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Petnted Paper Tay, ek ut ‘oll No, 209 | ze (210 b MITIZIOITIOII IO 40 n.TRO (SEM VIII) DRY EXAMINATION 2022-23 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100 Note: Attempt all Scetons, I require any missing dat; then choose suitably. SECTION A ‘Attempt aif questions in bret. ae (Define sma scale industry. (©) Whats Enireprencurship Development? ©) Mostrate financing, (Define fied study. (©) Define imernal rate of return, (D What is expected cost? ®) Discuss inventory Control, ©) Whatis capital expenditure? {_Listou the national and sate agencies for entrepreneurship development. © Deine the meaning of Businese ‘Ownership e Ateny Attempt any tree ofthe follow = (@) Expat senactomiag: 103-30 ey detail the demand based and re S-based ancillaries, (®) Discuss the imternal rate shee and (©) What do yoy Seseemoaen AS Shes irs aa ZN Mee ey thee oro o ee SECTION® oy, ‘you mean by tisk? evaluation, the various types of risk involved in (©) Discuss the workman co vigjedt sonst in detail, \ SECTION C 2. Attempt any one part of the: following: : 10x1=10 (Puc hearers spect nal seins (b) Discuss sub controls and: their ty PE with suitable ilustiaton, Attempt any one part of the following: (@) Disouss about the process of prepaing pjeton, (©) Discuss the different techniques of projet Attempt any one pat ofthe falawiag [7 Once a En the economic viability em mee 10x1=10 (a) List out the fin fons oo savPlementation of the project plan, (&) plain te tec mane Pes Mow 2, Attempt any one part of 10x1=10 ication.. 10x1=10 hypothetical 1ox1=10 busines OMErShip dai 3s itferent types of buses : @ ae the role of varius moll Sate seencies which Fender assistance to @) ba seale industries.

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