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Coldstream Guards

Number 2 Company

To: Battalion Headquarters

From: Company Headquarters

Hello, sirs and madams,

I would like to request a wide event for all of the Coldstreamers, and we, the Number 2
Company, shall be the OPFOR of the event. This event will be an intel-gathering event, and we
will be handling the overall logistics of the event. It will be based on Brecon Beacons on
March 15.

The Number 2 Company has suggested that we could take part in wide-battalion events. I swear
and hope that I will guide my staff and company to my fullest and make the event possible and

If anything, please contact the platoon commanders in charge of certain roles, which will be
listed below. You may contact me (Acting Major TestProfile217) regarding the event itself.

4th Platoon, In charge of Medical Appliances: Second Lieutenant Bluecrafish4567

5th Platoon: In charge of gun firing team: Captain CristianoRodonado
6th Platoon, In charge of Land Navigation: Lieutenant OmnipotensDeus

We hope to gain your approval and response.

"Second to None!"

Acting Major, Company Headquarters

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