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The Globe

Singapore Airlines’
Balancing Act
Asia’s premier carrier
here’s something about Singapore costs than most European and American
successfully executes a
Airlines. Over the past four decades, budget carriers, which ranged from 4 to 8
dual strategy: It offers it has earned a stellar reputation in cents and 5 to 6 cents respectively.
world-class service the fiercely competitive commercial avia- It’s intriguing that SIA has combined
and is a cost leader. tion business by providing customers with the supposedly incompatible strategies of
high-quality service and dominating the differentiation—which it pursues through
by Loizos Heracleous
business-travel segments. SIA has won the service excellence and continuous innova-
and Jochen Wirtz World’s Best Airline award from Condé Nast tion—and cost leadership. Few enterprises
Traveler 21 out of the 22 times it has been have executed a dual strategy profitably;
awarded and Skytrax’s Airline of the Year indeed, management experts such as Mi-
award three times over the past decade. chael Porter argue that it’s impossible to do
What’s not so well known is that despite so for a sustained period since dual strate-
the quality of its services, SIA is also one of gies entail contradictory investments and
the industry’s most cost-effective opera- organizational processes. Yet pursuing dual
tors. From 2001 to 2009, its costs per avail- strategies is becoming an imperative. The

able seat kilometer (ASK) were just 4.58 demand for value-for-money products and
cents. According to a 2007 International Air services has shot up since the recent reces-
Transport Association study, costs for full- sion, particularly in developed countries,
service European airlines were 8 to 16 cents, so even producers of premium offerings
for U.S. airlines 7 to 8 cents, and for Asian have to figure out how to grab opportuni-
airlines 5 to 7 cents. In fact, SIA had lower ties in the middle and the low end of the

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SIA: A Premium Service

Provider and Cost Leader
SIA manages its two main
assets—planes and peo-
ple—so that its service is
better than rivals’ and its market. Moreover, multinational corpora- is difficult to imitate, yielding sustainable
tions face competition from rivals—many competitive advantage. As we shall see in
costs are lower. The airline
of them from emerging markets—that use the following pages, the dual strategy has
invests heavily in areas of
new technologies and business models to become part of the airline’s organizational
the business that touch provide good-enough offerings at attrac- DNA over the years.
the customer in order to tive prices. Incumbents can fight back by
enhance SIA’s premium cutting prices or further differentiating Achieving Service Excellence
positioning. Everything be- products and services, but it’s often a los- Cost-Effectively
hind the scenes is subject ing battle. Price wars typically hurt leaders SIA has two main assets—planes and peo-
to rigorous cost control. more than they do challengers, and re- ple—and it manages them so that its ser-
lentless differentiation is tough to sustain. vice is better than rivals’ and its costs are
Adopting a dual strategy is often the only lower. Unlike other airlines, SIA ensures
SIA spends more than its choice. that its fleet is always young. For instance,
rivals in key areas:
Our research suggests that dual strate- in 2009, its aircraft were 74 months old, on
Buying new aircraft SIA replaces gies are embraced more readily in Asian average—less than half the industry aver-
its fleet more frequently than do countries. Many Western executives be- age of 160 months. This triggers a virtuous
competitors. lieve that, for instance, cost leadership and cycle: Because mechanical failures are rare,
Depreciating aircraft differentiation, globalization and localiza- fewer takeoffs are delayed, more arriv-
It depreciates aircraft over 15 years tion, and size and agility are fundamentally als are on time, and fewer flights are can-
compared with the industry standard
contradictory and can’t be reconciled. But celed. New planes are more fuel efficient
of 25 years.
SIA and other companies such as Banyan and need less repair and maintenance: In
Training The airline invests heavily in Tree, Haier, Samsung, and Toyota operate 2008, repairs accounted for 4% of SIA’s to-
inducting and retraining employees.
as though the dualities are opposites that tal costs compared with 5.9% for United Air
Labor costs on flights SIA staffs make up a whole; that is, they comple- Lines and 4.8% for American Airlines. SIA’s
each flight with more cabin crew mem-
bers than do other airlines. ment, instead of contradicting, each other. aircraft spend less time in hangars—which
This way of thinking is embedded in East- means more time in the air: 13 hours, on
Innovation It invests in both radical ern thought; the concept of yin and yang average, per day versus the industry aver-
and incremental innovations.
in Taoist philosophy, for instance, encap- age of 11.3 hours. And, of course, customers
sulates the idea. To be sure, pursuing two like newer planes better.
…And it spends less, partly strategies will result in organizational par- Service is mostly about people, so SIA
as a consequence, on: adoxes, but executives in Asian markets invests heavily in training employees. It
tend to realize that opposing insights pres- schools its fresh recruits for four months—
Price per aircraft SIA is usually ent the full picture and develop policies to twice as long as the industry average of
a showcase customer for aircraft mak- manage both of them. eight weeks—and spends around $70 mil-
ers, places large orders, and often pays
in cash. No company executes a dual strategy lion a year to put each of its 14,500 em-
better than SIA. The airline has delivered ployees through 110 hours of retraining
Fuel, maintenance, and repair
SIA’s operating costs are lower because healthy financial returns since its found- annually. The training includes courses on
its fleet is young and energy efficient. ing, in 1972, never posting an annual loss. deportment, etiquette, wine appreciation,
It has almost no debt, and except for its and cultural sensitivity. SIA’s cabin crews
Salaries SIA keeps salaries low by
offering employees bonuses of up to initial capitalization, it has funded growth are trained to interact with Japanese, Chi-
50% depending on SIA’s profitability; through retained earnings while consis- nese, and American passengers in different
also, the airline’s reputation attracts
tently paying dividends. ways. Trainees learn to appreciate subtle
younger workers.
We’ve been studying SIA for the past issues, such as communicating at eye level
Sales and administration nine years and have found that it executes rather than “talking down” to passengers.
Customer loyalty, a lean headquarters,
and constant cost cutting keep the a dual strategy by managing four para- The superior service that results not only
airline’s SGA expenses low. doxes: providing service excellence cost- delights customers but also reduces costs
Back-office technologies effectively; innovating in both a centralized by minimizing customer turnover.
SIA chooses to lag behind rivals in and a decentralized manner; being a tech- SIA’s training program focuses as much
areas that don’t affect the customer nology leader and a follower; and achiev- on the necessity of keeping costs down
ing standardization and personalization in as on the delivery of great service. Train-
its processes. SIA’s self-reinforcing system ers, usually former senior crew members

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Singapore Airlines follows a 4-3-3 rule of spending: 40% on

training, 30% on revising processes and procedures, and
30% on creating new products and services every year.
or external experts, discuss the airline in- American Airlines’ were 30.8%, British Air- creating new products and services every
dustry’s fiercely competitive nature with ways’ 27.5%, Lufthansa’s 24.4%, and United year. The few airlines that worry about in-
employees every year. At town hall–style Air Lines’ 22.5%. According to a 2002 study, novation usually have a central innovation
meetings and in internal communications, SIA’s employees were the second most pro- department. SIA sustains innovation by us-
senior executives stress the fact that SIA ductive among airlines (measured by the ing a structured, rigorous, and centralized
must become more efficient in order to available ton per kilometer for $1,000 of process along with an emergent, distrib-
remain competitive. They emphasize both labor costs)—after Korean Airlines. uted, and local process. The former is the
parts of the company’s vision: providing air Anything that touches the customer skeleton, the latter the flesh and blood; to-
transportation services of the highest qual- must be consistent with SIA’s premium po- gether, they provide customers with a body
ity and maximizing returns for the benefit sitioning, whereas everything behind the of novel services at a low cost.
of shareholders and employees. scenes is subject to control. For instance, The Product Innovation Department
Cost considerations affect every deci- the company has outsourced ticketing (PID) follows a highly structured process
sion made at SIA. In day-to-day operations, and payroll processing to a low-cost Indian that includes opportunity identification,
the aim is to reduce waste without com- provider. The company’s headquarters is concept evaluation, design and devel-
promising customer service. For instance, atop an old hangar at Changi Airport—not opment, and launch. The PID has devel-
when cabin crews noticed that about a in a swank downtown skyscraper—and oped innovations such as a nonstop, all-
third of passengers don’t eat dinner on late- the number of headquarters staff is small. business-class service between Singa-
night flights out of Singapore, they recom- What’s more, you won’t find espresso ma- pore and New York and the induction of
mended carrying less food. Unlike other chines, fancy carpets, designer furniture, the Airbus A380 into the fleet in 2007. SIA
airlines, SIA offers two brands of cham- gyms, or swimming pools in its offices. For engages frontline employees, customers,
pagne in first class, Krug Grande Cuvée and its training programs, SIA uses its own fa- competitors, and the media to create mul-
Dom Pérignon, and spends $8 million on cilities instead of sending employees to tiple feedback channels. A small number of
champagne every year. But its cabin crew resorts, and participants buy their lunch executives rotate in and out of the depart-
minimize costs by pouring from whichever from company canteens. Hard-bargaining ment every three years. Only for megaproj-
bottle is open unless a passenger specifi- local managers negotiate hotel rates for ects like the A380 induction do managers
cally requests the other brand. No cost is crew members at SIA’s destinations. Con- stay through the development cycle. Most
too small to reduce. SIA recently decided sequently, SIA’s Other Costs (total costs less employees regard being involved in new-
not to place jam jars on every breakfast tray, fuel, labor, depreciation, and aircraft rent- product development as prestigious and
because many people don’t eat jam. Even als) is, at 29.1%, lower than the other large an opportunity to shine.
SIA’s bonus scheme, which extends to all airlines’ average of 38.2%. This flies in the At the same time, SIA uses its distrib-
employees, serves as an incentive for em- face of the notion that companies that de- uted innovation approach for efficiency.
ployees to worry about expenses. SIA’s plan liver quality service can’t be cost leaders. The company fosters the idea that employ-
gives them the opportunity to earn bonuses ees—especially those in customer-facing
of up to 50% of their salary depending on Fostering Both Centralized and functions such as in-flight services, ground
how profitable the company is. Decentralized Innovation services, and loyalty marketing—must inno-
SIA attracts first-class university gradu- SIA has earned the reputation of being a vate if SIA is to stay ahead. Every function is
ates, who are hardworking and ambitious. serial innovator, bringing many firsts to responsible for improving its services, and
They like the idea of working for a leading the civil aviation industry: on-demand en- department heads must implement new
local company, and they’re also able to tertainment systems in all classes; Dolby ideas out of their budgets. Not only is this
take on a lot of responsibility at a young sound systems; a book-the-cook service approach cost-effective, but the process en-
age. Companies in other service industries that allows business- and first-class cus- sures that innovations are developed in ac-
are happy to hire SIA employees when they tomers to order their favorite meals be- cordance with operational realities, making
leave. SIA offers only average pay by Singa- fore boarding; the widest business-class it easy to implement them. Tensions some-
porean standards, which is low by global seats; and so on. It follows a 4-3-3 rule of times erupt between central and local in-
standards. Because of this, its 2008 labor spending: 40% on training, 30% on revis- novation, but SIA encourages both because
costs were just 16.6% of total costs, whereas ing processes and procedures, and 30% on they complement each other. Distributed

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innovation helps sustain service excellence, did get a boost. Introducing the A380 not largely off-the-shelf system, whereas other
which requires that every part of a customer only strengthened its image as a pioneer airlines, such as American Airlines and Luf-
encounter be outstanding. but also gained enormous publicity for thansa, developed expensive cutting-edge
Frontline employees are particularly the company. People bid for seats in one systems. In 2004, SIA outsourced many of
important in developing innovations that of eBay’s biggest auctions, and some paid its IT functions—such as its data center and
strengthen SIA’s image—and torpedoing $100,000 for a seat on the flight from Singa- end-user computing support—so it could
those that could damage it. For example, pore to Sydney. (SIA raised $1.3 million for focus on its core business. Many SIA execu-
cabin crews demurred when the idea of al- charity in the auction.) tives told us that constant innovation on
lowing passengers to order food and drinks SIA’s deep pockets allow it to take cal- many fronts is risky; changing processes
by using the in-flight entertainment system culated risks. For instance, in 1976, when could spread resources and expertise thin
was floated. The crews felt they wouldn’t it introduced slumberettes in first class, and blur SIA’s customer focus.
be able to respond to requests immediately competitors demanded that it either charge
after take-off, before landing, and during more or withdraw the innovation. It did nei- Using Standardization for
planned services, harming their ability to ther. In 1991 it became the first to introduce Personalization
meet customer expectations consistently. telephone and fax services on board, and in SIA’s service processes, like those of most
That killed the idea. 1998, SIA was one of the first airlines to set other airlines, are highly standardized.
SIA doesn’t try to be overwhelmingly up a website where customers could book That’s central to high-volume service op-
best in class on every count. It focuses on flights, choose seats, and order meals. That erations, because it leads to predictabil-
incremental innovation in most areas be- was a no-brainer; SIA knew it would save ity, safety, and lower costs. It also leads to
cause the overall experience matters most. costs by sending would-be travelers online. customer satisfaction, but it can’t deliver a
This approach enables the airline to make However, SIA is a pragmatic innovator, “wow” experience, partly because once cus-
a profit, without pricing itself out of the quickly stopping the use of technologies tomers have experienced something, they
market. that cause problems or that customers don’t tend to discount its value. That’s why SIA
like. In 1981, it introduced slot machines in combines standardization with personal-
Being Both a Technology Leader the upper decks of its Boeing 747s but re- ization to delight customers.
and Follower moved them when the queues that formed Doing so is cost-effective because it
SIA is often the first to innovate in order became a safety risk. In the aftermath of the doesn’t add permanent costs to standard
to enhance the customer experience. But SARS epidemic in the early 2000s, many air- processes. The airline institutionalizes
unlike many market leaders that innovate lines added time-consuming check-in pro- personalization by creating a service cul-
in every aspect of their business, SIA en- cedures to screen for the contagious illness. ture that, as mentioned earlier, it sustains
gages in only small improvements in func- SIA introduced a check-in system based through recruitment, training, and rewards.
tions that don’t touch the customer. Being on biometric technology, which enabled It instills in employees a certain pride in
working for the company, and they come

SIA is a pragmatic innovator, quickly to identify with its reputation. SIA’s crew
members and managers alike say that ser-
stopping the use of technologies that vice is in their blood.
SIA personalizes the customer experi-
customers don’t like. ence by relaying information about birth-
days and preferences from its CRM system
to cabin crew members. They address fre-
a technology leader where customers can passengers to clear immigration, check in, quent flyers by name and know their favor-
experience the benefits is essential to dif- and get their boarding passes in about 60 ite drinks and magazines. Usually, though,
ferentiation; being a follower in the back seconds. However, the airline discontinued personalization is spontaneous. Most op-
office contributes to cost leadership. the system’s usage when data showed that portunities arise from unexpressed needs:
Over the years, SIA has developed the few passengers were taking advantage of it A passenger may look unwell; another may
ability to execute high-risk innovation and conventional immigration procedures have no book to read; yet another may have
projects. For example, it takes a lot of ex- had speeded up. a laptop that has run out of power. Most
pertise and courage to be the launch airline SIA is happy to be a back-office laggard. airlines’ employees don’t pay attention to
for a huge aircraft like the A380. Although For instance, it wanted a revenue manage- these small things, but SIA’s training pro-
things did go wrong when Airbus post- ment system that it could deploy quickly grams such as Transforming Customer Ser-
poned the launch by almost two years, SIA and had a low chance of failing. It bought a vice teach cabin crews how to anticipate

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Reaping the Rewards of a Dual Strategy

SIA has consistently SIA NET 15%
maintained above- PROFIT
average profit margins,
demonstrating that in an SIA
unforgiving industry it PROFIT
pays to have more than 5%
one source of competitive INDUSTRY
advantage. OPERATING











customer needs and enhance employees’ urally. For instance, SIA’s human resource the Ritz-Carlton and the Banyan Tree Pri-
ability to delight customers. For example, processes induce employees to keep costs vate Collection, and uses its negotiating
a passenger may request a vegetarian meal low and boost productivity. Employees power to earn a commission every time
without having reserved one. Even when also feel that they are all members of one a frequent flyer uses its partners’ services.
the menu has no vegetarian option, SIA’s family, so if they don’t deliver great service, The discounts accentuate SIA’s differen-
cabin crews know how to put together a they’re letting down the company and their tiation while the additional revenues miti-
vegetarian meal from the available food. peers. Culture is deeply rooted in an orga- gate costs.
If a passenger wants to discuss the wine nization’s history. SIA has been concerned Make investment decisions strate-
he is drinking, a member of the crew who about losing money since it broke off from gically. Strategic alignment, not financial
has taken a wine appreciation course will Malaysian Airlines, in 1972. At the time, the returns, must guide investment decisions.
quickly materialize. Singapore government could not support Executives should ask: What investments
Standardization actually enables per- a loss-making airline; besides, the city-state should we undertake to achieve both strat-
sonalization. Because SIA designs simple didn’t need an airline because it had no do- egies? This mind-set should prevail even
processes and trains people well, following mestic routes. Employees are constantly when rates of return are difficult to calcu-
procedures becomes second nature. Em- reminded that things haven’t changed late or when investments are large. For in-
ployees know their jobs so well that they much today. stance, a person’s ability to taste food de-
have the mental space to “read” custom- Make good use of technology. Tech- clines by about 40% at an altitude of 30,000
ers and respond to them in creative ways. nology can transcend apparent contradic- feet because of the dry air. SIA invested
However, it takes time and effort to go the tions such as cost-effective service excel- $700,000 to build a facility that enables
extra mile, so SIA flights carry more crew lence. Companies often make investment chefs to taste food under pressurized flight
members than competitors’. That adds decisions on the basis of industry trends, conditions. This ensures that SIA’s cuisine
about 5% to costs, but these crews help the instead of implementing technology to tastes good in the sky and allows its chefs
airline provide unmatched service, which attain dual goals. For example, SIA chose to get their dishes right the first time. It’s
allows it to charge premium prices. the widest possible seats for its Airbus often impossible to calculate the return on
A380s, but it also ensured that the seats initiatives like this, but they are worth mak-
The How-To of Dual Strategies have the fewest possible parts, such as mo- ing because they contribute to differentia-
Emulating SIA is not just about following tors, cables, and switches, to keep the risk tion and lower costs.
its best practices; it’s about implementing of malfunction and the cost of repairs low.
two seemingly contradictory strategies. This kind of thinking results in service ex- EXECUTING DUAL strategies is difficult—
This involves four broad principles. cellence at a low cost. that’s what makes the approach so valuable.
Harness the power of your people Utilize the power of business eco- By being different in ways that customers
and culture. Your rivals can’t easily copy systems. Companies must create busi- like, companies that do so rise from the pits
your people and organizational culture, ness ecosystems rather than value chains, of commoditization and make profits even
and those are the linchpins of getting a dual which are linear. A business ecosystem in- in highly competitive industries.
strategy right. Companies should select, volves networks of interconnected actors HBR Reprint R1007P
develop, and reward employees in ways and creates virtuous circles that support
that incorporate aspects of both strategies dual strategies. For instance, SIA has tied Loizos Heracleous (loizos.heracleous@wbs.
in their everyday work. That will create an up with leading hotels, restaurants, and is a professor of strategy at Warwick
Business School. Jochen Wirtz (bizwirtz@nus.
environment in which making decisions in retailers to offer discounts to frequent fly- is an associate professor of marketing at
accordance with both strategies comes nat- ers. It selects high-end partners, such as the National University of Singapore.

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