Hey There Guys I

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hey there guys i'm morgan radford and it's time to get healthy.

did you know that people in the middle ages actually used to eat moose nose and spoiled milk because they
thought it was good for them well lucky for you and for me we know a lot more about nutrition. now you
probably hear that word nutrition often and it just means eating a diet that's healthy for you. if this comes
to mind when you hear that don't even go there because it's not that bad. in fact lots of healthy foods also
taste pretty good. but do you know which foods make up a good diet.

i'm dr ken yamaguchi i am the sam and marilyn fox distinguished professor of orthopedic surgery at
washington university school of medicine and i am the executive vice president and chief medical officer for
centene corporation. a healthy diet is a diet that gives you the necessary calories to do all your activities not
more calories than you need and it has a good representation of the five major food groups. five major
food groups do you know what they are fruits and vegetables proteins fats and grains.

so you know what fruits and veggies are. eat more vegetables than any other food group. as for grains you
can find whole grains and many cereals and breads now can you name some healthy proteins. If you
thought of eggs fish you're on the right track. but there are also a lot more like other meats nuts and milk.
All things your school cafeteria probably offers.

i'm dr gloria wilder. i am president and ceo of core health and wellness centers and i'm also vice president
of innovation and preventive health for centene corporation and everybody calls me dr g. most of the stuff
you eat should either come from your school if you're eating the school lunch program or the school
breakfast program or it should come from your parents. Right you actually do need some fat just make sure
it's healthy fat from foods like avocado cheese and those eggs again yogurt and even dark chocolate. but be
careful with that one a healthy diet also means not eating too much of what's unhealthy which means
trying to avoid things that are very high calorie and have a lot of simple sugars and a lot of salt that means
limit the amount of that dark chocolate the sugar you sprinkle on foods and even those sugary drinks like
fruit juice or soda and fast food that should really just be a rare treat. If you eat it at all just remember that
you don't want to become a chicken nugget and french fry kid. if all you eat is chicken nuggets and french
fries you're going to grow up looking like chicken nugget in a french fry. that's right good nutrition not only
makes you feel better it makes you look better your skin and your hair it'll glow from all those vitamins that
make their way into your system when you eat something you first break it down in your mouth with your
teeth and you kind of break it down into smaller and smaller pieces so when it goes into your stomach it's
bathed in acid which gets rid of any bacteria that would be bad and then it goes into your intestines and at
that point there's a lot of things called enzymes that are released that help break down all this food into the
small building blocks those building blocks are the vitamins

and the nutrients you need to stay alive

your blood takes them and delivers them

to the areas of your body where they're

needed it's actually a pretty involved

process every single time you take a


so what can happen to your body if you

have poor nutrition

let's talk about junk

right you put yourself at risk of

getting diabetes right or being

overweight and not being able to do the

stuff you really want to do

you may feel like you lose energy really


so here are just a few things to

remember if you start eating a healthy

diet now you're setting up a good habit

that you can follow throughout your life

who wouldn't rather have more energy

feel better about themselves be in a

better mood and look better

mix it up you don't have to eat the same

old fruits and veggies every single day

you can be adventurous and try some of

the other vegetables your school

cafeteria offers and also don't overeat

when you're eating a meal or a snack

when you get about halfway through ask

yourself whether you need to eat that

second half making these small changes

to your diet will help you live a longer

healthier life

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