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Purchasing Info Record (PIR)

Purchasing info record is also called as PIR or info record. It is used to capture purchasing
Information of a vendor and material combination.
Possibilities of creating PIR.
We can create info record manually by using t. Code ME11 or we can update info record
automatically by activating INFO UPDATE check box in Purchase order material data tab.
Info record can be created with material code or without material code but if it is without
material code then material description and material group are mandatory while creating PIR.
Consultant's role in PIR
Define number ranges
As we are aware info record can be created with and without material code. We consultants
have to design solution to show difference between with and without material code info
Number ranges will be used to identify PIR in SAP system. Every material and vendor
combination system will generate a unique info record number.
When we are creating PIR with material code system will copy numbers from IL group and if
it is without material code then system will copy number range from IN group, for both IL and
IN we can assign internal and external number range. (same like material master)
T. Code - OMEO
SPRO- IMG - Materials management - Purchasing - purchase info record - define number
range - enter - click on maintain groups - click on create icon - give group name (NR with
material/ NR without code), give FROM and TO number range for both internal and external
(if required) - press enter - save - go back - click CTRL+F - give number range group (IL or IN)
- press enter - click on IL or IN - click on element/group - search your number range group
and double click on same group - save.
Define field selection of PIR
As we know field selection will be used to manage fields of PIR.
SPRO- IMG - Materials management - Purchasing - purchase info record - Define screen
layout —> double click on ME11 line —> Double click on field selections groups —> manage
the fields —> go back, go back —> Save.

Client’s Role in PIR
Under this heading we will learn how to create PIR manually and in realtime project client end
users will create by using below T. Code or Path
Use T. Code ME11
SAP easy access screen —> SAP menu —> Logistics —> Material Management —>
Purchasing —> Master data —> info record —> ME11 - Create —> Enter
PIR Initial Screen

• Maintain Vendor
• Maintain Material code or we can leave blank if we want to create PIR without material code.
• Maintain Purchasing Organization
• Maintain Plant
• Info Record: in this field we have to maintain info record number manually if we are using
external number range or else leave blank internal number range
• Info Category: In SAP standard we can create info record in following categories
o Standard
o Subcontracting
o Pipeline
o Consignment
As of now select standard category.

——————————-Press enter——————————-

PIR - General Data Tab
1. Short text - If we are creating info record without material code then in this box we have to
maintain material description manually.
2. Material Group - In this field system will copy material group from material master and if we
are creating info record without material then in this field we have to maintain material group
Note: These above 2 fields will copy automatically to info record screen if we are creating info
record with material code.
3. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Rem./Exped. - In this field system will copy data from material master if required
we can edit here which will copy to purchase order automatically.
4. Sales person and telephone - In this field system will copy data from vendor master if
required we can edit here which will copy to purchase order automatically.
5. Order unit and conversion - In this field system will copy data from material master if
required we can edit here which will copy to purchase order automatically.
6. Origin Data - Under this heading we will capture material origin certificate details given by
7. Available from and to - In this fields we will maintain info record valid dates.
8. Regular vendor - If this info record vendor is a regular supplier, then activate this check box
to inform system. If in case regular vendor is not available then we will reach prior vendor,
maintain prior vendor. - Press enters
Purchase org. Data 1 Tab
1. Pl. Deliv. Time - In this field system will copy data from vendor master if required we can edit
here which will copy to purchase order automatically.
2. Purch. Group - This field will copy from material master
3. Underdl., Overdl., unlimited delivery tolerance and acknowledgement required - In this
field system will copy data from material master if required we can edit here which will copy
to purchase order automatically.
4. GR - bsd IV - This field will copy from vendor master.
5. Tax code - In this field we have to maintain tax code to calculate tax on purchase. If we miss
to select tax code here then we can select in purchase order. Tax codes will be created by FI
consultants in T. Code FTXP. We can select VA or V0 tax codes for practise.
Condition Tab
Maintain net price
Text Tab
In this tab system will copy text from material master purchase order text view. If required we
can maintain text here also which will copy to purchase order.

After maintain all reward fields and tabs, click on save icon to save info record and seem will
generate info record number at left bottom corner of the screen.

PIR T. codes:
ME11 - Create info record
ME12 - Change info record
ME13 - Display info record
ME14 - Changes
ME15 - Flag for deletion
MEMASSIN - Mass maintenance
ME1M - List of info records by material
ME1L - List of info records by vendor.
ME1W - List of info records by material group

PIR Tables - SE16N

EINA - Info record general data
EINE - Info record purchasing data


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