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Web Technology Workshop 2

CSE 4948
Assignment 7
1. Create a Simple Counter Component: Create a basic React component that displays a counter. Include
buttons to increment and decrement the counter value. This assignment will help to understand React
component structure, state management, and event handling.

2. Build a Todo List App: Build a simple Todo List application using React. Users should be able to add
new tasks, mark tasks as completed, and delete tasks. This assignment will reinforce concepts such
as component composition, state management, and handling user input.

3. Implement a Basic Calculator: Create a basic calculator application using React. The calculator should
support addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. This assignment will help to
practice working with forms, handling user input, and implementing basic arithmetic operations in

4. Develop a Weather App: Develop a weather application that fetches weather data from an API and
displays it to the user. Users should be able to enter a location and view the current weather conditions.
This assignment will enable hands-on experience with data fetching, asynchronous programming, and
integrating external APIs in React.

5. Create a Simple Quiz Game: Create a simple quiz game using React. The quiz should consist of
multiple-choice questions with a timer. Users should be able to select their answers and see their score
at the end of the quiz. This assignment will help to practice state management, conditional rendering,
and handling user interactions.

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