Results Bulletin: (Mdjjwgheeh)

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Synevo Romania SRL Registered:

B-dul Pache Protopopescu 81, Et.2, Cam.3 *AR - Receptie Arad 2

Bucuresti Phone: 0741231073
Phone: 0256 200 039
Address: Calea Aurel Vlaicu, bl. Z28, sc. D, ap.
Site:; Cod doc: F01-PG-15 v2.0
Cod doc: F01-PG-15 v2.0

Results bulletin

Last name: Scorobete Barcode: 2101186927
First name: Florin Adrian Sampled: *Internal
Birthdate: 21/12/1981 Order Id: 11003340900
ID: 1811221020104 Order registered: 11/02/2022
Age: 40Years 1Months Sampling date: 11/02/2022 10:28
Sex: M Result date: 11/02/2022 17:50
Address: Rodnei bl.11, 9 Arad Contract: FFS TESTARE COVID
Phone: 0755634817
Registered to: *AR - Receptie Arad 2 Unit:

Surrounded values are out of

ranges for patient sex and age

Name Result MU Refference range

Molecular Biology
Pharyngeal/ nasopharyngeal exudate / Real-time PCR

Positive negativee
The detection limit of the working
method is 100 copies/ml
CN value - ORF1ab, RdRp and N genes 18.58

The assay uses selective amplification of viral RNA from the RdRp gene (encoding RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) from the ORF1ab
region and from the N gene (encoding the nucleocapside-forming structural protein) specific for SARS-COV-2.

Laboratory stamp

Result released in: Laborator Timisoara

LT - Efectuat in:Laborator Timisoara, str.Str. Simion Barnutiu nr.21, Timisoara

Partial or total duplication of the medical analysis bulletin is prohibited.

Page 1 of 1 Printed on: 2/11/2022 6:55:38PM

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