A Term Paper On The Course Organizational Behavior 2016

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Addis Ababa University

College of Business & Economics

Department of Management

Group Assignment Instructions: Organizational Design and Structure Practices in a Real

Organization in Addis Ababa and write a report based on the following aspects.

This assignment focuses on exploring organizational design and structure within a selected
organization. The assignment aims to analyze the organization's design and structure, understand
its implications for organizational behavior, and provide recommendations for improvement. The
assignment is part of the Organizational Behavior course and should be completed in accordance
with the following instructions:
A. Assignment Document Contents:
1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the assignment, its objectives, and the importance of
organizational design and structure in shaping organizational behavior.
2. Overview of the Organization:
Introduce the selected organization and provide relevant background information, such as its
industry, history, mission, and size. This will help provide context for the analysis of its
organizational design and structure.
3. Assess the Selected Organization's Understanding of Organizational Design and Structure:
Evaluate the organization's knowledge and comprehension of organizational design and structure
concepts. This can be done through interviews, surveys, or discussions with key personnel within
the organization. Assess their understanding of the essence of organizational design and
structure, the importance of aligning design with strategy, and the impact of design on
organizational effectiveness.
4. Key Organization Design Process:
Discuss how they identify and analyze organizational design needs, make decisions regarding
structural elements (e.g., hierarchy, specialization, coordination mechanisms), and implement the
chosen design.
5. Types of Organization Structure:
Assess the organization's current structure and analyze its strengths and weaknesses in terms of
supporting the organization's goals, communication, decision-making, and coordination.
6. Technology and Job Design:
Assess whether the organization aligns its technology and job design with its overall structure.
Evaluate the organization's understanding of the relationship between technology, job design,
and organizational effectiveness.

B. Approach and Tools:

1. Group Work: Collaborate with your group members to conduct research, gather data, and
analyze the organization's design and structure.
2. Requirement Gathering/Feedback Collection Tools: Utilize appropriate tools, such as
surveys, interviews, or questionnaires, to gather information and feedback about the
organization's design and structure. Attach these tools as appendices to your assignment.
3. Supporting Documents: Whenever possible, collect relevant supporting documents,
photographs, audios, or any other materials that provide insight into the organization's
design and structure.
C. Size and Formatting:
1. The assignment should not exceed 20 pages.
2. Use 1.5 spacing and the Times New Roman font.
D. Submission:
1. Submit a printed copy of the assignment to your instructor.
2. Also, email a soft copy of the assignment to matinageb@gmail.com.
3. The submission deadline is April 18, 2024.
4. The presentation of the assignment will take place on April 20, 2024.
E. Weight/Value:
1. The assignment will account for 15% to 20% of the totalcourse grade.

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