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Bill Summary The Major Port Authorities Bill, 2020 ‘+ Tae Major Port Autores Bll 2020 was introduced in Lok Sabha by the Minster of Sate for Shipping, Me. Mansi Mandaiy, oa March 12,2020, The Bil seks to provide fr regulon, operation and planing of major pot in India and provide greater autonomy wo these pots, seks to replace the Major Port Taste Ac, 1963, Key fests ofthe lnc ‘+ Application: Th Bill il apply the major ports of Choe, Coca, aval Neb Poet, Kan, Kola, Mumba New Mangalore, ‘Mormgo, Parad, WO. Chidambranar, and Vshakhapatma, ‘+ Major Port Authorities Board: Under the 1963 Act all major pots are managed bythe espoctive Bou of Port Tests that ave members appointed by he cena goverment, The il provies forthe cention ofa Boar of Major Por Authors for each major port. These Boards will replace the exiting Pot Tests, ‘+ Composition of Board: The Board wil comprise of Chairperson anda deputy Chairperson, bth af whom wl be appointed by the cea ‘overt onthe recommendation ofa selection cemmitee. Further, it wil include one member ech fom (the respective atte governments, ihe Raieays Ministry (i the Defence Ministry, and () the Customs Deparment. The Board will include tw four indepeadea members, and wo members presenting the itr ofthe enplayes ofthe Major Post Author. ‘+ Powers ofthe Board: The Bill allows te Board to use is propery, ests and funds as seme fit for he developmeat ofthe major por. The ‘Board ca els make rules o: (i) declaring avalabiy of por asses for pot rlted setivies nd eviews, (i) developing ifasructare Faces soc as seing up new ors, ete, and (i providing exemption or remission fom payment of any charges on any goods or vessels + Phsng ofr x Curetly the Tarif Authority for Major Pos, estblished under the 1963 Act, ts the scale of rats for asts and sevies ailble at pons. Under te Bll, the Board or commites appointed by the Board wil determine testes. They may determine ates fr: serves hat wil be permed at prs, i) the accesso and usge ofthe pt assets, ti) diferent lass of goods and vessels, amon, ‘others. Such fixing of rates wil the with ecospective elec and mst he consistent wth the provisions ofthe Compestion Act, 2002, or any oter las in free, subject certain conditions. ‘+ Financial powers ofthe Board: Under the 1965 Ac the Hoard hist ste prior sno ofthe cena goverment te any Joan, Under ‘he Bil o meet ite capital and woking expenditure requirements, the Board mye loans fom any: scedled bank o nail insttation within Indo (i ny racial inet ots nia thai compliant whl the ls. Hower, or ans above SO oft capt eserves, the Board will equipo sanction ofthe ceaal goveranent ‘+ Corporate Sota Responsibility: The Bl provides tht the Board may ute is finds for providing sovial benefit. Thi noes development of infastucue i teas such as eduction, heath, housing, and skill development. These bneis could be provided forthe Board's employees, customers, business pres, fea communities, environment andthe soci a rge, ‘+ Public Private Partnership (PPP) project: The Bil defines PPP projects a projets taken up hugh a concession contact by the Bord. Forsch projets, the Board may fix the arf for he nti biding purposes. The appointed concessionaire willbe free to fx the atl ‘aril based on mui conditions, and othr condos as maybe naied, The even shure is uch projects willbe om the basis ofthe specifi concession agreement ‘+ Adjadietory Board: Th Bll ovis forthe constitution ofan Adjudestry Boatd by th central govenment This Boat wil place the ‘xing Taf Anthony for Major Pot const ner the 1965 Act. tml consist of Presiding Officer an two members, 8 appointed ‘bythe cntl goverment, Functions ofthe Adjuictory Boud wl nude () cea ution being caied ot by the Tait Abo for Major Pos) adadicating on dsptes or els related a rights sd obligations of major por nd PPP concessions, an (i) evening stossed PPP projects ‘+ Penalties: Under the 1963 Act here ae varios pense forconravening provisions af the Act. For example (the ena fo sein op any structures on th barbous without peomisson may extend upto Rs 10,000, and (i) the pay for evading aes may extend up to 10 tines ‘he te. Under the il any person corevening any provision of he il or ny rales regulation wl be pnshed with fine of pt one Ia apes. tori flyer por wih ue clown of PRS Lege Rseeeh "PRS, The epnons expressed here ety hos ofthe aos). PRS nde note. Ths acumen eee earl ito eae tote ono af ove wy cio oninninieitmeuesarateet

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