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6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

SDL Worksheet 12: Academic

Presentation Skills : Developing the Body
- Utilising Audio-Visual Aids
Total points 19/19

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Choose the correct answers on the topic of Utilising Audio-Visual Aids 5 of 5 points… 1/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

1. What is the purpose of using audiovisual aids in academic *1/1


To entertain the audience

To distract the audience

To enhance understanding and engagement

To replace verbal communication

2. When selecting audiovisual aids, it is important to ensure they are: * 1/1

Relevant and aligned with the content of the presentation

Distracting and visually busy

Irrelevant to the content of the presentation

Completely unrelated to the topic

3. How can multimedia elements such as videos and animations *1/1

contribute to academic presentations?

By providing an opportunity for a short break

By replacing the need for a presenter altogether

By engaging the audience and illustrating complex processes

By increasing confusion among the audience… 2/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

4. How can the use of audiovisual aids help in reinforcing key messages? * 1/1

By adding unnecessary complexity

By engaging attractive ways in delivering ideas

By replacing spoken words entirely

By creating confusion among the audience

5. Effective integration of audiovisual aids into a presentation involves: * 1/1

Overwhelming the audience with excessive animations

Minimising the use of visual aids to avoid distractions

Avoiding any use of multimedia elements altogether

Ensuring the aids complement and reinforce the content

Choose the correct answers on the topic of Designing Effective 10 of 10

PowerPoint Slides points

1. What is the importance of keeping PowerPoint slides simple and *1/1

uncluttered in a presentation?

1. It allows for more content to be included on each slide.

2. It makes the slides visually appealing and easy to understand.

3. It creates a sense of complexity.

4. It helps distract the audience from the main message.… 3/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

2. Why is it important to maintain consistency in design throughout *1/1

PowerPoint slides?

It adds visual variety to the slides.

It ensures a professional and organised appearance.

It allows for experimentation with different design styles.

It makes the slides more memorable and entertaining.

3. What are some key considerations when selecting fonts for *1/1
PowerPoint slides?

Using decorative fonts to add visual interest.

Choosing fonts that are difficult to read to challenge the audience.

Selecting fonts that are clear, easy to read, and appropriate for the content and

Experimenting with different font sizes and styles on each slide.

4. How can the effective use of colour enhance PowerPoint slides? * 1/1

By using contrasting colours for text and background to ensure readability.

By using as many different colours as possible for a vibrant look.

By using random colour combinations for a unique and artistic appearance.

By using dull and monochromatic colours to create a calming effect.… 4/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

5. What are some strategies for using visuals such as charts or images in *1/1
PowerPoint slides?

Including as many visuals as possible to make the slides visually appealing.

Using visuals only as decorative elements without any specific purpose.

Using visuals that are relevant, high-quality, and support the content.

Using visuals that are complex and difficult for the audience to understand.

6. Why is it important to maintain a clear visual hierarchy in PowerPoint *1/1


It allows for the inclusion of excessive text and bullet points.

It adds a sense of confusion and mystery to the presentation.

It helps guide the audience's attention and prioritise key information.

It allows for the use of inconsistent font sizes and styles on each slide.

7. Why is it important to keep text on PowerPoint slides concise? * 1/1

To test the audience's reading skills

To save ink when printing handout

To ensure the audience can read the text easily

To reduce the number of words per slide… 5/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

8. Why are you not encouraged to include sound effect onto your *1/1
Powerpoint slides?

it will make the presentation lengthier

it may cause confusion to the audience

It can be distracting and may take away the focus from the main content of the

It will make the presentation less effective

9. How can animation be effectively used in PowerPoint slides? * 1/1

By adding excessive animations to make the slides more entertaining.

By using animations purposefully to emphasise key points.

By using random and chaotic animations for a surprising effect.

By avoiding the use of animation altogether to maintain simplicity.

10. What are some considerations for slide layout and organisation in *1/1
PowerPoint presentations?

Using multiple slide templates throughout the presentation for visual variety.

Placing text and visuals randomly on each slide for an artistic appearance.

Maintaining a consistent slide layout to ensure a professional and organised


Including excessive content on each slide to provide more information.

Identify the problem in the PowerPoint slides below. 4 of 4 points… 6/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

Slide 1 * 1/1

Inconsistent fonts

Excessive text

Overuse of bullet points

Cluttered layout

Poor color choices… 7/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

Slide 2 *

Inconsistent fonts

Excessive text

Overuse of bullet points

Cluttered layout

Poor color choices… 8/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

Slide 3 * 1/1

Inconsistent fonts

Excessive text

Overuse of bullet points

Cluttered layout

Poor color choices… 9/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

Slide 4 * 1/1

Inconsistent fonts

Excessive text

Overuse of bullet points

Cluttered layout

Poor color choices… 10/18
6/10/23, 9:34 PM SDL Worksheet 12: Academic Presentation Skills : Developing the Body - Utilising Audio-Visual Aids

Slide 5 * 1/1

Inconsistent fonts

Excessive text

Overuse of bullet points

Cluttered layout

Poor color choices

This form was created inside Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Forms… 11/18
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