Call For Papers - Mapping Governance Challenges in 21st Century - Political Science Department (FCCU)

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Mapping Governance Challenges in 21st century

Political Science Department

Forman Christian College University

Call for Papers


The Department of Political Science at Forman Christian College University Lahore

is proud to organize a one-day conference on 3rd of June, 2024, focusing on the
governance challenges facing Pakistan in the 21st century. As the global political
landscape undergoes significant restructuring, Pakistan grapples with pressing
issues such as environmental degradation, shifting authority structures, and
sociopolitical and economic demands. The conference aims to provide a platform
for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to engage in meaningful discussions
on the governance dynamics shaping Pakistan's trajectory. Through insightful
exchanges, we seek to identify key themes and strategies for addressing these
challenges and fostering sustainable development.

Themes for discussion

Environmental Governance: Climate change poses a significant
threat to Pakistan's natural resources and socio-economic stability.
Discussions will focus on policy frameworks, adaptation strategies,

and collaborative approaches to mitigate environmental
degradation and build resilience.
Governance amid Political Shifts: Pakistan's • governance adapts to
fluctuating politics, impacting state-building and citizen-state
interactions. Analyzing institutional dynamics and societal
engagement reveals implications for state-building, institutional
resilience, and citizen-state relations, aiding navigation of governance
challenges in evolving political contexts. •

Social Resilience: Pakistani society has demonstrated remarkable

resilience in the face of ever-changing domestic, regional, and
international conditions. Conversations will explore the factors
contributing to societal adaptability, challenges to social
cohesion, and opportunities for inclusive governance.
Regional and International Perspectives: Pakistan's geopolitical
position and diplomatic engagements play a crucial role in
shaping its governance landscape. Discussions will analyze
regional dynamics, international partnerships, and their
implications for Pakistan's governance challenges.
Mapping Governance Challenges in 21st century
Political Science Deparment
Forman Christian College University

Through collaborative dialogue and interdisciplinary perspectives, the conference

endeavors to chart a course for effective governance reforms and sustainable
development in Pakistan. We invite scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders to join
us in this endeavor as we navigate the complexities of governance in the 21st

Submission Guidelines:

We encourage you to submit your conference proposals at

This should contain a 200-300 word abstract including a statement of the problem/thesis
statement, objectives of the research, research methods and the tentative outcome of the

Important dates:

Abstract Submission Deadline: 17th May, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: 21st May, 2024
Conference Date: 3rd June, 2024


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