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Essay Composition/Writing: Customer Service

Azarias Adelino Celestino: 51230233

Tutor: Farisai Gamarie


1. Introduction

Customer service is a crucial element in the tourism industry, especially in exotic destinations
like Mozambique's national parks. A warm and efficient welcome can transform the visitor
experience, ensuring satisfaction and loyalty. This essay explores customer service practices at
the reception of a resort located in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, focusing on how
Brazilian visitors are received and oriented during their five-day stay.



 Analyze Essay Composition/Writing: Customer Service


 Identify Essay Composition/Writing: Customer Service;

 Describe Essay Composition/Writing: Customer Service

1.1.3. Methodology

To prepare this essay, a qualitative approach was adopted based on case studies and existing
literature on customer service in the tourism sector. According to Grönroos (2000), service
quality is determined by the interaction between the customer and the service provider, and is
essential for creating a memorable experience. Furthermore, studies such as Zeithaml, Berry and
Parasuraman (1996) highlight the importance of empathy and personalization in customer
service. This work analyzes these theories and applies them to the specific context of Gorongosa
National Park.

2.Welcome Procedures.

Welcome to Gorongosa National Park!

When welcoming visitors from Brazil for a five-day stay, the first step is to ensure a warm
welcome. Guests are greeted with a welcome drink, made with local fruits, as a way of
introducing them to Mozambican culture. Next, check-in forms are filled out and identity
documents and passports are verified. This process is carried out efficiently to minimize waiting
time and start the experience on a positive note.

It is with great pleasure that we welcome our visitors from Brazil for a five-day stay in this
natural paradise in Mozambique. Our mission is to ensure that your experience is unforgettable,
full of adventures and moments of tranquility.

2.1.Reception and Welcome.

As soon as they arrive at the park, our guests will be greeted at the main reception with a
refreshing welcome drink, made with local fruits, to start their stay on the right foot. We will then
ask you to complete check-in forms and present your identity documents and passports for

2.2.Briefing about the Establishment

After check-in, we will give you a brief briefing about Gorongosa National Park. Here are some
important points we will cover:

 Rules and Guidelines: To ensure everyone's safety and preserve the environment, it is
important to follow the park's rules, such as not feeding the animals and keeping a safe
distance from them.
 Available Services: Our park offers a variety of services, including guided tours, jeep
tours for wildlife observation, hiking trails and picnic areas. We also have a restaurant
that serves typical Mozambican and international dishes.
 Opening Hours: We will inform you about the times of activities and services, such as
the opening and closing times of the gates, meal times, and safari departure times.

2.3.What to Visit and See

2.3.1.Exploring Gorongosa.

Gorongosa National Park is known for its incredible biodiversity. Here are some of the top
attractions we recommend:

 Safari: Take part in one of our safaris to observe lions, elephants, buffaloes, and many
other species in their natural habitat.
 Mount Gorongosa: For trail lovers, a hike to Mount Gorongosa offers stunning views
and the opportunity to see unique species of flora and fauna.
 Urema Lake: A perfect spot for bird watching and sunset, Urema Lake is one of the
park's jewels.

2.3.2. Personalized service

Actively listening to visitors' needs and offering personalized suggestions are essential practices.
Whether meeting specific dietary preferences, mobility needs or other special requests, park staff
are always ready to help. This personalized service is a direct application of the principles of
empathy and personalization highlighted by Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman (1996). Listen and Meet Needs

We are here to listen to your needs and make personalized suggestions. If you have specific
dietary preferences, mobility needs, or any other special requests, our team is ready to help. We
want you to feel at home and enjoy every moment of your stay. Information

 Weather: It is important to remember that the weather in Gorongosa can vary. We

recommend bringing light clothing, sunscreen, insect repellent and a light jacket for
cooler nights.
 Connectivity: We provide Wi-Fi in the reception area and restaurant so you can keep in
touch with friends and family.

We wish you a wonderful stay in Gorongosa National Park. We are here to make each day
special and full of discoveries. If you need anything, don't hesitate to look for us.

2.4. Activity Recommendations

Visitors are then informed about the park's main attractions. A safari to observe local wildlife, a
hike to Mount Gorongosa for panoramic views and a visit to Lake Urema for bird watching are
recommended. Personalizing recommendations, based on guests' individual preferences and
needs, is essential to providing a unique and satisfying experience.


Customer service at a resort reception in Gorongosa National Park is a detailed process that
begins with a warm welcome and extends throughout a guest's stay. By following good practice
guidelines in customer service, it is possible to provide an enriching and unforgettable experience
for visitors. Personalization and empathy are key elements that guarantee guest satisfaction,
promoting sustainable tourism and the preservation of Mozambique's natural beauty.

4. Bibliographical References

1.Virtual Library

2. Course Manual

3.Grönroos, C. (2000). Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship

Management Approach. Wiley.

4.Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The Behavioral Consequences of
Service Quality. Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31-46.

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