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A Detailed lesson Plan in Social Studies

Prepared by: Eric Christian Guanzon

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Students will understand the historical significance of ancient Greece.

 Students will identify key elements of Greek culture and their impact on modern society.
 Students will analyze the contributions of ancient Greece to art, architecture, philosophy, and
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Greek Civilization
Source: Curriculum Guide
Materials: Pictures, Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

Good morning class!

Good morning Sir!
Before we proceed on our daily
discussion, may I call on Student A to
lead the prayer? Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be
Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Thank you!
Please be seated everyone.
Thank you Sir!

For your attendance class, make sure

that you are seated on your proper
seat because if not, you will be mark
as absent today. Is that clear?
Yes Sir!
B. Developmental Activities


Class, are you familiar with the game

“4 Pics 1 Word?”
Yes Sir!
Today we will be having a 4 Pics 1
Word game. I am going to show some
pictures and you have to guess what
does the pictures are trying to
portray. Are you ready?
Yes Sir! We are ready!

What’s common with these pictures?

Greece Sir!
Very Good!
What made you come up with your
The Spartans Sir!
The Spartans? What about the
As far as I can recall what I have learned
before, the Spartan military was highly
esteemed in ancient Greece for its discipline,
Very Good! training, and effectiveness in battle.
Do you know what is the connection
of this activity in our new lesson for

Our new lesson would be all about the

You’re right! Our topic for today is all Greece
about Greek Civilizations.

C. Discussion

Let us first define what civilization is.

Student B, can you please read the
meaning of Civilization.
A civilization is generally an advanced
stage of organization. That means it has
laws, culture, a regular way of getting food
and protecting the people.
Greek civilization is an incredibly rich
and influential period in history that has
left a lasting impact on numerous
aspects of modern society.

Group Activity

It seems like you already have some

knowledge about our lesson for
today. To expound and elaborate
more your knowledge class, I will
divide you into 3 Groups.
For group 1, I will assign you to the
Historical Significance in History &
Democratic Ideals
For group 2, you will talk about the
Contributions to Philosophy & Art and
Architecture and,
For group 3, you will talk about the
Literature and Drama & Mythology and
You need to discuss with your
groupmates the reading materials I
gave to you. I will give you 10
minutes to do this. Is that clear?
You will share in front what your
group had on your group discussion.

Are you done class? Yes Sir!

(After 10 minutes)
Very good, now arrange your chairs.
Group 1, you’re the first group to Yes, we’re done Sir
discuss in front.

Group 1

Greek civilization emerged around the 8th

century BCE and reached its peak during the
Classical period (5th to 4th centuries BCE).
It laid the foundations for Western
civilization, influencing politics, philosophy,
art, literature, architecture, and more.

Ancient Greece is often credited with the

development of democracy, particularly in
Athens, where citizens had a direct say in

Athenian democracy, while limited to male

citizens, was a revolutionary concept that
laid the groundwork for modern democratic
Thank you Group 1
Let’s now move on to Group 2
Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato,
and Aristotle, made significant contributions
to philosophy.

They explored questions about the nature of

existence, morality, politics, and the
universe, laying the groundwork for
Western philosophical thought.

Greek art and architecture are renowned for

their beauty, harmony, and attention to

Architectural styles like the Doric, Ionic, and

Corinthian orders are still used today, and
Greek statues and sculptures are considered
masterpieces of classical art.

Thank you Group 2

Let’s now move on to the last Group,
the Group 3

Greek literature, including epic poems like

the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, and
dramatic works like those by playwrights
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides,
continue to be studied and admired for their
storytelling and depth.

Greek mythology, with its pantheon of gods

and goddesses, has influenced literature, art,
and popular culture for centuries.

Greek religious practices, such as rituals,

festivals, and the Oracle of Delphi, were an
integral part of daily life and community

Thank you Group 3. Let’s give all the

groups a round of applause!

During their time he legacy of ancient

Greece can be seen in various aspects of
modern society, including language, politics,
philosophy, art, and science.
Many concepts, institutions, and ideals from
ancient Greece continue to shape our
understanding of the world and our place in


Class, When did Greek civilization emerge, (Answers may vary)

and during which period did it flourish?

What were the political structures of Greek (Answers may vary)

city-states like Athens and Sparta?

What were the main cultural achievements (Answers may vary)

of ancient Greece in art, literature, and

Who were some of the prominent Greek

philosophers, and what were their (Answers may vary)

How did Greek religion shape society and

culture in ancient Greece? (Answers may vary)

What is the legacy of Greek civilization, and

how has it influenced Western civilization? (Answers may vary)


To check if you understood from the

discussion I want you to go back to
your groups. Each member must
contribute his ideas to the group. I
will be giving each group 5 minutes
to work on their tasks. The question
for all the
groups is:

Give the significant contributions of

the Greek civilization to the modern


Very Good class all your answers

are correct and shows that you
learned from the discussion. The
invention of ancient Egyptians of
the calendar was adopted by the
modern world including the
calculation of days in a year and
dividing the year into 12 months and
30 days a month.


For you assessment, get ¼ sheet of

paper and answer these questions
I will be giving 5 minutes for you to
answer these questions.
i. Identification write the letter
of the correct answer
1-10 Short Quiz


Watch a documentary or film about

ancient Greece and discuss its
portrayal of historical events and
Research and present on a specific
aspect of Greek culture or history,
such as the Olympics, Greek
mathematics, or the role of women in
ancient Greece.
Analyzing Greek civilization involves examining its various aspects, including its historical, cultural,
social, political, and intellectual dimensions. Here's a breakdown of key elements to consider:

1. Historical Context:

 Greek civilization emerged in the Mediterranean region around the 8th century BCE and
flourished during the Classical period (5th to 4th centuries BCE).
 The history of ancient Greece is characterized by the rise and fall of city-states, including
Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes, each with its own unique political and social structure.

2. Political Organization:

 Greek city-states were typically small, independent entities with their own governments, laws,
and customs.
 Athens is often cited as the birthplace of democracy, where citizens had a direct say in
decision-making through assemblies and courts.
 Sparta, on the other hand, had a unique dual monarchy system, emphasizing military discipline
and collective responsibility.

3. Cultural Achievements:

 Greek culture was characterized by its emphasis on beauty, harmony, and intellectual inquiry.
 Greek art and architecture, including temples, sculptures, and pottery, displayed a keen
attention to proportion and symmetry.
 Greek literature, such as epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey, and dramatic works like
those by playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, explored profound themes of human
existence and morality.

4. Philosophical Thought:

 Greek philosophers, including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, laid the groundwork for Western
philosophical thought.
 They explored questions about ethics, politics, metaphysics, and epistemology, influencing
subsequent generations of thinkers and shaping intellectual discourse.

5. Religious Beliefs:

 Greek religion was polytheistic, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses who were believed to
control various aspects of nature and human life.
 Religious rituals, festivals, and oracles played an important role in Greek society, providing a
sense of community identity and cohesion.

6. Legacy and Influence:

 The legacy of Greek civilization is profound and enduring, with its contributions influencing
subsequent cultures and civilizations.
 Greek language, art, philosophy, and political ideals have had a lasting impact on Western
civilization, shaping concepts of democracy, individualism, and humanism.

7. Decline and Transformation:

 Greek civilization began to decline following the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BCE) between
Athens and Sparta, as well as internal conflicts and invasions by outside powers.
 However, Greek culture continued to thrive and evolve through the Hellenistic period, as it was
absorbed and adapted by successor states like Macedon and the Seleucid Empire.

In analyzing Greek civilization, it becomes evident that its influence extends far beyond its historical
boundaries, shaping the cultural and intellectual landscape of the modern world. Its legacy serves as a
testament to the enduring power of human creativity, intellect, and innovation.

Greek Civilization Quiz

Instructions: Select the correct answer for each question.

1. When did Greek civilization emerge and flourish?

a) 1st century BCE b) 8th to 4th centuries BCE c) 15th century CE d) 3rd millennium BCE
2. Which city-state is often credited as the birthplace of democracy? a) Sparta b) Athens c)
Corinth d) Thebes
3. Who were the three most famous Greek philosophers? a) Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon b)
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle c) Homer, Sophocles, Euripides d) Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes
4. Which epic poem is attributed to the poet Homer? a) The Aeneid b) The Iliad c) The Odyssey d)
The Oresteia
5. What was the main form of government in Athens? a) Monarchy b) Oligarchy c) Democracy d)
6. What architectural style is characterized by simple, sturdy columns without ornamentation? a)
Corinthian b) Ionic c) Doric d) Hellenistic
7. Which ancient Greek playwright is known for his tragedies, including "Oedipus Rex"? a)
Sophocles b) Aeschylus c) Euripides d) Aristophanes
8. What was the primary religious belief system of ancient Greece? a) Monotheism b) Polytheism
c) Atheism d) Agnosticism
9. Which Macedonian king conquered the Greek city-states in the 4th century BCE? a) Philip II b)
Alexander the Great c) Pericles d) Leonidas
10. What event is considered a turning point in Greek history and marked the end of the Classical
period? a) The Battle of Marathon b) The Peloponnesian War c) The Persian Wars d) The rise of
Alexander the Great

1. b) 8th to 4th centuries BCE
2. b) Athens
3. b) Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
4. b) The Iliad
5. c) Democracy
6. c) Doric
7. a) Sophocles
8. b) Polytheism
9. a) Philip II
10. b) The Peloponnesian War

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