing carried out? Explain with suitable sketch. (Nov/Dec 2016) FAQ*
9. Derive the mechanical expression for the Flat strip metal rolling process to calculate the rolling

load (Part- c) (Nov/Dec 2016)

10. With neat diagram explain the process of forward extrusion. Explain also how hollow section can

be produced in this process. (May/June 2016)

11. A 300 wide strip 25 mm thick is fed through a rolling mill with two powered rolls each radius

= 250mm. the work thickness is to be reduced to 22mm in one pass at a roll speed of 50

rev/min. the work material has a flow curve defined by K= 275 MPa and n= 0.15 and the coefficient

of friction between the rolls and the work is assumed to be 0.12. Determine if the friction is

sufficient to permit the rolling operation to be accomplished. If so, calculate the roll force, torque

and horse power. (May/June 2016)

12. Briefly explain about seamless rolled ring forging. (May/June 2016) FAQ**

13. Briefly explain about flat strip rolling operation. (May/June 2016) FAQ**

14. Explain hot working and cold working with their advantages and limitations with practical

applications. (May/June 2016) FAQ***

15. Explain with neat sketches the process of wire drawing. FAQ***
16. Explain the steps involved in drop forging with neat sketches. (8) (Nov/Dec 2015)

17. How forging process classified and explain with sketches of various forging processes. FAQ**

18. Describe the principles of rolling and various sequence of operation of production of V shape

angles.(8) (Nov/Dec 2015)

19. Classify the extrusion process and explain with sketches the various extrusion processes.

(Nov/Dec 2015)

20. (i) Describe the ring rolling and thread rolling process. (8)

(ii) Explain the forward and backward extrusion process. (8) (April/May2015)

21. (i) With suitable sketches describe the indirect and direct extrusion.(8) Nov/Dec 2014)

22. Explain in detail about the defects occurred in forging operations. (8) (April/May2015)FAQ*

23. Explain with neat sketch the process of rod drawing. (8) (April/May2015)

24. Discuss they types of defects in rolled parts. (8) (Nov/Dec 2014)

25. Explain the mechanism of rolling process with clear sketch. Write about some defects associated

with rolling. (May/June 2014) FAQ**

26. (i) Explain the various defects present on the rolled plate surfaces with suitable sketch.

(ii) Write short notes on impact extrusion and hydro static extrusion. (Nov/Dec 2013)

27. (i) With a neat sketch, explain the working of a pneumatic hammer for forging.

(ii) List four tools used for forging. Sketch any two of them. (May/June 2012)

28. (i) With neat sketches, explain the different types of roll stand arrangements used in the

rolling mills. (ii) State clearly for what purpose each arrangement is used. (FAQ)

29. With neat sketches, explain the following smith operations: (i) Upsetting (ii) Bending

(iii) Swaging (iv) Fullering (v) Punching and drifting (vi) Edging. (Nov/Dec 2012)

30. Discuss the various passes in rolling operations. Also discuss in brief beaks down passes,

draught and elongation in a cold rolling process. (Nov/Dec 2011)

31. How collapsible tubes of aluminium manufactured? Explain with neat sketch.(Nov/Dec 2011)
Year : 2023-24
Sem. : ODD

Subject Code : ME 3393 Branch : MECH



1. Define the term formability. (Nov/Dec 2020) (Nov/Dec 2010)

2. Define spring back in sheet metal work. (Nov/Dec 2020&23) (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. What are the applications of super plastic forming process? (April/May 2018)

4. Distinguish redrawing and reverse drawing. (Nov/Dec 2017)

5. What is the most common shearing operation? ( April/May 2017)

6. What is the desirable quantity in metal for maximum stretchability? (Nov/Dec 2016)

7. What are the applications of rubber pad forming process? (Nov/Dec 2016)

8. Estimate the force required for punching a 25 diameter hole through a 3.2 mm thick annealed
titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V sheet at room temperature. The UTS for this alloy can be assumed to be
1000 MPa. (May/June 2016)
9. Name any two super plastic materials. (May/June 2016)

10. Why is it necessary to provide proper clearance between the punch and die in a shearing
operation? (May/June 2016)
11. List out test method for testing formability of metal. (Nov/Dec 2015)

12. Distinguish between piercing and blanking. (Nov/Dec 2015)

13. What are the various types of sheet metals dies? (Nov/Dec 2015)

14. How sheet metal operations classified and what are they? (April/May 2015)

15. What is flanging? (April/May 2015) FAQ*

16. What is shear angle? Why is it given in punches and dies? (April/May 2018)(Nov/Dec 2014)

17. What is the difference between stretch forming and bending? (April/May 2015)

18. State the purpose of detonator in explosive forming. (Nov/Dec 2014)

19. What is the basic requirement of super plastic forming? (Nov/Dec 2014)

20. What is the difference between a cut off operation and parting operation? (May/June 2014)

21. List the advantages of super plastic forming processes. (Nov/Dec 2013)
22. What is lancing operation that is done on sheet metals? (Nov/Dec 2012)
23. What are the limitations of explosive forming? (Nov/Dec 2012)

24. What are the advantages of hydro forming process? (May/June 2012)

25. Mention a process to manufacture the mouth of sheet metal centrifugal blower.(Apr/May 2011)

26. Explain the term work hardening. (Apr/May 2011)

27. Define peen forming. What are its applications? (Nov/Dec 2010)FAQ*


1. Suggest a suitable process for making of a bolt and elaborate the procedure. PART C

(April/May 2018)

2. What is High Energy Rate Forming? List the different types and explain any 2 in detail.
(Nov/Dec 2017)

3. Discuss any one method of testing the formability of sheet metal. (Nov/Dec 2020) (Nov/Dec 2017)

4. With neat sketch explain the sequence of the stretch forming process (13) ( April/May 2017)**

What is stretch forming? Explain how it is useful for forming large sheet metal parts. (Nov/Dec 2017)

5. With neat sketch explain the explosive forming process. ( April/May 2017)FAQ**

6. (a) (i) Explain various sheet metal forming operations with neat sketch
(ii) Discuss with neat sketch the working of metal spinning process.

(b) With neat sketch explain the following (i) Hydro Forming and (ii) Super plastic forming.

(Nov/Dec 2016)FAQ**

7. Write short notes on shearing, blanking, clearance in shearing and spring back in bending
process. (May/June 2016)

8. With neat diagram explain the process of rubber pad forming and hydroforming. How does it
differ rubber hydro forming process? (Nov/Dec 2020) (April/May 2018) (May/June 2016)


9. Sketch and explain the following sheet metal bending operation sheet bending using V die,
bending edge of a sheet using wiping die, roll bending and bending a sheet to a round shape

using four slide machine. (May/June 2016)

10. Explain the hydro forming process with neat sketches. Make a brief comparison of this
process with conventional deep drawing. (May/June 2016)

11. Explain the advantages and limitations of compound dies over progressive dies.
12. Write short notes on sheet bending and perforating. (Nov/Dec 2015)

Explain the principle working and applications of magnetic pulse forming process.

(Nov/Dec 2014)FAQ***
13. Enumerate the differences between recovery and recrystallization in the mechanical working of
metals. (Nov/Dec 2015)
14. (i) Explain various properties of sheet metal. (8)
(ii) Describe the nibbling and notching operations. (8) (April/May 2015)

15. (i) Explain the different types of bending process. (8)

(ii) In detail explain the coining and embossing process. (8) (April/May 2015) FAQ**

16. (i) Briefly explain the test methods used for testing formability of sheet metal. (8)
(ii) Explaining the factors governing the explosive forming process. (8) (April/May 2015)
17. (i) Compare conventional forming with high strain rate forming technique.
(Nov/Dec 2014) FAQ**

18. (i) Explain how stretch forming operation is performed. (8) (Nov/Dec 2014)

19. Explain single die and multiple operation die with sketch. State their advantages and
limitations. (May/June 2014)
20. (i) Explain the basic nomenclature of tube bending with simple sketch.(8) (May/June 2013)**
21. (i) Explain the various sheet forming process with its important characteristics.
(ii) Describe forming limit diagram. (Nov/Dec 2013)
22. How curvatures are made on thin sheets metals, explain the suitable process with neat
sketch. (April/May 2018)(Nov/Dec 2013)
23. Sketch and explain the following sheet metal bending operations: (i)
Sheet bending using V-die.
(ii) Bending edge of a sheet using wiping die. (iii)
Roll bending.
(iv) Bending a sheet to a round shape using four slide machines. (Nov/Dec 2012)
24. Describe with illustrative sketches, the following sheet metal operations: (i)
Bending edge of a sheet using wiping die
(ii) Roll bending
(iii) Stretch forming
(iv) Deep drawing (May/June 2012)
25. (i) A hole of 10mmx 25mm is to be cut in a 3mm thick sheet. The shear strength of the material is
80MPa. Estimate the press load required.
(ii) Distinguish between spinning and cup drawing with reference to the processes and
components produced. (Nov/Dec 2011)
26. (i) Explain the various metal forming operations performed by press with suitable examples.
(ii)What is the effect of temperature, speed and micro structure on formability of sheet metal?
(Apr/May 2011)
27. (i) Describe the shearing and bending operations with suitable examples. (Nov/Dec 2010)
28. (i) Enumerate with neat sketches three phases in shearing. (ii) What are the various bending
operations? Explain any four. (Apr/May 2010)

29. With suitable sketches explain the compound die and progressive dies used for sheet metal
Year : 2023-24
Sem. : ODD

Subject Code : ME 3393 Branch : MECH



1. Define poly addition. (Nov/Dec 2020) (April/May 2015)

2. What is the difference between Rota moulding and other plastic moulding processes? (Nov/Dec 2020)

3. What is film blowing? (April/May 2018)

4. Define 'potting' and 'encapsulation'. (Nov/Dec 2018)

5. Define thermoforming process. ( April/May 2017) (Nov/Dec 2014)

6. Mention any two applications of blow moulding process. ( April/May 2017)

7. Name the various methods of processing thermoplastics. (Nov/Dec 2016)

8. Write short note on film blowing. (Nov/Dec 2016) (April/May

9. Viscosity is an important property of a polymer melt in plastic shaping process. Upon what

parameters does viscosity depend? (May/June 2016)

10. What is the difference between a positive mould and a negative mould in thermoforming?

(May/June 2016)

11. What are reinforced plastics and where is it applied? (May/June 2016)FAQ*

12. What are the industrial uses of fibers and filaments? (May/June 2016)

13. What is the need for rotational moulding in manufacturing plastic components?

14. Make a note on polymerization. (Nov/Dec 2015)FAQ**

15. rite short notes on the application of plastics. (April/May 2015)

16. List out any four types of adhesives used in adhesive bonding of plastics. (Nov/Dec 2014)

17. Name types of plastics. (Nov/Dec 2014)

18. What is polythene? (May/June 2014)

19. Name the common thermosetting plastics used in industries (May/June 2014) (April/May 2018)

20. What is calendaring in processing of plastics define its basic principle? (May/June 2013)**

21. What are the different types of compression moulds. (Nov/Dec 2013)

22. Define pulforming. (Nov/Dec 2013)

23. State important differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. (Nov/Dec 2012& 2011)

24. Name two adhesives that are used for adhesive bonding of plastics. (May/June 2012)

25. Name a few commonly used fillers in plastic processing. (Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2017)

26. Give two examples each for raw material and product made from thermo and thermosetting plastics.
(Apr/May 2011)

27. Write a note on thermoplastics. (Nov/Dec 2010)

28. List the application of transfer molding. (Nov/Dec 2010)

29. Plastic strips are to be converted into 3D objects. Suggest one process and explain.(April/May 2010)

30. Define polymerization.


1. Explain the following :

a. Film blowing.
b. Bonding of thermoplastics. (April/May 2018)
2. Describe the process of extrusion of plastics. Name some products made by this
process. (Nov/Dec 2020) (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. Name and explain the suitable process for producing the barrel and plunger of a
syringe(Nov/Dec 2017)
4. Suggest and explain suitable process for forming Hearing-aide. Also, highlight its capabilities.
PART C (Nov/Dec 2017)
5. Explain the rotating moulding process used in manufacturing plastics, with neat sketch.
( April/May 2017)
6. Explain the compression moulding process with neat sketch. ( April/May 2017)

7. (a) Describe the following plastic processing methods with neat sketches, Discuss its
advantages and limitations. (i) Compression moulding (ii) Blow moulding
(b) (i) Why is the transforming valuable method for the plastic manufacturer? Explain the
process with neat sketch.
(ii) State the purpose of the following in plastics (1) Plasticizers (2) Fillers (3) Stabilizer.
(Nov/Dec 2016) FAQ***
8. Briefly describe the injection moulding process of plastic products. (May/June 2016)
( April/May 2018)*** (Nov/Dec 2020)
9. Discuss any two of the defects that can occur in plastic injection moulding. (May/June 2016)

10. Explain manufacturing of plastic sheets by thermo forming method. (Nov/Dec 2015)

11. Explain the process of transfer moulding and its applications. (Nov/Dec 2015)***

12. Enumerate various methods of bonding thermoplastics. (Nov/Dec 2015)**

13. Describe with neat sketches the procedure for producing plastics films and sheets by
extrusion process. (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2015)
14. Enumerate the various processes of joining plastics. (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2015)
15. Discuss in detail the various thermosetting and thermoplastic compounds and their
application. (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2015)
16. (i) Write the difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. (8)
(ii) Explain the injection blow moulding process. (8) (April/May 2015)
17. (i) Explain the calandring process. (8)
(ii) Describe any two types of thermoforming process. (8) (April/May 2015)
18. (i) Explain positive, semi positive and flash type compression moulding. (8)
(Nov/Dec 2014)
19. Explain various types of thermoforming methods shaping thermoplastics. (16)
(Nov/Dec 2014)
20. (i) Explain how plastic sheets are manufactured by thermoforing method. (8)
(April/May 2015)
21. (i)State any typical industrial applications of thermoplastics. (8) (Nov/Dec 2014)
22. (i)Explain the working of plunger s of polyethylene is to be 80mm. determine the
corresponding dimension of mould cavity (Lc ) that will compensate for shrinkage (consider
the shrinkage of polyethylene S = 0.025). (May/June 2014)
23. Explain the structure of thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics. Compare the
thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. (May/June 2014)
24. Explain briefly with neat sketches two commercially used methods of blow molding for
blowing of plastics bottles and mention their specific advantages. (May/June 2013)**
25. Explain the various moulding process for reinforced plastics. (Nov/Dec 2013)
26. (i) Describe briefly the plunger type injection moulding process for producing plastic

(ii) Explain with neat diagrams, the thermoforming process. State its advantages over other
processes. (Nov/Dec 2012)
27. Illustrate with suitable sketches, the working principles of (i) plunger type plastic injection
moulding machine (ii) screw type plastic injection moulding machine. (May/June 2012)
28. (i) What is rotational moulding? Explain the same with necessary sketch. Mention also its
applications. (May/June 2012)
29. With examples explain the difference between hot compression moulding and injection
moulding process. (Nov/Dec 2011)
30. (i) What are the characteristics of thermoplastics? How do they differ from thermosetting
(ii) Discuss the factors that influence the accuracy of moulding a plastic component.
(Nov/Dec 2011)
31. (i) List the parameters considered while design of injection molded parts Explain the
significance of any four parameters. (Apr/May 2011)
32. (i) How are pet bottles produced?
(ii) With simple sketches explain the process of transfer molding. (Apr/May 2011)
33. (i) Write down the characteristics of shaping processes of plastics. (Nov/Dec 2010)
34. Describe the working principle of film blowing and thermoforming. (Nov/Dec 2010)
35. (i) Enumerate with a neat sketch working principle of reciprocating screw injection moulding
machine. (Apr/May 2010)
36. What are the methods of bonding thermoplastics? Explain any one method.(Apr/May 2010)
37. What is laminating? Explain the high pressure method of laminating.
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H Mr.S.Mahendiran

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