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Lesson Plan in English (4 A’s Approach)

Grade 3

At the end of the lesson, 75% of the pupils are expected to:
a. identify the proper and common nouns;
b. value the importance of common and proper nouns in our daily life;
c. write nouns with correct capitalization.


Topic: Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
Instructional Material: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Paper, Pen, Visual Aids
References: English for Global Communication 3, page 74
MELCs: EN3G-If-2.2
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good Afternoon, class!
Good Afternoon, teacher!

2. Prayer
Kindly stand up for the prayer. Silver,
please lead the prayer.

Yes, teacher.

3. Energizer
Please remain standing and let’s have first
our action song. Do you know the song
“Roll Over the Ocean”?
Yes, teacher

Very good, OK, Xenia can you lead the

action song?
OK, teacher
(Students are singing and dancing)

You may now take your seat, class.

4. Checking of Attendance
Thank you, everyone. You may now take
your seats. Now, let’s check the
attendance. Just say present if your name
is called.

5. Classroom Rules
Before we start our class, let’s remember
our classroom rules:

1. Listen carefully.
2. Follow directions.
3. Work quietly. Do not disturb others.
4. Be honest.
5. Respect each other. Be kind to your
words and actions.
6. Keep our classroom clean.

Are we all clear class?

Yes, teacher.

B. Developmental Activities
2. Review

Class, can you still remember our past

Yes, teacher!

Mico, what was our past lesson about?

Mico: It’s all about nouns teacher.

Very good, Mico!

What is a noun, Silver?

Silver: A noun is a word that refers to a
person, place, animal, or thing.

Good job!

Can you give me examples of nouns,

Cyril: Yes, teacher. School and teacher

Can you give me more nouns, Stephen?

Stephen: OK, teacher. Bag and shoes

Let’s give Stephen a good job clap!

(students chanting)
C. Motivation

Now, let’s play the game “Ask and

Answer”. When the arrow lands on your
name, you will answer a question. Do you

Yes, teacher!
Are you ready?

Yes, we are, teacher!

1: What is your favorite animal?

Student 1: My favorite animal is dog.

(Answers may vary.)
2: Who is your best friend?

Student 2: My best friend is Ramjul.

(Answers may vary.)
3: Where do you live?

Student 3: I live in Butuan City.

(Answers may vary.)

4: What is your favorite food?

Student 4: My favorite food is pizza.

(Answers may vary.)
5. What is your mother’s name?

Student 5: My mother’s name is Gwen.

(Answers may vary.)
6. What is your father’s name?

Student 6: My father’s name is Mark.

(Answers may vary.)
7. What is your favorite snack?
Student 7: My favorite snack is ice cream.
(Answers may vary.)

8. What do you want to be when you grow

up? Student 8: I want to be a doctor.
(Answers may vary.)
9. What is your favorite item of clothing?

Student 9: I like wearing dresses.

(Answers may vary.)
10. Who is your favorite person?
Student 10: My favorite person is my mom.
(Answers may vary.)
Let’s give everyone a good job clap!

1,2,3… 1,2,3… Good job! Good job!

D. Activity

Let’s divide the class into two groups, Let’s

count 1-2. Then, choose your leader and
the chosen leader will present your activity
in front of the class. Group 1, please
occupy the front table and Group 2 at the

OK, teacher

I have here a list of words. All you need to

do is to put the words in the right column.
Write your answers on the provided paper.

1. Butuan
2. city
3. drink
4. Coca-cola
5. laptop
6. Acer
7. singer
8. chocolate
9. Taylor Swift
10. Toblerone
11. country
12. Philippines
13. Nike
14. Jollibee
15. shoes
16. food chain
17. car
18. Toyota
19. biscuit
20. Oreo

You have 5 minutes to work on your tasks;

afterward, you will present your work in
front of the class. Do you understand,
Yes, teacher.

Okay, you may now start.

Yes, teacher.
(Pupils doing their tasks.)
E. Analysis

Let’s begin with Group 1. Leader please

stand up and show and read your group’s
answer. Are you ready?
Yes, teacher.
Words beginning Words beginning
with a Capital with a Small letter
Butuan city
Coca-cola drinks
Taylor Swift singer
Toblerone chocolate
Philippines country
Nike shoes
Jollibee food chain
Toyota car
Oreo biscuit
Acer laptop
Job well done, Group 1. You’ve got all the
correct answers. Let’s give them a good
job clap!

1,2,3… 1,2,3… Good job! Good job!

Let’s proceed to Group 2. Please show

and read your answers.

Words beginning Words beginning

with a Capital with a Small letter
Butuan city
Coca-cola drinks
Taylor Swift singer
Toblerone chocolate
Philippines country
Nike shoes
Jollibee food chain
Toyota car
Oreo biscuit
Acer laptop

Job well done, Group 2. You’ve also got all

the correct answers. Let’s give them a
good job clap!

G-o-o-d J-o-b... good job… good job…

I am so glad that all of you got the correct
answers. It seems that you understand the
activity. You both deserve a big round of

Now, class, do you have any ideas about

our lesson today?
Yes, teacher!

Mico, what do you think our lesson is all

Mico: It’s all about nouns, teacher.

Wow! Very good, Mico.

Do you know what noun begins with a

capital letter, Cyril?
Cyril: A noun that begins with a capital letter
is called a Proper Noun.
Very good, Cyril!

How about a noun that begins with a small

letter? Yes, Strudley?
Strudley: A noun that begins with a small
letter is called a Proper Noun.
Wow! Very good, Strudley!

Class, our lesson for today is all about

Proper nouns and Common nouns.

In this lesson, we should be able to:

 identify the proper and common
 value the importance of common
and proper nouns in our daily life
 write nouns with
correct capitalization.

F. Abstraction

Do you like reading stories?

Yes teacher!

That’s great because we are going to read

a short story now. Xennia, can you please
read the story?
Xennia: OK, teacher.

Aling Celia’s children love reading. She

brings her children to a bookstore fair at
SM every year to inculcate her love for
reading. Clara, her eldest daughter, loves
novels. Carlos, his only son, is fond of
reading science fiction books, while Claire,
the youngest, loves to read picture books.

Comprehension Check-up

Ramjul, what do Aling Celia’s children love

Ramjul: They love reading.
Very good, Ramjul!

Sophia, where does Aling Celia bring her

children every year?
Sophia: She brings them to a bookstore fair
at SM.

Wow! Great Job!

Xenia, who are Aling Celia’s children?

Xennia: They are Clara, Carlos, and Claire.


Now, class, I want you to look at the story

that we have just read. Can you find any
nouns that begin with a capital letter? Yes,
Cyril: Clara, Carlos, Claire, Celia, and SM,

Very good Cyril!

What kind of nouns are they, Mico?

Mico: They are proper nouns.

Can you find nouns that begin with a small

letter, Strudley?
Strudley: children, book, daughter, son, and
Very good!

What kind of nouns are they, Joy?

Joy: They are common nouns.

Very good!

So, Silver, what are the two types of noun?

Silver: They are proper nouns and common
Very good, Silver!

Common noun is a general name of a

person, place, thing, animal, or event. It
begins with a small letter.

Place- country, city, mall

Can you give me more common nouns for

place, Mico?

Yes, teacher. School, beach, library

Good job! (Answers may vary.)

Person- singer, mother, children

Stephen give me examples of common

nouns for person?

OK, teacher. Teacher, father, student.

Great Job! (Answers may vary.)

Thing- book, car, pencil

Now, Xenia, please give me examples of

common noun for thing?

Yes, teacher! Laptop, cellphone, chair.

Very good! (Answers may vary.)

Animal- dog, cat, rabbit

Silver, please give examples of common

nouns for animals.

OK, teacher! Fish, goat, horse.

(Answers may vary.)
Good job!

Event- wedding, party, concert

Now, can you give me more common

nouns for events, Cyril?

Yes, teacher! Festival, meeting, seminar.

Very good! (Answers may vary.)
Proper noun is a specific name of a
person, place, thing, animal or event. It
begins with a capital letter.

Place- Butuan, SM, Holy Child
Colleges of Butuan

Brendon, can you give me more examples

of proper noun for place?

Very good! Yes, teacher! Robinsons, Gaisano, Boracay

(Answers may vary.)
Person- Taylor Swift, Elzander,
Kathryn Bernardo

Sophia, can you give me more examples

of proper noun for person?

Yes, teacher! Mary, Justin Bieber, Rose

Wow! Very good! (Answers may vary.)

Thing- Apple, Monggol, Acer

Ramjul, give me more examples of proper

noun for thing?

Yes, teacher! Samsung, LG, Epson

Great job! (Answers may vary.)

Animal- Blackie, Fuzzy, Winnie

Silver, give me more examples of proper

noun for animals?

OK, teacher! Fishie, Goldie, Birdie

(Answers may vary.)
Very good!

Event- Christmas, New Year,


Xennia, give me more examples of proper

noun for events?

Olympics, Sinulog Festival, Balanghai

Festival, teacher.
(Answers may vary.)
Very good!

G. Application

Since we are done discussing the types of

nouns. Let’s divide the class into two
groups. Please count 1 to 2.

Please sort the following words into Proper

or Common Nouns. Each group should
work together to complete the task.

Sort out the following words:

1) Gaisano
2) television
3) John Ray
4) church
5) park
6) Cebu
7) McDonald’s
8) Penshoppe
9) birthday
10) tiger
Expected outcome:

Proper Nouns Common Nouns

1. Gaisano 1. television
2. John Ray 2. church
3. Cebu 3. park
4. McDonalds 4. birthday
5. Penshoppe 5. tiger

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify and underline the incorrect common and proper noun. Write the correct
word on the blank space provided before the number.
______________1. tom had a birthday party on Friday.
______________2. Kian has a dog named coco.
______________3. The Pencil is short.
______________4. My mother goes to robinson’s mall every week.
______________5. It’s very hot in my Hometown.
______________6. The Classroom is clean.
______________7. I like to travel to korea.
______________8. Grace always eat in chowking.
______________9. There are many flowers in the Garden.
______________10. Today is my cousin’s Wedding.
V. Generalization
Class, what is our lesson today?
It’s all about Proper Nouns and
Common nouns.

Silver, what is Common Noun?

Silver: Common noun is a general name
of a person, place, thing, animal, or

Very good! How about the proper noun,

Strudley: Proper noun is a specific
name of a person, place, thing, animal,
or event.
Great job!

Now, class, why is it important to learn

Common Noun and Proper Noun? Can you
answer, Mico?

Mico: Because it helps us send the

intended meaning, prevent confusion,
and make writing and speaking more

VI. Assignment

For your assignment answer Working with Grammar Activity 3 and 4 on page 76 of your

Prepared by:

Crystal Mae G. Milan

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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