Nationalism Refers To The Mass Feeling and Patriotic Demand For Freedom and Independence

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Nationalism refers to the mass feeling and patriotic demand for freedom and independence.

Africa nationalism can be traced far back after the official occupation of the continent but it
flourished after the Second World War II and reached it is peak in 1990s in countries like South
Africa (Assan okoth 1995)

Nationalism is the political ideology that emphasis the importance of African unity and is brief that Africa should be united as one nation with common identity and
culture, and free from colonial domination.

Nationalism is the doctrine based on the premise that the individuals’ loyalty and devotion to
the state suppress other individuals or group interests. (Britannica Encyclopedia, “nationalism”)

The following are the internal factors for the rise of nationalism in central Africa.

Emergence of African young elites with radical nationalism in central Africa;

After the second world war there was the growing influence young Africans elite to struggle
against the colonial domination. Some applied to central Africa. Example in Angola there was
the emergence of young elite like Augustine Neto who led Angola to independence, Samora
Michel of Mozambique, Patrice Lumumba of Congo, and others raised as the few African elites
to bring up nationalism and eradicate colonialism and the colonial people. (Assan okoth (1995).

Improvement of transport and communication system in Africa; the development of

transport and communication networks in Africa brought erstwhile isolated communities into
communication with each other. This helped to enhance the easy spread of information, such as
resentments against and resistances to colonial authorities. This was the role of urbanization in
Africa. The growth of town and cities in the 20th century brought the marginal changes in Africa
that helped them toward their nationalism (Kofi T.A (1980).

The role played by independence African movement churches; the initial work for
African independence churches was to challenge the missionary churches but later they were
connected to social and economic depression and all forms of exploitation. Example of churches
in central Africa that fought strongly against colonial domination era.

The growth of nationalistic political parties and organizations; This means that the few
central African elites and the few associations which existed helped to develop small political
parties such as FRELIMO in Mozambique, MPLO in Angola and others which were used to
weak people up to fight for their political and economic independence in 1950s.
The desire for self-rule and independence; The Africans in the central wanted to have
self-rule and independence. They wanted to challenge the foreign dominations in all aspects of
life example political freedom, economic and social justice. This is due to the fact that the
colonial government took over control all the potential resources that are available in Africa such
as agriculture, mining centers, forest and education and began to control the people of Africa in
the manner which is no longer familiar to them hence they demanded for self-rule(Assa okoth

The role of newspapers and pamphlets; the use of newspapers and pamphlets was
more helpful for nationalism sentiments. Most of the newspapers crafted a public image as
outspoken critics of colonial government. The Gold coast times, had this motor on their banner :
“AS LONG AS WE REMAIN WE MUST SPEAK FREE,” so the Africans used the newspapers
as the means of communication among themselves also the news were in form of pictures
demonstrating the evils of colonial government and help to motivate the Africans to fight for
their nationalism.(Kofi T.A (1980).

The following are the external dynamics that led to nationalism in central African;

The role played by the world wars; the effects of world wars intensified the colonial
exploitations which triggered the strong struggle for independence in Africa including the
central Africa zone due to harsh policies introduced by in the colonial rule in . Also the colonial
people experienced massive loss of products and man power something which helped the
Africans to see they can react also they witnessed that the Europeans can also be killed hence the
resistances were inevitable to the European government to grand independence. (Brigham D.

The role played by UNO. United nations set various objectives in efforts to maintain
peace in the world and one of the objectives is that colonial domination is the violation of human
rights and therefore it supported the policy of decolonization across the African continent the
notorious and harsh rules of king Leopold II of Belgium in Congo to come to an end after efforts
of the decolonization policy in the central parts of Africa in 1961.( Brigham D.(1970).

The emergence of the Soviet Union (USSR) as the socialist force in the world. Due to
the competition to win the influence over one another among the great powers USA and USSR
started supporting the decolonization policy to operate in Africa. In the central Africa leaders
like Patrice Lumumba of the democratic republic of Congo (DRC) and Augustino Neto of
Angola were supported by USSR in the struggle for their independence which helped to a great
extend for nationalism in the central Africa.( Brigham D.(1870)
Colonization and Resistances from the colonial masters. During the colonial
domination in 1880s the colonial masters took control over the African continent, including both
people and resources that are available in Africa. The colonial government in the central Africa
acted strictly toward the indigenous people and that acted as one of the pushing factor or catalyst
for the Africans to start fight for their political and economic independence and get away from
the hard and difficult situations which they faced from their masters. Hence it was easy for the
European people to know that the Africans are not ready to be colonized anymore. (Mamdani D.

The rise of Pan-Africanist movements and the influence of nationalist leader’s example
Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther and other nationalists. These were the people who helped to starts
up the movements toward nationalism in the new world to write different documents which
could be helpful to alert the European people that the Africans are not in a position to be
colonized again. Also this movement helped to gather the Africans who lived in the new world
and starts to fight for their right the in abroad. (Beidelman R.W. (1990).

The role played by the League of Nation and the United Nations; these officially done
following the world war I of which the world community was well shaken by the immense
destructions in the war that the decision was done to help prevent the outbreak of the other war.
The United Nations played the leadership role in funding the League of Nations although it never
joined together, the league of nation and the United Nations tried to mandate the colonies of the
World War I loser and handle them to the German government and prepare the colonies toward
their political and economic independence.

Assa O (1995) The history of Africa: Nationalism and decolonization. East African publishers.

Bringham D. (1870) Central Africa history. Igde University press.

Beidelman R.W. (1990) African Nationalism and the colonial state in book of “African

Kofi T.A. (1980).The history of African Development. Northwestern university press.

Mamdani D (1972). The political economy of urbanization in Africa. Kampala publishers.

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