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Why Have an Anti-Bullying Policy?

What is Bullying?

Behaviour by a person or group,

usually repeated over time, that
deliberately hurts another
person or group either physically
or emotionally.

Ways you can be bullied both

physical and emotional: We are committed to being a bully free
 Called names;
We want to stop bullying from ever
 Left out, ignored;
happening but if it does, we want pupils,
 Threatened; staff and parents to know what they can
do to get help. Anti-Bullying
 Hit, kicked, punched,
choked; Bullies need help too so this leaflet shows
anyone who thinks they might be a bully
 Sent nasty messages on or being bullied where to get support.
phone or computer;
Caversham Primary School
 Forced into doing something DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE!
you didn’t want to;
Head Teacher: Mrs Ruth Perry
 Personal property damaged;
0800 1111
 Personal property stolen; Written by the Caversham Primary School Council
 Had rumours spread about
What Actions Should You
Take If You Think You Are
Being Bullied?
 Tell the person that you don’t like How The School Will Support You:
what they are doing and that you  The staff will speak to you and
Which of Your Rights Are want them to stop. your parents.
Being Taken Away If You Are  If the behaviour continues tell an
Bullied? adult.  They will also talk to the bully
 If you do not want to tell someone in
and their parents. They will be
person, write your problem and name asked why they are bullying
down and place it in the Worry Box. and helped to stop.
Article 16
 Talk to someone who will understand
You have the right to privacy. The for example a friend, older brother  If they do not stop, they could
law should protect you from at- or sister, school buddy or be suspended or excluded.
tacks against your way of life, your School Council member.
good name, your family and your  Bullies often need help. They
home. may have a problem at home or
have been bullied themselves.

Article 14  The school can help these

What Are Your Responsibilities If children to sort out their
You have the right to think and be- You Know Someone’s Being Bullied? problems and stop bullying.
lieve what you want and to practise
 Don’t ignore it or even enjoy what
your religion, as long as you are not
is happening.
stopping other people from enjoy-
ing their rights. Parents should  Help the victim by being kind and
guide children on these matters. insisting the bully stops.
 Seek the help of an adult.
 Ensure that you include people in
your own games especially if they
look alone or left out. Always al-
low people to play with you.

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