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Science – Forces Year 5 quiz

1) Name three different types of forces?

_______________________, _______________________,

and_________________________ 3 marks

2) Which piece of equipment should we use to measure the forces? Tick one box. 1 mark

3) What is this piece of equipment called?

__________________________________________________________________ 1 mark

4) What is the name of the force which keeps you on the ground?

_________________________________________________ 1 mark

5) What type of force is this – a pulling or pushing force?

_________________________________________________ 1 mark
Science – Forces Year 5 quiz

6) Five people take it in turns to sit on a see-saw (a lever). The table gives the weight of each

person weight, in N

Jack 510

Ellie 540

Rosie 490

Maggy 540

Andy 560

(a) Andy sits at one end, but there is nobody on the other end.

Andy sits on the see-saw.

In which direction does his end of the see-saw move - up or down?

_____________________________________________________ 1 mark

(b) Which two people in the table above could make the see-saw balance?

_______________________and_________________________ 1 mark

(c) Ellie sits on end A, and another of the group sits on end B.
Ellie's end stays down.
Science – Forces Year 5 quiz

Which person could be sitting on end B?

__________________________________________ 1 mark

7) Jenny is using a lever to lift a box.

Why might Jenny use a lever to lift this box?

____________________________________________ 1 mark

8) Label the pivot, the beam and the load on the diagram below. 3 marks
Science – Forces Year 5 quiz

9) Name the forces, A and B, that are acting on the parachute.

Force A = _____________________________

Force B = _____________________________ 2 marks

10) Which parachute would fall faster? Tick the correct box.

Explain your answer. 3 marks


11) When two surfaces rub together, which force is created? 1 mark

Science – Forces Year 5 quiz

12) If I push a box, on which of these surfaces would it be easiest? Tick one box.

Carpet in the classroom

Concrete on the playground

Wooden floor in the hall

1 mark

13) What is the name of the force which slows objects in water?

_____________________________________ 1 mark

14) Does air resistance affect a scuba diver underwater? Yes or no?

___________________________________________ 1 mark

15) Is gravity stronger or weaker on the Moon than on Earth?

___________________________________________ 1 mark

16) What would fall faster on Earth - a hammer or a feather?

___________________________________________ 1 mark

Total Marks: /25 marks

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