American War 10

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The American Revolutionary war also known as the American War of Independence.

had begun as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and former united British
colonies under the North American continent. However, this war had ended in a
global war between several European great powers. In the beginning of the war, the
Thirteen Colonies lacked the needed professional army and navy. Each of the
colonies had provided its own defenses through the use of local militia. The
militiamen were lightly armed, slightly trained, and do not have the usual
uniforms. Their units only served for few weeks or months at a time since they are
unwilling to go very far from home. In addition, militiamen generally unavailable
for any extended operations. Militiamen lacked the training and discipline as
soldiers but they are more experienced in training and more numerous and could
overwhelm any regular troops such as battles of Concord, Bennington and Saratoga,
and even the siege of Boston. Both sides of the American armies and militiamen used
partisan warfare however the Americans were particularly more effective in
abolishing the Loyalist activities whenever the British regulars were not present
in the area. Most of the Native Americans in the east of the Mississippi River were
affected by the war. Because of this many communities were divided over the
question of how to respond to the happening conflict. There are few tribes who were
on friendly terms with the Americans, however most of the Native Americans opposed
to the United States because their native lands were being threatened by the
expansion of American settlement. The invasion had cost the Americans� base of
support with the British public opinion. Because of this, the violent measures
towards America are freely adopted and countenanced by a majority of individuals of
all ranks, professions, or occupations in Quebec. In addition, it gained the
Americans at its best limited support in the population of Quebec. Meanwhile, being
supportive early in the invasion became less therefor during the occupation the
American policies against the suspected Loyalists had become harsher, resulting to
running out of the army�s hard currency. General Lord Cornwallis continued to chase
the army of Washington throughout New Jersey, until the Americans move back across
the Delaware River towards Pennsylvania in early December. With the campaign of the
visible conclusion of the season, the British entered the winter quarters. General
Clinton had replaced Howe as the British commander-in-chief. French entry into the
war had changed British strategies. Clinton abandoned Philadelphia in order to
reinforce New York City, which is now vulnerable to French nautical power. The plan
was meant for the destruction whereas the Loyalists and loyal Native Americans, and
indefinite prolongation of a costly war, as well as the risk of disaster as the
French and Spanish were assembling an army to invade the British isles and seize
London.The militiamen were lightly armed, slightly trained, and do not have the
usual uniforms. Their units only served for few weeks or months at a time since
they are unwilling to go very far from home. In addition, militiamen generally
unavailable for any extended operations. Militiamen lacked the training and
discipline as soldiers but they are more experienced in training and more numerous
and could overwhelm any regular troops such as battles of Concord, Bennington and
Saratoga, and even the siege of Boston. Both sides of the American armies and
militiamen used partisan warfare however the Americans were particularly more
effective in abolishing the Loyalist activities whenever the British regulars were
not present in the area. Most of the Native Americans in the east of the
Mississippi River were affected by the war. Because of this many communities were
divided over the question of how to respond to the happening conflict. There are
few tribes who were on friendly terms with the Americans, however most of the
Native Americans opposed to the United States because their native lands were being
threatened by the expansion of American settlement. The invasion had cost the
Americans� base of support with the British public opinion. Because of this, the
violent measures towards America are freely adopted and countenanced by a majority
of individuals of all ranks, professions, or occupations in Quebec. In addition, it
gained the Americans at its best limited support in the population of Quebec.
Meanwhile, being supportive early in the invasion became less therefor during the
occupation the American policies against the suspected Loyalists had become
harsher, resulting to running out of the army�s hard currency. General Lord
Cornwallis continued to chase the army of Washington throughout New Jersey, until
the Americans move back across the Delaware River towards Pennsylvania in early
December Both sides of the American armies and militiamen used partisan warfare
however the Americans were particularly more effective in abolishing the Loyalist
activities whenever the British regulars were not present in the area. Most of the
Native Americans in the east of the Mississippi River were affected by the war.
Because of this many communities were divided over the question of how to respond
to the happening conflict. There are few tribes who were on friendly terms with the
Americans, however most of the Native Americans opposed to the United States
because their native lands were being threatened by the expansion of American
settlement. The invasion had cost the Americans� base of support with the British
public opinion. Because of this, the violent measures towards America are freely
adopted and countenanced by a majority of individuals of all ranks, professions, or
occupations in Quebec

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