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DC Motoys

Separated Excited
DC motoy
DC moto's

DC Shut DCcompond DC

Short s hurt
DC motor :
Sep ava taly Excited



Pip v.Ie
Pa EsIa
(Constamt tlU moton o constat
bunt Motor: speed motor)

Ta : I - Ish


Motor;- (voriasle AMs oto)

DC sevies
Ia,’ Isc

At No c o a r = O

Dargevous spee

Pile vIc
Pa i ELIa
Zong shant Compound Genso toy;

Ta: Ise . (1)

Rsh -The total cvent dra
trom supply is 'I,'
LoAD ..T,: T¡ + Ish
Bt I,e=Ia i-e
I;:Ia+ Ish

Es+I, Pa +I seRsQ+Vus h
but o 5 Tse :Ià
V= Eb+Ia (Ra + Rsa)
" Short Shunt. Compound GeAema Moter
Isa voltaga and cuyant
YeLatins av Q
Sup'y I, : Isa
I,: Ia + Ish

Tse : IL
V: Eb+ I, Rse+
IaRa+ Vevvsh
rop acvoSs shunt field =

- Es + IqRat
ppliCations O Dc- Motoy;-
Type Motoy Applications
/ shunt a) Bloevs and fon s
2) cantritgol an dvocipro cating
3l'4athe m achines
41 Ma Chioe tool S
machine s
s) Miig
6) Drilling machines
2) series 1) Cvane s
2 ) Hoists E Lovotoy S
3) TvolleS
ul Conveyos
s) Elactic loComotives
Compourid (dsh +bs) a) 2olingmill 5
2 Ponches
3) sheavs
4+) 1+eavy planevs
s) Elevotos

Ditfovntiol Not Sitasle for any

Compound a pplicalion
DC Shunt Mots
pe sevíe s

snt eConstort
T o Ia
Ta I ,
Pi A Soov 4 poles
Shnt Motor havig
Wav2 Connec ted with 4 4 2
avmatue Conductors
a foll LoG

2.0 A Gnd lu pQY pole Oosw H

the avmatuve an d shunt 2esistanre o 2
and 2902 tind spaed and Tovgue
Ans: iven
V> Soov
Ta z6.159 I¡
pt A
Z: 49 2
I,: 2o4
604 Taz-Igh
Pa o.| 2 V: fs + Ia Pa
Psh 25o Soo : E;
Es Soo - 13e o1
Motor chava cteriStics :- undey
terformance a d-c motoY
, The ju dged y the
05 Conditien S can 6a
followig chharactevistics.
AmatUr2 CuYYent chavacteristics

d- Avmatuve cryant chacteistic S

ciilSpae tevistics (nvsT)
Tovqu e charac
thes e chava cteistic5 can
natuyl ol
’ The and
d by vsing spoe d
easily.o5tain e
Torgne eqvations.
cteristics al Dc shunt Motor i
Chara isticS
Axmatuv@ cyYent chava cte
Foy dc moto Ta Ia
andsu Pply
4 Foy Constan t values e/2sh
Ish i5 also ongtant ond hencef x
voltage V,
is als o lonstant.
Tad Ia
The 2qalion repyesents
straight Line, Passing
the orgi:
thvongh etnc e ases Lineav Ly with
amgtur O
CuYYen t ( Ial· koad.
An atura Cuent is daci Jed 6y
Spead -Avmatuy@ Guent chava ctavisticc
From tha spead eq Constant spa

As '6' is constant to dc
Shunt motoy
N V -I, Ra
So T I,T an d henca dYop I, Ra T.
4 Qnce tov constant
Supp'y voltaga V-,Ra
L and hence Speed Yadvcos
spaad- avmatue Cent chqvocteristics
is slightly droping

Cii) Speed- TovqMe chava

ctovistics :
Since Ta Io toy shunt otoY
Ndv -Ia Pa
NdV Taba T Con statsedLine
This greph is
droping Ta Ia: shown Sin(Q
cleri stic s Dc sevis Motor;-
Avnature Cuvent Chara ctevislics
case o< seviQs moto
Ise : I a

rom ToYqme aquation

Ta Ta Tovq me is Proportiona to

aYm atMve, uYYent. Thevelation is avobolic

in n a t e .
the Cunt
Gatu vation means .thoug h
incYease S. the
Yem ainS Constai.
HencQ aftey Satova ti on. ch¡va cteyistics tokes
the shape of stvoight Line.
() Speed-Armatuye Cuent CharactQvistics
’ speed ol d-c motor is

’ Hance. ie Spe ed.299ti0

Vand Can 62
ons tant. So Spee d cquation
to No 1/Ia
amatve cuven t chavacteis tics
So s p2ed
i's Tectargvla ypevbula
Chara Ctevstic s i
(i) Speed- Tovque
an d No I NT
Ta Ia

Aenca we canYite

incveases, when Load

’ Thu astovqme
incveases, the speed ecveasas
Less and spQedincvea s 0s to
tovqve 15 very
dongavo vsly high value.
Ths spaed TovqueCurent chava ctavis tics

is yectangu Lay Hypevbo la.
’why Sevies Motor is'
snevey stovte on No-Lo

’ gn caSQ o sevie S motov p Ia: and speed

equation is Na 1.
as £s is alsmost constant
on oo Lo ad Ia 's Small Gnd hence fl is
olso yery smolL
very ght Loa d oy oo Load as flux
is vavy Small, tha motor ties to Yun at
dang avovsly high speed which may dam ge
motoy mechani Cally
ContoL DC Motorsi

spaed eqMation o oc Motoy i5 given óy

Na6 weve EA :V-Ia La

: spaad of the dc moto is divectly

propovtionl to avnature Cywan an d
pe pole.
invevsely pvopovtiona L to fl
speed Control of Dc Shunt Motor :-
Flux Contvol Method'

Shunt Motor is
invevsely propovtioncl tosn
iu. By decveasig oAD
S pee Can e inCvQas R qnvicQ veysa .
’ To contro L the aheosta s
added n sevie s with field win ding,a5
Shown in
cKt diagam.
Addin moy e esistance 4n Geies with fied

in ding yQdCe the tie ld cuYYen t wh c

inCYQa ses the
yeduces the flux
and thus
2) Avmatue control Method:
Spaed of a de Moto is
divactly propovtionol to
6acik EME.

SMpoly voltaga
vand amatue ye lcept
Constant the spe2d is
amatuvQ cuYant. divecty propovtionçlto
D Thus it wa a dYesistance in seYies with
aYma tuv Q I, ecYeQs Qs an hencQ the Spe
als o decvagses. GYegtey the
resistonce in
with avmatuYe grQatey the decvease
in spaa d.
’ Spaed contvol o< DC sevies MotoYi
Cil Fl Contvol Method:
Eied divQvtev Avaviqbla
tesistance in Connectad
tn PavatleL to gevie s
V: Supp
+iald winding M

The vavía6la yesistoy

i5 div ey t o , as the de siyeCal FieLd dvev tey
GmOUnt of Cuwen
thvogh ield Coil can be deerease, Thu5
Hyx Can be decveased to desr ved anoun
and speed Can Ge incveg5ed,
’ For a given constant
(oad tovqme it
avmatoYQ (MYvQnt
aducd then vetesga
Lhe tlu must incv Qas e
Thi5 will eGult jn Gn incyeqs e in cyrot
talcen trom suPply Gnd luxe tDCYQase
an d speed ol motov will decvease.

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