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### Year 8 ICT Revision Materials ‐ Detailed Summary

#### 1. **Manipulating Graphics with Office Drawing Tools**

‐ **Tools and Techniques**: Learn to create logos and vector images using Office
drawing tools.
‐ **Formatting Objects**: Change line and fill colors, adjust line width, and
modify color transparency. Rotate, resize, and reflect objects. Group, copy, and
paste objects. Save selected objects as images.
‐ **Image Formats**: Understand and use JPG, PNG, and SVG file formats.

#### 2. **Formatting a Poster with Microsoft Word**

‐ **Formatting Tools**: Utilize fonts, font sizes, and font styles.
‐ **Tables**: Create, add, and delete rows and columns. Format tables, add
information, and create suitable headings.
‐ **Images**: Add and resize images like logos.
‐ **Poster Creation**: Use tables and text boxes to create a structured poster.

#### 3. **The Internet**

‐ **Definition and Services**: The Internet is a global network providing various
services like web browsing, email, and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).
‐ **Servers**: Types include web servers, email servers, VoIP servers, and DNS
(Domain Name System) servers.
‐ **Hardware**: Involves servers, routers, and client devices.
‐ **Connection Methods**: Wired (e.g., Broadband and Dial‐up) and Wireless
(e.g., Wi‐Fi).
‐ **Advantages and Disadvantages**: Wired connections are typically faster and
more reliable, while wireless offers convenience and mobility.
‐ **ISP (Internet Service Provider)**: Provides internet access and equipment like
routers to users.
‐ **Internet Protocols**:
‐ **TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)**: Fundamental
protocols for data transmission.
‐ **FTP (File Transfer Protocol)**: Used for transferring files.
‐ **HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)**: Used for web browsing.
‐ **Web Browsers**: Software to access the internet, with features like
bookmarks, history, and extensions.
‐ **URL (Uniform Resource Locator)**: Web address that consists of protocol,
domain name, and path.

#### 4. **Using Email**

‐ **Email Features**: Address book, attachments, CC (Carbon Copy), BCC (Blind
Carbon Copy), forwarding, and priority settings.
‐ **Copying Emails**: Use CC and BCC to send copies to multiple recipients.
‐ **Benefits and Limitations**: Quick and efficient communication, but can lead
to information overload and spam.
‐ **Email Protocols**:
‐ **SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)**: Sends emails.
‐ **POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)**: Downloads emails from server to client.
‐ **IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)**: Manages and stores emails on
the server.

#### 5. **Using Spreadsheets**

‐ **Creating Models**: Use formulas and functions like SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX,
‐ **Conditional Formatting**: Change cell formatting based on specific rules.

#### 6. **Representing Numbers on a Computer – Binary**

‐ **Binary System**: Computers use binary (1s and 0s) to represent data.
‐ **Bits and Bytes**: A bit is a binary digit, and a byte is 8 bits. Convert between
binary and decimal.

#### 7. **Representing Images on a Computer**

‐ **Pixels**: The smallest unit of an image.
‐ **Resolution**: The number of pixels in an image.
‐ **Color Depth**: Number of bits used to represent color. Higher bit depth
means more colors.
‐ **File Sizes**: Calculated based on resolution and color depth.

#### 8. **Bits and Bytes**

‐ **Data Sizes**: Understand units like Kilobyte (KB), Megabyte (MB), and
Terabyte (TB). Convert between these units.

#### 9. **Representing Characters on a Computer – ASCII**

‐ **ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)**: Standard for
encoding text characters.
‐ **Standard ASCII**: Uses 127 slots, while Extended ASCII uses 256 slots for
additional characters.

#### 10. **Data Compression**

‐ **Importance**: Reduces file sizes to save space and speed up transmission.
‐ **Types**:
‐ **Lossless Compression**: No data loss.
‐ **Lossy Compression**: Some data loss for higher compression rates.
‐ **Run‐Length Encoding (RLE)**: A simple compression method.

#### 11. **Basic Python Programming**

‐ **Turtle Graphics**: Commands to control a turtle drawing on the screen.
‐ **Basic Commands**: Import turtle, move forward/backward, turn, pen
up/down, and change pen size.
‐ **Drawing Shapes**: Calculate exterior angles for polygons.

#### 12. **Flowcharts and Pseudocode**

‐ **Flowcharts**: Visual representation of algorithms using symbols for
processes, decisions, and inputs/outputs.
‐ **Pseudocode**: Simplified code to plan algorithms.
‐ **Examples**: Write and visualize algorithms for tasks like calculating totals and
averages or finding the largest number among inputs.

This comprehensive summary covers the key concepts and skills in the Year 8 ICT
curriculum, providing definitions and detailed explanations to help you prepare
for your exams.

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