Biology Model Question Grade 12 Set 1

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Model questions

Subject: Botany
Attempt all Questions
Group A
Circle the correct answer from the given alternatives [5×1=5]
1. 2n + 1 chromosomes are found in
a. Trisomy b. Aneuploidy c. Monosomy d. Tetrasomy
2. Numerous, small, non-sticky pollen grains and presence of feathery & non- sticky stigma
is adapted for
a. Entomophily b. Anemophily c. Hydrophily d. Zoophily
3. Which condition of xylem is shown in the figure?
a. Exarch b. Endarch c. Mesarch d. Centarch Toward periphery
4. The biofertilizers are
a. Anabaena & Azolla
b. Fertilizers produced by biotechnology
c. Cow dung, manure & farmyard waste Toward Pith
d. Quick growing crop ploughed under soil
5. The cell becomes turgid when placed in
a. hypertonic solution
b. isotonic solution
c. in air
d. hypotonic solution
Short question (4x4= 16)
1. Explain anotanical feature of dicot root with suitable diagram.
2. Double fertilization and triple fusion are the peculiar features of angiosperms. Explain
double fertilization with process and diagram. ( 3+1)
3. Define genetic engineering. Write down the possible danger of genetic engineering. (1+3)

4. What is polyploidy? Explain its types and significance. (1+3)

Which pytohormones control organ formation in callus tissue? Write down the
physiological effect of any one of such hormones. (1+3)
Long question (8x2 = 16)
1. If the linkage was known at the time of Mendel, then which of the following law of Mendel
was unable to explain? State & explain that law of mendel by giving examples showing upto
second filial generation with chart and ratio. (1+ 1.5+ 2+ 2+ 1.5)
Gene for Colour blindness is X- linked gene which show criss- cross inheritance. Define the
term criss- cross inheritance on the basis of colour blindness and explain it with the help of
suitable cross. (1 + 4+ 3)

2. Where does the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis occur? Explain non cyclic
photophosphorylation. Also mention how it differ from cyclic photophosphorylation.
Model questions
Subject: Zoology
Group A
1. Which of the following glands atrophies after puberty?
a. Ovary
b. Pineal gland
c. Parathyroid gland
d. Adrenal gland
2. The urinary bladder develops from
a. Ectoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Ecto mesoderm
d. Endoderm
3. People living in high altitude will have
a. High Hb concentration
b. Low Hb concentration
c. Normal Hb concentration
d. Increased heart rate
4. A person (> 55 years) cannot see the near objects, the defect is
a. Myopia
b. Hypermetropia
c. Pressbyopia
d. Astigmatism
5. Wrinkling of skin in old age is due to
a. Collagen
b. Keratin
c. Achon
d. Myosin
6. LSD is obtained from
a. Cannabis
b. Claviceps
c. Fusarium
d. Nostoc
Group - B
1. Discuss briefly about different types of bones. (4)
2. What is organogenesis? How is the coelom formed? (1+3)
What is animal husbandary? Explain the scope of fish farming in Nepal. (1+3)
3. What is heart beat? Discuss the origin and conduction of the heartbeat. (1+3)
4. Define keratoplasty. Discuss the types of organ transplantation. (1+3)

Group – C
5. What is MDR-TB? Describe causative organism, mode of transmission, symptoms,
preventive measures and treatments of tuberculosis. (1+1+2+2+2)
6. What do you mean by nerve impulse? Describe the process of conduction of nerve
impulse through nerve fibre and synapse. (1+4+3)
What is digestion? Describe the structure and function of human alimentary canal. (1+2+5)
Best Wishes

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