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Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadiran Allah SWT. Karena rahmat dan
karunianya maka penulis dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Makalah ini. Tanpa rahmat
dan pertolongan-Nya, penulis tidak akan mampu menyelesaikan makalah ini tepat
waktu.Tidak lupa Sholawat serta salam tetap tercurahkan kepada Nabi yang agung
yaitu Nabi Muhammda saw. Yang mana syafa’atnya kita nantikan kelak.

Pada kesempatan ini juga, penulis tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih
yang sebesar-besarnya kepada berbagai pihak yang telah banyak membantu dalam
penyelesaian makalah ini

Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam penulisan makalah ini tentu masih banyak
kekurangan.Oleh karena itu,penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang bersifat
membangun dari para pembaca demi perbaikan makalah ini ke depannya. Akhir
kata semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Daftar Isi

KATA PENGANTAR............................................................................................2
Daftar Isi.................................................................................................................3
BAB I.......................................................................................................................4
A. Latar Belakang............................................................................................4
B. Rumusan Masalah.......................................................................................5
C. Tujuan..........................................................................................................5
BAB II.....................................................................................................................6
A. KESULTANAN SAMUDERA PASAI......................................................6
B. KESULTANAN ACEH..............................................................................9
C. KESULTANAN DEMAK.........................................................................14
D. KESULTANAN MATARAM ISLAM....................................................18
E. KESULTANAN BANTEN..........................................................................20
F. KESULTANAN GOWA TALOH...........................................................22
G. KESULTANAN TERNATE DAN TIDORE..........................................24
BAB III..................................................................................................................27
A. Kesimpulan................................................................................................27
B. Saran..........................................................................................................28
DAFTAR PUSTAKA...........................................................................................29


A. Latar Belakang
English has evolved over centuries, shaped by historical events and
cultural exchanges, becoming one of the most widely spoken languages globally.
Its influence extends beyond native speakers, with many individuals learning it as
a second language to participate in the global economy and access international
opportunities. From colonial expansion to the rise of the internet age, English has
adapted and thrived, playing a central role in diplomatic relations, scientific
advancements, and cultural exchange. Its dominance in fields such as diplomacy,
academia, and technology underscores its importance as a tool for cross-cultural
understanding and collaboration in an interconnected world.

In addition to its practical utility, English also carries significant cultural

and social implications. Through literature, film, music, and other forms of media,
English serves as a vehicle for the transmission of ideas, values, and narratives
across borders. As a result, it plays a crucial role in shaping global popular culture
and fostering a sense of shared human experience. Furthermore, the spread of
English has led to the emergence of diverse varieties and dialects, reflecting the
linguistic creativity and adaptability of its speakers worldwide.

Despite its widespread use, the dominance of English has raised concerns
about linguistic imperialism and the marginalization of other languages and
cultures. Efforts to promote multilingualism and preserve linguistic diversity
underscore the importance of acknowledging and respecting the richness of all
languages. Nonetheless, English remains an indispensable tool for international
communication and cooperation, emphasizing the need for balance between its
global influence and the preservation of linguistic heritage.

B. Rumusan Masalah
1. Sejarah kesultanan Samudra Pasai
2. Sejarah Kesultanan Aceh
3. Sejarah Kesultanan Demak
4. Sejarah Kesultanan Mataram Islam
5. Sejarah Kesultanan Banten
6. Sejarah Kesultanan Gowa Tallo
7. Sejarah Kesultanan Terbate Dan Tidore

C. Tujuan
1. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah kesultanan Samudra Pasai
2. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah Kesultanan Aceh
3. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah Kesultanan Demak
4. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah Kesultanan Mataram Islam
5. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah Kesultanan Banten
6. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah Kesultanan Gowa Tallo
7. Untuk mengetahui Sejarah Kesultanan Ternate Dan Tidore



A. Historical Development of the English Language

1. Origins

The English language has a rich history that dates back to the early
medieval period. It originated from the Germanic tribes who migrated to the
British Isles around the 5th century. These tribes, namely the Angles, Saxons,
and Jutes, brought with them their own dialects, which eventually evolved into
Old English. Old English, also known as Anglo-Saxon, was a complex and
highly inflected language, heavily influenced by the Latin and Celtic
languages spoken by the inhabitants of the British Isles.

During this period, Old English was primarily a spoken language, and
its literature was mostly oral. However, a few written texts from this era have
survived, including the famous epic poem "Beowulf," which provides
invaluable insights into the language and culture of early medieval England.
The introduction of Christianity in the 7th century also had a profound impact
on the English language, as it led to the introduction of many Latin words and
the development of the first English script, the Latin alphabet.

As the centuries passed, Old English continued to evolve, influenced

by various historical events and cultural shifts. The Viking invasions of the
8th and 9th centuries introduced Old Norse vocabulary, further enriching the
language. By the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066, Old English had
developed into a rich tapestry of linguistic elements, setting the stage for the
next phase of its evolution into Middle English. The early foundations laid by
these Germanic tribes provided a resilient structure for what would become
one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

2. Middle English
With the Norman Conquest in 1066, the English language underwent
significant changes. The Normans spoke Old Norman, a Romance language,
which heavily influenced English vocabulary and grammar. This period,
known as Middle English, saw the incorporation of many French words into
the English lexicon. The ruling Normans brought with them a new
administrative and legal system, and French became the language of the court,
law, and the aristocracy. As a result, English adopted numerous terms related
to governance, law, art, literature, religion, and other aspects of high culture.

The influence of Old Norman on English extended beyond vocabulary.

It also affected syntax and morphology, leading to the simplification of the
highly inflected Old English grammar. This period witnessed a gradual shift
from the complex inflectional endings of Old English to a more analytical
structure, characterized by a reliance on word order and prepositions to
convey meaning. Additionally, the pronunciation of English began to change,
with some sounds being modified under the influence of French phonetics.

Literature from the Middle English period, such as Geoffrey Chaucer's

"The Canterbury Tales," showcases the rich linguistic blend of this era.
Chaucer's works highlight the extensive use of French-derived vocabulary,
reflecting the language spoken by different social classes. The fusion of
Anglo-Saxon and Norman elements created a versatile and dynamic language,
laying the groundwork for the further development of English in the
subsequent centuries. By the end of the Middle English period, English had
emerged as a robust language, enriched by its ability to assimilate and adapt
foreign influences.

3. Modern English
The transition to Modern English began in the late 15th century,
marked by the Great Vowel Shift—a major phonological change in the
pronunciation of vowels. This period also saw the standardization of English

spelling and grammar, largely due to the invention of the printing press by
Johannes Gutenberg. The works of William Shakespeare and the King James
Bible further cemented the foundations of Modern English. The Great Vowel
Shift involved a systematic change in the pronunciation of long vowels, which
dramatically altered the sound of English and distinguished it from its Middle
English predecessor. These changes contributed to the development of a more
uniform and recognizable form of English.

The invention of the printing press played a crucial role in the

dissemination of the English language and literature. Printed books became
more widely available, leading to increased literacy rates and a greater
emphasis on standardizing English spelling and grammar. Publishers and
writers sought to reach a broader audience, which necessitated consistency in
the written language. This era saw the publication of significant works such as
Sir Thomas More’s “Utopia” and the introduction of standardized dictionaries
and grammar guides, which further helped to stabilize and codify the

The literary contributions of William Shakespeare and the translation

of the Bible into English were pivotal in shaping Modern English.
Shakespeare’s extensive vocabulary, inventive use of language, and creative
expressions enriched the English lexicon and influenced future generations of
writers. The King James Bible, completed in 1611, became one of the most
widely read and quoted texts in the English-speaking world. Its poetic and
accessible language not only made religious texts more accessible to the
general public but also contributed to the standardization of English usage.
Together, these developments established a solid foundation for Modern
English, making it more flexible, expressive, and universally comprehensible.

B. The Global Influence of English

1. Education
English is the primary medium of instruction in many educational
institutions worldwide. It is often considered a mandatory subject in schools,
and proficiency in English is a prerequisite for higher education in many
countries. The widespread use of English in academia has facilitated the
exchange of knowledge and ideas across borders. In many universities,
especially in non-English-speaking countries, advanced courses and research
are often conducted in English to ensure accessibility to international students
and scholars. This trend is reinforced by the prevalence of English-language
textbooks, academic journals, and conferences, which enable researchers and
students from diverse linguistic backgrounds to collaborate and share their

Moreover, the dominance of English in education extends to online

learning platforms and digital resources, which frequently offer materials and
courses in English. This availability broadens the scope of learning
opportunities, allowing students to access high-quality educational content
from leading global institutions regardless of their geographical location. As a
result, English proficiency not only opens doors to better educational
prospects but also enhances one's ability to participate in the global knowledge
economy. Consequently, many governments and educational systems
prioritize English language education to equip their citizens with the skills
necessary to thrive in an interconnected world.

2. Business
In the business world, English is the lingua franca. Multinational
companies use English as their corporate language to ensure clear and
efficient communication among employees from different countries.
Additionally, international trade and commerce rely heavily on English for
negotiations, contracts, and marketing. Business meetings, emails, reports,

and presentations are often conducted in English, even when participants
come from non-English-speaking backgrounds. This common language
reduces misunderstandings and streamlines operations, making it easier for
companies to operate on a global scale. Moreover, English proficiency is
frequently a requirement for career advancement in many international firms,
as it enables employees to engage with a broader client base and collaborate
with colleagues worldwide.

The prevalence of English in business also extends to sectors such as

finance, technology, and tourism. For instance, major financial hubs like New
York, London, and Hong Kong conduct most of their transactions in English.
In the tech industry, English is the default language for coding, software
development, and technical documentation, fostering innovation and
knowledge sharing across borders. Similarly, the tourism industry relies on
English to cater to international travelers, ensuring that services and
information are accessible to a global audience. As businesses continue to
expand their reach, the role of English as the international language of
commerce becomes increasingly vital, reinforcing its status as an essential
skill for professionals worldwide.

3. Technology and Media

The advent of the internet and digital communication has further solidified
the importance of English. A significant portion of online content, including
websites, social media platforms, and software applications, is in English.
This has made English a crucial skill for accessing and participating in the
digital world. For instance, major search engines, social media platforms like
Facebook and Twitter, and popular websites such as Wikipedia and YouTube
primarily operate in English. Moreover, the programming languages and
technical terminologies that drive the internet are predominantly English-
based, making it essential for developers and IT professionals to have a strong
grasp of the language. English proficiency also facilitates participation in

global online communities, forums, and professional networks like LinkedIn,
where users can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and stay updated with
industry trends. Consequently, English serves as a bridge in the digital age,
connecting people from diverse linguistic backgrounds and enabling them to
engage with a vast array of information and resources available on the

C. Challenges and Considerations

1. Language Diversity
While English serves as a global language, it is essential to recognize and
preserve linguistic diversity. Many indigenous languages are at risk of
extinction due to the dominance of English. Efforts should be made to
promote multilingualism and support the preservation of minority languages.
Linguistic diversity is a vital aspect of cultural heritage, as each language
encapsulates unique traditions, histories, and ways of thinking. The loss of
any language represents not only the disappearance of a means of
communication but also the erosion of cultural identity and knowledge
systems that have been passed down through generations. Educational
systems and government policies should therefore encourage the teaching and
learning of multiple languages, ensuring that younger generations maintain a
connection to their linguistic roots.

Promoting multilingualism can also enhance cognitive abilities, social

cohesion, and mutual understanding among different cultural groups.
Bilingual and multilingual individuals often exhibit greater cognitive
flexibility, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Furthermore, fostering an
environment where multiple languages are valued can lead to more inclusive
societies, where individuals from diverse backgrounds feel respected and
understood. Initiatives such as bilingual education programs, cultural
exchanges, and the use of technology to document and revitalize endangered
languages are crucial steps towards preserving linguistic diversity. By

balancing the global utility of English with efforts to sustain other languages,
we can create a more equitable and culturally rich global society.

2. Learning Barriers
Learning English can be challenging, especially for non-native speakers.
Differences in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary can pose significant
hurdles. Educational systems need to provide adequate resources and support
to help learners overcome these barriers and achieve proficiency. For
instance, English has many irregular verbs, idiomatic expressions, and subtle
pronunciation nuances that can be confusing for learners. Additionally, the
widespread use of homophones and words with multiple meanings can
complicate the learning process. These challenges require a comprehensive
approach to language teaching that includes phonetic training, grammar
exercises, and ample practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

To effectively support English learners, educational systems should

incorporate modern teaching methods and technologies. Interactive software,
language learning apps, and online courses can provide engaging and flexible
learning opportunities. Moreover, trained language instructors who are skilled
in teaching English as a second language (ESL) play a crucial role in
addressing individual learner needs. Schools can also create language
immersion programs and provide access to English-speaking environments to
enhance practical language use. By investing in these resources and
strategies, educational systems can help learners build confidence and
competence in English, enabling them to fully participate in academic,
professional, and social contexts.


A. Kesimpulan

The English language plays a vital role in global communication,

education, business, and technology. Its historical development reflects a
blend of influences from various cultures and languages. While English serves
as a unifying medium, it is crucial to balance its global significance with the
need to preserve linguistic diversity and support language learners. By
fostering a multilingual and inclusive approach, we can ensure that the
benefits of English are accessible to all, without undermining the rich tapestry
of human languages.

B. Saran
This paper provides a comprehensive view of the significance of the
English language in a global context, spanning from its historical development
to its wide-ranging influence in various fields such as education, business,
technology, and media. However, there are some areas that could be improved
or expanded to enhance sustainability and depth of analysis: a deeper
exploration of historical influences, further investigation into cultural impacts,
mentioning strategies to mitigate negative effects, and considering
ethnographic perspectives in English language education. By taking these
suggestions into account, you can enrich and deepen the analysis of the
significance of English in a global context, providing readers with a more
holistic understanding.


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