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MobDUZLE-3 PLECTRLCAL METALS A conoucTivitTy JN vO xTS ApplIicATions conducti they (@):+ ghis tha Physical propert: of materials ability to Condwet gloctric i cor) “7 veciprocal of yasistive by om: 4 Pp phonens:- Phonens ava quantum @nergies due to the Lattic® Visvatvons or oscillations wd positive Fon covas. mobility i The ditt velocity sequined sy #729 electors pev unit alectric field. mig € Resistivity > The pasistivity A tor a metal of matfovm evess section 4s divectly Proportionl fo Land mnivarsiy propertienal to avea af C7055 section Rat spt a nla Pe RA = a dure and impurities CC se tamper of Teme 5 Rul@:- » failures of classi of classical fre @ alecton -thooy. of metals :- of 3) specific heat vyeiation genvwen on rasigtance of 2 Mattieny 2) Tempevatwr® dapandanca 3) Electrical cond-ctivity. ee 2 specific heat The contridution of free alectons ” Specific heat 4 3) As the tempavalura decvaasas to £270 for Specific meat is 2, 2 as per classical d free election theovery, palin vesistance will act be. zero dueto s : jmperpactions or dislocations ina metal 3) Temperature dependence on alectical condvctivity ueads to some residual vasistance whIth 4s AS per quantum free electrons heey damper ature dapendent- conductivity 16 inversely proportional to a] Rasidwal vasistance is due te the tampovatura oe = impurities present an metal, wich 1s temparatuy? independent. But 45 per Classical Jrea electron -theovey ef conductivity is inversely propovtional to the PL Porotons + Pimpuritie $ 4 = av. 0. (F= PesPe) . Spotnrpnra ee: oa a_s Mattienryense Puls e ;- Fe Flock} te ZA ath | Bstatas that totel resistivity ap amatal 9) Electrical condiclivity and olectron conconbation :~ AS par Llassical jfraa electron theev2y the electron concamtvatiion of Zinc and cadmiver 2 neve fat = cr o0306/ 4 27 Be? Ky Cs 01030 peld 4§ S210 /n, We A CF POY a given grecsdit of st ome 5 Abt ete le a0! 1 Barptafoa ab ices and 14:2K weegecrively- Find it's ¢ and CF at OK and a.2K 7 c=! 5 Hey = P41 mT igre a a ar ps 1a. se. % He+2- and of got gure 2.41 410% 1m we a = 12-9? iS a +, => b2 *10%4 | ao — = 166.4 me acs 7 198-6) HE sal c 66-4 0 148.6 M40( Te iee) «4a (rae) Woh m of prebabilrty op chow thet tne $~ state DE Slow tye oeeuper tg enero? ova T2% farm log) yawn ¢ Level and of : we uni Ga! cccupatio? Pl Fl ASore $ne femm7 zevel pel sees CEE E-gyso& OQ. 787 44 E-e¢+ 7& of. &-%4 ecupatien Propaditity selow tne pervs zavel total pyvpabslaty 7S . : sem 4m shy Heipaseu nigh: Temporal? Suparcondvetors : ee aise ad gupatcorductors- h super conductors ave differen types ticular n Temp gree superconductors dvessed as high criti ae igh critical tempovadrine 2S of copper which +5 4 pay cag etal structyr® ¢ iad peveoveuites tye? ot ceutical domporature 45 higher for those ch have more no of copper, oxygen, Corre whi sayo7S , Aa arer of extra eopee” oxygen, corre” Loe nay pen the critical tempevatey® tor & higher wale apdditiort of atoms into Layers wilt destroy the eftoc + of superconductive. + super cuvvents ave sheng 4? Coppe~y onggan, coprar plana and weale an deiection perpendicular to the plane. formation af super curvents i Aigh TC dependoéle. is directional ee econo, Be enductor, OEE Properties of high Tomspara tr “SUP 5 other or. nis apoct 4s callad Tosephson's eppoct, por condvctorS ave brittle #7 god on this Theovey Te hy . J 75phS0% proposad 3 . High Tc sy Bi apects namely : nature + + Tne properties Jove! wrds od matevial ave nighty aniso. : Pee 3) Ac qosephson's Efpoct + Tha magnetic properties fo* pie, mane ea S| 3) 0% gosaphsen's Eyjact 3) squid axe highly anisotvopic sadicating th? charge indicating oF 3) °C gosephser's Eyect :- normal etate for ths topic: she HALL is positive carriers ave poles- «Trey behavior €annot 62 explained 47 86S theory: ‘ + Tra affect of pressuve 76 differeat 4n dijpeven + materials - angelating s tne isotope effect 13 almost 26827425 mateo” P ; th + As per the DC Tosephgen's eftect th2 terials. a mate , tunneling of cooper pairs thvough which es ephson' nets - on S TRE ganction aceurs without an wesistanc gn 1962 brian Tosephsor made a stotemeat nich yesults 6 bead: a an tnat cooper pars can tunnel through 2 ae eady 0c ewer we ble type of gunction: out any applicaleon uf voltage. Te te I, sing arrengamant ef 2 superconductoy s Ty - separ wrvent separate d dy am insulting Savvier- L when tha 6arvi8e 1S thin enough cwoPey Tz -cvetical euvrent sn p- phase difference PAYS from 1 supevconductey cor tunnel rough . through & garrvey and veach the = Bt oS * io Tesla) IO is formed *y sncorporating = Ge PF a ee ——e—EE = re acannae der 40-9 Tea Cearth's magnetic field 2) AC Tosaphsen's Appect i ao ce Jos? gupzrcondcting material. when the magnetic field is applied to hson'S gunction in the coop oy the d w@ superconducting Civemit it induces a : + 2 ‘ ied ac aa cvewlating curren t which produces opposing junction the tunneling occwyS 1% gmagnee field as to excluda magnetic ; L tha + aed a ieee pene $7 the Loop > in the Guaction an 4S tne flux ermains excluded g¢ long as tha jeoction cexrrent donot @xcaad a critical $f OC voltage 18 app Such a wag an AC current epiectis Called AC Tosephen's efject - Ter. sin (d+04) Salve Sut tha Cirewits which vs £ T-Ipsin (4: oa -(%)) nasistive phasa and theredy fhm pen ebotes s into the Loop enca the current exceeds 3) SQM=ID - In erthery of the gunction- Super Conducting Quantum. intevtarance Finchon 1 Typos Squid's i | = % savto ZA Y) v2. St is an ultyva sensitive measwving magneto me®Y used for the deteclion of voy tee magnetic fields of the yy move tha ong application + squid con sist of one Ov Tosephsor itis or of Josaphson's Josephson’ in sulating layer 5 DC squid- 5 junction oppect penckon av sand + when two witched 4/4 2wo eee form ol a virkg which forms aan gad in Ling thowh tum sqwo Tesephson's gunction ave parallel so that electors dunne the gunction domonstvate the qvar interference - A OC bdased current 16 apelied toa squid enter though an ave Cc. ds and 1 gf 45. divided into 2parts a an again mevgo into ona and s zat Ty end Ty ave the carvent to nn oling thyowgh tha junction in a Seper conductor. dis ‘Now, whan the Small magnatic piel ovconcdceY applied -L to #h@ junction the Sop’ xpalls its magnetic, fine out a the body- veduce td am D. pr [AC =qenm (fadie Frequency (a€) cauid) pe squid “S205 AC Tosaphsen's appact and V525 only One Tosephson guncdion « ac : pg 099 22NGHIVA compara tone sauid sul it i ch Ps easier and eap to manufactory, in Sneller tie wi antitheS aven of extremly small signals have qn pear ran Sa pela ee) Ac eye 7 paper ting on +he external ME the sqm d operate & in aq 7e6istiv2 mood the moda epactive imdvetance of resonant civew it changes thus, changa in resonant fra quan of the, vesonant civewst and their frequengy opty eqoranteremaed=tm tan 4a easily measured sy RE Squid. Application of squids in Quantem computing 2) charge qusit : 4qxsit:[ Quantum Sit] Phy sg41cal carves of quantum in porena O7 rors (4) z= (3) ig to Create a small + The chavge- queit psland- supey conducting evea called aslan consist of RF squid capaci ” dotted + The civemi & and voltage seuvce and th? vegion 16 ag deland ~The coppey paivs tunnel thyogh the junction wn and anteive the geland gad they ese the island . THIS enty and eit af coppe” Pairs 45 comtroled. 43 ontenal vottege thenoos tomer paivs entering and Leaving the asland seads +0 4"? vaviatiory of enogy leels wecan wee arty 2 _ eee ~epvesent quisit- 2) Flux quéi iE Ape qsit isa Super -condu, ‘navi @ Single IT and immersed mr ny 15 connacted to capacitor and at givert pernt of HMO this ¢. reed le ge 32 al ged by 2 quantities. one is Charge « gored én Capacitor and magnetic flare gored SU Sper ceney cing Leop. sting iM Oxtoynel inductor SOM Can ey using aaa MechanicS one Can show gnot. system 46 equivalen E to particla msvig 49 dowSl@ potential weit, The Lowest point ef each weael 46 traated as ona one zevel- 4. phase eit Spey conducting p.q #5 also Known AS Current. Aas Josephson Function . 94 15 nothing but curvant Sia8 TI epevat 3 at 0 voltaga the Applied magnatic flurcintvedvce s the phase difference. sblw PS PP pairs across.thea Tenction - Hence the super cyyvent in the gen ction reduces Maxima and mu vandand traqted as two States. i ility a wa p2) show that ocevpation probability “Eg an Tannling : ae +2 45 equal 40 non, OCcLPa*tory ene, : 3 ity at an ene classical mechanics wi £,-9E- 3 cient enew ieee cereal nes 4 josatt GY. it would not be g4le overcome a potential Sarvvidr. gn the prese ye) = 2 4° sym world the Hielas _ ant particles Can often gehave ober] ta ye woves on encountering a garviev, % “i a S - a ante wave will not end abruptly. Rathoy rE : im amplitude decrease @x-ponentially. Ae aa nis Avo? an amelituda eum ae ~ ality of find = en vxcepation prosability = 1 - ocupation prosadilihy in ge preéagility of fnshag open cls P' ia jorth ex into the 4ayrier. gf bho barrde” og fe ghin ancugh , then tha amplitud@ may 2 o OS 2 pon Bae 20 the other side. This would imply grat eheve 15.2 finite probe sility that some ee gtha particles witl tunnel thyagh the aehelea eke ee ena Coes B > dtyvenw p In vagions where the potential nega ts _ E tude i higher then tha wava's enargny, the onptite So : di on tially. If 4h2 1432 op tha weve decays exponen a avvow envugh, th? weve can ce. region 15 7 yy Cay ue s ee nonspzeve am eli

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