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1. Buatlah 3 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris aktivitas yang sedang Anda lakukan saat ini.
2. Bagaimana susunan ke tiga kalimat pada nomor satu tersebut apabila kegiatan yang sedang
Anda lakukan itu telah selesai Anda lakukan.
3. Bagaimana susunan ke tiga kalimat pada nomor satu tersebut apabila kegiatan yang sedang
Anda lakukan itu sudah Anda lakukan dan masih sedang Anda lakukan.
4. Buatlah 3 kalimat dengan menggunakan how much dan how many.
5. Buatlah satu kalimat perbandingan comparative dan satu kalimat perbandingan superlative
dari situasi berikut ini.

Aminah is 24 years old. Sulastri is 20 years old, and Dodi is 30 years old.

6. Buatlah dialog yang menunjukkan percakapan yang terjadi di traditional market memuat
materi mengenai pengungkatan ukuran benda yang tak dapat dihitung beserta harga barang
dan menawar harga barang.


1. Kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan saat ini :

I am do English assignment
After completing the task, I will review the English assignment answers
Even after finishing the current task, I continue available help my friend with

2. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dan telah selesai

I have English assignment

After completing the task, I reviewed the English assignment answers
Even after finishing the current task, I remained available help my friend with

3. Kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan dan masih dilakukan :

I am do English assignment
After completing the task, I reviewing available help my friend with assignment
Even after finishing the current task, I continue to be available help my friend with

4. How much :
How much money do you have ?
How much money do you want ?
How much does is cost to buy a car ?

How many :

How many children you have ?

How many of them finished a this game ?
How many apple in your kitchen ?

5. Aminah is 24 years old. Sulastri is 20 years old, and Dodi is 30 years old.

Comperative :

Aminah is older than Sulastri

Aminah is younger than Dodi
Dodi is older than Aminah

Superlative :

Sulastri is the youngest of all

Dodi is the older of all

6… Merchant : "Good morning, ma'am! How can I help you?"

Buyer : "Morning! I need two kilos of oranges, good ones."
Merchant : "Okay, these are fresh oranges straight from the garden. But sorry,
I can't guarantee the exact weight, but I can try to find something
around two kilos."
Buyer : "Okay, you can try it. How much does it cost?"
Merchant : "For two kilos, I usually sell it for 20 thousand. But for you, I'll
give you a discount of 18 thousand."
Buyer : "Hmm, can it be less?"
Merchant : "Yes, I'll give you 17 thousand. How about it?"
Buyer : "Deal! Thank you very much."

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