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A: There’s another one in Germany later in the

BP_B2_Test_ 01_001.mp3 year. You could do it then.
B: Well, the thing is I really wanted to get Level
1 Can I suggest that we open this discussion with
2 done in October this year.
our staff?
A: Mmm, I see. I’ve got a solution that might
a I understand what you’re saying about staff.
work. There’s one way you could do the course.
b To be honest, I don’t think that would help.
There’s a Level 1 course in the London offices in
c I’m still very confident about this.
May. You could attend that if your boss agrees to
the extra costs, you know, travel to the UK, plus
2 Can I suggest that we launch the product before
accommodation and so on.
the conference?
B: That’d be great. I’ll speak to my boss
a That’s true.
b I’m confident it’s good.
c That could work.
Listening 2
A: Jon Gant speaking.
3 How do you think we can increase staff B: Hi Jon. It’s Barney Day from Day Engineers
motivation? Limited. I’m calling about our meeting last week.
a One way to solve this is to offer incentives. A: You mean the one where we discussed the
b We both want to go forward with this increase. contract details.
c I understand what you’re saying about staff. B: That’s right.
A: How can I help you?
4 Would it be useful to ask IT how we can improve B: I’m sorry but we’re worried about quality
the system? control. It seems you’ve had some problems this
a I’m concerned the software needs improving. week.
b I can see you’re concerned about the software. A: I can you assure you our products meet all
c Let’s wait until we’ve tried the new software and international standards.
decide after that. B: I’m sure they do, but I’m still concerned about
it. I read online just yesterday that a company is
taking you to court for supplying faulty products.
5 Can I suggest we update each team member A: I can understand your concerns, but I can
separately? assure you, you’ve got nothing to worry about. One
a Exactly. I’m still very confident. of our customers had a problem last week, but we
b I like your suggestion. discovered that it wasn’t our components that were
c Look, we could update the project. at fault.
B: Oh, I see. I wonder why the article is there
if it’s not true.
BP_B2_Test_ 01_002.mp3 A: Apparently, it was written by one of the
Listening 1 customer’s employees who writes a blog, and he
A: Hello. Corporate Training division. wrote it before the situation had been assessed.
B: Hi there. This is Max Ludigen from the The employee has been asked to take it down and
German office. I’m calling about training courses. write an apology for the mistake. Would it help if we
I understand that all staff can now apply for two sent you a link to it so you can see for yourself?
courses a year. B: Yes, thank you. I think it would.
A: Mr Lud …?
B: L_U_D_I_G_E_N, Max, M_A_X.
A: Thanks. How can I help you? BP_B2_Test 02_001_mp3
B: Before I do my online application, I was 1 What’s the best way to handle this?
wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions. a One option is to be consultative.
A: Go ahead. b There are pros and cons.
B: Is it possible to apply for Leadership Level 2, c I don’t think it makes sense.
without doing Level 1?
A: It’s possible, but we prefer you to start with 2 Why don’t we offer more training?
the first level because it’s specially tailored to our a There are pros and cons of both ideas.
company needs. b I’m just picking up on the cost.
B: Oh right. It’s just that I won’t be able to make c That sounds like a good idea.
that one because I’m away on holiday at the time of
the Level 1 course.

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3 Do we all agree to increase salaries by 3 percent? B: The junior management position. But before
a If I can add to that, salaries could increase. I apply, I’d like to know what their training
b If we do that, we could decrease costs. programme is like. The advert just says that on-the-
c I think it makes sense to do that. job training is provided.
A: Well, according to our information, they have
4 Any thoughts on how we can encourage staff a really good system of training and mentoring.
to stay? We’ve sent a few people there who’ve received
a Just picking up on what David said, why don’t management training and their feedback has
we forget the bonus? always been positive about training.
b I think the best option here is to offer a bonus. B: Really? That sounds good. I’m just out of
c One option could be to forget the bonus. university and I haven’t had much practical
5 What do you think we should do to increase A: Oh, don’t worry about that. Balen is very
sales? good at taking on graduates and training them
a One option could be to run a new ad campaign. through the ranks.
b I don’t think it makes sense for sales. B: That sounds good. I think I’ll apply then.
c I prefer to talk to suppliers. A: You need to do that before the 20th of May,
as they want to start interviewing by the 31st.
B: Oh, dear. I’ll be away then. I won’t be able
BP_B2_Test_02_02 to go to an interview if I get asked.
A: Why don’t I call their HR manager and
Listening 1
explain your situation and see if it’s still worthwhile
Hello. This is Stephanie Klas from OneKlas
applying? Can I take your details?
Training. It’s about the quotation we’re preparing for
B: Thanks. It’s Maria Harper …
delivering your training programme for next year.
I’ve just read your email and there are a few things
I need to discuss with you before I can send you BP_B2_Test_ 02_003_mp3
detailed costings with discounts. First of all, your
email doesn’t mention any Time Management A: Welcome back to Business Experts Today.
courses, but I thought we’d agreed that you wanted This evening I’m talking to David Nguyen, a training
those. We’ve got three planned for you during the expert who runs his own training consultancy firm,
year, in February, May and October. Please can which has been very successful here in the UK.
you confirm if you still want those. Secondly, Hello, David, and thanks for joining us.
I notice that you’ve asked for four basic B: Thank you John. It’s good to be here.
management courses during the year. You only A: Now, we hear a lot about company training
asked for two when we met, so has this changed. programmes, but why are some programmes
Personally, I think that you won’t need more than ineffective and an apparent waste of money?
three in the year. B: Unfortunately, some do fail. That’s true. One
Finally, the venue for the training isn’t clear. reason for that can be that a company doesn’t have
I understood that you’d like to send staff to our an experienced Training Manager. A training
premises but the email seems to be indicating that manager’s job is to identify the employees’ training
you’d like some of the courses to be in-house or and development needs and this requires
online. I think it would be a good idea if we could knowledge and experience. Another reason might
Skype this week to clear up these issues. be that, even if a company has employed a Training
Manager, the people hiring for that post might not
Listening 2 have asked the right questions during the
A: Good morning, Southern Engineers recruitment process.
Recruitment. How can I help you? A: For example?
B: Hello. I’ve been looking on your website for B: Well, companies should know how the
jobs and I’m interested in one of the jobs at Balen potential Training Manager keeps up with trends
Engineering. in training, but more importantly, what they do to
A: Bowen Engineering? improve their own skills. Then they need to ask
B: No. Balen. B–A–L–E–N. ‘N’ for November. them to give an example of a successful training
A: OK, thanks. Sorry, we’ve got Bowen programme they’ve implemented elsewhere.
Engineering on our books, too. Right, Balen Another question is how the manager would
Engineering. I’ve got it. Which job are you reinforce the skills that staff have learned on
interested in? training courses. It’s no good if they attend
courses but don’t retain the knowledge and skills.

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A: It sounds as if you need a very highly A: That’s an interesting point and one I’d like to
qualified and experienced person. So how does the discuss with another expert…
Training Manager go about assessing the needs of
the staff?
B: A training needs analysis should identify BP_B2_Test 03_001_mp3
each employee’s current level of competence, skill
1 Can I talk you through the points I’m unsure of?
and knowledge. In simple terms, the first step would
a I’d like to double-check something.
be to ask everyone who does a similar job to write
b Sure, what would you like to double-check?
down a list of their training needs. What they think
c I’m having a little difficulty with some ideas.
is important for them. These must be very specific
such as how to deal with uncooperative colleagues,
2 lost you for a second. Could you repeat that,
listening more effectively and actively and so on.
A: What happens next?
a Sure, no problem.
B: Well, the Training Manager puts all the needs
b I lost you for a second.
together and asks everyone to individually prioritise
c Sorry you didn’t understand it.
the needs on the list. By doing that, the Training
Manager can see which ones are the most
3 Sorry, I don’t follow. What is EBIT?
important. Then the group of employees or –
a We often use the term EBIT.
in most cases – department colleagues, can
b It stands for Earnings Before Interest and Tax.
brainstorm what outcomes they would expect
c Would it help if I explain EBIT?
from the top three needs. This helps the Training
Manager to clarify what kind of courses are
4 Tell me, what exactly do the figures in column B
refer to?
A: So, it’s really very simple then?
a The figures are there.
B: Not really! In reality, the needs assessment
b The figures aren’t exact.
is often much more complicated. And, the needs
c They’re overseas sales.
have to be regularly reassessed once the training
programme is up and running. The manager has to
5 Can you go over that again for me, please?
get regular feedback from the employees and keep
a The sound went for a moment.
an eye on each individual’s development. If the
b Right, I’ve got it open.
training isn’t working for someone or they feel that
c I’ll try and explain it more clearly.
it’s a waste of time, that’s a fast track to
demotivation and low morale within the
organisation. BP_B2_Test 03_002_mp3
A: So, can you schedule in time for doing further
needs analyses? Listening 1
B: It should really be an on-going process so A: Hi, Khalid. It’s Melia here. I just want to check
you need to be a bit flexible. But usually they’re some figures with you. Is that okay?
done after you’ve recruited someone, during B: Hi, Melia. No problem. Is it the overall sales
performance reviews or when someone’s figures you want?
performance is failing and needs to be improved. A: I’ll need some of them but first it’s the staff
And it’s vital when an organisation makes changes numbers I need for North America and India. Have
to employees’ jobs. Companies often change a job you got the up-to-date numbers?
description but fail to offer the required training so B: Let me check. Er, yes, right, here they are.
that employees can effectively deal with new India is 2,165 and North America is 1,892.
responsibilities or skills. A: Are you sure? I thought we had more staff in
A: Training isn’t cheap, is it? Some companies North America.
may feel they can’t justify the money spent on it. B: Sorry, you’re right. I was looking at the
B: That’s true, it’s often one of the first budgets South America figures. It’s 2,256 for North America.
to get cancelled as they think training is a waste of A: Could I also get the latest sales figures for
resources when the financial situation isn’t strong. North and South America?
However, it may not be the best thing to do, as B: No problem. Here they are. They came in this
having well-trained staff can often be critical to your morning. It’s $80 million for North America and $45
long-term success. Companies shouldn’t forget that million for South America.
employees are their biggest asset. Highly-trained A: Mmm, interesting. Not doing so well in South
staff can enhance a company’s reputation and set America, are we?
a business apart from its competitors. B: Well, don’t forget that operating costs are
lower there, so overall the results are good. And

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we’ll be launching the new product line aimed at the b Yes, I can agree to that.
South American market. That should have a very c Perhaps you could tell me about this approach.
positive effect on next year’s figures. Things are
looking bright. 3 How could you imagine this working?
A: I’ll make a note of that, thanks. Bye for now. a I think I can make that happen.
b I imagine we could do it.
Listening 2 c Everyone will have to contribute.
A: Good morning. FDG Bank – commercial
mortgage division, Sandra Williams speaking. How 4 What are your priorities?
can I help you? a Let me make sure I understand your priorities.
B: Good morning, I’d like to make an b Well, getting the right amount of resources would
appointment to discuss extending our commercial help most.
mortgage to purchase additional office space. c We need to discuss our priorities.
A: Okay. Can I have your name and the name
of your business? 5 How about if we allow staff to work flexible hours?
B: Yes, I’m Roger Fairclough and my business a Let’s look at the facts.
is Fairclough and Andrews Trade Services. b Yes, I suppose I can agree to that.
A: Thanks… When would you like to schedule c Let me make sure I fully understand your
the meeting? perspective.
B: Have you got any availability on Thursday the
A: I’ve got 9.30, with our advisor Laura BP_B2_Test 04_002_mp3
Listening 1
B: OK, that’s great. Um, sorry, how do you spell
A: Julietta Lopez speaking.
B: Hello, Markus Lang here. I’m calling about
A: Of course. It’s C–L–A–R–E–B–I–G–H.
the new computer system we discussed last week.
B: Thanks.
A: Hi, Markus. How can I help you?
A: Now, we’ll need you to bring some
B: I wanted to check something about the
documents to the meeting.
retained technical services contract you offer. Do
B: Sure. What do you need?
we really need this?
A: Well we’ll need audited accounts for the last
A: I think it’s a good idea. If you’ve got
two years. I assume you’ve got those?
reasonably skilled IT staff, they can deal with any
B: Yes, no problem. What else?
basic problems but when it gets more complicated,
A: You’ll need to bring a business plan showing
we’re there to take over when specialised help is
how buying the property will improve the cash flow
of the business and, of course, we’ll want to know
B: Do you often have problems with your
how you plan to repay the loan.
system then?
B: Okay. Anything else?
A: Not at all, but it can happen. It’s usually
A: We’ll be asking you about the current
caused by operator error or, in the worse-case
performance of your business and I’ll want details
scenario, a virus from outside and not our system.
of any other shareholders involved.
B: Every business’s nightmare, I guess.
B: Oh, that’ll be my business partner. He’ll be
A: Exactly. How would you feel if your system
coming to the meeting too.
was down and you had no one to call on to help
A: Good. We can discuss other points when
you’re here… Shall I confirm Thursday the 17th
B: I see your point.
at 9.30 then?
A: Also, don’t forget that your own IT staff need
B: That would be great, thank you…
holidays, so you don’t have to worry because we’re
here 24/7, 365 days of the year.
BP_B2_Test 04_001_mp3 B: That’s worth considering. So the contract
cost covers us for what?
1 Tell me about how this situation affects you. A: For a certain number of hours, depending on
a I’m not happy about this new policy. which package you choose. But if you don’t need all
b It means that I can’t work closely with the team. of those hours in the first year, we can carry them
c Maybe your suggestion would work. over to the following year, so you won’t be paying
for something you don’t use.
2 Is there another way to approach the situation? B: OK, that’s good to know …
a I think the best way is to ask everyone.

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Listening 2 producing cutting-edge products, but the rest of our

Good morning! It’s Hiro Kazui here from the systems are outdated. Just look at the ordering and
Japanese office. I’m calling to let you know that my distribution systems. They keep breaking down and
plane’s been delayed and I won’t be arriving until customers aren’t getting their orders on time or
midday tomorrow, so I’m going to miss the supplier they’re getting the wrong goods. Consequently,
meeting. Please can you pass this message on to they’re changing supplier.
Mr Johns as I don’t seem to be able to contact him. A: So, it’s the ordering and distribution system
Also, tell him not to worry about sending someone that needs dealing with, not the staff?
to meet me at the airport as planned. I’m going to B: Partly. But we need to keep staff happy. So,
take a taxi and I’ll meet him for dinner at the Balford I think the best way to do that is to have a meeting
Hotel as originally planned. with everyone to see if they have any ideas and
Oh, there’s another thing he needs to know. The then decide how to solve the issues with orders.
Sales Manager, Alex Babic, from Kaleech Supplies A: We don’t need to involve the staff in this.
is still going to attend tomorrow morning’s meeting Once we sort out the technology, everything should
at 9 a.m. He is flying to Ecuador in the afternoon be fine.
and can’t wait for me to get in. I therefore need Mr B: I don’t agree, Jonathan. Employees feel
Johns to tell Mr Babic exactly which products he much happier if they’re involved in big decisions.
needs and the quantities. Mr Babic can then work A: I’ll consider it if you really feel it would help.
out costs, discounts, and delivery details. Could Mr C: I think it would be a good start. Several
Johns then email me the draft contract he agrees experienced staff are considering leaving. They
with Mr Babic? Then we can go over it in the have mentioned these problems for months and
evening. they feel nobody is listening to them.
A: OK, then. We’ll meet with staff as soon as
possible and meanwhile, we’ll investigate the
BP_B2_Test 04_003_mp3 options for updating all our systems for order
processing and distribution. Now I’d like to see if
A: Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming
we can come up with any other ways to improve
to the meeting today. As you know, we need to look
at ways of improving efficiency within our
C: I’d like to suggest that we look at the
organisation. I’d like to stick to the agenda as we’ve
workflow in our main offices. It seems to me that
only got limited time today.
we’re wasting an awful lot of time and energy doing
B: Jonathan, I think we need to talk about
things twice.
staffing problems first.
A: How do you mean?
A: That’s outside the scope of the meeting
C: Well, for some reason each department
today, Alejandra. We’ve got a meeting specifically
seems to print out and file hard copies of everything
about that next week. Yes, Karim?
in addition to creating shared electronic files. I don’t
C: Actually, I agree with Alejandra. I think we
know why this is.
should look at staff first.
B: I think you’ll find it’s because our computer
A: But that’s not the subject of today’s
systems have broken down so many times that staff
feel it’s necessary to keep hard copies in case it
C: But many employees are unhappy and not
happens again. At least then they have a chance
working productively. To improve efficiency, we
of keeping things moving.
need to find out why.
C: I can see Alejandra’s point and it all comes
B: I can tell you why. It’s because the ordering
back to the systems.
and distribution systems keep breaking down. Staff
A: OK, well I think we’ve identified a key
are frustrated because we haven’t invested in better
problem. Thanks everyone. I’ll pass this information
on to Senior Management.
C: We can’t expect to compete in the market
B: Sorry, Jonathan but I don’t think we’ve
without the best technology there is. Our
finished. I’d like to talk about the security system.
competitors have eaten into the market lead we
Our bags are checked every time we enter the
once had.
building, even if we’ve only been out for a ten-
A: Can I stop you for a second, Karim? Are you
minute break. It wastes too much time.
saying that the lack of efficiency is totally due to the
A: You know we have to do that.
technology we use?
B: But every time we go outside for a bit of
C: Mainly, yes.
fresh air?
B: Sorry, can I add something here? As
A: Okay, I hear what you’re saying. We’ll
Production Manager, I can confirm that we’ve got
arrange another meeting to discuss that.
the most sophisticated machinery in our factory,

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BP_B2_Test 05_001_mp3 A: Really? Do you know why?

B: Because she hasn’t been promoted in two
1 I’d like to hear your comments on things that have years or had a pay rise. She said she wanted
gone well. a more challenging position with a better salary.
a It’s important never to underestimate the need A: Why didn’t we pick up on this at the last
for good communication. appraisal? She seemed happy last year.
b In terms of my own success, I managed to B: I don’t know, but all the changes we’ve had
complete the first two phases on time. in the company this year have increased her
c If I’d planned more carefully, we wouldn’t have workload. If you remember, I predicted this might
gone over budget. happen.
A: Then why didn’t you tell her about the job?
2 Which aspects of the project were the most B: I thought that it was a waste of time.
problematic? A: I’m not sure you’re seeing the bigger picture
a Well, speaking openly, there were some issues here. We need to arrange a meeting with her
with quality. as soon as possible. She’s one of the most
b On the whole, it turned out to be a success. experienced members of your team and achieves
c Overall, it’s great that we have avoided these all the goals she is set. I don’t want to lose her.
Listening 2
3 So, how do we do things differently next time? Thank you for attending this meeting today. We are
a On the whole, it turned out to be a great learning here to address any queries or worries you may
process. have about your new job descriptions and the
b If I plan more carefully, I can avoid the issues we performance review. I hope to clarify things now,
discussed. but if you still have any questions about either of
c I had to be very careful with delegating tasks. these things, then Sharon French, the HR Manager,
is in the office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday to
4 So what was the main reason for the failed Thursday… OK, well, I’ll start with the appraisal
delivery? forms and some answers to the most common
a This mistake was due to a lack of planning. queries you sent us. Firstly, what do we do with the
b I managed to do this by planning thoroughly. information you write? HR, together with your line
c Next time, we will insist on having more time to manager, use it as a basis for discussion during
plan. your performance review. It’s important for us to
see how you feel about your job. Please be honest
5 So generally speaking, in what way did things go when completing the form. And if you’ve made any
well and what were the problems? mistakes during the year, you should explain why
a My big challenge was planning the final phase. you think they happened. Everyone makes
b It’s important never to underestimate planning the mistakes. It’s an important part of the learning
final phase. process. We will not use any negative comments
c On the whole, the project was a success, but the you might make to stop you getting a promotion or
final phase could have been better planned. a pay rise. Open and clear communication is the
key to our success…

BP_B2_Test 05_002_mp3
Listening 1
BP_B2_Test 06_001_mp3
A: Hello, Geoff, it’s Lydia from HR. 1 Do you like my idea?
B: Hi Lydia. a To be honest, not really. I don’t think it’ll work.
A: I’d like to chat to you about one of your team, b I’m afraid I might not be able to.
Joanna Zieliński. c I don’t want to worry you, but I feel I have to tell
B: Ah, yes. She’s a great member of the team. you this.
A: I can see that from her appraisal, so I was
just wondering why you hadn’t recommended her 2 Can we have the report on the sales figures?
for promotion to supervisor. I think she’d be a This information isn’t confirmed, but I think you
a perfect fit for the vacancy you’ve got in your should know.
department. b No, I’m sorry. It’s not ready yet.
B: Well, I asked her what her goals were for c I’m not entirely sure at this stage. I could be
the coming year and she told me she was going to wrong.

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3 What do you think about this supplier? I can take your card details, I should be able to
a I’m concerned they won’t keep up with demand. bring up your transaction and then transfer…
b There might be new issues that come to light. B: Before you do that, there was another reason
c It’s just a thought. I could be wrong. I was calling. I think that maybe you need to look at
the factory you use. I saw a TV documentary about
4 When will you have finished the latest figures for it last night.
me? A: Really, we haven’t heard anything about
a There might be further difficulties. a documentary being made.
b To be honest, not really. I don’t think they’ll be B: It showed similar unbranded products being
finished. made in the factory you use and very poor working
c I can’t say for certain, but it’ll be soon. conditions.
A: I would be very surprised if that were true.
5 Can you give me a straight answer? We have a reputation for ethically sourcing and
a I’m playing devil’s advocate here, but I’m not sure producing our products…
that is a good idea. B: Well, I checked on your website where you
b I’m afraid I might not be able to. It’s complicated. make your products and it’s definitely the same
c Just thinking out loud here, but maybe we could factory.
discuss it another time. A: If it IS the one we use, then obviously this is
serious, you’re right. I’ll get the Production Director
to investigate immediately. Thanks for informing us.
BP_B2_Test_ 06_002_mp3 If you give me your contact details we’ll arrange…
A: Beauty Best Customer Service, how can
I help you? BP_B2_Test_ 06_003_mp3
B: Hi, I’m calling to complain about one of your
beauty products - the coconut face cream. Speaker 1
A: That’s our most popular product. What Although we received bonuses last year, I don’t
seems to be the problem? think the company did that well. Personally, I think
B: Well I woke up this morning and my face it needs to make big changes if it’s going to be
has red marks all over it – I seem to have had an competitive. It’d be better if we reduced the number
allergic reaction to it. of product lines and concentrated on high-end
A: Really? That shouldn’t happen. Perhaps you items. That’s where the profits are. I also think we
have very sensitive skin. should try to use more ethical suppliers. Consumers
B: No, I don’t. This is the first time I’ve used today want fair trade goods.
your cream and I wanted to try it because all your
products are supposed to be totally organic and Speaker 2
ethically produced. Why didn’t I stay there? I’d been with that company
A: That’s true, yes. for ten years but their factory procedures could
B: In that case, why are some of the ingredients have been more ethical. Their carbon footprint
listed on the jar not actually organic? was also ridiculous and they had no intention of
A: Well we do need to use a small amount of changing anything soon. Another reason was
some non-organic ingredients. It’s to avoid bacteria that the new manager wasn’t very good at
getting into your cream, you see. communicating so staff morale was very low.
B: That’s interesting. I didn’t know that. I can’t work for a company that doesn’t take care
A: It means that the product lasts longer. of its most valuable assets.
B: Even so, I don’t particularly want these red
rashes and it can’t be legal, can it? And you can’t Speaker 3
expect me to check all the ingredients when I’m in It’s a great company, but recently I’ve been worried
the shop… about the new process of choosing suppliers. The
A: The amount we use is legally permitted, but system isn’t as good as before and I’ve just
I understand your frustrations. discovered that one of our suppliers isn’t supplying
B: (frustrated) Mmm. Well, I’m disappointed, organic materials as specified. How many more of
especially when all the ingredients are supposed the new suppliers are not as ethical as the company
to be organic. thought? We’ve had a lot of bad publicity because
A: OK, well we can offer you a full refund on this of it.
occasion, but you should check our ingredients if Speaker 4
you purchase another product from our range. If I’m always encouraging my people to use their
initiative. I love having my own team and I think I’m

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doing a good job. We’ve hit our targets every month Speaker 5
and are on track to exceed them this month. We The new system doesn’t do half the things we
work together to achieve targets and my team know hoped it would and it crashes regularly. I don’t know
they can come to me any time they have problems. why we didn’t do more research before we invested
This is important, because ultimately, I’m the one in it. In fact, I doubt that anyone investigated it
who’s responsible for them. properly to be honest. And we didn’t get any of the
training we were promised. Does that answer your
Speaker 5 question?
At the interview, you said I’d have to develop my
skills, which I have, and last month I was really
happy to receive that extra amount in my salary. BP_B2_Test_ 07_001_mp3
That was great. It’s nice to be appreciated. My team
1 So, what you’re saying is you definitely can’t go
leader doesn’t always remember to tell us when
on this trip?
we’ve done well, so the monetary reward confirms
a Another issue is the cost of the trip.
I’m doing okay, though I wish my boss would tell me
b It’s important we consider the time frame.
c Correct. That won’t be possible I’m afraid.

BP_B2_Test_ 06_004_mp3 2 How about if we postpone the meeting for

a few days?
Speaker 1 a We’re going to have to go the extra mile.
I know we’re thinking about changing our b I think we can both agree to that.
manufacturing process but I think we may have c In your opinion, it should take around a week,
some problems if we do that. Firstly, it’s going to right?
be extremely expensive and we can’t guarantee
that it’ll significantly improve our products or sales. 3 In other words, you don’t want to go, but you’d
I don’t want to worry you, but I’ve heard about other still like me to go?
companies which installed the new system and it a I don’t think it’ll work like that.
didn’t sound very reliable. b It would be good for you to meet them.
c We have always had a good working relationship.
Speaker 2
Look, we’ve lost 10% of the market share. I’d like to 4 So, from your point of view, this phase should
know why we’re so far behind the competition. Is it take about a month?
because we’re not selling fair trade goods, or are a Yes, I should think so.
our products outdated? We’ve worked hard this b Yes, I’m only willing to do it for a month.
year and although sales are up we’re still losing our c We can’t move on the delivery date.
market position. I’m hoping someone can come up
with the reasons because I just don’t understand it. 5 How about if we postpone the start date?
a It might be possible to extend the start date.
Speaker 3 b I understand your reservations.
You know that our software is aimed at small c That sounds like the best option.
businesses and we’ve got a very good track record.
We can certainly help your organisation be more
efficient. You would have much better BP_B2_Test_ 07_002_mp3
communication with your clients, which can only
Listening 1
be a good thing. Recent customers have told us
A: Good morning. Ryan & Co Fastener
that their sales have increased by up to 15% in
Supplies. How can I help you?
just a few months. And our prices are lower than
B: Hello, this is Dana Zeman from Oxleighton
our competitors.
A: Can you repeat that please?
Speaker 4
B: Oxleighton: O–X–L–E–I–G–H–T–O–N. Your
I think I need to improve my time management
company has been recommended to us for
skills. I always find it hard to meet deadlines. It’s
providing an efficient and speedy service.
becoming quite a problem so I think I need to do
A: What is it you need?
a course as soon as possible. Is there any chance
B: Well, we were wondering if you had any HDG
of doing one next month? We’ve got a big project
bolts in stock. Our usual supplier has let us down
coming up and I don’t want to be late on that or I’ll
and we need them immediately.
never get the promotion I want.
A: Do you want the 5 mm or 10 mm ones?

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B: Ten millimetre.
A: We’ve got some in stock. How many do you
need? BP_B2_Test_ 08_001_mp3
B: We’re looking at two and a half thousand.
1 How would you feel about the idea of a fresh
A: We’ve only got two thousand in stock but we
could get the rest tomorrow. We could deliver the
a If I were you, I’d take this opportunity.
two thousand by the end of today if we send them
b I like the sound of that.
by courier, although you’ll have to pay extra for this
c I think it would be best for you to wait for a while.
service. And we could get the remaining five
hundred to you by tomorrow afternoon.
2 Have you considered doing some more training?
B: That’d be great. How much is the delivery?
a That could be a good idea, I think.
A: Where are you based?
b OK. So, if I don’t do that, what should I do?
B: In Millington.
c Thanks for your help. What should I do next?
A: What’s the address?
B: It’s Unit 5… Exbury Industrial Park… MG24
3 Do you think you should change supplier?
a Let’s see that as a challenge to overcome.
A: MG24 3HJ… Hold on… That will cost £55
b I think it would be best for you to think about it.
and of course we’d need payment up front as we
c Well, I’m not sure that’s the solution.
haven’t got a credit agreement with your company.
B: That’s fine. I’ll pay by credit card if that’s
4 How do you think you could best approach this
A: No problem. That’ll be £250 plus £55 for
a What would you do if you were me?
delivery. So, £305 in total.
b I could see which of the approaches that worked
on the last project could also work here.
Listening 2
c I’m not sure. It’s all very sudden.
Thank you for attending this conference call update
on Training and Development. It’s really just to let
5 What options do you have as a next step?
you know what is available over the next few
a I’ve got a few options to consider...
weeks, so that you can add a personal
b That option could be a good idea...
development goal to your upcoming performance
c We could choose an option as a next step…
reviews. Next month, we’ll be offering three courses
for staff: Leadership skills, Time management and
Reducing stress. The Leadership course is open to BP_B2_Test_ 08_002_mp3
all supervisors and newly appointed team
managers and takes place in-house. It’ll last three Listening 1
days, and starts on the 5th of October. There are A: Hello, Chris Henson speaking.
still three places available so let me know as soon B: Hi, Chris. It’s Philip Mathers.
as possible if you’re interested. Our regular Time A: Hello, Philip. What can I do for you today?
management course is also filling up quickly this B: Well, I’d like to renegotiate the contract we
month. It’s for any employee who wants to be better have with you.
at organising their time, prioritising tasks and setting A: Really? Aren’t you happy with the current
schedules. We run this course on the last Friday of one.
every month and it’s always popular, even if you are B: It’s not that. We’ve just won a new contract,
already efficient. which will increase our production output. So, as
The Reducing stress course takes place at the we’re going to need double the amount of steel
Beacon Wellness Centre in town. It’s two days long casings we get from you, we were hoping to get a
and teaches you how to relax and cope with stress. bigger discount. And we expect the volumes to
It’s recommended that all staff in managerial increase even more over time.
positions take the course to help keep your stress A: I see. This is a big change for your
levels to a minimum. To book, just send an email to organisation, isn’t it?
the HR department with the title of the course in the B: Yes, it’s very exciting. So getting back to the
subject field… Can I also remind everyone… discount …
A: Yes, well if you’re going to buy twice as many
casings each month, I think we can do something.
Let’s see, your current discount is 7.5% is that
B: Actually it’s 8.

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A: Oh, yes, sorry, I was looking at the wrong file. ago completely changed the course of her career.
Well, we could offer you 10%. Elena, welcome.
B: I was hoping for something more like 12. B: Thank you, Michael.
A: Mm, we don’t usually give more than 10. A: Could you start by telling us what happened
Company policy, you understand. two years ago?
B: I understand. But if we can guarantee B: Well, I’d been working in a family-run
minimum orders for two years, couldn’t you make automotive company for ten years as Marketing
an exception? Director, but they were bought out by their main
A: I’m going to have to check it with the Sales rival. I loved my job with the company but they were
Director. Leave it with me and I’ll get back to you as being squeezed out of the market by the huge
soon as I’ve spoken to her. multinationals and finally they were taken over by
A: OK. I look forward to your call. one of them. Then things changed dramatically.
A: As so often happens these days. But the
Listening 2 changes that occurred as a result led to you
A: Daisuke speaking. leaving, didn’t they? Why what was that?
B: Hi, Daisuke. It’s Franz from head office here. B: First of all, let me say that everyone in our
A: Hello, Franz. Nice to hear from you. I bet I small company felt as if they were part of a family.
can guess what you’re calling about: the changes Most of the employees had been working there for
being implemented next week? years and it was a very happy place. But when we
B: Yes, that’s right. I just wanted to make sure were taken over many employees were made
that you haven’t got any problems. We need the redundant although they’d promised that no one
whole organisation to move at the same time. would lose their jobs. I was demoted to Marketing
A: I understand, but we’ve got an issue with Manager with double the workload I previously had.
staff holidays. You want everyone to request A: But I assume your salary increased because
holiday time from head office, right? of that?
B: Well, not everyone. It’s only for management B: Not at all. That was the worst thing. Because
and directors. For most employees, things will be I was only the marketing manager at that point, my
agreed locally. salary had decreased. I think that was the final
A: The staff aren’t very happy about that. insult really. I realised then I couldn’t stay there so
B: Oh, dear. Would it help if I had a video I started looking for other jobs. I applied for four or
meeting with them to explain why we’re doing this? five but didn’t even get an interview. Then, a friend
A: I think it might. They’re refusing to cooperate, of mine who was setting up a new business asked
I’m afraid. my advice about marketing. I was happy to help her
B: I’ll set that up. It’s really only about for free to help get her business off the ground.
standardising staff benefits and welfare and sharing Then she told people how helpful I’d been and
holiday calendars. they started calling me for advice. That’s how my
A: I see. consultancy business was born.
B: Now, purchase orders, any issues there? A: You specialise in helping new companies,
A: No. All the staff know they have to send don’t you?
these through the central processing office in B: I do. I don’t want to be part of a big
Frankfurt. conglomerate business. I like to work closely with
B: Excellent. And finally, don’t forget that the individuals who really care about what they do.
monthly sales reports have to be ready by the 28th I charge fees that won’t break the bank of the start-
of each month now, and not the 1st of the month. up company. It’s so rewarding to see a new
A: So next month you’ll get one report on the 1st business grow. I have contributed to that, and it
and then another on the 28th? makes me feel good. But once they’re successful,
B: Yes, that’s it. I insist that they take on someone else if they need
A: Okay. No problem. a permanent member of staff.
A: Why would you do that?
B: Because I prefer to be my own boss. For me
BP_B2_Test_ 08_003_mp3 it’s not about the money or financial security. I earn
enough to have a comfortable lifestyle. I can use
A: Welcome back to Business Today, with me,
my skills and knowledge to help people who really
Michael Andrews. In this part of the programme, we
need my help but without the stress one might feel
talk to guests who successfully run their own
working for a large company. I set my own goals
businesses after leaving the corporate world.
and objectives and work with wonderful people.
Today, I’m talking to Elena Halsch, who two years
A: That sounds like the ideal job.

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B: For me it is. Every day is different and I can

be as creative as I like. It’s wonderful not to have
to do the same things over and over again. Big
companies tend to follow so many rules and
procedures that creativity sometimes gets lost.
Don’t get me wrong, I have to follow what my clients
want, but they allow me much more freedom. I can
go home at the end of the day and feel I’ve done
something worthwhile, hopefully helping people
achieve their goals for their own business.
A: So, will you do this for the foreseeable
future? What happens next?
B: More of the same for a while, but I’m thinking
of taking a year out to travel, which I didn’t have the
chance to do when I was younger. And at some
point, I want to have time to myself to work out what
I will do next. I think I’d like another change at some
point, although at the moment I’m not quite sure
what that change might be.
A: Well, it sounds like there’s no hurry at the

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