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School Grade Level 2

Teacher Ivyrose A. Section 1


Teaching Dates Learning Area ENGLISH

Time 5:00-6:20 pm Quarter 1st


A. Content Standards To explain the child development and its importance.

To define and value the child development scope of skills.

B. Performance
C. Learning
Competencies To describe the importance of child development.

Child development


A. References

B. Other Learning Visual Aids, Power point presentation.


1. The teacher will ask a student to lead the prayer.
“Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the life you have been bestowed upon
us,tonight we ask you to guide and bless us as we have
our class. Please bless and protect us. Amen”

1. The teacher will greet the students, so does the students.

“Good evening everyone!”


1. The teacher will call the names of the students.

“Okay! Very good, you are all present.”

Classroom Management:

1. The teacher will recall the rules and regulations of the

a. Raise your hand if you have a question.
b. Respect your teacher and classmates.
c. Observe cleanliness.
d. Always follow the seat plan or you’ll be mark as
e. Participate in the class.

Passing of Assignments:

1. The teacher will ask the students to pass their assignments.

“pass your assignments in the front”


1. The teacher will ask student’s about the topic yesterday.

“What was?
1. Our topic yesterday?
2. Do you have questions regarding yesterday’s topic?

The teacher will let and assist the students to play a game.

Simply give a paper to each student and ask them to dance on it.
You can keep asking them to fold the paper after the end of every
song to make the game interesting. When your little people hop
around and fall while dancing, it will create a joyful environment in
your class.
Reading of Objectives:
1. The teacher will ask the class to read the following
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. Define child development and its importance.
b. Identify the scope of skills or 5 stages of child
A1. ACTIVITY development.
c. Creating new Ideas and strategies to assess a child
to achieve a full scope of skills.

Activity: (Group)

1. The teacher will give a group activity

Direction: The class will be grouped into (3) three groups. And the
teacher will give each group a different puzzle. Each group will
have a representative to present/explain their work in the front. In
this activity the students will realize the development of a certain

A2. ANALYSIS Follow Me!

1. The teacher would ask the class the following questions:
a. Based on the activity, what did you notice?
b. Do think a puzzle will be fixed in just one move?

A3. ABSTRACTION Discussion:

1. The teacher will discuss the Child development its
importance and scope of skills.
What is child development?

Child development refers to the sequence of physical, language,

thought and emotional changes that occur in a child from birth to
the beginning of adulthood. During this process a child progresses
from dependency on their parents/guardians to increasing
independence. Child development is strongly influenced by genetic
factors (genes passed on from their parents) and events during
prenatal life. It is also influenced by environmental facts and the
child’s learning capacity.
What does child development include?

Child development covers the full scope of skills that a child

masters over their life span including development in:

 Cognition – the ability to learn and problem solve

 Social interaction and emotional regulation –
interacting with others and mastering self-control
 Speech and Language – understanding and using
language, reading and communicating
 Physical skills – fine motor (finger) skills and gross
motor (whole body) skills
 Sensory awareness – the registration of sensory
information for use

Why is child development important?

Observing and monitoring child development is an important tool to

ensure that children meet their ‘developmental milestones’.
Developmental milestones (a ‘loose’ list of developmental skills that
believed to be mastered at roughly the same time for all children
but that are far from exact) act as a useful guideline of ideal

By checking a child’s developmental progress at particular age

markers against these arbitrary time frames, it allows a ‘check in’ to
ensure that the child is roughly ‘on track’ for their age. If not, this
checking of developmental milestones can be helpful in the early
detection of any hiccups in development. This ‘check’ is usually
carried out through child/mother services and Paediatricians as
infants and toddlers, and later through preschool and school term
skills assessments.

Problems in Child Development:

Problems in child development can arise due to: genetics, prenatal

circumstances, the presence of a specific diagnosis or medical
factors, and/or the lack of opportunity or exposure to helpful stimuli.
Specific assessment by the best fit professional (which may initially
be the GP or Paediatrician, and then Occupational Therapist,
Speech Therapist, Psychologist and/or Physiotherapist) can
provide clarity about the developmental issues and extent of
concern as well as can help to formulate a plan to overcome the
challenge(s). As the process of child development involves multiple
skills developing simultaneously, there may then be benefit in
consulting multiple professionals.

Choose Occupational Therapy for concerns about:

 Physical skills, attention, learning and behaviour
(sensory processing/integration), or
 Fiddly fingers (fine motor) skills (drawing, writing,
cutting, shoelaces, buttons), or
 Whole body (gross motor) skills (running, jumping,
coordination, endurance), or
 ‘Life skills’ (dressing, eating, sleeping), being organized
and able to plan and sequence tasks.
Choose Speech Therapy for concerns about:
 Language skills,written (spelling, story writing) or
 Spoken (verbal, articulation), or
 Listening and comprehension: (understanding
instructions/conversations), or
 Reading (reading, sounding out words, recognizing
previously encountered words).

A4. APPLICATION Activity: (group)

1. The teacher will give an activity to the students.
Direction: Identify the scope of development in each

1.Queenie runs towards her grandpa

2At kinder she can read alone.
3.Ana play s well with Gwen
4.My heart beats so fast!
5.This cake tastes so good!

VALUING 1. The teacher will ask reflective question.

1. What did you learn from the topic?
2.Why is it important to study the child development?
3. Why do you it is important for a child to achieve full scope of

EVALUATION 1. The teacher will give a short quiz for the students.
Assessing learning I.
1-5.enumerate the five(5) scope of skills.
6-11. Give atleast 6 Factors that affect child

Choose the letter of correct answer.
12..The registration of sensory information for use.
a.Cognition b. Sensory awareness c. physical skills.
13.Refers to the sequence of
physical,language,thought and emotional changes
that occur in child from birth to the beginning of
a.Physical change b. Adolescence c. Child
14.Understanding and using language, reading and
a. Speech and physical b. Speech and language c.
15.The ability to learn and problem solve.
a. Multiplication b. Cognition c. Speech problem

AGREEMENT 1. The teachers will ask students to advance study the next


Prepared by;
Ivyrose A. Corante
Bece-3rd/evening class

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