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STADAY 18 - SPSS Berlaku sampai
9 Januari 2022
23.59 WIB
Ringkasan penelitian tidak lebih dari 500 kata yang berisi latar belakang penelitian, tujuan dan
tahapan metode penelitian, luaran yang ditargetkan, serta uraian TKT penelitian yang diusulkan.

Indonesian fast growing Teak (Tectona grandis), and European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
from plantations are typical examples of low commercial interest wood species due to their poor
decay durability and low dimensional stability in outdoor conditions. In this context, researches
on teak and beech utilization are of great interest to improve commercial valorisation of these
wood species. A new dimension of wood modification has been being explored where the
modification techniques have been combined with nanotechnology. Through this world class
research (WCR) program, research works will be organized into 3 tasks during 3 years (2020-
2022). Task 1: Thermal treatment and non-biocide (vinylic polyglycerol derivatives) chemical
modification of fast growing teak and characterization of the conferred properties should be
performed at 2020. Task 2: Investigations of reinforced metal-oxide nanoparticles SiO2, Al2O3,
ZnO adapted on thermally and chemically modified fast growing teak should be performed at
2021. Task 3: The application of environmentally friendly acrylic and alkyd coatings on the
surfaces of thermally treated and chemically modified fast growing teaks reinforced with nano
particles should be also performed at 2022. The aim of the research project should be to develop
and evaluate the potential of an innovative wood chemical modification method based on the
utilization of waterborne vinylic polyglycerol derivatives and nanofiller for improving the quality
(dimensional stability, durability, strength, coatings ability) of the fast growing teak. A double
degree S2/S3 program in wood science and technology should be also proposed.
The research project will associate a well recognized partner (Prof. Philippe GERARDIN)
working at Wood Laboratory (LERMAB) the University of Lorraine, France. Bogor Agricultural
University (IPB) and the University of Lorraine propose to get over these technological obstacles
altogether by the mean of a cooperative program performed with MSc and PhD student double
degree of the two institutions. The WCR program will imply in education, technological and
fundamental research activities. The education will be in development of master and doktor doble
degree program in wood science and technology between IPB and Lorraine University. An
important part of the research work will be the development and optimization of this new chemical
modification process, as well as characterization of the properties and performances of the new
material obtained. Another part of the work will concern more fundamental aspect concerning the
identification of the chemical reactions taking place during the treatment and the effect of these
latter ones on wood cell wall polymers to gain better understanding of the wood properties.
The outcomes of WCR programs should be: S2/S3 double degree program IPB university-
Lorraine university in wood science and technology; 3 articles respectively published at Journal
Wood and Wood Products SJR Q1 (2020), Journal Material Reseach and Technology SJR Q1
(2021), Journal of Polymer Degradation and Stability SJR Q1 (2022). The TKT of the research
works at the end of 2022 should be TKT 3. Development of non biocide wood protection methods
through thermal and chemical modifications will benefit to consumers health and to the
environment, and wood product being able to be burn after their service life.

Kata kunci maksimal 5 kata

Fast growing teak; thermal modification ; chemical modification; non-biocide; durability
Latar belakang penelitian tidak lebih dari 500 kata yang berisi latar belakang dan permasalahan
yang akan diteliti, tujuan khusus, dan urgensi penelitian. Pada bagian ini perlu dijelaskan uraian
tentang spesifikasi khusus terkait dengan skema.
As a result of the dwindling high quality wood resources from natural forest, Indonesian and
European countries timber industries have no other choice rather than utilizing the low quality of
woods from plantation. Indonesian fast growing Teak (Tectona grandis), and European Beech
(Fagus sylvatica L.) from plantations are typical examples of low commercial interest wood
species due to their poor decay durability and low dimensional stability in outdoor conditions. In
this context, researches on teak and beech utilization are of great interest to improve commercial
valorisation of these wood species.
Researchers have made great efforts to develop numerous advanced technologies to enhance
the properties of low quality wood. Eco friendly wood modifications constitute new alternatives
developed during the last decades in response to the evolution of the laws on the use of biocide
products to improve wood durability of low natural durability species [1, 2, 3, 4]. Thermal
modifications have lead to development of numerous industrial plants using different technologies
to assure inert atmosphere (steam, nitrogen, oil, vacuum). Chemical modifications have lead to
much less industrial applications, acetylation and furfurylation being the two sole processes
developed and commercialized currently on industrial scale. The main reasons explaining these
difficulties may lie in the additional cost induced by chemical modifications comparatively to
thermal modifications generally more easy to develop on industrial scale.
Compared to existing methods based either on chemical or thermal modification, the
originality of our approach is to combine the chemical and thermal modification methods with
nanofiller reinforced to evaluate potential synergies. Through this WCP program, research works
will be organized into 3 tasks. Task 1: Thermal treatment and non-biocide (vinylic polyglycerol
derivatives) chemical modification of fast growing teak and characterization of the conferred
properties should be performed at 2020. Task 2: Investigations of reinforced metal-oxide
nanoparticles SiO2, Al2O3, ZnO adapted on thermally and chemically modified fast growing teak
should be performed at 2021. Task 3: The application of environmentally friendly acrylic and
alkyd coatings on the surfaces of thermally treated and chemically modified fast growing teaks
reinforced with nano particles should be also performed at 2022. During the research periode
development of master and doktor doble degree program in wood science and technology between
IPB and Lorraine University should be proposed. The aim of the research project will be to
develop and evaluate the potential of an innovative wood chemical modification method based on
the utilization of waterborne vinylic polyglycerol derivatives and nanofiller for improving the
quality (dimensional stability, durability, strength, coatings ability) of the fast growing teak.
In the context of research work, development of wood preservation system totally free of
biocide will be of great interest to improve utilization of wood products reducing consequently
carbon dioxide concentrations in air. From a socio-economical point of view, development of non
biocide wood protection methods will benefit to consumers health and to the environment, wood
product being able to be burn after their service life. Moreover, these treatments will permit to
valorize non durable wood species like fast growing teak representing an important non valorized
forest resource in Indonesia.
Tinjauan pustaka tidak lebih dari 1000 kata dengan mengemukakan state of the art dan peta jalan
(road map) dalam bidang yang diteliti. Bagan dan road map dibuat dalam bentuk JPG/PNG yang
kemudian disisipkan dalam isian ini. Sumber pustaka/referensi primer yang relevan dan dengan
mengutamakan hasil penelitian pada jurnal ilmiah dan/atau paten yang terkini. Disarankan
penggunaan sumber pustaka 10 tahun terakhir.
1. Recent Results on Heat Treated Fast Growing Teak
Logs from short rotation teak (fast growing teak) contain a large proportion of sapwood and
juvenile wood, whose have different properties from long rotation teak [5, 6]. Heartwood
formation begins to form between 4 and 6 years old in short rotation plantation teak trees [7].
According to Darmawan et al. (2015) [5], in 10 years old, heartwood portion is 40%, meanwhile
juvenile portion is 100%, and mean diameter growth is about 2.5 cm/year. The main concerns of
short rotation teak are with regard to stability and durability. High tangential/radial (T/R) ratio in
short rotation teak indicates dimensional instability and easily to deformation when dried [8].
Lower extractive content in the juvenile of the fast growing teak wood is the reason for its lower
durability [9,10,11].
Thermal modification is one of wood modification that improves decay resistance,
dimensional stability, weathering performance, reduce water absorption, and darken materials
[12]. In Europe, research on thermally modified wood has been the object of important
investigations during the last decades leading to the development and industrialisation of numerous
processes based on different technologies differing mainly by the nature of atmosphere used during
treatment (steam, nitrogen, oil, vacuum) and by the nature of heat transfer (convection or
conduction) [13]. Retification process was developed in France, which is carried out at 210 °C to
240 °C in an inert atmosphere with less than 2% in oxygen. The technology of heat treatment
provides an environmental safe method without using toxic chemical [14].
Some studies have explained behaviour, processes, and characteristics of heated teak. For
examples, Li et al. (2015) [15] found strong relationship between increasing treatment temperature
and main chemical component of steam heated teak. Méndez-Mejías and Moya (2016) [16]
showed the effect of three temperatures (210, 215, 220 °C) during 6 h in density, shrinking, color
changing, and surface analysis in teak from Costa Rica. Lisa et al. (2019) [17]explained the
changes in durability, stability, and color change for Indonesian teak woods at temperature of 220
°C for 20 h.
The heat treatment of wood changes its chemical composition due to degradation of
hemicelluloses and extractive compounds [18]. As a consequence of chemical changes, high
temperature treatment also overcomes some of the problems of instability developed resulting in
a reduction in equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and the decreased rate of water uptake of dried
wood [19]. An increased durability of heat-treated beech wood against the white rot fungi depends
on treatment temperature [20]. However, heated wood exposed to weathering results in poor
aesthetics because of the discoloration [21]. The heated wood and unheated wood without coating
have the similar level of cracking despite the lower moisture content of heated wood [22].
Research projects have investigated the application of inorganic chemicals to the surface of
wood, including copper ethanolamine (Cu-MEA) to enhance its resistance against weathering [23].
It was determined that a Cu-MEA treatment delays the degradation of lignin due to weathering.
Wood products coated with the semi transparent acrylic was found effective against photo-
degradation, which might be due to having a pigment content restricting transmittance of UV light
to the wood surface [24,25]. Therefore, it is important to reduce the light energy reaching the wood
surface with use of a coating to prevent against weathering degradation.

2. Roadmap of Research on Teak Woods

Darmawan et al. (2015) [6] reported the occurrence and characteristics of juvenile wood in
long rotation and short rotation teaks based on density, shrinkage, bending strength (modulus of
rupture - MOR, modulus of elasticity - MOE), fiber length, and microfibril angle (MFA). The
projected figures for the portion of juvenile wood in the breast height stem for long and short
rotation teak were 65% and 100%, respectively.
Wettability and bonding quality of exterior coatings on jabon, sengon and teak woods (short
and long rotation teaks) were studied [26,27]. The short rotation teak (fast growing teak)
compared to long rotation teak (conventional teak) provided better coating wettability and bonding
quality. Fast growing teak with porous structures is more wettable and provides better adhesion
compared to long rotation teak. Weathering resistance for long rotation teak was reported [28], in
which the uncoated teak samples suffer color changes and crackings after 3 months of exposure,
otherwise the coated (painted) teak samples were free of crackings up to 3 years under exposure.
Initial research on thermal treatment for the short and long rotations teak was conducted and
reported [17]. The short rotation teak present improved dimensional stability and decay resistance
after heat treatment.
Although the heat treatment of wood has been investigated extensively, there is very little
information on the performance of thermal combined with non-biocide chemical modification and
with eco-friendly nano coating systems. Combining chemical modifications to classical thermal
modifications performed in a range of temperatures comprised between 180 and 220°C will permit
the use of lower quantities of chemicals than classical chemical modification methods to develop
a totally free biocide system for outdoor applications based on the utilization of renewable
resources like polyglycerol and using water as solvent. Aluminum oxides (Al2O3), zinc oxides
(ZnO), and silicon dioxide (SiO2) will among the most metal oxides nanofillers which are non-
toxic, stable, and highly thermostable inorganic filler which characterized by a small size, large
specific surface area and strong interfacial interaction with the organic polymer.
Considering the previous results depicted in the research roadmap in Figure 1, the focus of
this research program would be the development and optimization of this new chemical
modification process, as well as characterization of the properties and performances of the new
material obtained. Another part of the work will concern more fundamental aspect concerning the
identification of the chemical reactions taking place during the treatment and the effect of these
latter ones on wood cell wall polymers to gain better understanding of the wood properties. The
two widely used species, namely fast growing teak for IPB and Poplar for Lorraine University
would be investigated to get complete data and better understanding of their thermal and chemical
treatments, and their coating and weathering behaviour. This research works should be performed
in 3 years starting from 2020 to 2022.
Figure 1. The Roadmap of Research Work on the Fast Growing Teaks and their Thermal
and Coating Behavior

Metode atau cara untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan ditulis tidak melebihi 600 kata.
Bagian ini dilengkapi dengan diagram alir penelitian yang menggambarkan apa yang sudah
dilaksanakan dan yang akan dikerjakan selama waktu yang diusulkan. Format diagram alir dapat
berupa file JPG/PNG. Bagan penelitian harus dibuat secara utuh dengan penahapan yang jelas,
mulai dari awal bagaimana proses dan luarannya, dan indikator capaian yang ditargetkan. Di
bagian ini harus juga mengisi tugas masing-masing anggota pengusul sesuai tahapan penelitian
yang diusulkan.
1. Equipments available for this program
All the equipments necessary for the research program are facilities available within the IPB.
The main equipments of IPB used in the research works are slide microtome and light microscope
for juvenility identification, surface roughness tester, and vacuum pressure for wood preservation,
microbiology equipments for decay durability test, laboratory heat treatment oven, laboratory
vacuum pressure impregnation reactor, chemistry equipment, Gaz Chromatography coupled to
Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS), Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS),
Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), FTIR, 13C MAS NMR, Thermogravimetric Analysis
2. Flow diagram of research, methods and outcome
The proposed research program should be organized during 3 years (2020-2022). Flow
diagram for each task is presented in Figure 2. First year 2020 will concern on the optimization
of thermal and chemical treatments on laboratory scale. Investigations will concern on the
effect of the quantity of glycerol and maleic anhydride impregnated in wood and the effect of
curing condition (time and temperature). These investigations will be followed by a first
laboratory screening of properties of obtained materials like stability of the treatment to
leaching, fungal decay test according to EN113 standards, termite resistance according to
EN117. Characterization of the chemical reactions (FTIR-NMR analysis) occurring during the
treatment and their consequences on molecular and macromolecular organization of wood cell
wall and consequently on wood properties should be also performed. The outcome should be
article published at Journal Wood and Wood Products SJR Q1 and Proceeding international
conference SWST 63rd in Zvolen Slovakia.

Figure 2. Flow diagram of the research work

In the second year 2021, the best thermal and chemical treatment conditions will be retained for
further investigations of reinforced metal-oxide nanoparticles SiO2, Al2O3, ZnO at 0%, 1%, 3%
and 5% concentrations. Selected mechanical properties will be tested using classical mechanical
tests (Modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and Brinell hardness. In addition
to classical laboratory tests, different field tests will be conducted to evaluate decay resistance,
mold resistance, UV stability and termite resistances. The outcome should be article published at
Journal Material Reseach and Technology SJR Q1 and Proceeding international conference SWST
64th in Vancouver Canada. The third year 2022 will concern on the impact on the surface
properties (surface free energy, surface roughness, water sorption, wettability) and application
of environmentally friendly acrylic and alkyd coatings on the thermally treated and chemically
modified fast growing teaks should be also performed. The natural and accelerated weathering test
will be conducted. The outcome should be article published at Journal of Polymer Degradation
and Stability SJR Q1 and Proceeding international conference SWST 65th in Denpasar Indonesia.

An intensive discussions via email have been made between IPB and Lorraine University for
initiatian of the doble degree. The curriculum for Master double degree, and PhD co-supervision
agrement document have been being prepared. A Lorraine staff member will be invited to come
to Bogor in between 2020-2022 to finalize the curriculum, co-supervisor agreement, and to
improve the research programs.

The IPB and Lorraine University teams would be involved in these different tasks at different
levels as mentioned in Table 1.

Table 1. Responsibility of the team in the research work

Jadwal penelitian disusun dengan mengisi langsung tabel berikut dengan memperbolehkan
penambahan baris sesuai banyaknya kegiatan.


Tahun ke-1
No Activities 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Trees samples and chemicals preparation
2 Heat treatments for the wood samples
Glicerol and Maleic anhydride Chemical
modification for the wood samples
4 Molecular characterization (FTIR, NMR)
5 Physical and Strength characterization
6 Chemical characterization and Durability test
7 Analysis data, Writing article and Report

Tahun ke-2
Activities 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Trees samples and chemicals preparation
Application of best heat and chemical
treatments condition for the wood samples
3 Impregnation SiO2, Al2O3, ZnO
4 Molecular characterization (FTIR, NMR)
Surface characterization ((surface free energy,
surface roughness, water sorption, wettability
6 Stability, Strength and Durability lab test
Analysis data, Writing article, Seminar and

Tahun ke-3
Activities 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Trees samples preparation
Characterization of the best thermal, chemical,
and reinforced nanofiller treatment
3 Application of Acrylic and Alkyd coatings
4 Wettability and Bonding Quality test
5 Natural Durability field test 4 months
6 Natural Weathering Test in the field 6 months
Analysis data, Writing article, Seminar and
Daftar pustaka disusun dan ditulis berdasarkan sistem nomor sesuai dengan urutan pengutipan.
Hanya pustaka yang disitasi pada usulan penelitian yang dicantumkan dalam Daftar Pustaka.

1. Esteves B.M., Pereira H.M. (2009) Wood modification by heat treatment - A review.
Bioresources, 4, 1: 370-404
2. Hill, C. (2005) Chemical Modification of wood (II): reaction with other chemicals in Wood
Modification – Chemical, thermal and other processes, John Wiley & Sons, 77-97.
3. Militz, H. (2002) Thermal treatment of wood European process and their background.
International Research Group on Wood Preservation. Document no.° IRG/WP 02-40241.
4. Rowell, R.M. (2005) Chemical Modification of wood in Handbook of wood chemistry and
wood composites, Taylor and Francis 381-420.
5. Richter, H.G.; Leithoff, H.; Sonntag, U. 2003. Characterisation and extension of juvenile
wood in plantation grown teak (Tectona grandis L.f) from Ghana. In: Proceedings of the
international conference on quality timber products of teak from sustainable forest
management, 2–5 December, Peechi, Indi
6. Darmawan, W.; Nandika, D.; Sari, R.K.; Sitompul, A.; Rahayu, I.; Gardner, D. 2015. Juvenile
and mature wood characteristics of short and long rotation teak in Java. IAWA J 36(4): 429-
7. Moya, R.; Bond, B.; Quesada, H. 2014. A review of heartwood properties of Tectona grandis
trees from fast-growth plantations. Wood Sci Technol 48 (2): 411-433
8. Basri, E.; Wahyudi, I. 2013. Wood basic properties of jati plus perhutani from different ages
and their relationships to drying properties and qualities. JPHH 31(2): 93-102
9. Haupt, M.; Leithoff, H.; Meier, D.; Puls, J.; Richter, H.G.; Faix, O. 2003. Heartwood
extractive and natural durability of platation-grown teakwood (Tectona grandis L.) - a case
study. Holz Roh Werkst 61 (6): 473-474
10. Thulasidas, P.K.; Bhat, K.M. 2007. Chemical extractive compounds determining the brown-
rot decay resistance of teak wood. Holz Roh Werkst 65 (2): 121-124
11. Lukmandaru, G.; Takahashi, K. 2008. Variation in the natural termite resistance of teak
(Tectona grandis Lin. Fil.) wood as a function of tree age. Ann For Sci 65 (7): 8p
12. Hill, C.A.S. 2006. Wood modification: chemical, thermal and other processes. John willey &
sons: England, p. 99-127
13. Gérardin, P. 2016. New alternatives for wood preservation based on thermal and chemical
modification of wood-a review. Ann For Sci 73(3): 559-570.
14. Vu, M.T.; Li, J. 2010. Effect of heat treatment on the change in color and dimensional stability
of acacia hybrid wood. BioResources 5 (2): 1257-1267.
15. Li, M.Y.; Cheng, S.C.; Li, D.; Wang, S.N.; Huang, A.M.; Sun, S.Q. 2015. Structural
characterization of steam-heat treated Tectona grandis wood analyzed by FT-IR and 2D
correlation spectroscopy. Chin Chem Lett 26 (2): 221-225
16. Méndez-Mejías, L.D.; Moya, R. 2016. Effects on density, shrinking, color changing, and
chemical surface analysis through FTIR of Tectona grandis thermo-treated. Sci For 44 (112):
17. Pratiwi LA, Darmawan W, Priadi Trisna, George B, Merlin A, Gérardin C, Dumarçay S,
Gérardin P. 2019. Characterization of thermally modified short and long rotation teaks and
the effects on coatings performance. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 21(2): 209 - 222, 2019
18. Kamdem, D.P.; Pizzi, A.; Jermannaud, A. 2002. Durability of heat-treated wood. Holz Roh
Werkst 60 (1):1-6.
19. Hillis, W.E. 1984. High temperature and chemical effects on wood stability. Wood Sci Technol
18: 281- 293.
20. Hakkou, M.; Petrissans, M.; Gérardin, P.; Zoulalian, A. 2006. Investigations of the reasons
for fungal durability of heat-treated beech wood. Polym Degrad Stab 91 (2):393-397.
21. Huang, X.; Kocaefe, D.; Kocaefe, Y.; Boluk, Y.; Pichette, A. 2012. Study of the degradation
behavior of heat-treated jack pine (Pinus banksiana) under artificial sunlight irradiation.
Polym Degrad Stab 97 (7): 1197-1214.
22. Jämsä, S.; Ahola, P.; Viitaniemi, P. 2000. Long-term natural weathering of coated
thermowood. Pigmen Resin Technol 29(2): 68-74.
23. Zhang, J., Kandem, D. P., and Temiz, A. (2009). Weathering of copper-amine treated wood,
Appl. Surf. Sci., Vol. 256 (3) : 842-846
24. Schaller C., and Rogez D. (2007). New approaches in wood coating stabilization, J. Coat.
Technol. Res. Vol. 4 (4) : 401-409
25. Nejad M., and Cooper P. (2011). Exterior wood coating : Performance of semitransparent
stains on preservative treated wood. J. Coat. Technol. Res., Vol 8 (4) : 449-458
26. Darmawan W., Nandika D., Noviyanti E., Alipraja I., Gardner D., Geraldin P. 2018.
Wettability and bonding quality of exterior coatings on jabon and sengon wood surfaces.
Journal of Coating technology and Research, 15 (1) : 95-104, DOI : 10.1007/s11998-017-
27. Yuningsih I., Rahayu I.S., Dumasari L., Darmawan W. 2019. Wettability and adherence of
acrylic paints on long and short rotation teaks, Wood Material Science & Engineering, DOI:
28. Darmawan W., Herliyana E.N., Gayatri A., Dumasari, Hasanusi A., Gerardin P. 2019.
Microbial growths and checking on acrylic paintedtropical woods and their static bending
after threeyears of natural weathering. Journal of Material Research and technology,

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