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Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,

Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to

Drinkable Water
Shailyn P. Abella, May M. Juntilla, David Steve R. Odarbe, Leslie M. Servidad, Cris
Shienna A. Sepada, Julie Ann Salaver
Purok-1B Talahiron, Kibawe, Bukidnon

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

I. Context and Rationale

Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental human right and an
essential component of well-being and public health. Ensuring widespread access to
clean water is crucial for preventing waterborne diseases, supporting agriculture,
and fostering overall socio-economic development. However, the lack of access to
clean water has been a pressing issues that is going on for many years now.
According to recent calculations, about 4 billion individuals experience water scarcity
conditions for at least one month annually, while approximately 0.5 billion people
endure severe water scarcity throughout the entire year (Mekonnen and Hoekstra,
Prior studies indicate that the perceived necessity for seeking alternative water
sources is associated with apprehensions regarding climate change. The
persistence of water shortage can continue even after the return of typical average
rainfall amounts. This is because, as mentioned by Hohenthal and Minoia (2017),
drought is a gradual phenomenon that affects extensive areas and its impacts
accumulate over time. Consequently, these effects may still be experienced even
after the initial meteorological event that triggered the drought has ended.
In many regions around the world, including the community of Purok 1B
Talahiron in Kibawe, Bukidnon, the scarcity of potable water has emerged as a
pressing concern with far-reaching consequences. During the initial investigation, the
residents of the community expressed that the limited water source is insufficient to
meet the needs of all households due to the area's uneven terrain, and the narrow
distribution pipes further exacerbate the challenge of water supply.
Improving access to drinkable water is necessary in addressing this issue. Water
utilities primarily address the water scarcity issue through strategies such as
introducing alternative water sources (recycling and collecting rainwater) as
highlighted by Angelakis et al. (2018) and Hashim and Sayl (2021). Additionally, they
aim to decrease water usage through measures like intermittent water supply, as
observed in the studies by Kumpel and Nelson (2016) and Zhou et al. (2021). It is
imperative to take action and provide assistance to address this concern since it
could potentially impact the living conditions of the local residents in this community.
The significance of the study lies in its contribution to addressing a critical global
issue – the lack of access to clean and safe drinking water. By focusing on specific
regions like Purok 1B Talahiron in Kibawe, Bukidnon, this study sheds light on the
localized challenges faced by communities. Understanding and addressing these
challenges is essential not only for the well-being of the affected residents but also
for broader implications related to public health, socio-economic development, and
environmental sustainability. By exploring strategies employed by water utilities, such
as alternative water sources and water usage reduction measures, this study
provides practical insights for addressing the problem. Implementing these strategies
can not only improve the immediate water supply situation in the studied community
but also serve as a model for other regions grappling with similar challenges.

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

II. Action Research Question

The focus of this action research is to determine the factors affecting on the
scarcity of potable water in the resident of Purok-1B Talahiron, Kibawe, Bukidnon.
Specifically, this action research would answer the following questions:
1. What are the factors contribute to the scarcity of potable water?
2. How does water for life intervention address or mitigate the
scarcity of potable water?

III. Proposed Intervention

The proposed intervention called "Water for Life." This intervention aims to
address the factors contributing to water scarcity in the area, promote efficient water
management, and ensure access to safe and potable water for all residents.

The "Water for Life" intervention is expected to result in:

a. Improved access to potable water in Sitio Purok-1B.

b. Increased awareness and adoption of water conservation practices.
c. Enhanced collaboration between the community and local stakeholders to
sustainably manage water resources.

Table 1: Components of Interventions

Water for Life

Phase Activities Process/Objectives

Phase 1 Assessment and

Educational  Organize sessions to inform residents
Workshops and about factors causing water scarcity
Sessions and promote water conservation. Use
educational materials, presentations,
and interactive sessions.
Phase 2 Infrastructure and
Water Infrastructure  Collaborate with local authorities and
Improvement organizations (engineering expertise to
upgrade water infrastructure
(constructing reservoir, storage
facilities, wells, pipelines.
Rainwater  Promote rainwater harvesting as a
Harvesting sustainable practice for water
Promotion conservation and provide guidance and
materials for installation.
Sanitation and  Educate the community on the
Hygiene Education importance of proper sanitation and
hygiene practices to reduce water
wastage and contamination.

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

Phase 3 Quality and

Water Quality  Regularly test the quality of water
Testing sources to ensure safety for
consumption and take corrective
measures if necessary. Use water
testing kits, laboratory facilities, and
trained personnel.
Advocacy and  Engage community members in
Community advocating for their right to clean and
Engagement accessible water and facilitate meetings
with local authorities and organizations
for long-term solutions.
Phase 4 Ongoing
Monitoring and
Monitoring and  Continuously monitor water availability
Evaluation and quality, as well as the effectiveness
of the intervention, through data
collection, evaluation framework, and
feedback from the community.

IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants
The research will involve a diverse group of participants to ensure a
representative sample. Out of 103 household, 52 household are randomly selected
for participation.This approach aims to create a geographically diverse and unbiased
representation of the community since it's likely that factors affecting water scarcity
may vary among different households.
b. Data Gathering Methods
The data collection process will be a combination of surveys, questionnaires,
interviews, observations, and focus group discussions. Surveys and questionnaires
will be distributed to selected households to obtain quantitative data on residents'
experiences, challenges, and perceptions related to water scarcity. These
instruments will inquire about water sources, water quality, storage practices, and
difficulties in accessing potable water. Key informant interviews will be conducted
with community leaders, local authorities, and water resource experts to gather in-
depth insights into the root causes of water scarcity and potential solutions.
Observations will focus on the physical state of water sources, infrastructure, and
water storage practices within the community, while focus group discussions will
provide a platform for collective opinions and ideas from community members.
c. Data Analysis Plan
Both quantitative and qualitative data will
Qualitative data analysis will involve transcribing and coding the data obtained from
interviews and focus group discussions. Thematic analysis will be applied to identify
recurring themes, patterns, and insights regarding the effectiveness of improving the

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

infrastructure. The triangulation of data, through cross-referencing interview and

focus group findings, will help ensure the credibility and robustness of the analysis.
The results will be synthesized to create a comprehensive understanding on the
effectiveness of improving the access to drinkable water in Purok-1B. Community
involvement will be emphasized throughout the analysis process, allowing
community members to provide their perspectives and priorities to interpret the
results and plan future actions. This approach aims to develop effective strategies to
address water scarcity, informed by the qualitative insights gathered from the
community. Quantitative data analysis will

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

In the implementation of this study on factors affecting the scarcity of potable
water in Purok-1B, we will adopt an action research process inspired by Kemmis and
Taggart (2000), which follows stages of Planning, Acting, Observing, Reflecting, and
In the Planning Stage, we will begin by securing the necessary approvals
and consents for the study. This includes obtaining permission from relevant local
authorities and community leaders, ensuring the consent of the participants, and
obtaining any required permits or access to water sources and infrastructure.
Additionally, we will conduct preliminary assessments to identify the key factors
contributing to water scarcity. This stage will establish the groundwork for the
The Acting Stage will involve taking concrete steps to address the identified
factors. This may include implementing immediate interventions, community
awareness campaigns, or infrastructure improvements to alleviate water scarcity.
Local organizations, community members,will monitor its progress and experts will
play a crucial role in executing these actions.
In the Observing Stage, we will closely monitor the outcomes and impacts of
the interventions. Observations will be made regarding changes in water availability,
quality, and the community's response to the actions taken. We will also collect data
on community members' experiences and insights through unstructured interviews to
gain a comprehensive understanding of how the interventions have affected them.
During the Reflecting Stage, data gathered from various sources, including
observations, interviews, and community feedback, will be presented and analyzed
both quantitatively and qualitatively. This stage aims to provide insights to reflect on
the challenges encountered and successachieved during implementation into the
effectiveness of the interventions, as well as the community's perspectives on the
ongoing efforts to address water scarcity.
The Revising Stage will involve revisiting and refining the interventions
based on the data and insights gathered during the research. This stage is critical for
making any necessary adjustments to ensure that the actions taken are addressing
the root causes of water scarcity effectively. It will also mark the finalization of the
research report, which will provide a comprehensive overview of the study, its
findings, and recommendations for ongoing actions.
Table 2 in the work plan serves as a blueprint for the entire research
process, outlining the stages of the action research, the associated activities,
success indicators, and the required resources (including human resources,
Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

timelines, and materials). Activities and the individuals responsible for each activity
will be clearly defined in the work plan, ensuring a systematic and organized
approach to addressing water scarcity in Purok-1B, Talahiron.

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

Table 2: Work Plan and Timetable

Succe Resourc
ss es
Timelin Stage Activity
e or
June Planning Obtained permissions
2024 and consents from
local authorities,
community leaders,
Secure participants, and
necessary permits or access to
approvals and water sources and Human resources,
consents infrastructure. permits, consent forms

Preliminary Identified key factors Research team,

assessments causing water scarcity. assessment tools
July Acting Collaborated with local
2024 authorities and
organizations to
Water upgrade water
Infrastructur infrastructure,
e including wells,
Improveme pipelines, and storage Local authorities,
nt facilities. construction materials
Promoted rainwater
harvesting as a
sustainable practice
for water conservation
Rainwater and provided guidance Training materials,
Harvesting and materials for rainwater harvesting
Promotion installation. systems
Educated the
community on the
importance of proper
sanitation and hygiene
Sanitation practices to reduce
and Hygiene water wastage and Trainers, educational
Education contamination. materials
Educated the
community on the
importance of proper
sanitation and hygiene
Sanitation practices to reduce
and Hygiene water wastage and Trainers, educational
Education contamination. materials
Community Raised awareness Outreach materials,
Awareness about water community volunteers
Campaigns conservation through
community campaigns

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

and workshops.
August Observin Monitor Observed changes in
2024 g outcomes water availability,
and impacts quality, and community
of response to Data collection tools,
interventions interventions. observation team
Data collection for Changes documents
assessing changes
Data Collection through Collected insights from community
Unstructured Interviews members on the effects of interventions.
September Reflecting Quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed
2024 Present and analyze data for insights into the effectiveness of
gathered data interventions.
Presentation of research Findings presented.
findings to the
Community for feedback

October 2024 Revising

Refine interventions Made necessary adjustments to actions
based on research based on research findings to address
findings water scarcity effectively.
Created a comprehensive report with
Finalize the research findings and recommendations for ongoing
report actions.

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

VI. Cost Estimates

The items with descriptions below are needed in the entire implementation of
the study.

Table 3. The Expected Expenses to be incurred during the conduct of the study
Items Unit Quantity Description Unit Cost Total
A. Preparation and Production of the Action Research
A4 Bond Ream 2 Researching, 150 300
Paper writing, and
Markers Sets 2 printing of the 200 400
Mobile Load Plan 4 Months research 300 1,200
Printer Ink Sets 2 proposal 2,500 5,000
Stapler Piece 2 500 1,000
Subtotal 1 7,900
B. Conduct of Research
A4 Bond Ream 3 Data 105 315
Paper Gathering
Food Months 5 4,000 20,000
Travel gasoline 10 65 650
Subtotal 2 20,965
C. Preparation of the Final Research Repost
Food/Drinks Weeks 3 Creating the 1,500 5,000
Allowance/ final
Snacks presentation
and the
Subtotal 3 5,000
D. Final Submission of the Paper
A4 Bond Ream 2 Printing and 105 408
Paper bookbinding
Printer Ink Sets 2 2,500 5,000
Staple Wire Box 1 99 99
Soft Binding Copies 6 120 720
Subtotal 4 6,227
Grand 40,092

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

Table 4. The Expected Expenses to be incurred during the conduct of the

proposed intervention.
Activity Unit Quantit Item Unit Total
y Cost
A. Phase 1: Assessment and Awareness
Educational Set 1 Projector and Screen 15,000 15,00
Workshops 0
ream 3 A4 Bond paper 150 450
Set 10 Markers 100 1,000
Piece 5 PVC Pipes and 250 1,250
Subtota 17,70
l1 0
B. Phase 2 - Infrastructure and Education
Water Length 5 PVC Pipes and 250 1,250
Infrastructur Fittings
Bag 6 Concrete 289 1,734
Set 5 Gutters and 550 2,750
Rainwater Containe 5 Water Sample 55 275
Harvesting r Containers
Sanitation Set 70 Soap and Hygiene 80 5,600
and Hygiene Supplies
Pair 3 Gloves and Goggles 119 357
Subtotal 9,216
C. Phase 3 - Quality and Advocacy
Water Containe 5 Water Sample 55 275
Quality r Containers
Piece 3 Markers 25 75

Subtotal 350
D. Phase 4 - Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring Ream 2 A4 Bond Paper 150 400

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

Other Set 1 Venue, Rental 10,000 10,00
Expenses 0
Per 3 Labor 5,000 15,00
person 0
Piece 3 Cell cards for 300 900
communication and
internet connectivity.)
Visit 4 2-way travel to the 200 800
community for
Subtota 27,10
l4 0
GRAND 54,36

VII. Plans for Dissemination / Advocacy

The research findings and recommendations regarding the effectiveness of

improving access to drinkable water in Purok-1B, Talahiron, will be shared through a
carefully designed strategy that aims to reach various stakeholders and facilitate
meaningful change.
The first and foremost audience for the research findings will be the local
community of Purok-1B, Talahiron. Meetings will be organized to present the
research results and discuss the proposed solutions with community leaders,
residents, and local authorities. These discussions will not only increase awareness
but also engage the community in the decision-making process and the
implementation of potential interventions. The findings will be integrated into the
educational domain to ensure the information becomes a valuable part of the
community's collective knowledge. To achieve this, the research will be presented
during local educational initiatives such as Learning Action Cells (LACs) and In-
Service Training (INSET) sessions for teachers. By including this research in teacher
training programs, educators can incorporate the findings into their teaching
methodologies, emphasizing the importance of responsible water management.
Beyond the local level, the research results will be disseminated to a broader
audience through regional and division platforms. Presentations will be made at
division and regional research conferences, research forums, and policy discussions.
These higher-level engagements will provide an opportunity for the broader
education community and policymakers to understand the challenges faced by
Purok-1B, Talahiron, and consider its implications for regional water resource
management and policy planning.
To achieve wider dissemination, the research findings will be considered for
publication in both local and international research journals and bulletins. This will
not only give the study global exposure but also provide a platform for scholars,

Effectiveness of Water for Life: An Intervention in Improving Access to Drinkable Water in Purok-1B Talahiron,
Kibawe, Bukidnon (Abella, Juntilla, Odarbe, Servidad, Sepada, Salaver, 2023)

policymakers, and experts to study and learn from the findings, potentially leading to
solutions that can be applied in various water-scarce regions worldwide.

VIII. References

Angelakis, A. N., Asano, T., Bahri, A., & Jimenez, B. E. (2018). Water Reuse: From
Ancient to Modern Times and the Future. Frontiers in Environmental Science,
6, Article 26.

Evans, J. M., Calabria, J., Borisova, T., et al. (2015). Effects of local drought
conditions on public opinions about water supply and future climate change.
Climatic Change, 132, 193–207.

Hohenthal, J., Minoia, P., & Pellikka, P. (2017). Mapping Meaning: Critical
Cartographies for Participatory Water Management in Taita Hills, Kenya. The
Professional Geographer, 69(3), 383-395. DOI:

Kumpel, E., & Nelson, K. L. (2016). Intermittent Water Supply: Prevalence, Practice,
and Microbial Water Quality. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(2),

Mekonnen, M. M., & Hoekstra, A. Y. (2016). Four billion people facing severe water
scarcity. Science Advances, 2(2), e1500323. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1500323

Tzanakakis, V., & Paranychianakis, N. (2020). Water Supply and Water Scarcity.
Water, 12(9), 2347.

Zhou, L., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., et al. (2021). Novel perspective for urban water
resource management: 5R generation. Frontiers in Environmental Science
and Engineering, 15, 16.


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