Fields Examstyle

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The graph below shows how the gravitational potential energy, Ep, of a 1.

0 kg mass varies with

1. distance, r, from the centre of Mars. The graph is plotted for positions above the surface of Mars.

(a) Explain why the values of Ep are negative.






(b) Use data from the graph to determine the mass of Mars.

mass of Mars ____________________ kg


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(c) Calculate the escape velocity for an object on the surface of Mars.

escape velocity ____________________ m s–1


(d) Show that the graph data agree with

(Total 11 marks)

(a) Explain what is meant by the gravitational potential at a point in a gravitational field.




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(b) Use the following data to calculate the gravitational potential at the surface of the Moon.

mass of Earth = 81 × mass of Moon

radius of Earth = 3.7 × radius of Moon
gravitational potential at surface of the Earth = –63 MJ kg–1







(c) Sketch a graph on the axes below to indicate how the gravitational potential varies with
distance along a line outwards from the surface of the Earth to the surface of the Moon.

(Total 8 marks)

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At a distance R from a fixed charge, the electric field strength is E and the electric potential is V.
3. Which line, A to D, gives the electric field strength and electric potential at a distance 2R from the

electric field strength electric potential

(Total 1 mark)

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The graph shows how the gravitational potential V varies with the vertical distance d from the
surface of the Earth.

What does the gradient of the graph represent at the surface of the Earth?

A potential energy

B mass of the Earth

C magnitude of the gravitational constant

D magnitude of the gravitational field strength

(Total 1 mark)

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The diagram shows two points, P and Q, at distances r and 2r from the centre of a planet.

The gravitational potential at P is −16 kJ kg−1. What is the work done on a 10 kg mass when it is
taken from P to Q?

A – 120 kJ

B – 80 kJ

C + 80 kJ

D + 120 kJ
(Total 1 mark)

Which one of the following statements about gravitational potential is incorrect?

A It is analogous to the electric potential at a point in an electric field.

B It is equal to the gravitational potential energy of a mass of 1 kg.

C It is a vector quantity.

D The difference in gravitational potential between two points at different heights

above the Earth depends on the position of the points.

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X and Y are two stars of equal mass M. The distance between their centres is d.

What is the gravitational potential at the mid-point P between them?

(Total 1 mark)

The diagram shows equipotential lines near a group of asteroids.


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Which arrow shows the direction of the gravitational field at X?

A ↑

B ↓

C ←

D →
(Total 1 mark)

(a) (i) Define the electric field strength, E, at a point in an electric field.



(ii) State whether E is a scalar or a vector quantity.


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(b) Point charges of +4.0 nC and –8.0 nC are placed 80 mm apart, as shown in the figure

(i) Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted on the +4.0 nC charge by the –8.0 nC





(ii) Determine the distance from the +4.0 nC charge to the point, along the straight line
between the charges, where the electric potential is zero.





(c) Point P in the figure above is equidistant from the two charges.

(i) Draw two arrows on the figure above at P to represent the directions and relative
magnitudes of the components of the electric field at P due to each of the charges.

(ii) Hence draw an arrow, labelled R, on the figure above at P to represent the direction
of the resultant electric field at P.
(Total 10 marks)

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(a) (i) Define electric field strength, and state whether it is a scalar quantity or a vector
10. quantity.





(ii) Complete the diagram below to show the electric field lines in the region around two
equal positive point charges. Mark with a letter N the position of any point where the
field strength is zero.


(b) Point charges A, of +2.0 nC, and B, of –3.0 nC, are 200 mm apart in a vacuum, as shown
by the figure. The point P is 120 mm from A and 160 mm from B.

(i) Calculate the component of the electric field at P in the direction AP.




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(ii) Calculate the component of the electric field at P in the direction PB.




(iii) Hence calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant field at P.





(c) (i) Explain why there is a point X on the line AB in part (b) at which the electric
potential is zero.





(ii) Calculate the distance of the point X from A.




(Total 16 marks)

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(a) State, in words, Coulomb’s law.






(b) The graph shows how the electric potential, V, varies with , where r is the distance from a
point charge Q.

State what can be deduced from the graph about how V depends on r and explain why all
the values of V on the graph are negative.





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(c) (i) Use data from the graph to show that the magnitude of Q is about 30 nC.


(ii) A +60 nC charge is moved from a point where r = 0.20 m to a point where r = 0.50 m.
Calculate the work done.


work done ____________________ J

(iii) Calculate the electric field strength at the point where r = 0.40 m.

electric field strength ____________________ V m−1

(Total 10 marks)

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The diagram shows two charges, +4 µC and –16 µC, 120 mm apart. What is the distance from
the +4 µC charge to the point between the two charges where the resultant electric potential is

A 24 mm

B 40 mm

C 80 mm

D 96 mm
(Total 1 mark)

Two horizontal parallel plate conductors are separated by a distance of 5.0 mm in air. The lower
13. plate is earthed and the potential of the upper plate is +50 V.

Which line, A to D, in the table gives correctly the electric field strength, E, and the potential, V, at
a point midway between the plates?

electric field strength E / Vm−1 potential V / V

A 1.0 × 104 upwards 25

B 1.0 × 104 downwards 25

C 1.0 × 104 upwards 50

D 1.0 × 104 downwards 50

(Total 1 mark)

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The diagram shows a negative ion at a point in an electric field, which is represented by the
14. arrowed field lines.

Which one of the following statements correctly describes what happens when the ion is

When the negative ion is displaced

A to the left the magnitude of the electric force on it decreases.

B to the right its potential energy increases.

C along the line PQ towards Q its potential energy decreases.

D along the line PQ towards P the magnitude of the electric force on it is unchanged.
(Total 1 mark)

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The diagram shows two point charges of magnitude +Q and −2Q placed a distance r apart.

What is the electric potential at point P, a distance r to the right of the −2Q charge?

(Total 1 mark)

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The diagram shows four point charges, each +Q, at the corners of a square of side 2a.

What is the electric field strength at P, the centre of the square?

A zero

(Total 1 mark)

An electron moves through a distance of 0.10 m parallel to the field lines of a uniform electric
field of strength 2.0 kN C–1.

What is the work done on the electron?

A zero

B 1.6 × 10–17 J

C 3.2 × 10–17 J

D 1.6 × 10–21 J

(Total 1 mark)

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Two charged particles P and Q are separated by a distance of 120 mm.
18. X is a point on the line between P and Q where the electric potential is zero.

What is the distance from P to X?

A 40 mm

B 48 mm

C 60 mm

D 72 mm

(Total 1 mark)

O is the centre of a negatively charged sphere.


K and L are two points at a distance r1 from O.

M and N are two points at a distance r2 from O.

Which statement is true?

The work done moving an electron from M to K is the same as that

done moving an electron from K to L.

The work done moving a positron from K to M is the same as that

done moving an electron from K to M.

C No work is done moving an electron from M to N.

D No work is done moving a positron from L to N.

(Total 1 mark)
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Two fixed charges of magnitude +Q and +3Q repel each other with a force F. An additional
charge of −2Q is given to each charge.

What are the magnitude and the direction of the force between the charges?

Magnitude of force Direction of force

A repulsive

B 5F attractive

C 5F repulsive

D attractive

(Total 1 mark)

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