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Lưu ý: Các bạn xem mục lại 5 của mỗi Unit (ví dụ 1.5, 2.

5, … 8,5) để xem thể thức

& cụm từ cần thiết cho mỗi dạng.
• One month to travel around the country afterwards
• Next year’s sabbatical schedule to be finalised by the end of month
• Comany sponsoring overseas volunteer projects
• Contact HR if interested
• Please submit your project ideas!
• Learn how to surf
• Australia
• Project idea( Marine charity)
• Great Barrier Reef
• Learn about marine life
Write the blog in about 180- 200 words. Decide where the information should go in a
blog. Think about how to introduce, inform and conclude effectively.

2. Learn how to negotiate more effectively

This course is for:
• Those negotiating already but without formal training.
• Those new to negotiating.
The course teaches you to:
• Recognise the changing nature of negotiations.
• Read the reactions of people involved.
• Learn how to listen carefully and ask the right questions.
• Build a broader understanding of the negotiation process.
• Realise the value of careful planning and preparation.
• Develop strategies for each stage in a negotiation.
Look at the advertisement for a training course. Write an email about 180- 200 words
to your boss requesting the course and explaining why you think you should do it .
• Group sales best ever- £48 bn( last year £ 40 bn)
• Economic downturn in some European markets
• Entered new, more buoyant market( India, Japan)
• Cash flow from operations £ 4.5 bn( last year £4 bn)
• Annual dividend £ 1.34( previous 3 years £ 0.99/ £1.02/ £ 1.23)
• Total number stores worlwide – 2,000
• New stores: 5 in Russia(existing market); 10 stores in India and 4 in Japan( new markets)
• Successful launch of new high-end brand in Europe
• Future plans: major restrcuturing to reduce operating costs. Buy back £1 billion worth of
shares over next three years.
Look at the key notes and write an annual report summary for your shareholders in
around 200 words .
4. Willow City Proposal
Aim: to solve traffic congestion and pollution
• Long- term strategy: ban gas- powered vehicles from centre in 3 years+ encourage more
people to use public transport
• Traffic congestion in centre bad= high levels of pollution
• Solution= driverless, battery-powered people-movers instead of trains and buses in city
• Cheaper travel for customers- more would use
• No new infrastructure needed
• Much less pollution
• Personal vehicles parked 95% of time – car parks use valuable land
• Initial investment would be high, but running costs cheaper and less pollution
• Buy a few vehicles and run trial before end year.
Look at some meeting notes about how to solve traffic congesion and pollution in
Willow city. Write the proposal in around 200 words.
• Good communication skills- clear and concise
• Good listening skills- quick to understand
• Team management- develop individuals’ skills and helps them solve problems
• Responsibility- takes responsibility for team actions
• Relationship with team- praises individuals or gives constructive feedback
• Goal achievement- all, sometimes exceeded
• Good work- could be improved , more training
• Leadership sjills- lacks confidence, not good under pressure
• Time management- can be poor
Read the notes and write a performance review summary of about 180- 200 words.
6. Notes on environmental situations in office
1. Plan to put in new light systems
2. Report shows energy costs too high in the past year, e.g. lights left on
3. Investigating more eco friendly systems
4. Intend to have paperless office by this time next year
5. Plastic coffee cups and 50% of paper not recycled in the last 6 months
6. Developing plan to reduce waste
7. Staff could suggest ideas for reducing waste- competition next month
8. Failed to achieve environmental targets
Use the notes to write a newsletter of about 180- 200 words.
7. Notes:
• Problem with equipment for new factory- opening could be delayed
• Supplier gone bankrupt- no equipment- can’t afford to miss opening
• Deposit paid when ordered- probably lose that money
• Look for different supplier- need quick delivery at reasonable price
• Will collect information by end of week
Look at the notes and write an email about 180- 200 words to your boss about the
8. Notes:
• Hasfell Supplies now part of multinational group
• Hasfell Supplies- moving HQ to Mumbai-media say will cause job losses
• When: December- new building ready
• Facts: all offered other jobs in company- several people happy to take redundancy
• Quatation/Apology: CEO, Raj Singh told staff before announced publicly- many new
and exciting career opportunities available.
• Future- next week discussions with staff- next month interviews in Mumbai.
Look at the notes about Hasfell Supplies and use them to write a press release in around
180- 200 words.
9. Notes:
• Hasfell Supplies now part of multinational group
• Hasfell Supplies- moving HQ to Mumbai-media say will cause job losses
• When: December- new building ready
• Facts: all offered other jobs in company- several people happy to take redundancy
• Quatation/Apology: CEO, Raj Singh told staff before announced publicly- many new and
exciting career opportunities available.
• Future- next week discussions with staff- next month interviews in Mumbai.
Look at the notes about Hasfell Supplies and use them to write a press release in around
180- 200 words.

10. You work for an international retail company which has stores worldwide. You have
been asked to write an executive summary of the annual report.
Write about:
- The overview of the past year.
- positive and negative aspects of the past year.
- The future outlook and plans for the company and any other points which you think are
- Write 180–200 words.

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