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Iounded 2003
neadquarters Lxchange Square Suren
koad Chaka|a Andher|
(Last) Mumba| Ind|a
roducts Iutures exchange
kevenue ks 10439 crore (200S2006)

MuIti Commodity Exchange (MCX) is an independent commodity
exchange based in India. It was estabIished in 2003 and is based
in Mumbai. The turnover of the exchange for the fiscaI year 2009 was US$
1.24 triIIion, and in terms of contracts traded, it was in 2009 the worId's
sixth Iargest commodity exchange. MCX offers futures trading in buIIion,
ferrous and non-ferrous metaIs, energy, and a number of agricuIturaI
commodities (mentha oiI, cardamom, potatoes, paIm oiI and others).
MCX has aIso set up in joint venture the MCX Stock Exchange. EarIier
spin-offs from the company incIude the NationaI Spot Exchange, an
eIectronic spot exchange for buIIion and agricuIturaI commodities,
and NationaI BuIk HandIing Corporation (NBHC) India's Iargest coIIateraI
management company which provides buIk storage and handIing of
agricuIturaI products.

t is regulated by the Forward Markets Commission.
MCX is ndia's No. 1 commodity exchange with 83% market share in 2009
The exchange's main competitor is National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd
Globally, MCX ranks no. 1 in silver, no. 2 in natural gas, no. 3 in crude oil and gold in futures trading
The highest traded item is gold.
As of early 2010, the normal daily turnover of MCX was about US$ 6 to 8 billion
MCX now reaches out to about 800 cities and towns in ndia with the help of about 126,000 trading terminals

Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Steel Long {Bbavnagar], Steel Long
{Covindgarb], Steel Flat, Tin, Zinc
Cold Cold Pnl Cold M lgold Sllver Sllver Pnl Sllver M
Cotton L Staple, Cotton M Staple, Cotton S Staple, Cotton Yarn, Kapas renL Crude Cll Crude Cll lurnace Cll naLural Cas M L Sour Crude Cll
A1l LlecLrlclLy(now dellsLed) Carbon CredlL
Cardamom, )eera, Pepper, Red Cbilli ArecanuL Cashew kernel Coffee (8obusLa) 8ubber
Cbana, Masur, Yellow Peas PuL olypropylene() vC
Castor Uil, Castor Seeds, Coconut Cake, Coconut Uil, Cotton Seed, Crude Palm Uil, Croundnut Uil, Kapasia Kballi, Mustard Uil, Mustard Seed {)aipur],
Mustard Seed {Sirsa], RBD Palmolein, Refined Soy Uil, Refined Sunflower Uil, Rice Bran DUC, Rice Bran Refined Uil, Sesame Seed, Soymeal, Soy
Bean, Soy Seeds

Share means a share in the share capital oI a company a company is a business organization it is registered as per companies act 1956
every company has share capital the share capital oI a company is divided into number oI many parts and each oI such parts is known
s share a public limited company has to complete three stages the Iirst is registration the second is raising capital and the third is
commencement oI business a public limited company issues shares to public Ior raising capital the Iirst public issue is known as initial
public oIIerings (IPO) the shares can be issued at par premium or at discount . each share has a Iace value Rs 1,2,5 or 10 in order to
issue shares a prospectus is prepared and it is got approved Irom securities and exchange board oI India (SEBI) these shares are listed
with the stock exchanges so that the shareholders can sale these shares in market the company has to make an application to the stock
exchange Ior listing oI shares
There are two types oI shares equity and preIerence shares preIerence shares are hose shares which has Iirst preIerence Ior payment oI
dividend and reIund oI capital in the case oI winding up equity shares are those shares which are not preIerence shares preIerence
shares are not popular in India very Iew companies have issued preIerence shares the preIerence shares may be cumulative
participating and convertible the shares are also known as stock nowadays shares are issued in demat Iorm it means shares are credited
to a separate account oI the applicant opened with depository participant this is also called as paperless security because shares are
issued in physical Iorm demat account is compulsory when the shares are issued through book building process book building is a
method oI public issue oI shares by a company in which a price is determined by the investors subject to a price band or range oI
price given by the company
Investment in shares is more risky because the share price go on changing day by day today the market is more volatile means more
Iluctuating the shares prices may go up or go down iI the stock market Ialls the shares prices will go down and the investor will loose
money in the investment however the return on shares is higher the return on investment in shares is in the Iorm oI regular dividend
capital appreciation bonus and right

According to NYSE, a Blue-chip stock is stock in a company with a national reputation Ior quality, reliability and the ability to
operate proIitably in good times and bad. The most popular index which Iollows US blue chips is the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average oI 30 blue-chip stocks that are generally the leaders in their industry. It
has been a widely Iollowed indicator oI the stock market since October 1, 1928.

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