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MM Notes 2 - Introduction to SAP System

Introduction to SAP System

Under this heading we will learn how to operate SAP system as a beginner.
1. Servers/Landscapes in SAP
In SAP we have following servers

• Development server
• Quality server
• Production server
• Sand box server
• IDES server

** Arrangement of servers in a sequence is called landscapes.

** Basis consultants will design servers purchased from SAP
Development server: In development server we consultants will provide solutions to client
Every development server will have one golden client and 1 or more testing clients (based on
no. of consultants). Golden client and testing clients are just screen names available under
development server.
In golden client of development server will be used to maintain solution for client’s
In testing client of development server will be used to do testing for the solution provided by

MM Notes 2 - Introduction to SAP System
Quality Server: After providing solutions in development server then those solutions will be
copied to quality server and in quality server clients will do testing and sometimes consultants
also will involve.
Production server: In this server only, clients will enter live business data.
Consultants don’t have access to production server and clients don’t have access to
development server.
Sandbox Server: It is a replica to production server and in this server we will take production
server backup. It is not mandatory in all the projects/companies.
Ides/Dummy server: it is used for learning SAP. It is also called as rental server.
2. Use new page icon in Logon pad to maintain server details. Server details will be given by
basis consultant based on project allocated to you. Once we save server details in logon pad
system will add a server line under connections option which is used to login. Double click on
server line to login.
3. Each and every screen of SAP will be identified with 3 CHAR Alphanumerical code called
Client. Client 800 is designed by SAP standard which is used only for practise.
4. In real time projects we will use different client codes from 002 to 999 except 001 and 800,
these client codes will be decided by project manager and created by BASIS consultant. Some
of the real time client codes are as below (just for idea/sample codes).

5. New Password: This option will be used to change password of SAP ID but while changing
password we have to remember following 2 terms:

• We can change password once in a day (24hours)

• System will not accept last 5 used passwords.
** Note - In real time projects server details and login credentials will be given by basis
consultants. Basis consultants will help to change passwords or to unlock sap if it lock etc..
if we enter wrong password for 3 times then SAP will get lock. In this case approach institute
for unlock.

MM Notes 2 - Introduction to SAP System
6. SAP has given in 2 default languages

• EN - English
• DE - German
7. Maintain user name and password to login.
8. When we login into SAP in any server system will open a default screen called “SAP EASY
ACCESS”. In this easy access both consultants and clients will work based on server.
SAP easy access screen of production server will be used by clients to enter day to day business
activities and consultants will use the same in development server for testing purpose.
In quality server easy access used by both clients and consultants only for testing.
9. Consultants will provide solutions to client requirement in development server - golden
client - IMG screen.
IMG stands for implementation guide.
10. We have 2 ways to enter any data in SAP. They are

• Path / Navigation (long route to enter data)

• T. Code / transaction code (Short cut to enter data)
11. Navigation to IMG screen
After login into golden client of development server
Give SPRO T. code in command box —> Press enter —> click on SAP reference IMG and
system will display IMG screen where all module consultants will work
SPRO - SAP Project Reference Object

MM Notes 2 - Introduction to SAP System
IMG Screen

12. We can open 6 screens with one login ID or in S4 HANA we can work on 8 screens at a
13. How to Log off SAP?

• Go to Systems in Menu bar → Click on system —> then click on Log off option.
• Or directly we can close the screen.
• Or Type T. Code - /NEX then press enter to logout

SAP Screens

MM Notes 2 - Introduction to SAP System


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