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Class Notes..

Southeast Asia

Rise of Islam in South east Asia

The evidence regarding the arrival lf Islam in South east asia and its
origin is limited incomplete and often conflicting. There is a debate by
the Islam khem by a India or by China and in the specific South east asia
context whether it spread to Java the errors have no religion for
generations but only from 13 century there’s a clear proof of local
adoption of muslim religion. But until now it’s restricted to cost along
coastal trade routes. The Muslim first arrive as traders and teachers
from Muslim part of world in India conduit for Islamic ideas. It was
Sunni sect of Islam which established itself in South east asia despite it
have shiyya influence. Even though teachings were well in place in that
time. Yet the people of region were able to contribute in process that
was to give southeast Asian Islam a distinctive character. The conversion
of ruler of mellecca of Islam has been considered as an important factor
by many. As it was the commercial hub of the region as per the epic tale
of malay tradition a traditional hero Hang Tauh was taught to recite
Qur’an by a trader from Indian coromandal coast. A text Sejarah Malayu
describes the conversion of ruler Muhammad Syah as an important
event. Tom pires in his writings view this conversion of ruler of mellecca
as primaritic father than spiritual. Muslim merchant granted
commercial privileges residency in mosque were built for them. Peris
observed it was under control of muslim merchant of Bengal. In the 15
century it was Muslim trader who dominate the malayu and hence the
king of mellecca was clearly in good position to base the Islam. In 15
century one sees important development in Islamic world rise of
Ottoman Turks and personalisation of idea of Persian notion of kingship.
Monarchs sacred nature have identified and it elevated him to place
above the ordinary media’s. The ruler of mellecca was turned as helper
of world and religion implies Nasir Al dunia waldin. He was referred to
as deputy of Allah and obedient to him because of religious obligations.
Succersor mellecca ruler continues to promote Islam in main phase.
They persuaded or compel rulers to accept new religion and resultantly
malay became the language of trade. As long as mellecca was the focus
of regional trade spread of Islam was natural.

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