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1.1. Background to the Study

Attacks on data architectures have increased considerably over the years as newer technologies

and architectures emerge. The chief cause of attacks is vulnerability of a system which was

identified and exploited. These attacks can also be referred to as threats or data intrusion. A

threat is a potential action or event which negatively impacts on a system by altering its normal

functionality or even crippling it to a level of non-functionality. A threat is usually initiated, it is

not an accidental occurrence. The after effect(s) of a threat (if not prevented) is usually chaotic

and harmful to data and the entire system (Seker, 2019).

Threats are initiated against system is various sectors such as banking, social networking, web-

based systems and other organizational systems which deal majorly with data especially big data.

The threats can be inform of viruses, phishing sites, hacking, malware threats (spyware, ransom

ware etc.), denial of service etc. The main aim of these is to corrupt, disrupt and steal data for

malicious use.

Threat intelligence is therefore very important in order to totally avert or reduce critically the

after effect of threats to the system. Threat intelligence also provides adequate information that

will be utilized for threat detection and handling both for present and future threats. This simply

implies that by knowing the nature of the threat, you can easily tackle it.

There are so many techniques of threat detection which have been proposed by researchers

however, the choice of a threat detection technique will be solely dependent on the nature of

threat which a particular system is prone to and also the performance of that technique in the

detection of previous threats of other systems. Also while making a choice of a detection

technique it is noteworthy that attackers have grown increasingly sophisticated and resistant to

threat detection architectures put up by researchers by cracking into these architectures and

introducing threats into them also. These attackers are able to evade very sophisticated tools and

systems such as intrusion detection systems and botnets which were supposed to protect the

system from their attack. This has posed serious problem to several organizations, data

consumers and even the research communities as the struggle continues for an intelligent threat

detection system which can both identify and block threats without any form of human


Developing computational security models to analyze different threat incident patterns and

eventually identify the threats utilizing cyber security data can be used for building a data-driven

intelligent threat detection system for web-based information systems (Sarker et al, 2020).

1.2. Statement of the Problem

There is a process which must be followed for effective and accurate threat detection. However,

this process if often neglected by researchers and cyber security administrators who just jump

into development of intrusion detection system. The process is as follows: threat intelligence,

threat analysis or behavioural analytics, model development and finally threat/anomaly detection.

Negligence to this vital steps has led to a lot of failed threat detection systems. Other challenges

include lack of competent algorithms for the detection of new attacks, unrobust model which

cannot be integrated in multiple platforms/information systems, use of incomplete or outdated

datasets with weak threat patterns and use of poor parameters for evaluation of threat detection

system. We hope to tackle the problem of incompetent threat detection algorithm using improved

threat dataset, thereby making the system robust.

1.3. Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to develop enhanced intelligent threat detection model for data security

in information systems. The specific objectives are to:

i. Develop a model for threat identification, detection and blockage in an information

system using historical threat patterns and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).

ii. Train the proposed model using historical threat patterns. Training set will contain

80% of dataset.

iii. Test the model using 20% of the dataset to ascertain model efficiency.

iv. Implement the proposed threat detection model using Java Programming language

and MySQL as database.

v. Evaluate our proposed model’s results against the existing threat detection model.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The benefits of threat detection in an information system are enormous and cannot be

overemphasized. Without threats, data will be secure, available, be confidential and retain its

integrity within the information system. Threat detection reduces data breaches and breach

attempts and guarantees measurable improvement in the security of data and its environs. It also

enhances better data management by analysts and data administrators. Therefore, a threat

detection system could be beneficial to data consumers (financial institutions and their

customers), to organizations who manage data (especially big data), to web-based application

developers and users, to security administrators, to security analysts and to the research


1.5. Scope of the Study

This study explores data security measures to curb threat on data architectures across various

sectors and organizations who use information systems. It covers areas such as: threat

intelligence gathering using historical threat datasets from public repositories, threat/anomaly

identification and analysis, threat modeling and threat detection using ANNs on Java platform.

1.6. Limitation of the Study

This study does not cover detection of threats on other platforms or architectures except

information systems.

1.7. Definition of Terms

In this section we will be defining the basic key terms related to our study:

i. Threat: A threat is a potential negative action or event facilitated by vulnerability

that results in unwanted impact on a system.

ii. Threat Intelligence: This can be defined as information about threats and threat

actors that initiate threats into the cyber space.

iii. Information System: This is a system that is designed to collect, process, store and

distribute data and information. It consist of tasks, people, structure and technology.

iv. Data Security: Data security means protecting digital data from destructive forces

and from unwanted users and actions.

v. Security Threat: These are software attacks, theft of intellectual property, identity

theft, sabotage and information extortion.

vi. Cyber security: This is the protection of computer systems and networks from

information disclosure, theft or damage.

vii. Data Breach: A data breach is the intentional or unintentional release of secure or

private/confidential information to an untrusted environment. It is also called

unintentional information disclosure, data leak, information leakage and also data


viii. Malware: Malware is any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a

computer, server, client, or computer network. Types of malware include computer

viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, rogue software, wiper

and scareware.

ix. Intrusion Detection System: An intrusion detection system is a device or software

application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy


x. Big Data: This is an extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally

to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour

and interactions.



2.1 Threat Intelligence: An Overview

Several definitions of threats have been provided by researchers and research communities over

the years however, just a few of them truly captures and expresses the key components in the

meaning of the word.

According to ISO 27005 (2008), a threat can be defined as a potential cause of an incident that

may result in harm of systems and organization. This definition captures the cause and effect of

the word and expresses in with regards to personal and organizational effect of threat.

Another definition was given by ENISA (2017). They defined threat as any circumstance or

event with the potential to adversely impact an asset (i.e. anything that has value to the

organization, its business operations and their continuity, including information resources that

support the organization's mission (expressed in ISO/IEC PDTR 13335-1) through unauthorized

access, destruction, disclosure, modification of data, and/or denial of service.

Finally, according to NIST (2006), a threat may be defined as any circumstance or event with

the potential to adversely impact organizational operations (including mission, functions, image,

or reputation), organizational assets, or individuals through an information system via

unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information, and/or denial of

service. Also, the potential for a threat-source to successfully exploit a particular information

system vulnerability. We are adopting the definition by ENISA and NIST as they fully capture

the meaning, characteristics, types and impacts of threat to an information system or any other

host. From the definitions given above, the fact that threat no matter he nature, source, host, will

always leaves a negative impact (Seker, 2019). It can also be deduced that everyone is at risk of a


2.1.1 Classifications of Cyber Threats

According to Seker (2020), cyber threats are categorized into the following:

I. Malware: A malware is any software deliberately designed to cause damage to a

computer, server, client, or computer network. There are several types of malware such

as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, rogue

software, wiper and scareware.

II. Web-based Attacks: A web based attack occurs when user’s personal and sensitive data

such as their credit card, Social Security, or medical information which should be kept

private become public, leading to potentially grave consequences.

III. Web application Attacks: Grave weaknesses or vulnerabilities allow criminals to gain

direct and public access to databases in order to churn sensitive data, and this is known as

a web application attack. Many of these databases contain valuable information (e.g.

personal data and financial details) making them a repeated object of attacks

IV. Denial of Service: A denial-of-service attack is a cyber-attack in which the culprit strive

to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily

or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet.

V. Botnets: A botnet is a number of hijacked Internet-connected devices, each of which is

running one or more bots. The bots serve as a tool to automate mass attacks, such as data

theft, server crashing, and malware distribution. Botnets can be used to carryout

Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker to

access the device and its connection. Assembly of a botnet is usually the infiltration stage

of a multi-layer scheme.

VI. Phishing: Phishing is a type of social engineering where an attacker sends a fraudulent

message designed to hoax a human victim into revealing delicate information to the

attacker or to project malicious software on the victim's infrastructure like ransomware

VII. Spam: An E-mail spam is an irrelevant or unwanted messages sent over the internet,

usually to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading

malware, etc.

VIII. Ransomware: Ransomware is a kind of malware from cryptovirology that portends to

permanently block access to it unless a ransom is paid. While some simple ransomware

may lock the system so that it is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to reverse, more

advanced malware uses a technique called cryptoviral extortion.

IX. Insider threat: An insider threat is a malicious threat to an organization that comes from

people within the organization, such as employees, former employees, contractors or

business associates, who have inside information concerning the organization's security

practices, data and computer systems.

X. Exploit kits: Exploit kits or exploit packs refer to a type of hacking toolkit that

cybercriminals use to take advantage of vulnerabilities in systems/devices so they can

distribute malware or do other malicious activities. They normally target popular

software such as AdobeFlash Java, Microsoft Silverlight.

XI. Data breaches: A data breach is the intentional or unintentional release of protected or

private/confidential information to an untrusted environment. Further terms for this

occurrence include unintentional information disclosure, data leak, information leakage

and also data spill.

XII. Identity theft: Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's personal

identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number,

without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.

2.1.2 Conventional Methods of Threat Detection

The knowledge of the different types of threats led to the deployment of five methods of threat

monitoring and detection. These methods were used to prevent or mitigate against the risks of

threats, which implies that they were both proactive and reactive in nature.

a) Network and endpoint monitoring that is constant and comprehensive, including

capabilities such as full-packet capture and behavior-based threat detection on hosts.

b) Advanced analytics techniques that can sift through massive amounts of information,

such as network traffic, in near-real-time to spot suspicious behaviors and accelerate


c) Malware analysis using methods that don’t rely on file signatures and go straight to the

actual behavior of executables, whether collected on the network or endpoints, to detect

hostile activity.

d) Incident detection and response practices that align security personnel, processes, and

technologies to streamline and accelerate workflows so security operations teams can

spend less time on routine tasks and more time defending high-priority assets and address

the riskiest threats.

e) Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is collecting information from the public, open tools,

or resources to be used in an intelligence context. Data flow for OSINT can be

categorized into 6 classifications. Media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, etc.),

Internet (such as blogs, dark-web, websites, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), Public

Government Data (public government reports, speeches, conferences, etc.), Professional

and Academic Publications (journal, academic papers, dissertation, theses, etc.),

Commercial Data (commercial imagery, financial and industrial assessments, etc.), Grey

Literature (technical reports, preprints, patents, business documents, etc.)

2.1.3 Threat Modelling

Threat modeling can be described as a process by which possible threats, such as basic

vulnerabilities can be distinguished, stated, and organized from a theoretical attacker’s

viewpoint. The impulse behind threat modeling is to provide safeguards with a precise

examination of the probable attacker's profile, the in all likelihood attack vectors, and the assets.

In application development, threat modeling is an iterative procedure which begins during the

early planning stage and continues all through the application lifespan. This is because

applications are mostly prone to changes which required that they be updated in order to adapt.

Therefore, during the update sage stage, threat modeling process should be repeated. Another

reason for threat iteration is because the possibility of describing almost all cyber threats with a

one-time process is very bleak.

2.1.4 Threat Modelling Methodologies

There are various methodologies for modelling threats, however, we will briefly sate and discuss

some of the most frequently used.

STRIDE: This methodology of threat introduced in 1999 at Microsoft (Kohnfelder and Garg,

2016). The acronym STRIDE was coined from key letter of the following six classes: spoofing

identity, tampering with data, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service and elevation

of privilege.

Figure 2.1: An Overview of Threat Modelling Process (Source: Meier, 2003)

PASTA: The Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis (PASTA) is a threat modeling

methodology with 7 stages building up to the impact of threat (UcedaVelez, 2015).

VAST: VAST is an acronym which stands for Visual, Agile, and Simple Threat modeling.

VAST is a threat modeling methodology that handles a large number of the deficiencies

especially adaptability which is deficient in past methodologies (Agarwal, 2016). Alternative

threat model are AS/NZS 4360:2004, CVSS, and OCTAVE.

2.1.5 Threat Intelligence Tools and Standards

Threat intelligence tools are important security tools which adopt global security data for

proactive identification, migration and remediation of security threats. These tools are designed

to match the new and daily evolving threat trends. Some of these tools are:

I. Traffic Light Protocol (TLP)

TLP is an information-sharing model that was created by the UK Government's Centre for

Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) in the early 2000s. This model was purposed for

classification and management of shared sensitive information (Luiijf and Kerkamp, 2015). TLP

has 4 different categories named by traffic lights which are red, amber, green and white and all

colors have different meanings.

a. RED/(TLP:RED): Non-disclosable information and restricted to representatives

present at the meeting only. Sources may use TLP:RED when information cannot be

effectively acted upon by additional parties and could lead to impacts on a party's

privacy, reputation, or operations if misused.

b. GREEN/TLP: GREEN: Community-wide. Information in this category can be

circulated widely within a particular community and the organizations which take

part in that community. However, the information may not be published or posted

publicly on the Internet, nor released outside of the community of participating

organizations. Sources may use TLP: GREEN when information is useful for the

awareness of all participating organizations as well as with peers within the broader

community or sector.

c. WHITE/TLP: WHITE: Unlimited; public information. Subject to standard

copyright rules, WHITE information may be distributed freely, without restriction.

Sources may use TLP:WHITE when information carries minimal

II. Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange (MILE)

MILE Working Group developed standards for exchanging incident data. The group described a

package of standards such as Incident Object Description and Exchange Format (IODEF),

IODEF for Structured Cyber Security Information (IODEFSCI), and Real-time Inter-network

Defense (RID) (Seker, 2019)

a. Incident Object Description and Exchange Format (IODEF): IODEF describes an

information framework to represent computer and network security incidents. To do this

IODEF has over 30 classes and subclasses including Contact, Monetary Impact, Time,

Operating System, and Application.

b. Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID): RID defines a protocol to facilitate sharing

computer and network security incidents which is a standard for communicating for cyber

threat intelligence. Five massage types are used by RID which are Request,

Acknowledgement, Result, Report, and Query. Policy Class in RID allows different


III. Open Indicators of Compromise (OpenIOC) Framework

OpenIOC gives a standard arrangement and terms for portraying the artifacts encountered

during an investigation. It was presented by Mandiant in 2011. OpenIOC contains definitions for

specific technical details including over 500 indicator terms. It is easy to add new items. A

specific malware sample or family can be described using Boolean logic.

IV. Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS)

VERIS is a framework to define and share an incident which was proposed by Verizon in 2010.

Its purpose is to provide a common language for describing security incidents in a structured and

repeatable manner. VERIS is to collect, classify, analyze, compare, and share information

security incident data. There are five sections in VERIS schema. Incident tracking, Victim

demographics, Incident description, Discovery & response, and Impact assessment. There are

multiple elements (with specific data types and variables names) in each section.

V. Open Threat Exchange (OTX)

OTX was created AlienVault for sharing threat data in 2012. OTX is open to the global

community. It delivers community-generated threat data, enables collaborative research, and

automates the process of updating your security infrastructure with threat data. To collect cyber

threat intelligence OTX uses a centralized system. OTX Threat.

VI. Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF)

CIF was introduced by the Research and Education Network Information Sharing and Analysis

Center (REN-ISAC) in 2009 which is a client/server system for sharing threat intelligence data.

It uses information for identification (incident response), detection (IDS) and mitigation (null

route). CIF data contains information on the type of threat, severity of an attack, and the

confidence of the data. It also has labeling data and access control features.

G. MITRE Standards

MITRE has developed some standards for different needs of cyber threat intelligence

management systems.

a. Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX): CybOX is an institutionalized diagram for the

determination, capture, characterization, and correspondence of occasions or stateful

properties that are noticeable in all framework and network operations. It provides over

70 defined objects that can be used to define measurable events or stateful properties.

CybOX supports a wide range of relevant Cybersecurity domains including: Threat

assessment and characterization (detailed attack patterns), Malware characterization,

Operational event management, Logging, Cyber situational awareness, Incident response,

Indicator sharing, Digital forensics.

b. Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX): STIX is another standard for

defining threat information including threat details with the context of the threat which

was first presented in 2012. It uses cases such as Analyzing Cyber Threats, Specifying

Indicator Patterns for Cyber Threats, Managing Cyber Threat Prevention and Response

Activities, Sharing Cyber Threat Information. STIX provides a unifying architecture

(shown in figure - 5) tying together a diverse set of cyber threat information along with:

i. Cyber Observables (e.g., a registry key is created, network traffic occurs to specific IP

addresses, email from a specific address is observed, etc.).

ii. Indicators (potential observables with attached meaning and context).

iii. Incidents (instances of specific adversary actions).

iv. Adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (including attack patterns, malware,

exploits, kill chains, tools, infrastructure, victim targeting, etc.).

v. Exploit Targets (e.g., vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or configurations).

vi. Courses of Action (e.g., incident response or vulnerability/ weakness remedies).

vii. Cyber Attack Campaigns (sets of Incidents and/or TTP with a shared intent).

viii. Cyber Threat Actors (identification and/or characterization of the adversary.

2.2 Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) can be defined as a vital part of a complete defense-in-depth

architecture for computer network security. IDS is an effective security technology, which can

detect, prevent and possibly react to the attack (Base and Mell, 2001). Target sources of

activities, are monitored by this technology and audit data are collected and inspected in search

for evidence of intrusive behaviors. The IDS raises an alarm on detection of a suspicious or

malicious attempts, and notifies the network administrator using the alarm for effective and

prompt response. The main objective of IDS is to detect all intrusions in an efficient manner.

2.2.1 Classification of IDS

IDSs can be classified based on different points of view such as detection approach, targets,

reaction on detection etc.

In the classification based on detection method, there are two types of IDS: anomaly and misuse

(signature) based detection. In the anomaly detection, the IDS tries to determine whether

deviation from the established normal usage patterns can be flagged as intrusions. While the

misuse detection uses patterns of well-known attacks or weak spots of the system to identify

intrusions (Sadotra and Sharma, 2016).

Figure 2.2: Classification of IDS (Source: Sadothra and Sharma, 2016)

The second classification is based on the source of information, which classifies an IDS as either

host or network-based. A host-based IDS (HIDS) analyzes events such as process identifiers and

system calls, mainly related to OS information. While a network-based IDS (NIDS) analyzes

network related events: traffic volume, IP addresses, service ports, protocol usage, etc. (Teodoro

et al, 2009).

2.2.2 Challenges of Conventional Intrusion Detection Systems

Even though IDS solutions have been used for about twenty years, an important problem is still

not fully addressed. This is the problem of lack of a system that can differentiate between fake

and real threat alerts. For example, a single IDS sensor can generate tens of thousands of alerts

in a day which might overwhelm the data analyst. Inspecting thousands of alerts per day is

unfeasible, especially if 99% of them are false alerts. False alerts, also known as false positives

occur when a legitimate activity has been mistakenly classified as malicious by the IDS. The vast

imbalance between the actual and false alarms generated has undoubtedly undermined the

performance of IDS (Tjhai et al, 2010).

Regardless of the fact that anomaly-based IDSs produce more false positives rather than misuse-

based IDSs, false positives are inevitable in all types of IDS. This has led to an increased

research in the field of false positives reduction techniques and researches on IDSs have focused

on how to handle these alerts.

Other identified issues of IDS are:

a. Deficiency or incomplete Data set: Datasets play a vital role in the results of an intrusion

detection system. However, the currently used datasets are outdated and cannot be

analyzed to detect newer threats in its host.

b. Algorithms for Detection: Lack of competent algorithms which can match all the case in

small time and match the terms efficiently. The algorithms also provide no rules for the

detection of new attacks to be identified form old attach patterns, thereby identifying only

old attacks.

c. Integration of multiple formats of data: the conventional IDS can only identify or detect a

single threat type at a time. There should be room for multiple formats which can detect

different threat patterns to be integrated.

d. Platform dependencies: Most IDS are platform dependent which means that a particular

IDS can only be integrated into a particular platform for which it was built and not for

any other. This does not promote cross-platform adaptability and inter-application


e. Weak Design: The design of the conventional IDS is not user friendly, which makes it

weak. It should have two parts, one core part which consists of detection algorithm and

second part will be the part associated with pattern matching. This part should be updated

on the fly. I.e. it should not affect the detection process of the system but only updates the

other parts without touching core part of the system. Thus every update should be added

on the fly without stopping the intrusion detection system.

f. Evaluation of IDS: The evaluation of the conventional IDS suffers from three major

drawbacks: Collecting script and victim software, Different requirements for testing

different types of IDS and Testing with different parameters.

2.2.3 Advantages of an IDS

There are so many merits of an ID system, some of them are briefly discussed here.

i. Visibility: AN IDS provides a clear view of what's going on within a network. It is a

reliable source of information about distrustful or malicious network traffic. There are

few or none practical alternatives to an ID that allow you to track network traffic in


ii. Defense: AN IDS enhances a layer of defense to your security profile, providing a useful

backstop to some of your other security measures.

iii. Response capabilities: Though ID probably will be of limited use, you may want to

enable some of the response features of the IDS. For instance, they can be configured to

terminate a user session that violates policy. Obviously, you must consider the risks of

taking this step, since you may accidentally terminate a valid user session. However, in

certain cases it can be an important tool to prevent damage to the network.

iv. Tracking of virus propagation: When a virus first hits your network, an IDS can tell

you which machines it compromised, as well as how it is propagating through the

network to infect other machines. This can be a great help in slowing or stopping a virus's

progress and making sure you remove it.

v. Evidence: - properly configured IDS can produce data that can form the basis for a civil

or criminal case against someone who misuses your network.

2.3 Artificial Intelligence in Threat Detection and IDS

According to Myriam (2018), cyber-attacks can be sent to anybody at all irrespective of

architecture, or framework. This statement refers to the set of activities and measures, technical

and non-technical, which are intended to protect the ‘real geography’ of cyberspace and also

devices, software, and the information they contain and communicate with, from all possible

threats (Cavelty 2010).

Technology advances every day, and so do cybercriminals as they are becoming more

sophisticated and getting ahead of current Cybersecurity controls. In order to get ahead of

cybercriminals, experts have adopted the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to counter new cyber-

attacks (Harel, et al, 2017).

AI is a discipline in computer science that uses complex mathematical algorithms to imitate

human thinking (Lidestri 2018). AI has several branches or subsets. One AI-based technique

such as Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning. Machine Learning is a subset of AI that

teaches machines how to make decisions (Feizollah et al, 2013). Deep Learning (DL) is as a type

of ML that performs pattern recognition and predictions (Polson, 2017). DL is capable of

handling humongous datasets. This allows its application in a large array of fields such as image

rendering, stock market prediction, and agriculture. DL improves areas of Cybersecurity such as

intrusion detection and botnet detection due to the high processing power that it has to examine

data and learn from experience.

Cybersecurity experts are using ML and DL to solve problems in the areas of Botnet Detection,

and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS). However, the integration of AI-based

technologies in organizations may have implications which Cybersecurity experts need to

address to ensure cyber safety. AI may also impact technology consumers who are using devices

that, in one way or another, are already using the technology.

2.3.1 Machine Learning Algorithms for Threat Detection

Generally, there are six different machine learning algorithms that can be used to develop a

threat detection system or an intrusion detection system. However, two of them are outstanding

and will be discussed in this section.

Before adopting any of the ML techniques, it is noteworthy, that these algorithms are different in

approach and therefore require different types of data in order to explore its full potential.

I. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

ANNs are nodes which imitate the human brain. His technique is made up of processing nodes

which are connected to each other and to a hidden layer (Jean-Phillipe, 2018). This technique is

very useful for recognizing complex patterns which are difficult for human to recognize. They

can also be used to recognize unprecise patterns. This technique improves data and network

security when applied to a threat detection framework. A typical example of its application is in

the recognition of legitimate connections from fake ones during a port scan by a cybercriminal

for open hotspots to tap. ANN will trigger an alert due to its recognition of the connection

patterns. It is a proactive algorithm that stops the attack before it becomes successful. ANNs can

be used to detect several cyber threats from Phishing, denial of service, insider threat, malware,

identity theft, etc.

II. Genetic Algorithm

GA detects threats by learning from experience given to previous anomaly behavior. Just like the

human brain can detect danger in fire and avoid it because of the experience of ancestors. GA is

useful to detect common threats with common patterns. So, GA uses the previous patterns to

make decisions on new patterns that the system cannot recognize (Jean-Phillipe, 2018). Applying

this method to ML-based threat detection system would improve the detection rates for new

anomalies. For example, if a ransomware manages to penetrate the firewall, via email or other

vector, when it intends to spread and encrypt files, the ML-based IDPS using GA will detect it

and prevent the encryption of a large cluster of devices across the network.

Input Layer Hidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Output Layer

Fig. 2: A Typical Neural Network Configuration (Source: Choi and Lee, 2018)

Feeding supervised machine learning algorithms with a dataset which contains information about

what normal network traffic should look like and providing a whitelist that the ML-based threat

detection system will use to detect threats. The ML-based threat detection system can make

decisions against different new patterns.

II.4. Information Systems

III. Information systems (IS)

involve a variety of in-
IV. formation technologies (IT)
such as computers, soft-
V. ware, databases, communication
systems, the Inter-
VI. net, mobile devices and much
more, to perform spe-
VII. cific tasks, interact with and
inform various actors in

VIII. different organizational or
social contexts
IX. Information systems (IS)
involve a variety of in-
X. formation technologies (IT) such
as computers, soft-
XI. ware, databases,
communication systems, the
XII. net, mobile devices and much
more, to perform spe-
XIII. cific tasks, interact with and
inform various actors in
XIV. different organizational or
social contexts
XV.Information systems (IS)
involve a variety of in-

XVI. formation technologies (IT)
such as computers, soft-
XVII. ware, databases,
communication systems, the
XVIII. net, mobile devices and
much more, to perform spe-
XIX. cific tasks, interact with and
inform various actors in
XX.different organizational or
social contexts
XXI. Information systems (IS)
involve a variety of in-
XXII. formation technologies (IT)
such as computers, soft-
XXIII. ware, databases,
communication systems, the
XXIV. net, mobile devices and
much more, to perform spe-
XXV. cific tasks, interact with and
inform various actors in
XXVI. different organizational or
social contexts
Information systems (IS) involve a variety of information technologies (IT) such as computers,

software, databases, communication systems, the Internet, mobile devices and much more, to

perform specific tasks, interact with and inform various actors in different organizational or

social contexts. According to O’Brien and Marakas (2007), the applications of information

systems that are implemented in today’s business world can be classified in several different

ways. For example, several types of information systems can be classified as either

operations (Support of business operation) or (Support of managerial decision making).

Support of business operation such as transaction processing systems, process control

systems and Enterprise collaboration systems (office automation system). Support of

managerial decision making such as management information system, decision support

system and executive information systems. According

2.3.1 Application of Different Types of Information Systems

The Roles of Different
Types of
IS In Business
Transaction Processing Systems
i. Transaction processing systems (TPS)

These are the basic business systems that serve the operational level of the organization. A

transaction processing system is a computerized system that performs and records the daily

routine transactions necessary to the conduct of the business (Laudon and laudon, 2006). At

the lowest level of the organizational hierarchy we find the transaction processing systems that

support the day-to-day activities of the business (Belle et al, 2001).

ii. Process Control Systems:

Process control systems is Monitor and control industrial or physical processes. Examples:

petroleum refining, power generation, and steel production systems. For example, a petroleum

refinery uses electronic sensors linked to computers to monitor chemical processes

continually and make instant (real-time) adjustments that control the refinery process

(O’Brian et al, 2007) . A process control system comprises the whole range of: equipment,

computer programs, operating procedures.

iii. Enterprise Collaboration Systems (Office Automation Systems)

Office automation systems are one of the most widely used types of information systems

that will help managers control the flow of information in organizations. Enterprise

collaboration systems (office automation systems) are enhance team and workgroup

communications and productivity. Office automation systems: are other types of information

systems are not specific to any one level in the organization but provide important support for a

broad range of users. Office information systems are designed to support office tasks with

information technology. Voice mail, multimedia system, electronic mail, video conferencing, file

transfer, and even group decisions can be achieved by office information systems.

Management Information Systems

Decision Support Systems
iv. Decision-support systems (DSS

A Decision Support System is a computer based system intended for use by a particular

manager or usually a group of managers at any organizational level in making a decision

in the process of solving a semi structured decision. According to Heidarkhani, et al. (2009).

Decision Support Systems are a Kind of organizational information computerize systems that

help manager in decision making that needs modeling, formulation, calculating, comparing,

selecting the best option or predict the scenarios .

DSS are specifically designed to help management make decisions in situations where

there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of those decisions. According to Shim

(2006), a decision support system is a computer-based information system that assists

managers in making many complex decisions, such as decisions needed to solve poorly

defined or semi-structured problems

v. Expert Systems
Expert systems are the category of AI which has been used most successfully in building

commercial applications. .According to O’Brien and Marakas (2007) Expert systems are

Knowledge-based systems that provide expert advice and act as expert consultants to users.

According to Patterson (2001) an expert system is a computer program that tries to

emulate human reasoning. According to Shim (2001) Expert System is a set of computer

programs that perform a task at the level of a human expert.

Knowledge Management
2.5. Related Work

Sadotra and Sharma (2016) presented a review on integrated intrusion detection system in cyber

security. They surveyed the current state of the art on the algorithms which have been deployed

for the detection of anomalies and intrusion in the cyber space. The survey algorithms were

Support Vector Machines (SVMs), NSL-KDD, IDS system and HYBRITQ-4(J48, Boyer Moore,

KNN). However, they could not implement an intrusion detection system to handle the

drawbacks of the existing algorithms surveyed.

Yogitha and Kalyani (2013) proposed intrusion detection system using Support Vector Machine

(SVM). NSL-KDD Cup’99 data set which is improver version of KDD Cup’99 data set was used

for experimenting verification. The use of his algorithm made data preprocessing simpler which

resulted in reduction in the time required for building SVM. Classification was done using SVM.

They reduced false positive and increased attack detection rate by performing proper kernel

selection using Gaussian Radial Basis. However, this system is ambiguous and will consume

time and resources in its development.

Chandrakar et al (2014) presented application of genetic algorithm in intrusion detection system.

They described basic concepts of network intrusion detection system, components and types of

attacks. They identified the three types of IDS as data source, analysis engine and response

manager. An overview of genetic algorithm was also provided in the study. The genetic

algorithm was used to randomly select the input (chromosome) and calculate the fitness value for

each generated initial chromosome. The iteration performed operations such as sorting, selection,

crossover, mutation and finally calculates the fitness value for chromosome. However, this

model is not intelligent and cannot be used for intrusion attack detection.

Venkatesan, et al. (2012) presented a survey on intrusion detection using data mining techniques.

The anomaly detection system was described in two phases, training and testing. They adopted

clustering and sliding window for monitoring the network traffic by mining the frequent patterns

using algorithms. The algorithms were used in real time monitoring. The frequent multi-pattern

capturing algorithm recorded high detection rate. They evaluated the percentage for detection

rate and false alarm rate. However, they did not discuss the performance evaluation of their

system to ascertain its efficiency.

Hader et al (2021) proposed a real-time sequential deep extreme learning machine cyber security

intrusion detection system. The model was used to determine the rating of security aspects

contributing to their significance. An investigation was carried on the viability of the proposed

framework by evaluating dataset and calculating the accuracy parameters to validate. The results

of the system showed that the framework outperformed other conventional algorithms and

therefore had practical significance. However, this model is unrobust and cannot be used for the

detection of different forms of cyber threats.

Sarkar et al (2020) proposed IntruTree, a machine learning based cyber security intrusion

detection model. The model analyzes the ranking of security features based on level of

importance and then developed a tree based intrusion generalized detection system using selected

important features. The model reduced computational complexity by reducing feature

dimensions. The dataset was evaluated by computing the precision, recall, F-score, accuracy and

ROC values. The result from the evaluation was used to compare with other conventional

machine learning algorithms such as SVM etc. However, this model cannot be incorporated into

an information system.

Ghafir et al (2018) presented a study defending against the advanced persistent threat by

detection of disguised executable files. The study was aimed at detecting disguised exe file

which were transferred over a connection. The detection was primarily carried out by comparing

the MIME type of the file and the file name extension. The module was simulated and evaluated

and the results demonstrated successful detection of disguised files. However, this study has a

narrow scope as it can only detect one type of threat.

Chandran et al (2015) proposed an efficient classification model for detecting advanced

persistent threat. Machine learning algorithms were the basis of the model. They analyzed the

legitimate traffic for normal users and extracted data such as CPU usage, memory usage, open

ports and number of files in the system32 folder. They injected a piece of malware, which was

previously used for the APT attack, into the network and the four features were extracted. The

detection model was trained by applying different machine learning algorithms on the dataset of

benign and malicious features. However, they did not evaluate the system to ascertain its

practical significance.

Chandra et al (2016) proposed a practical approach to email-spam filters to protect from

advanced persistent threat (APT). This approach was dependent on mathematical and

computational analysis to filter spam emails. Tokens, which were considered as a group of words

and characters such as (click here, free, Viagra, replica), were defined for the detection algorithm

to separate legitimate and spam emails. However, the system could only be used for email-spam

detection and not for any other threat(s).

Khraisat et al (2019) presented a survey of intrusion detection systems, their techniques, datasets

and challenges. The taxonomy of recent systems for intrusion detection were surveyed in the

study and the datasets which were commonly used for the implementation were analyzed also.

The techniques which are adopted by attackers to perpetrate the intrusion were identified and

discussed. The researchers finally discussed future scopes which could be used to make the

computer systems more secure and block out malicious attacks. However, they could not

implement a system for detection or identification of intrusion.

Gamachchi et al (2017) proposed a graph based framework for malicious insider threat detection.

The proposed model was a hybrid framework based on anomaly detection and graphical analysis

processes. Heterogeneous data was analyzed and isolated malicious users who were hiding

behind others. The result from the study showed that the framework could be used to

differentiate between majorities of users who show typical behaviours from the minority of users

who demonstrate suspicious behaviours. However, this framework cannot be used to detect

external threats attack the system.

Nance and Marty (2011) proposed a study on identifying and visualizing the malicious insider

threat using biparticle graphs. They introduced the use of bipartite graphs for identifying and

visualizing insider threat. They tried to establish acceptable insider behavior patterns based on

workgroup role classifications. Although this approach was quite useful for detecting certain

insider threats, however, it has the limitation of a high false positive rate.

Kumar et al (2017) proposed practical machine learning for cloud intrusion detection, challenges

and the way forward. They described the difficulties in developing an intrusion detection system

for the cloud. They proposed that a hybrid approach would yield better results and demonstrated

how the combinations can be carried out in form of filters, features or even a single machine

learning unit. They defined approaches for collecting high quality evaluation data using other

security products or red teams (recommended) and grow the dataset using SMOTE or possibly

GANs. For the way forward, they shared a framework for disrupting attack. However, this

framework does not respond to attacks on time before harm is done.

Chaudhari and Patil (2017) proposed intrusion detection systems, classification, techniques and

datasets to implement. They presented the classification of IDS, different Data mining

approaches and datasets for the operative detection of pattern for both malicious and normal

activities in network, which would help to develop secure information system. They also

provided a short study of various datasets that are useful for an intrusion detection system.

However, this could only detect and classify known attacks.

Govindarajan (2009) proposed intrusion detection using k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN).

They presented novel K-nearest neighbour classifier which was applied on Intrusion detection

system and the system performance was evaluated in terms of Run time and Error rate on normal

and malicious dataset. The results demonstrated that the new classifier is more accurate than

existing K-nearest neighbour classifier. However, the system required a regular update of the

rules which were used.

Mohammadreza et al. (2010) proposed intrusion detection using data mining techniques. Support

Vector Machine and classification tree Data mining technique were used for intrusion detection

in network. They compared C4.5 and Support Vector Machine by experimental result and found

that C4.5 algorithm had better performance in term of detection rate and false alarm rate than

SVM, but for U2R attack SVM performed better. However, the system presented no difference

between an attack attempt and a successful attack.

Denatious and John (2012) proposed a survey on data mining techniques to enhance intrusion

detection. They defined diverse data mining approaches useful for detecting intrusions. They also

described the classification of Intrusion detection system and its working. It was discovered that

clustering was more suitable for large amount of network traffics than classification in the

domain of intrusion detection because enormous amount of data needed to collect to use

classification. However, the system recorded low detection rate and high false alarm.

Amudha and Rauf (2011) presented performance analysis of data mining approaches in intrusion

detection. They observed that Random forest gave better detection rate, accuracy and false alarm

rate for Probe and DOS attack & Naive Bayes Tree gave better performance in case of U2R and

R2L attack. Also it was observed that the execution time of Naive Bayes Tree was more as

compared to other classifier. However, the result cannot be generalized and therefore cannot be

applied for real world analysis.

Naidu and Avadhani (2012) proposed a comparison of data mining techniques for intrusion

detection. They utilized three Data mining algorithms SVM, Ripper rule and C5.0 tree for

Intrusion detection and also compared their efficiency. Their results demonstrated that C5.0

decision tree was more efficient than others. All the three Data mining techniques gave a

decision higher than 96%. However, this model cannot be applied in evaluating other machine

learning techniques.

Chitrakar and Chuanhe (2012) proposed anomaly based intrusion detection using a hybrid

learning approaches of combining k-Medoids clustering with Naïve Bayes classification. They

observed from the result that the hybrid method outperformed K-Means clustering technique

followed by Naïve Bayes classification. They also observed that time complexity increases when

number of data points increased. However, the model recorded false classification errors due to

over fitting of algorithms.

Chitrakar and Chaunhe (2012) proposed an anomaly detection using support vector machine

classification with k-Medoids clustering technique. The proposed hybrid model produced better

performance compared to k-Medoids with Naïve Bayes classification. The approach

demonstrated enhancement in both Accuracy and Detection Rate while reducing False Alarm

Rate as compared to the k- Medoids clustering approach followed by Naïve Bayes classification

technique. However, they could not implement a threat detection system for information system.

Chuque (2020) proposed digital threat detection model to mitigate Cybersecurity risks in

organizations by evaluating the influence of Cybersecurity infrastructure in the global

Cybersecurity index. Their results established that there is a relationship between the variables

Model of Detection of Digital Threats and Cybersecurity Risks in Organizations. However, they

could nor implement their model with a programming language.

Niyaz et al (2015) proposed a deep learning approach for network intrusion detection system.

They adopted Self-taught Learning (STL), a deep learning based technique, on NSL-KDD - a

benchmark dataset for network intrusion. They presented the performance of their technique and

compared it with a few previous work. Compared metrics included accuracy, precision, recall,

and f-measure values. However, his model cannot be applied in an information system.

Ferrag et al (2020) presented deep learning for cyber security intrusion detection, approaches,

datasets and comparative study. They provided a review of intrusion detection systems based on

deep learning approaches. They described 35 well-known cyber datasets and provided a

classification of these datasets into seven categories; namely, network traffic-based dataset,

electrical network-based dataset, internet traffic-based dataset, virtual private network-based

dataset, android apps-based dataset, IoT traffic-based dataset, and internet-connected devices-

based dataset. Seven deep learning models including recurrent neural networks, deep neural

networks, restricted Boltzmann machines, deep belief networks, convolutional neural networks,

deep Boltzmann machines, and deep autoencoders were analyzed. For each model, the

performance was studied in two categories of classification (binary and multiclass) under two

new real traffic datasets, namely, the CSECIC-IDS2018 dataset and the Bot-IoT dataset.

However, they could not implement an intrusion detection system using their findings.

Hodo et al (2017) presented a taxonomy and survey of shallow and deep network intrusion

detection system. They compared performance of diverse machine learning techniques,

specifically in anomaly detection. They assessed the performance efficiency of feature selection

in ML for IDS. They proposed that the convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier is an

underused classifier and it could have provided massive improvements in cyber security if it was

used to its full prospective. However, they could not develop an intrusion detection system to

curb the identified challenges.

Ford and Siraj (2014) proposed application of machine learning in cyber security. They analyzed

the applications of machine learning techniques in the protection of the cyberspace from

cybercriminals. Various obstacles faced during the implementation of machine learning

techniques were depicted. The work concluded that although the machine learning techniques

were expanding various ways to protect cyberspace against cybercriminals, still there is an

immense number of advancements needed to protect the classifiers from adversarial attacks.

However, they could not implement their findings in a programming language.

Table 2.1: Summary of Related Work


1 Sadotra and A Review on They surveyed the current state of However, they could not

Sharma Integrated the art on the algorithms (such as implement an intrusion

(2016) Intrusion SVM, KNN, NSL-KDD etc.) detection system to handle

Detection System which have been deployed for the the drawbacks of the

in Cyber Security detection of anomalies and existing algorithms

intrusion in the cyber space. surveyed.

2 Yogitha and Intrusion They proposed intrusion detection However, this system is

Kalyani Detection System system using Support Vector ambiguous and will

(2013) using Data Machine (SVM). NSL-KDD consume time and resources

Mining Cup’99 data set was used for in its development.

Technique: SVM experimenting verification. They

reduced false positive and

increased attack detection rate by

performing proper kernel selection

using Gaussian Radial Basis.

3 Chandrakar Application of They described basic concepts of However, this model is not

et al (2014) Genetic network intrusion detection intelligent and cannot be

Algorithm in system, components and types of used for intrusion attack

Intrusion attacks. An overview of genetic detection.

Detection System. algorithm was also provided in the

study. The genetic algorithm was

used to randomly select the input

(chromosome) and calculate the

fitness value for each generated

initial chromosome.

4 Venkatesan, A Survey on They adopted clustering and However, they did not

et al. (2012) Intrusion sliding window for monitoring the discuss the performance

Detection using network traffic by mining the evaluation of their system to

Data Mining frequent patterns using algorithms. ascertain its efficiency.

Techniques. The algorithms were used in real

time monitoring. They evaluated

the percentage for detection rate

and false alarm rate.

5 Hader et al A Real-Time An investigation was carried on However, this model is

(2021) Sequential Deep the viability of the proposed unrobust and cannot be used

Extreme Learning framework by evaluating dataset for the detection of different

Machine Cyber and calculating the accuracy forms of cyber threats and

Security Intrusion parameters to validate. The results the model does not provide

Detection System. of the system showed that the any threat blockage

framework outperformed other platform for the detected

conventional algorithms and threats.

therefore had practical


6 Sarkar et al IntruTree: A The model analyzes the ranking of However, this model cannot

(2020) Machine security features based on level of be incorporated into an

Learning Based importance and then developed a information system.

Cyber Security tree based intrusion generalized

Intrusion detection system using selected

Detection Model. important features. The model

reduced computational complexity

by reducing feature dimensions.

7 Ghafir et al Defending The study was aimed at detecting However, this study has a

(2018) Against the disguised exe file which were narrow scope as it can only

Advanced transferred over a connection. The detect one type of threat.

Persistent Threat detection was primarily carried out

by Detection of by comparing the MIME type of

Disguised the file and the file name

Executable Files. extension. The module was

simulated and evaluated and the

results demonstrated successful

detection of disguised files.

8 Chandran et An Efficient They analyzed the legitimate However, they did not

al (2015) Classification traffic for normal users and evaluate the system to

Model for extracted data such as CPU usage, ascertain its practical

Detecting memory usage, open ports and significance.

Advanced number of files in the system32

Persistent Threat. folder. The detection model was

trained by applying different

machine learning algorithms on

the dataset of benign and

malicious features.

9 Chandra et A Practical This approach was dependent on However, the system could

al (2016) Approach to mathematical and computational only be used for email-spam

Email-Spam analysis to filter spam emails. detection and not for any

Filters to Protect Tokens, which were considered as other threat(s).

from Advanced a group of words and characters

Persistent Threat such as (click here, free, Viagra,

replica), were defined for the

detection algorithm to separate

legitimate and spam emails.

10 Khraisat et Survey of The taxonomy of recent systems However, they could not

al (2019) Intrusion for intrusion detection were implement a system for

Detection surveyed in the study and the detection or identification of

Systems, their datasets which were commonly intrusion.

Techniques, used for the implementation were

Datasets and analyzed also. The techniques

Challenges. which are adopted by attackers to

perpetrate the intrusion were

identified and discussed.

11 Gamachchi A Graph Based The proposed model was a hybrid However, this framework

et al (2017) Framework for framework based on anomaly cannot be used to detect

Malicious Insider detection and graphical analysis external threats attack the

Threat Detection. processes. The result from the system.

study showed that the framework

could be used to differentiate

between majorities of users who

show typical behaviours from the

minority of users who demonstrate

suspicious behaviours.

12 Nance and Identifying and They introduced the use of However, it has the

Marty Visualizing the bipartite graphs for identifying and limitation of a high false

(2011) Malicious Insider visualizing insider threat. They positive rate.

Threat using tried to establish acceptable insider

Biparticle Graphs. behavior patterns based on

workgroup role classifications.

13 Kumar et al Practical Machine They described the difficulties in However, this framework

(2017) Learning for developing an intrusion detection does not respond to attacks
Cloud Intrusion system for the cloud. They defined on time before harm is

Detection, approaches for collecting high done.

Challenges and quality evaluation data using other

the Way Forward. security products or red teams

(recommended) and grow the

dataset using SMOTE or possibly

GANs. For the way forward, they

shared a framework for disrupting


14 Chaudhari Intrusion They presented the classification However, this could only

and Patil Detection of IDS, different Data mining detect and classify known

(2017) Systems, approaches and datasets for the attacks.

Classification, operative detection of pattern for

Techniques and both malicious and normal

Datasets to activities in network, which would

Implement. help to develop secure information

system. They also provided a short

study of various datasets that are

useful for an intrusion detection


15 Govindaraja Intrusion They presented novel K-nearest However, the system

n et. al. Detection using neighbour classifier which was required a regular update of

(2009) k-Nearest applied on Intrusion detection the rules which were used.

Neighbour system and the system

performance was evaluated in

terms of Run time and Error rate

on normal and malicious dataset.

16 Mohammad Intrusion Support Vector Machine and However, the system

reza et al. Detection using classification tree Data mining presented no difference

(2010) Data Mining technique were used for intrusion between an attack attempt

Techniques. detection in network. They and a successful attack.

compared C4.5 and Support

Vector Machine by experimental

result and found that C4.5

algorithm had better performance

in term of detection rate and false

alarm rate than SVM, but for U2R

attack SVM performed better.

17 Denatious Survey on Data They defined diverse data mining However, the system

and John Mining approaches useful for detecting recorded low detection rate

(2012) Techniques to intrusions. It was discovered that and high false alarm.

Enhance Intrusion clustering was more suitable for

Detection. large amount of network traffics

than classification in the domain of

intrusion detection because

enormous amount of data needed

to collect to use classification.

18 Amudha Performance They observed that Random forest However, the results cannot

and Rauf Analysis of Data gave better detection rate, be generalized and therefore

(2011) Mining accuracy and false alarm rate for cannot be applied for real

Approaches in Probe and DOS attack & Naive world analysis.

Intrusion Bayes Tree gave better

Detection. performance in case of U2R and

R2L attack. Also it was observed

that the execution time of Naive

Bayes Tree was more as compared

to other classifier.

19 Naidu and A Comparison of They utilized three Data mining However, this model cannot

Avadhani Data Mining algorithms SVM, Ripper rule and be applied in evaluating

(2012) Techniques for C5.0 tree for Intrusion detection other machine learning

Intrusion and also compared their efficiency. techniques.

Detection. Their results demonstrated that

C5.0 decision tree was more

efficient than others.

20 Chitrakar Anomaly Based They observed from the result that However, the model

and Intrusion the hybrid method outperformed recorded false classification

Chuanhe Detection Using a K-Means clustering technique errors due to over fitting of

(2012) Hybrid Learning followed by Naïve Bayes algorithms.

Approaches of classification. They also observed

Combining k- that time complexity increases

Medoids when number of data points

Clustering with increased.

Naïve Bayes


21 Chitrakar An Anomaly The proposed hybrid model However, they could not

and Detection using produced better performance implement a threat detection

Chaunhe Support Vector compared to k-Medoids with system for information

(2012) Machine Naïve Bayes classification. The system.

Classification approach demonstrated

with k-Medoids enhancement in both Accuracy

Clustering and Detection Rate while reducing

Technique. False Alarm Rate as compared to

the k- Medoids clustering

approach followed by Naïve Bayes

classification technique.

22 Chuque Digital Threat They evaluated the influence of However, they could nor

(2020) Detection Model Cybersecurity infrastructure in the implement their model with

to Mitigate global Cybersecurity index. Their a programming language

Cybersecurity results established that there is a

Risks in relationship between the variables

Organizations Model of Detection of Digital

Threats and Cybersecurity Risks in


23 Niyaz et al A Deep Learning They adopted Self-taught Learning However, his model cannot
(2015) Approach for (STL), a deep learning based be applied in an information

Network technique, on NSL-KDD - a system.

Intrusion benchmark dataset for network

Detection System. intrusion. They presented the

performance of their technique and

compared it with a few previous

work. Compared metrics included

accuracy, precision, recall, and f-

measure values.

24 Ferrag et al Deep Learning They provided a review of However, they could not

(2020) for Cyber intrusion detection systems based implement an intrusion

Security Intrusion on deep learning approaches. They detection system using their

Detection, described 35 well-known cyber findings.

Approaches, datasets and provided a

Datasets and classification of these datasets into

Comparative seven categories. Seven deep

Study. learning models including

recurrent neural networks and

deep autoencoders were analyzed.

25 Hodo et al Shallow and Deep They compared performance of However, they could not

(2017) Network diverse machine learning develop an intrusion

Intrusion techniques, specifically in detection system to curb the

Detection anomaly detection. They assessed

System: the performance efficiency of identified challenges.

Taxonomy and feature selection in ML for IDS.


26 Ford and Application of They analyzed the applications of However, they could not

Siraj (2014) Machine machine learning techniques in the implement their findings in

Learning in Cyber protection of the cyberspace from a programming language.

Security. cybercriminals. Various obstacles

faced during the implementation

of machine learning techniques

were depicted.

2.5.1. Our Approach

While reviewing several related literatures on threat intelligence, IDS, cyber-attacks and the

application of AI in solving these prevailing issues, we developed a keen interest in the work

carried out by Haider et al (2020). They proposed a real-time sequential deep extreme learning

machine cyber security intrusion detection system. Their proposed model was used to initially

determine the rating of security aspects contributing to their significance and then it was later

used to develop a comprehensive intrusion detection framework focused on the essential

characteristics. The authors did a good job as their model performed efficiently when evaluated

using their defined parameters. However, the dataset used in the research was too scanty to

produce a result that will be generalized. Secondly, their adopted algorithm (RTS-DELM-

CSIDS) was based on unsupervised learning technique and is therefore not suitable for

recognition of complex patterns such as threat patterns as it does not map a target output. We

hope to improve on the work carried out by these authors by applying ANN on an improved

threat pattern dataset to detect future threat patterns in an information system.



3.1 Methodology

Agile methodology was adopted in this approach. The agile methodology is an iterative and

incremental based development where requirements are changeable depending on the needs of

the customer. Agile method helps in adaptive planning, time boxing and development in an

iterative manner. This methodology is a theoretical framework that promotes foreseen

interactions throughout the development cycle. The Agile method follows the same processes

that are outlined in the SLDC such as the requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding testing

and delivers a prototype of the design to the client while waiting for his/her response before

delivering the complete software which will contain the user’s modified corrections and


3.1.1. Justification of the Methodology

The Agile methodology is iterative and therefore allow for necessary adjustments until the user

requirements are all met, this makes it people oriented. Using the agile model helps to save the

cost of development as the whole project is broken into less expensive modules which can be

executed with minimal cost, this is called parsimony. The methodology is adaptive, convergent

and handles design risks using the best tool in software development. This methodology is

regarded as one of the best models of the Software Development life cycle (SDLC).

3.2 Analysis of the Existing System

The existing system was developed by Haider et al (2020). They proposed a RTS-DELM-CSIDS

framework which uses an innovative strategy to mitigate the number of fake alerts over the

period. The existing system achieved this feat by accessing human expert feedback and

modifying the learning model based on that information. Using this approach, they reduced the

risk of repeated false alerts with identical data. In the training process, information labelling was

skipped because the percentage of traffic segments was the only necessary prior information.

However, the existing approach supported identifying the correct labels for unlabeled details. It

also suggested adjustments in instances where conventional approaches classified the training

samples through human experts. The existing IDS offered a scheme for simplifying the

assessment of human safety experts’ decisions. Accordingly, the framework could identify

irregularities based on predetermined observations. Therefore, with supervised feature learning,

the program was able to spot human mistakes while marking the data and proposing corrections.

Moreover, the framework could identify new traffic segments using a scoring scheme. The

existing model provided a rapidly-updating framework which could identify the adaptability

dilemma of existing approaches. One use of this framework was suitable to upgrade the learning

framework based on current information and novel forms of attacks with minimal computational


3.2.1 Explanation of Existing System Components.

The components of the existing system are discussed briefly in this section.

i. Dataset: Publicly accessible intrusion dataset from Kaggle, which consists of two

types: regular and attack was used in the existing system. The dataset was labelled

NSLKDD (a revamped version of KDD 99, which has many improvements relative to

the initial KDD 99 dataset). The NSL-KDD dataset consists of 41 features per record.

The data collection layer used the collected sensor data as inputs.

ii. Data Processing: Various cleanup processes of data and inspection methods are

applied in the preprocessing layer to remove irregularities from the actual data. The

application layer implements the DELM framework to optimize Cybersecurity for

any malicious or intrusive activity.

Internet Real-time Dataset

Load Data Data Data

Load Data
Acquisition Acquisition
Layer Layer

Data Processing Data Processing Database for

Feature Selection Feature Selection Attacks

Training Dataset Training Dataset

Grant Access

Evaluation Phase

Normal Attack

Figure 3.1: Architecture of Real-Time Sequential Deep Extreme Learning Machine

Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection System: Existing System (Source: Haider et al, 2020)

iii. RTS-DELM-CSIDS: The DELM mitigates numerous network builder problems, such

as network security and connectivity concerns. Given that sending and processing

data consumes 80 percent of the network’s energy, data reduction and feature

extraction techniques could minimize processing and further prolong the network’s

lifespan. The DELM framework adjusted the data compression performance threshold

within networks. The RTS-DELM upgraded the framework as a series of learning

algorithms, without requiring previously trained data.

iv. Training Dataset: The data were divided up randomly into 70% training (103,962

samples) and 30% validation (44,554 samples).

v. Evaluation: In this phase, a specific number of neurons in hidden layers in a network

were evaluated and several forms of active functions were. The RTS-DELM-CSIDS

was also evaluated to accurately predict the efficiency of this system. The output was

compared with the counterpart algorithms of the RTS-DELM-CSIDS algorithm using

multiple statistical measures.

3.2.2 Algorithm of the Existing System

Algorithm of a Real-Time Sequential Deep Extreme Learning Machine Cybersecurity Intrusion

Detection System.

Step 1: Extract NSLKDD Dataset

Step 2: Initiate Sensors for Real time dataset (RTD) access
Step 3: Preprocess datasets
Datasets = NSLKDD + RTD
Step 4: Perform feature Selection (FS)
Step 5: Split Data = Training Set (70%), Test Set (30%)
Step 6: Implement RTS-DELM-CSIDS on Training Set
Step 7: Evaluate RTS-DELM-CSIDS
Step 8: Differentiate Attack Outputs
IF Output = Normal

Grant Access
Detect Anomaly
Step 9: Store Marked Attacks in Database.
Step 10: End
3.2.3. Disadvantages of the Existing System

i. The existing system makes use of an unsupervised learning algorithm, i.e. deep

learning algorithms, therefore the result are less accurate.

ii. The algorithms used was weak and cannot be used to detect new threats except the

ones stored in the dataset.

iii. The existing system lacked a good visualization model for demonstrating the results

gotten from their implementation.

iv. The existing system was not user friendly and it also has an ambiguous design.

3.3 Analysis of the Proposed System

The proposed system is an enhancement of the existing system analyzed above. The first

improvement by the proposed model is in terms of the datasets used for building the model. We

have adopted the UNSW-NB15 dataset. The dataset contains nine types of threat such as

backdoor, denial of service (DoS), Reconnaissance, Shellcode, worms, Fuzzers, Analysis, and

Generic threats. The dataset contains 49 features which were derived from the implementation of

twelve algorithms via the Argus, Bro-IDS tools. The total number of records in the dataset is

2,540,044 which are stored in 4 CSV files. After data cleaning, in which redundant and empty

records were deleted, the dataset was split into training set (80%) and test set (20%). The raining

set contains 175, 341 records and the test set contains 82,332 records.

The ANN which is the most efficient technique for recognizing complex and unprecise patterns

which are difficult for human to recognize was adopted for training the dataset.

Improved Data Acquisition
Threat Dataset Layer

Data Processing: Removal

of Empty and Redundant

Feed Forward
Neural Network Training Dataset




Classification of Threat
Patterns Initiate Threat
Grant Access Alert Protocol

Normal Request Detected Threat

Figure 3.2: Architecture of the Proposed System

The Feed-Forward Neural Network, which is the purest form of ANN was applied to the dataset

using a defined amount of epochs. ANN technique improves data and network security when

applied to a threat detection framework. The threat patterns are used to train the model and

mapped to target outputs. ANN is also used to classify the recognized threat according to insider

or external threats. Also, ANN differentiates between normal requests and threats which are sent

to the information system.

The information system used in this study is the transaction management system (e-banking

system). The threat detection system is integrated into the information system for identification

of both new and old threats.

3.3.1 Description of Proposed System Components

i. Datasets: We adopted the UNSW-NB15 dataset. The dataset contains nine types of

threat such as backdoor, denial of service (DoS), Reconnaissance, Shellcode, worms,

Fuzzers, Analysis, and Generic threats.

ii. ANN Intelligent Model: the model was used to train the dataset for detection of new

and old threat from threat patterns. The algorithm was also used for classification and

to define a set of rules for initiating an alert and blockage protocol for handling the

detected threat.

3.3.2 Algorithm of the Proposed System

Step 1: Extract UNSW-NB15 dataset

Step 2: Remove redundant & empty records = Data Processing
Step 3: Extract features from improved dataset
Step 4: Split Data = Training Set (80%), Test Set (20%)
Step 5: Implement ANN on Training Set
Step 6: Classify Threat Patterns using ANN
Classification = Insider + Outsider
Step 7: launch IS (information system)
Step 8: Integrate TDM into IS

Where TDM = threat detection model
Step 9: Differentiate Attack Outputs
IF Output = Normal Request
Grant Access
Detect Threat
Step 10: Initiate threat alert protocol
Alert Message = type of threat + New/Old threat
Step 11: Block threat = threat block protocol
Step 12: If Threat = New
Update Threat dataset
Step 13: End

3.3.3 Advantages of the proposed System

i. The proposed system makes use of a supervised learning algorithm, i.e. ANN which

is very efficient for recognition of complex patterns.

ii. The algorithms used is very efficient and can recognize even unprecise patterns from

large datasets. The model can also identify new threat whether insider or outsider


iii. The existing system has a good visualization model for demonstrating the results

gotten from their implementation.

iv. The existing system is friendly and it also has a simple design.

3.3.4 Anatomy of the Proposed System

Intelligent Threat Detection Java



Training Model: Feed-Forward NN
Classifier: ANN
Detection System

Transaction Processing Java
Information System



User Registration System
Financial Registration System
Threat Alert and Blockage system

3.4 Design Specifications of the Proposed System

This section illustrates the output specification, input specification and database design of the

Proposed System

Table 3.1: Output specification

Input Expected output

User access validation Login successful

(username + password)
Threat Dataset Test-sets successfully accepted
Classification result Insider Threat/Outsider Threat

Table 3.2: Input specification

Field Name Field Type Null Default

Threat Patterns Varchar No None
Threat Features Varchar No None


Threat detection is very vital to the security of data within an information system. Vulnerabilities

have been identified as the general cause of threats. However, there is no confirmed solution for

handling vulnerabilities as they are found in in very sophisticated architecture. This is why the

attention has been tilted rather to the detection and blockage of threats that are sent to the IS.

ANN has been applied to an improved threat dataset with over 2 million threat records with 9

different threat patterns and 49 attributes. The model will be used to detect threats sent to the

information system and differentiate them from normal service request. The proposed model will

also fire threat alert upon detection and then proceed to block the threat. This model outperforms

previous threat detection system because it is robust, user friendly, with simple design and

intelligent algorithms and also it blocks threats which is deficient in other threat detection



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