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Nim : 19510126

Class : B1 – 2019

Subject : English for Scientific Paper

Lecturer : Mr. Efransyah S.Pd.,M.Hum

1. Please give your opinion about the benefits of tenses, kinds of sentences, and
conjunction in making an English for scientific Paper! Explain it as clear as possible
in one paragraph!

Answer :

Tense are verb forms in English to show time. Tense make clear occurrence
statement of the time . it is now , past , future or still on going . One of the main reason why
we should learn and important of tenses is that will tell us when an activity is taking place. It
the same benefit too in making an English for scientific.
Conjuntions are connect two or more elements 0f a language unit , both words and
clauses of equal standing . Likewise, the function of conjuntion in scientific works makes it
easier to think about connecting words, etc. its actually , because in scientific paper there
are many words that we must arrange in such a way. That why tenses, kinds of sentences,
and conjunction are very helpful in making an English for scientific Paper.

2. What are the correlation between tenses, kinds of sentences and conjunction in
writing English for Scientific Paper? Explain it as clear as possible in one paragraph!

Answer :

As we can se from the the function of tenses, kinds of sentences, and

conjunction in making an English for scientific Paper it self . tenses, kinds of sentences, and
conjunction are a guide or a way we make scientific paper to be clearer and more efficient
towards the purpose or objectives of the scientific paper . because without it, our scientific
paper is difficult to understand with our self or others .

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