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DC Machines - review

bs in electrical engineering (Mariano Marcos State University)

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. DIRECTC~N'" .fdACH.~~
. - .
DYNAMO;'" is~ rota~gniachine forconvertiIig ~ilfim~alen~ mto e~~:,~1gy. ~i:1hcreverse
.. .' pr~l!i; elec!ri;;:iJ~eoo'il1t9IDe(:b.anif,,1 e~.' .'. '.' . .' .'
... "'.
',.. ,lild,uc:e\i v.cltage-iB'DYII~~
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B"" ~~ xl'O"" &Polts
. 6Oa .
General r;~.!!n:
. '[1J. Motor
[II]. G::nera.t~r ,
. . . .
. . .. ., . , . ' .
I :-D()"Motor -a ~mmuous"cnergy ,i:~nvc:rsiQndevice \j3ed to convert electrica1"energy ,to mechanical
. . . ,energy.' ,.' ."
. . .. .. '

General tY-J:IesofSeln:l{eited~
. . . . . . . ,..'

1. Seri~ wound D.C. ~jltor- a metor wherei~ winding called serle..'!field ~g is connected
, ...' ~ series with thc~tttt.e:' ',' .'
Speed OIl1'(lc#ristks': Variable.~~' , .
Torque <:haractuistics: high starting "tDrque
Uses: elotV3tor,crane; coo.veryor, hoist gear Qrive: .'

*NOlte: to rcvene directiOtt Qf rotati9~ of this tnotor, in~rchang~ the brosh(:$.

,Orutiolt~ Never opcmte thet:nOtOr ifUntoaded because it will "race." or '1'1111awa'y.

Schemtltk Wiring Dicgrtim EtpdvOl~1 Cir~ir .

+ +
I . I
i. . t
Vi! '~'VF
,I I
- ,

N OT A T I 0 :IS S :

VT -teI;tninal voltage .'

.'13J. -baclc:emf or CQun~r emf

Vb<; - brUsh contact voltage drop
v. . ~ serles field winding' drop
,t '"-line c1;1fu:nt~r input CUITent .
, 1. - .annaturecurrettt .
Is - series ~eld Winding resistance.
~ - brush contact l'esistan~
]!.. , - armature resistam:~ .
X ...:equivalent resistance: due to the power developed in the armature
.:Pi - powerinput . .
1'4 - power
p. - developed
power output
-il.,efu! power
in the annature

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-'~'- Winslet (

r '",.,;'. ",\""d",'
, , "

, '

",. ,,':,' ':" ::"""'..,, ,,'

2. SIiDDtW~iInd iiC.Motor-ii seifexCfted n1otOrwhe:re rtsI!ddwinarng caited shunt field is
, ' , . connectedacross the anna~. ' "

, ,\'~t>, . '::,~:" "

spuil Cluulldeljstia: n~ly constant or adju..<tabl;ss~

Nott:"to reverse the direction ofrotatiOIitJftheinotorintercwmge
, reversethecoonection of thc field~dings but not both.

Caution: N!Jver open the field winding ..while~otars is runcing because it will "race"
, .oi"runaway"., '

Schematic Wiring Diagrilm Equivalent Circuit


, ' d" , " ,,' , "

3.(;on.poundWolind DC Motor~ where its ~~diIlgs 1111'series field ,and shunt field Windin8~,
,', either connected.long S.!'!w1!01' shortshunt" ,
'Sped ClUJraaeristics: variiable iH"adjusted speeds
TO1'f/ueChutI<;.- ,JticSfhi&h.starting torqu~ "

, Usn: mi11iagmachine, punching machine, elevator craricclc. '

.Note: To ,revetSe'the direction of rotation ofth~,-motO-r inteIl:han~e the brushei.

@ Loni: Shunt C'.ompound Motor( adjustable speed)

, , Sc~emdtic Wiring Diagram'
, !5quivalent Circuit
I IL :
Pt !
$' Vf

~ ' Short Shunt UmIpound Motor (variable speed}

'Sch(!m«tk Wi.ring Diagram ' Equii'alen: Cire-"it

~ ry

. L.
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n ..:.11<:: ~!'!fier:o,w.I - an energy conversipt>.device used to convert mechanical energy to ele(.-trical enetgy

(jf,nerai 1ype~ of Self Excited llC GCl1!!!'Jl11;J:§)

1, S~ries W :tiIL~ Generator -,like the~eries wound bc mOto", il~ !1e\d ,.lindil1g jsconnec~~in series
, ,with the tlm]aturc. It is w.ed for constant currenl application like in
, , &eriesstr~1:ightitlg. .'
Sd:zcmatic Wiring Diagram ' Equ.ivaleht9irq"U

~ Rsi'

~' '..' +

. ,," Ra tala, J

' Series'" '

- , 'FIeld ' ",,!,

. . , . -
' '


" \\I
-' '. .. ,' Wir>dr~
W ~
'~ ' ~> be
fC ..~

" ,

':--~-~.1 ,, p~ EO .

, , " , , "", , , ,,
. "

" ,
' ", ""',,"" ~..,.- ,

2, Shunt WmJ\lJ} J).C. Genehtor'-likethe shUll! 1.vound D.C.ffi()torits field w~di!!g alSo called s4\U1t
, field connecte<!ilc,.oss the a.1na~e~ ltis ured f{)(constant

, voltage application Jiktin electric welding.

Sch mIl1tt'cWiri1J.g piagrlf ' " E'lu,iV<rlen{ 9rcu~t +



3,~3t!.'l)' E%<:i4"t!Sbjlli!t ili,1J~~ it$ winrling aoocJi!!ledsll11l1tfidd ~imYng m eonnectedto an
, ou!$ide source ( a batteryOJ' >motber D.C gen'elatnr) It is used fer
hlbo~tol'Y expcri.m=t pwposc whetc voltag.:; are likely ,to b-: varied.
ScMimatic WiringDilJgr;un , Eguivalent Circuit
.' -+ -I'


,q:-9mp(1und Wand D.C. G1!'I1erlltor-likt cotnjx>und woUnd D;C. tnot()~: It ~asseries ficldwfudings '

and shunt field Wi!ldingsalso either cOMeded long shunt or sbortshunt..

Types 4.( q;I'Ir;{l!l.rmd

Lvng Shunt Schematic Diagram.'
~ .
(lefJ. tlCC;or4iltgw.JjdJ[windil/gs ct)n~
. - +

Shoot L
" +' ~n<fingv.

f'l1 fj
Q c:t> .Ib

,--d ! -.J , '

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I Short Slr.unSchematic Diagram
, , ,

[,. '~Rf'

~we.t "tif'l;pnqJou~tl Generator AcCtJrdi1t~ 10. direction q,f flux ;

, ,

, a), ~tjve Cj)~tmIfG~Qeiator ,S the series fieid silting the shunt nerd fOTwwlymg
, " ' . 'PQw~an~ ligh~.1°~~' ' " '

«-1 under Comjoulliled ~the fuIi load terminal voltage is leSstharitheno lOad
, " , , Voltage. It is used when the load is near from ~ generator. ,
II i.2 Flat C"".",wuI-'tl!e full load tennirial voltage is 111e
saD)eas the no load volt!lge,
, ' i!is used when thetnad is at medium dimn.ce ftomtl1.egeuet:ator,
' "

. ... 3 Over ClJirvf!lu.rrdetl - thefuUload teID1lJlal voltage is greater Jban the no load
';VlJftage, it is used v.m.enthe load is f~r from the gooerntor, '

'- ,." "

b).DiireriI!JItfa)CtI1QpqJ111d Gimeril'tor -
thtdirection of£1Uxof the gerics field winding o~ .
, " 1hC:djrection of flux .of the stmnt fldd wmding. It is used for electric wel4iDg.

. .prlmaMov'ers
L -,aydrau1ic tUrbin,,~
1: Steam TtirbiIle
. 3. I11,temal Combustion Engine

... Note: Cou\Pens~ti~f Winding ~ecm;ecte4 in ger1~ with the armature

" " '" used to ,rn:at:ra1ize armature reaction.' ,
ln~ea:poIe Winilln¥ - In series WIth the. ann4ture
, '- tL~d for spark leggcommutanons.
Dlverter resiSt~nce "- pani!Id with the senes field.


~~fi!TIiII!q to,i1e metlor ~al ojmf!lk!lIo) l!Cgemmi.tor~ in:p,tJrlllkl I!re ;

(J.)The no-load Voltages otboth generators should be adj\1Sted to the same value (otherwise,
, 'cummt will cir~~atethroug11thetWo 1.rf!-c.hil',that
wi1~:cauileadditionall~). '

(1.) ne extema1 ~teristiC curve of the tWo'generators should be identical ( ~therwise" the
smmtDr will riot 'share 'tbc ~d properly). ' ' , ' "
, , ' ' '

(3.) The poJarityofllic '(olttge$ of 'two generatocs n=tbe "opposing" in the ,~ qi~t oftbe
two macbmes ( othei--Mse, large cU1T~t, will circuli!tci in the armature Windings of tbe '

.gell.eratoIS which,willdanuge the wiD.dmgs), "

, " ,

(4.) For the caseof~ gencriuors inpazallel there mustOe an,"EguaJizer"corincctionto

, maJc" ~~ operation s~le ( otherwise, ,!here will be UmotorizD1io7l", i.e, one cf the generator
1:"ill'actsas .. motor). '


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,/\ ,
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,I PO"'~HI"E...:::' .
. . .. -
1. In DC shunt motors, how is the shunt field connected in relation with the armature
windirJ9?April2004 .
@ parallel. C. parallel series
B. series - parallel D. series'

2. It is a DC motor that tends to over-speed when the field open~d while running.
@ shunt motor C. split phase motor
B. series motor D. over..:compounded motor

3. DC shunt motor are commonly used in what application?

A. high starting torque @ constant speed
B. low no-load speed D. high speed

~ 4. Which motor is used to start heavy loads?

U A. shunt (:9 series
~. . B. commulatively compound D. shaded pole
if . .

t 5, In de series motor. hoW is the field winding connected in relation with the armature
t' winding?Sept 2003 (~..\

~ . A. long shunt C9) Series

B. P~,ra,II~1 D. parallel-series. ..

I~ 6. When the load is removed. which motor willrun at the highest speed?
,. 1/\" C . s htun
!\ \OJseries.
~ B. commulativelycompound D. Differentiallycompound
Ii, ..

~: 7. Which motor is suitable for elevator?

~ A series C. shunt
@ commulatively compound , D. Differentially compound

8., The armature of a dc motor has 648 conductors. 65% of which are directly under
the pole where the flux density is 48,000. lines per in2, If the core diameter is 7
inches and its length is 4 inches and the current in each conductor is 20 Amp.
What is the torque exerted in the armature in Ib-ft?
. r:'\'
J~) 41.8 . C. 120.4
B. 143 D. 133.4

9. A motor' has a namepl'ate rating of 15 hp and 1160 rpm. Solve for the rated
A 103.6 Ib-ft C. 121.4lb-ft
,@j 67.8 Ib-ft D'. 123.3Ib-ft

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10. A 240 volts de shunt motor has an armature current of 50 ampere,
resistance' of 0.25 running at 1200 rpm. If it is run at 220 volts, what value of
armature currel1,tw~eJ1prJyipgth,g .s~rne~q9(L(rhe7fi~lp is adjusted so that the
speed remains 'at 1200 rpm.' . 0 ,'.' . ".

(A) 55 '0 ,.,..C. 60

B.50 . 0.57.5
'..- .' '
11. A 440 volt 75. hp.shunt motor, has all armature resist;:lnce of 0.185 ohm and a
. . field resistance of 350 ohms. The current drawn at full load is 135 amperes. What
is the back emf in volts? '

(i) 415.3 . C. 394.8

B. 398.3 D. 417.1

12. The armature ~nd field circuits of a 230 Volt shunt motor have resistance of 0.31
and 115 ohms respectively. It takes 52 Amp when operating at a certain load.
What is the armature powerdeveloped? .
(j;J 14.4 hp . C. 7.5 hp,
B. 24:6hp D. 12.4 hp

13. A dc shunt motor develops 15 hp at 120 volts. The armature resistance is 0.061
ohm, Wnat is the armature current? (BP April 2003) . .
A. 95.81 Amperes . C. 96.15 Amperes
B: 91.85 Amperes @ 98.15 Amperes

14. Adc shunt motor develops 15 hp at 120 volts. The armature efficiency is 95%.
What is the counter emf? (BP April 2003)
@ 114 volts . C. 118 volts
. B. 122 volts 0, 117 volts

15.A dc shunt moto~ runs at 900rpm from a 460V supply when taking an armature
current of 25 A. Calculate the speed at which it will run from a 230V supply when
taking an armature current of 15A. The resistance of the armature circuit is 0.8
_ohm. Assume flux per pole at 230V have to decrease to 75% of its value at 460V
A. 495 C.585 .
B.485 'D. 595 (BP Sept 2005)

16.the no-load armature current of a 220 volts shunt motor is 3 amperes. The no
load speed is 950 rpm and the total resistance of the armature circuit Raincluding
the brL,Jshesis 0.2 ohm. If the motor is loaded, the flux is reduced by 15 % and the
. resi'stanceof 2 ohms is inserted in the armature, the speed is then 609 .rprlJ,what
is th~ electromagnetictorque in Ib-ft?(BP April 2006) .
A. 63 . . C. 55
B. 58 D. 60

17.A certain shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.05. It draws 50 amperes at
a terminal. voltage of 120 volts. Assume other miscellaneous losses of1 %. ... .,

Determine the output horsepower of the motor. . (BP March. 1998) .

A. 8.5 hp C. &.8 h.p

B. 7: fhp D. 7.8 hp

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18. The power' input to a 30 hp 220-volt shunt motor is 21OQwatts, taken at no load.
The field and armature resistance is 73 and 0.11 ohms respectively. What is the
stray power loss? . .
A. 1936 Watts C. ' 1864'watts
82100 watts D. 1432 watts

19. The hysteresis and eddy current losses in a dc machines running at 1000 rPm are
. 250 Watts and 100 Watts respectively. If the flux remains constant, at what speed
will the iron loss be halved?
A. 500 rpm C. 484 rpm
B. 570 rpm D. 524 rpm

. 20.ln a brake test the effective load on the branch pulley was 38.1 kg, the effective
diameter of the pulley is 63.5 cm and the speed is 12 Lp.S. The motor took 49
ampereat 220 volts. What is the efficiencyat this load? .
. A. 85%, . C. 86%
B 80% D. 83%

21.A 5 Hp, 230 V shunt motor takes 18 Amperes when operating at full load. The
shunt field resistance is 115 ohms and the armature resistance is 0.25 ohm.
Calculate the starter resistance if the starting torque is limited to 1.5 times the full
load torque (take a 3-V brush drop). .
A. 13.94 Q' C. 9.4612
B. 9.212 - D. 9.3312

22. A 230 Volts, 15 hp d.c. shunt motor has friction and iron loss of 200 W . The
armature resistance IS 0.'3 ohm and shunt field r,esistance is 115 ohms. What is
the maximum efficiency of the motor?
A. 86.9% C. 88.3%
B. 87.4% D. 85.1%

23.A dc series motor with rated voltage of 230 Volts is connected to an ac supply of
230 V. It will ..
A. run same as before C. not run
B. run with less efficiency. D. run with higher efficiency

24. A. dc series motor develops 180 Ibs.-ft of torque when the is current is 30 Amp.
The load increases so that the motor current rises to 50 Amp. The torque now is...
A. 500 Ibs.-ft C. 64.8 Ibs.-ft
B. 300 Ibs.-ft D., 108 Ibs.-ft

25. A series motor takes 285 amperes and develops 153 Ib-ft torque when operating
at 1200 rpm. Calculate the torque for a speed of 1700 rpm under condition the
current drops to 210 amperes and the flux is decreased by 18%.
A. 50Ibs.-ft . C. 92.4 Ibs.-ft "
B. 30Ibs.-ft D. 94.2 Ibs.-ft

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26,A 1d hp,23CfVolt,'1d'oO'rpmseries motor, having rated 'effici/3ncy.qf85.5 %,

armature resistance including brushes of 0.28 n and a field re:sJ,stance of 0, 15 ,no
What value of startil')gresi~tance'so that the starting torque is 'equal to 150 % of
the rated-load torque? .

A. 4.95 Q ,p.5.94 Q
B. A.52:n . D. 4,67 n

27.lf a self-exciteddc generator after being installed, fails to build up on its first tria"
run, the 'first thing to do is to.. - ,

A. increase the field resistance C. reverse field connections

B.check armature insulation resistance D. increasp. the speed of prime
mover '

28. A duplex lap wound armature winding has 4 poles. The number of p~rallel paths
. in this armature' winding is '

A. 8 C. 2
B. 4 D. 6

29. The commutator pitch of'a duplex lap-winding in a dc generator is ......

A. l' C. 2
B. 3 D. 4

30. For both lap and wave windings, there are as many commutator bars as tbe
number,Qf, ' .

A. poles 9. armature conductors,

B. slots D. winding elements

31. For a 4-pole, 2 -layer; dc lap-winding with 20 slots and one conductor per layel',
the number of commutatorbars is; , '

A. 80 C. 40
B. 20 D. 160

32, A 4 pole, lap-wound dc armature, the back pitch is' 17, if the winding is
progressive what is the front pitch?
A. 15 ' C. 17
a. 13 D. 16
. '. .
33, In a 4 pole, 54 slotd.c. armature, calculate the coil span.
A. 18 'C. 14
B. 9,. .' D. 13

34. The voltage. regulation of over-compound generator is always

A. positive C. zero ~
B. negative D. high

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'35.A 400 Volt, 1000 Amp, shi1plex lap-wound dc generatorl)as .10 poles, 860
conductors. DeterrninE:?the number of Amp-turns in the pole fa98 to give full
compensation if the pole face covers 70 % of pole span.
A. 3,O10AT C. 1,505AT
B. 6,200 AT O. 3,698 AT.

36. A 4 pole dc gener,ator with simplex lap winding has 48 slots and four element per
slot. The flux per pole is 2.5 x 106 maxwells and it runs at 1,500 rpm. What is the
outp'ut voltage? .'
A. 60 Volts C. 225 Volts
B. 360 Volts 0.120 Volts

37.A 25 kw, 500 volts long, shunt compound generator delivers a full load. It has
armature, series field and shunt field resistances of 0.OSQ,0.03Q and 2500
respectively. What is the generated voltage allowing 3V for brush contact drop?
A. 496 V C. 503 V
B. 507 V O. 484 V

38.A. 420 kw 600-volt 580 ~pm long shunt generator has an armature resistance of
0.03 ohm, series field resistance of 0.01 ohm, shunt field resistance of 45 ohms
andSPL of 12 kw. Calculate the h8cessary driving torque at rated load in Ib-ft.
A. 5580 C. 5830
B. 5280 ' 0.5460

39. A. 50KW, 500 :Volt short shunt generator has an armature resistance, series field
resistance and shunt field resistances are 0.05 ohm, 0:06 ohm and 253 ohms
respectively, What is the armature power generated?
A.. 51.76 kw C. 52.13 kw
B. 48.74 kw O. 51.52 kw

40. Two shunt generators A. and B, with ratings of 150 kw and 100 Kw respectively
. having identical straight-line voltage vs. percent kw output characteristic, are
connected in parallel. The nb-Ioad and full-load voltage of 255 and 230 volts,
calculate the kw output of each when the total load shared is 200 kW.
A. 110 kw & 90 kw C. 120 kw & 80 kw
B.150kw&50kw 0.125kw&75kw

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. IC -

, fI DCMachinesSupplerTIen1:ary ProblerTIs
I 1. The field poles are made of iron, either solid or laminations and support coils of wires
I called .
! . A. field "Yirjdfngs ,q. th~ armature'..
! B. fntetp6les' .~~ the commutator,
2. What is the material commonly used for brushes on DC motors
I A. carbon . C. copper
- !
B. brass D. aluminum
3. Pigtails are used on carbon brushes to -
A. compensate for wear . C. supply the proper pressure
B. hold the brush in the holder D. make a good electrical connection

4: Commutp,tors are generally found on

A. Synchronous Motors. C. rectifier
B. DCMotbr .' D. transformer

5. Dirt on the motor commutator may produce~

A. isolation. C. lower torque
B. excessive sp~rking D. power loss
5.' An eleGtric truck is propelled by a dc motor driven by a 110 Volt storage battery: The
truck is required to exert a tractive effort of 200 Ibs at a speed of 5 miles per hour. The
overall efficiency of the motor and drive is 70%. What is the current drawn from the
battery? .
A. 50.84 A C. 25.84 A
B. 40.48 A D. 30.48 A

7. . Calculate the current taken by a 500 Volt dc motor at efficiency 80%, driving a pump at
efficiency 70 %which delive(s"1400 1113 per minute at an effective head of 15 cm ? .
A. 231.A . C. 123 A' .
B. 2'13 A D. 312 A

8. The armature of a motor has of 400 active conductors, the flux density in the field being
3000 gauss. The axial length of the armature is 20.32cm. The current is 30 amperes.
Determine the total force exerted in the armature. .
A. 731.5 N C. 0.07 N
B. 645.9 N D. 439.2 N

.9. An electric motor develops 20 metric HP at a speed of 600 rpm. What is the torque? .
A.~ 240 N-m . C.' 210 N-m
B. 290 N-m D. 260 N-m

10. Calculdte the efficiency of a 230 Volt shunt motor from the following data: Input current is
19.8 Amp, balance reading is 141bs ,tare weight is 2 Ibs., brake arm is 2 ft long & Speed
is 1100 rpm. I
A. 82.4 % C. 84.2 %
B.8.1A.% D. 86.5 %

11. If a motor frame is found excessively hot, which of the following is the LEAST likely cause
A. very high ambient temperature C. inadequateinternal ventilation
B. faulty starter D. excessive loading

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12. A 240 voltd.c. motor on brake testtook52 Amp,when running at 1500 'rpm. The spring
balance at the end of the 76cm brake arm reads 93.5N. What is the efficiency of the
motor at this load? .
A. 0.85 I C. 0.90
B. 0.95 D. 0.86

13. The shaft' power of a shunt motor is 7.8 hp. Its armature draws 50 Amperes from 120
Volts. The field winding draws 1.2 Amp. What is -the efficiency of the'motor? (BP Oct.
A. 94.7 % C. 96.5 %
B. 93% D. 98.2 %

14. A d.c. shunt motor develops 7.8 hp at 120 Volt, the armature efficiency is 93%. What is
. the armature effective resistance?
A. 0.1 ohm' C. 0.16 ohm
B. 0.06 ohm D.0.05 ohm

15. A 440 Volt shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.8 ohm and field resistance of
200 ohms. What is the armature power developed when giving an output of 7.46 kW at
85% efficiency. .
A. 7.56 kW C. 7.46 kW
B. 8.46 Kw D. 7.23 kW

16. A dc mof6ttakes an armature current of 105 Amp at 480 volts when running at 720 rpm.
The resistance of the armature circuit is 0.2 ohm and the field resistance is 96 ohms.
What is the torque developed in the armature ? -
A. 668 N-m C. 752 N-m
B. 610 N-I'T) D. 639 N-m

17, A 500 Volt shunt motor running at 720 rpm takes an armature current of 50 Amp, its
. effective resistance 0.40 ohm. When a resistance of 1.6 ohm is placed in series with the
armature, what is the new speed? Assume that load torque is constant.
A. 720 rpm C. 750 rpm
B. 600 rpm 0.680 rpm

18. The simplest form of a motor controller is ......

A. drum switch C. magnetic switch
B. relay . D. toggle sV',litch

19. Rapip stopping of motor. by momentarily reversing its connections to t,hesupply is ...
A jO'ggrng '. C. inching
B. plugging. D. sequence operation

20. in a 5 Hp, 230 Volt, 1500 rpm shunt motor, the resistance of the armature including
brushes is 0.175 ohm and that of the shunt field is 610 ohms. The stray power losses
when the motor delivers rated load at rated voltage is 305 watts. The efficiency at rated
load is nearest to.......
A. 98 % C. 90 %
B. 89 % D. 85 %

. 21. A de generator may loose its residual magnetism because of .....

A. varying loads' C. over-excitation
B; vibrations D. heating or overload
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:22. A15 hp 220-volt sh!iritmotorhas' an armature resistance .oLO.O? ohm and a shunt
resistance of 200 ohms. The overall i'3fficiency at rated output is 89%, What is the
rotational loss? '

A. 688 watts C. 921 watts

B. 1,383 watts, D. 242wattsI

23. A60 Hp,"230V shunt motor has a shunt field resistance of '38.3 ohms and an armature
resistanceof 0.04 ohm. If the resistance in the starter is 0.66.ohm and the brushdrop is 3 "
Volts. What is the input current to the motor at the instant it is started?
A. 324 C. 330
B. 328 D. 344

24. A 100 Volt dc series motors run at 400 rpm when taking a current of 55 Amp, Armature
resistance is 0.03 ohm, field resistance is 0.03 ohm. If the load torque remains the same,
What is the'input current when the field is shunted by a resistor of 0.02 ohm?
A. 62 A 'C. 76 A
B. 87 A D. 82 A

25: If the armature of an eight-pole ,de machine were wound with a simplex wave winding,
How many parallel paths would there be ?
A. 16 paths C. 8 paths
B. 2 path,s D. 4 paths

26. In a 4 pole, 35 slot d.c. armature, calculate the coil span.

A. 8 slots C. 10 slots
B. 7 slots D. 9 slots

27. A 4 pole, 12 slot lap-wound dc armature has two coil side/slot. Assuming single turn coil,
calculate the back ~itch for progressive and retrogressive winding.
A. 5' & 3 ,C. 7 & 5
B.3 & 5 D. 6 & 4

28. A 4 pole dc generator with duplex lap winding has 48510ts and four element per slot. The
flux per pole is 2.5 x 106maxwells and it runs at 1,500 rpm. What is the output voltage?
A. 60 Volts C. 225 Volts
B. 480 Volts D.J20 Volts

29.'A 20-Kw 220-volt shunt generator has an armature resistance of 0.07 ohm and a shunt
. resistance of 200 ohms. Detenrnine the power developed in the armature when it'delivers
its rated output. - ,

II A. 27.9 kw C. 19.2 kw
13. 20.83 kw 0, 25.7kw

30. A sl":1untgenerator when running light as a motor at 1000 rpm takes 12 Amp from 115-
Volt mains. The field current is 7 Amp, and the armatUre resistance is 0.03 ohm.
Determine stray-po,wer loss of the machine at this particular value of flux and speed.
A. 57425 W C. 575.25 W '
B. 576.25 W D. 577,25 W

31. In compound wound dc motor, What is the connection of the field winding in relation to
the armature winding? Sept 2003
A. shunt .' C. Series
B. short shunt - D. pafallel-series
~ Downloaded by Martin, Espencer Winslet (

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