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Here's a detailed list of topics to study from your Year 8 ICT Revision Materials along with key
information for each topic:

1. **Manipulating Graphics with Office Drawing Tools**

‐ **Skills to Learn**: Creating logos, vector images, formatting objects (line and fill colors,
transparency), rotating, resizing, reflecting, grouping, copying, and saving objects.

‐ **Image Formats**:

‐ **JPG**: Compresses images well but does not support transparency.

‐ **PNG**: Supports transparency.

‐ **SVG**: Scalable vector format used for web images.

2. **Formatting a Poster with Microsoft Word**

‐ **Tools and Techniques**: Using fonts, font sizes, styles, creating tables, adding/deleting rows and
columns, table formatting, adding images, resizing, and creating posters with tables and textboxes.

3. **The Internet**

‐ **Basic Concepts**: The Internet as a worldwide network of interconnected computers.

‐ **Services**:

‐ **Web Servers**: Allow downloading of web pages.

‐ **DNS Servers**: Match domain names with IP addresses.

‐ **Email Servers**: Handle sending and receiving emails.

‐ **VoIP Servers**: Support voice and video calls.

‐ **Hardware**: Servers, routers, and client devices.

‐ **Connection Methods**:

‐ **Wired**: Broadband, dial‐up.

‐ **Wireless**: Wi‐Fi.

‐ **ISPs**: Provide internet access, routers, and data allowances.

‐ **Protocols**:

‐ **TCP/IP**: Basic communication protocols for the internet.

‐ **FTP**: Used for transferring files.

‐ **HTTP/HTTPS**: Used for web browsing, with HTTPS providing secure data transmission.

4. **Using Email**

‐ **Features**: Address book, attachments, CC, BCC, forwarding, priority settings.

‐ **Email Protocols**:

‐ **SMTP**: Sending emails.

‐ **POP3**: Receiving emails, downloads from server.

‐ **IMAP**: Receiving emails, syncs with server.

5. **Using Spreadsheets**

‐ **Functions**: SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE.

‐ **Conditional Formatting**: Change cell format based on rules.

6. **Computational Thinking**

‐ **Key Concepts**: Abstraction, decomposition, algorithmic thinking.

‐ **Flowcharts and Pseudocode**: Tools for designing algorithms.

7. **Representing Numbers on a Computer (Binary)**

‐ **Binary System**: Uses 1s and 0s to represent data.

‐ **Conversions**: Between binary and denary numbers.

8. **Representing Images on a Computer**

‐ **Pixels and Resolution**: Higher resolution means more pixels and better quality.

‐ **Color Depth**: Number of bits used to represent color.

‐ **Calculating File Sizes**: Based on resolution and color depth.

9. **Bits and Bytes**

‐ **Understanding Units**: Bits, bytes, kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB).

‐ **Conversions**: Between different units of digital information.

10. **Representing Characters on a Computer (ASCII)**

‐ **ASCII Codes**: Standard and extended ASCII, used for characters, numbers, symbols.

11. **Data Compression**

‐ **Importance**: Reduces file sizes to save storage space and speed up transmission.

‐ **Types**:

‐ **Lossless**: No data loss (e.g., ZIP).

‐ **Lossy**: Some data loss for higher compression (e.g., JPEG).

‐ **Techniques**: Run‐Length Encoding (RLE).

12. **Programming with Python (Turtle Graphics)**

‐ **Basic Commands**: `turtle.forward()`, `turtle.right()`, `turtle.left()`, `turtle.penup()`,


‐ **Using Loops**: For repetitive tasks in drawing shapes.

‐ **Understanding Algorithms**: Steps to solve problems, iteration, and comments in code.

### Study Tips:

‐ **Practice**: Apply what you learn by creating sample projects or solving problems.

‐ **Understand Concepts**: Focus on understanding the underlying concepts rather than just
memorizing facts.

‐ **Use Resources**: Refer to your revision materials, online tutorials, and practice exercises.

This list covers the key areas you need to study. Let me know if you need more detailed information on
any specific topic!

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