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Alexandria University CS 112: Statistics

Faculty of Engineering Spring 2024

Sheet 8
Assigned: 3/5/2024
Due: 12/5/2024

Problem 1
A textile fiber manufacturer is investigating a new drapery yarn, which has a standard
deviation of 0.3 kg. The company wishes to test the hypothesis H 0 : 𝜇 = 14 against
H1 : 𝜇 < 14, using a random sample of five specimens.
(a) What is the P-value if the sample average is x ⏨= 13.7 kg?
(b) Find 𝛽 for the case where the true mean elongation force is 13.5 kg and we assume
that 𝛼 = 0.05.
(c) What is the power of the test from part (b)?

Problem 2
Medical researchers have developed a new artificial heart constructed primarily of
titanium and plastic. The heart will last and operate almost indefinitely once it is implanted
in the patient’s body, but the battery pack needs to be recharged about every 4 hours. A
random sample of 50 battery packs is selected and subjected to a life test. The average
life of these batteries is 4.05 hours. Assume that battery life is normally distributed with
standard deviation 𝜎 = 0.2 hour.
(a) Is there evidence to support the claim that mean battery life exceeds 4 hours? Use
𝛼 = 0.05.
(b) What is the P-value for the test in part (a)?
(c) Compute the power of the test if the true mean battery life is 4.5 hours.
(d) What sample size would be require to detect a true mean battery life of 4.5 hours if we
wanted the power of the test to be at least 0.9?
(e) Explain how the question in part (a) could be answered by constructing a one-sided
confidence bound on the mean life.

Problem 3
The average warpwise breaking strength of a cerain type of cloth is required to be not less
than 𝜇 = 180 pounds per square inch. The standard deviation based on past experience
is 4 psi. A shipment of a lot of this cloth is received from a supplier and specimens are
withdrawn from three pieces. These are tested with the following results:
first piece: 182 psi;
second piece: 172 psi;
third piece 177 psi;
Using a 5% level of significance, should the lot be accepted? What is the probability of
accepting a lot which has a lot average warpwise breaking strength of 𝜇 = 170 psi.
Problem 4
A manufacturer of light bulbs has developpedd a new production process which he hopes
will increase the mean efficieny (in lumens per watt) of his product from the present mean
of 9.5. The results of an experiment conducted on 10 bulbs are given below. Should the
manufacturer believe that the efficiency has been increased? Use a 5% level of
significance. What is the propability of saying that there was no increase if the efficiency
were 11? (Use S as the estimate of 𝜎)

9.278 12.045
9.971 13.024
10.250 9.871
11.461 11.578
11.515 10.851

∑ X 2 = 1218.451898

Problem 5
In Problem 4, how many observations are required so that if the mean efficiency is
increased by as much as 1 lumen per watt, it will be detected with probability 0.9? A rough
⏨ = 11, S = 0.503 and the number of
estimate of 𝜎 is 0.5 lumen per watt. If X
observations are as found above, would the hypothesis be accepted?

Problem 6
The melting points of two alloys used in formulating solder were investigated by melting
21 samples of each material. The sample mean and standard deviation for alloy 1 was
x⏨1 = 420.48°F and s 1 = 2.34°F, and for alloy 2 they were x2 = 425°F and s 2 = 2.5°F.
(a) Do the sample data support the claim that both alloys have the same melting point?
Use a fixed-level test with 𝛼 = 0.05 and assume that both populations are normally
distributed and have the same standard deviation.
(b) Find the P-value for this test.

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