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Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Semester II 2022/2023 – Advanced Structural Design (BFS40903)

Reinforced Concrete
Deep Beam

Ir. Dr. Zainorizuan Mohd Jaini

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
❑ A deep beam such as a transfer girder at the lower floor of the tall
frame building is defined in EC2 as a beam which:
leff  3h 3 Cl.5.3.1(3)
❑ Not to be design as a slender beam because load dispersion to the
support will not depend on the flexural and shear behavior.
❑ A single span deep beam with a concentrated load on its upper
surface behave similarly to that of a tied arch with the load being
dispersed in a trajectory from the top surface to its support through
arching action.

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❑ Building >>> transfer beam, wall beam, gerber/dapped beam.
❑ Bridge >>> bridge girder, pier.

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When designing concrete beam for Method of design for deep beam
bending moment and axial load, we
ignore the tension capacity of concrete

Finite element method (FEM)

When we design the same beam for Requires application of software. The
shear or torsion, we try to use the compression of strength must be
tension capacity controlled through stress.

If we ignore tension capacity of concrete Stringer-panel method (SPM)

for all tensile stresses, the design can Not well develop
be simplified considerably

Strut-tie method (STM)

Mixed solution using literature-ACI,
True for normal beam EC2 or simplified method

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Failure Mechanism

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Failure Mechanism

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Failure Mechanism

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Failure Mechanism

B-region: if strain is assumed linear; plane sections remain plane after

deformation; Bernoulli assumptions apply
D-region: If strain is nonlinear; zone where ordinary flexural theory
does not apply; plane section do not remain plane after deformation
B-regions are those zones where the hypothesis of Bernoulli holds, whereas D-regions are areas of
discontinuities in which the hypothesis is no longer valid. B-regions are usually assessed using
‘normal’beam theory, while for D-regions STM methods can be used.

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Failure Mechanism


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Strut-Tie Method
Strut-Tie Method
❑ Strut-tie method (STM) is a unified approach that consider all load
effects (moment, shear, axial load and torsion).
❑ Evolves as one of the most useful design method for shear critical
structures and for other disturbed regions in concrete structures.
❑ Rational approach by representing a complex structure member with
an appropriate simplified truss model.
❑ STM is formulated by straight line expressing resultant forces of
tension and compression stress in members and its section.
❑ There is no single or unique STM for most design situation
encountered. However, some techniques and rules can be adopted to
help the designer develop an appropriate model.
❑ The merit of the concept in STM is that the designer grasp the flow of
the force in the member and propose the rational reinforcing recipe for
the stress disturbance region due to the process of the representation
of the natural flows of forces.

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Strut-Tie Method
❑ The application of STM is quite easy and practical. However, the
designer may face difficulties in proposing the most suite truss model.
❑ The choice of the suitable model will depend on the experience and
intuition of the designer, who must ensure that the strut and tie are
oriented in the direction of the likely stress path accordance with the
linear elastic equilibrium of the force in the truss model.
❑ STM requires that equilibrium and the yield criteria are satisfied and
does not require strain compatibility.
❑ The strut must then be checked for excessive concrete compression
and the tie must be checked to ensure that sufficient reinforcements
have been provided.
❑ The node where the member of the truss meet must also be checked
for excessive localized compression and the reinforcement baes must
be fully anchored and detailed to comply with rules specified in the
code of practice.

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Strut-Tie Method
❑ Example STM >>> Truss model

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Strut-Tie Method
❑ Example STM >>> Truss model

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Assumptions:
External force
Reinforcement applied at node Pre-stressing is a
adequately anchored load

Tie yield before strut The section of fully

crush (ductility) STM cracked

Strut and tie provide Concrete takes no

a stable mechanism tension

Equilibrium must be Lower Tension is taken by

maintained bound steel tie

Compression is taken by strut forming within the concrete

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Consider the following bridge girder:

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Truss model:
− The truss has triangular or trapezoidal shape.
− The geometry is established by assumption that the intersection of
tie and strut can be used to determine the strut angle (θ).

Node Node
Strut Strut h
θ Tie


a a

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Strut-tie behavior:

The compression
strut in concrete
The node
strut and tie

The tension
tie provided Failure mechanism:
by rebars
1) Tie could yield
2) Strut can crush
3) Node could fail

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Bending moment:
− The modification of the substituted concentrated load (Pmod) for the
computation of maximum bending moment (Mmax) must consider
the height-span ratio and column width as follow:

 lo 
Pmod = wmod  
 lmod 
wmod = w  
 lo 
where; w = uniformly distributed load
where; wmod = modified uniformly distributed load
where; lmod = modified span = ln + (a x α)
where; lo = effective span
where; a = column width
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Concept of Analysis
❑ The span modification factor:
− The span modification (α ) as in the equation of lmod can be
computed by using the following equations:
h h
 = 7.4   − 2.2 for 0.2<  0.035
 o
l l

h h
 = 1.3   − 0.1 for 0.35<  0.6
 lo  lo
 = 0.5 for  0.6

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Limit of angle between inclined strut and tie:
− The lower limit of the angle between the inclined strut and tie (θ) is
25° based on the principal of Saint-Venant.
− This lower limit guarantees that B-region does not exist in the
beam, hence the trapezoidal STM may be applied.
− The upper limit of the angle is suggested up to 68°, but some
investigations found that the angle converges consequently to
about 72°.
❑ Nodal zone:
− The joints in SMT is known as nodal zone. Forces meeting on a
node must be in equilibrium.
− Line of action on these forces must pass through a common point
(concurrent forces).
− Classified as CCC, CCT, CTT or TTT.

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Concept of Analysis
Effect of strut angle

θ < 30°: Too shallow, tension

steel not economical, strut
too long, anchorage difficult

35° < θ < 45°: Gives the most

economical design, practical
and realistic

θ > 50°: Too steep, requires

too much stirrups, not good

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Concept of Analysis


CTT node

CCC node
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Concept of Analysis
❑ Limit of tie width
− The tie width (Wt) can be computed based on the horizontal strut
width (Ws) as:
Wt = 1.25Ws Ws = 0.8Wt
− This equation is formulated by the equality requirement of the
compression and tensile forces.
− The ratio of strength reduction factor (βs) for the strut with uniform
cross-section, βs = 1.0 and for the nodal zone anchoring in the tie,
βs = 0.8.
− The amount of Wt can be possibly evaluated smaller than the
required width for the arrangement of reinforcement bar. Therefore,
the lower limit of Wt should be taken as:

Wt ,min = bar + 2Cnom  10 cm

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Validation of Wt,min must be made through the following equation:

Pmod fck b
Wt ,min = − a tan
 ( 0.85 s ) sin cos

 jd 
 = tan−1   25° ≤ θ ≤ 72°
 lo 4 

− The moment arm (jd) must be optimized, so that the factored force
in back face almost equal to the design strength.
− If jd is too small, back face has sufficient strength but the excess
steel is provided inefficient. Too large jd will contribute to the less
back face area.

Wt Ws
jd = h − −
2 2

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Concept of Analysis
❑ Inclined width of strut
− Strength of each node is determined by the sizes of strut and tie as
well as the width of acting load or the support width depending on
the location of node.
− In the case of distributed load, the node constructed under Pmod
has not to be controlled, because the node do not exist. Only the
node above the support should be controlled.
− With the assumption that the width of support (lb) is sufficiently
designed against the support reaction, the inclined width of strut
(Ws) should be ensured that the reduced nominal strength (ϕFns) is
greater than the acting force in the inclined strut (Cinc).
 Fns =  ( 0.85 s fck ) bWs  Cinc = Pmod sin

Ws = lb sin + Wt cos

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Example 1
❑ Given the following specifications for the deep beam:
Depth, h = 3.0 m
Clear span, ln = 3.0 m (simply supported)
Size of column, a x b = 400 mm x 500 mm
Load, w = 2000 kN/m
Strength of concrete, fck = 40 MPa

Process 1: Substitute concentrated load, Pmod

With the height-effective span ratio, h/leff = 3000/3400 = 0.789 and the
span modification factor, α = 0.5, Pmod results in 3011.7 kN.
θ Th
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Example 1
Process 2: Width of strut and tie
− By the requirement of the equality of the compression and tension
forces, as well as the equilibrium condition of moment at mid-span,
a second degree polynomial equation for Ws can be formulated:
 lo 
pWs 2 − qWs + Pmod   =0
 4fck b 
p = 1.125 ( 0.85  ) ; q =  0.85  h ;  = 0.75
− Based on the nomograph for Ws, as h = 3.0 m and
 lo 
Pmod   = 0.51 cm2
Ws = 7.0
 fck b 
− Therefore, Wt = 1.25(7.0) = 8.75 cm. However, in consideration of
the lower limit of the tie width, Wt was chosen as 10 cm.

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Example 1

Width of strut (Ws)

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Example 1
Process 3: Validation Wt,min and Ws
− Here, Wt,min was found out as 0 cm (refer the nomograph for
Ws,min), so that the width from support lbsinθ is sufficiently large.
− Therefore, Wt = 10 cm obtained in Process 2 is valid.
− Validation of Ws can be made by comparing the reduced nominal
strength (ϕFns) with the acting force in the inclined strut (Cinc).
− As we adopted Wt = 10 cm, recalculate Ws = 41.13 cm (at θ = 72°).
 Fns =  ( 0.85 s fck ) bWs = 4457.68 kN

Cinc = Pmod sin = 2864.30 kN

− Since ϕFns.>.Cinc, the inclined width of strut (Ws) is sufficient.

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Example 1

Minimum width of tie (Wt,min)

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Example 1
Process 4: Required flexural reinforcement
− The total amount of required flexural reinforcement for the tension
force in the tie can be computed as:
T Pmod tan
As ,req = =
 fyk  fyk
− Since the problem concerns the flexural reinforcement, the strength
reduction factor (ϕ) might be 0.87.
− Consider that the deep beam should be designed as shear design,
hence ϕ = 0.75 is recommended.
− Here, the required flexural reinforcement is As,req = 27 cm2 for Pmod
= 3011.7 kN at θ = 72°.
− Use 6H25 (As,prov = 29.46 cm2)

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Example 1

Required reinforcement area (As,req)

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EC2 Provision
❑ Where a nonlinear strain distribution exists at supports or near concentrated
loads, STM may be used as specified in Cl.5.6.4 and Cl.6.5.4.
❑ Deep beam should normally be provided with an orthogonal reinforcement
mesh near each surface, with a minimum of As,dbmin.

As ,db min = 0.001Ac  150 mm2 /m As ,max = 0.02 Ac

❑ The distance between two adjacent bars of the mesh should not exceed the
lesser of twice the deep beam thickness or 300 mm.
❑ Reinforcement, corresponding to the tie, should be fully or adequately
anchored for equilibrium in the node, by:
− bending the bars
− using U-hoops
− anchorage devices
Unless a sufficient length is available between the node and the end of the
beam permitting an anchorage length of lbd.

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EC2 Provision
❑ The design strength for concrete strut in a region with transverse
compressive stress may be calculated using:
 Rd ,max = fcd
❑ The design strength for concrete strut should be reduced in cracked
compression zone, unless a more rigorous approach is used.
 Rd ,max = 0.6v 'fcd
v ' = 1− Design strength of concrete strut:
 Ed   Rd ,max << without transverse tension

 Ed =
<< with transverse tension

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EC2 Provision
❑ The design strength of reinforcement tie should be limited in
accordance with Cl.3.2 and Cl.3.3.
❑ Reinforcement required to resist the forces at the concentrated nodes
may be smeared over a length.
❑ When the reinforcement in the node area extends over a considerable
length of an element, the reinforcement should be distributed over the
length where the compression trajectories are curved.
❑ The tensile force (T) may be obtained by:
1 b −a 
T=   F << for partial discontinuity regions, b ≤ H/2
4 b 

1 a
T=  1 − 0.7  F << for full discontinuity regions, b > H/2
4 h

*Refer Figure 6.25, p. 108 for details parameters

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EC2 Provision
❑ The design of compressive stresses within nodes may determined by:
− In compression nodes where no ties are anchored at the node.
 Rd ,max = k1v 'fEcd k1 = 1.0

− In compression-tension nodes with anchored ties provided in one

 Rd ,max = k2v 'fEcd k2 = 0.85

− In compression-tension nodes with anchored ties provided in more

than one direction.
 Rd ,max = k3v 'fEcd k3 = 0.75

❑ If angle between strut and tie ≥ 55° (applied to all nodes), the design
of compressive stresses may be increased by up to 10%.

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EC2 Provision
❑ The spacing and size of reinforcement shall satisfy the cracking
control as in Cl.7.3.3 and Cl.7.3.4.
❑ In the case of normal exposure classes, crack width (wk) can be
limited at 0.3 mm.
w k = sr ,max (  sm −  cm )

Sr,max = the maximum crack spacing Eq (7.11)
εsm = the main strain in the reinforcement
εcm = the main strain in the concrete between rack

fct ,eff
 s − kt (1 +   )
e p ,eff
 sm −  cm =  0.6
Es Es

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EC2 Provision
σs = the stress in the tension reinforcement
αe = the ratio Es/Ecm

p,eff =
( A
s + 1A' p )
Ac ,eff

A’p = the area of pre/post tensioned tendons within Ac,eff

Ac,eff = the effective area of concrete in tension
ξ1 = the adjusted ratio of bond strength
kt= factor dependent on the duration of the load
kt= 0.6 for short term
kt= 0.4 for long term

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Example 2
❑ A simply supported deep beam is used to support a 500 mm x 500
mm column that carrying 2500 kN (ULS) axial load from upper floors.
The deep beam itself is supported by columns of 600 mm x 600 mm.
Given the following specifications :
Depth, h = 1.5 m
Total span, l = 3.0 m
Strength of concrete, fck = 30 MPa (C30/37)
Strength of steel, fyk = 500 MPa

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Example 3
❑ A transfer girder with dimension 250 mm x 3000 mm and span 5400
mm is supported by two columns 250 mm x 400 mm at both ends.
The transfer girder carries an uniform distributed load of 300 kN/m.
Use concrete C25/30 and characteristic strength of steel 460 MPa to
design the transfer girder.




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