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Target Cambridge English: First – Wordlists (Student’s Book)


Family and friends Phonetic transcription Translation

bride n

brother n

brother-in-law n

cousin n

drive (someone) mad

enjoy (each other’s) company

fall in love (with someone)

father n

father-in-law n

feel really close (to someone)

get on well (with someone)

grandfather n

grandmother n

groom n

have a lot in common (with


husband n

look up (to someone) v

mother n

mother-in-law n

sister n

sister-in-law n

take after (someone) v

uncle n

wife n

Home life

bedroom n

curtains pl n

cushion n

garden n

house n

kitchen n

lot n

mattress n

oven n

porch n

saucepan n

shutters pl n

sofa n

Free time

do a crossword

do a puzzle

do yoga

go dancing

go for a bike ride

go for a drive

go for a walk

go shopping
go swimming

go to a concert

go to a youth club

go to the beach

have a quiet night in

have some friends round

play computer games

play the guitar

Adjective suffixes

active adj

artistic adj

careless adj

childish adj

dependable adj

different adj

excellent adj

famous adj

glamorous adj

greedy adj

helpful adj

heroic adj

hopeful adj

hopeless adj

knowledgeable adj

likeable adj

mischievous adj
musical adj

natural adj

political adj

protective adj

reliable adj

selfish adj

sporty adj

successful adj

-ed & -ing adjectives

annoyed adj

annoying adj

bored adj

boring adj

embarrassed adj

embarrassing adj

excited adj

exciting adj

frightened adj

frightening adj

tired adj

tiring adj



bald adj

clean-shaven adj
curvy adj

dyed adj

freckled adj

glamorous adj

gorgeous adj

hideous adj

pale adj

plump adj

skinny adj

slim adj

stubbly adj

stunning adj

tanned adj

wavy adj

well-built adj

wrinkled adj


arrogant adj

calm adj

conventional adj

cruel adj

eccentric adj

fiery adj

funny adj

hard-working adj

kind adj
lazy adj

modest adj

ordinary adj

polite adj

rude adj

sensible adj

serious adj

shy adj

silly adj

sociable adj

talented adj

talentless adj


ankle boots pl n

baggy adj

bangle n

baseball cap n

bracelet n

casual adj

colourful adj

conservative adj

cotton n

denim n

designer label n

earrings pl n

elegant adj
fitted adj

flip-flops pl n

high heels pl n

hippyish adj

hoodie n

knee-high boots pl n

leather n

necklace n

patterned adj

pendant n

piercing n

plain adj

ring n

sandals pl n

scruffy adj

smart adj

suit n

tight adj

trendy adj

unconventional adj

woollen adj

Compound adjectives

cold-blooded adj

dark-haired adj

narrow-minded adj

old-fashioned adj
self-obsessed adj

thick-skinned adj

two-faced adj

warm-hearted adj

well-dressed adj

world-famous adj

Phrasal verbs (1): relationships

bring up v

fall out v

get back together v

get on v

go out v

make up v

settle down v

split up v

Extreme adjectives

amazing adj

astonished adj

devastated adj

exhausted adj

filthy adj

furious adj

gorgeous adj

hideous adj

hilarious adj
huge adj

packed adj

terrible adj

terrified adj


accommodation n

activities pl n

day at the beach

days off

expedition n

fit in v

free event

go on holiday

head back v

leave (my) worries behind

location n

make the most of

miss out v

package holiday

paragliding trip

sailing trip

safari n

save up (for something) v

set off early

sightseeing holiday

sporty holiday

tourist n

travel agent

trek v
Geography and climate

blow v

breeze n

downpour n

dune n

frost n

freeze v

glacier n

gorge n

hailstones pl n

humid adj

landscape n

pour v

rainforest n

scorching adj

slopes pl n

soaking wet adj

summit n

temperate adj

tornado n

thunderstorm n

wild adj

wildlife n

Accident and emergency

attack v

bite v
break down v

catch fire v

crash into (something) v

feel sick v

get lost v

get stuck v

hurt oneself v

run a temperature

run out (of something) v

slip (on something) v

sting v

Easily-confused nouns

nature n

scenery n

view n

beach n

coast n

shores n

journey n

travel n

trip n

way n


carbon emissions pl n

climate change n

conservation n

endangered species

exhaust fumes n

extinction n

global warming n

habitat n

heatwave n

litter n

recycle v

rubbish dump n

throw away v

waste n

wild n


a waste of time

at times

last v

pass v

spend v

take v

for the time being

time out n

time will tell

breed v

carry v

catch v

common adj

diet n

escape v

extinct adj

feed (on something) v

give birth v

habitat n

hunt v

in the wild

insect n

lay eggs

mammal n

native species

pest n

predator n

prey n

rare adj

reptile n

set free v

survive v

unpopular adj

young adj

a / an

a few

a large amount of

a little

a lot of

all of









none of

some of the

Phrasal verbs (2): solving problems

fill in v

look after v

look into v

mix up v

sort out v

work out v

Noun suffixes
achievement n

creation n

criticism n

cruelty n

depression n

excitement n

freedom n

friendship n

happiness n

illness n

independence n

pleasure n

pollution n

racism n

relaxation n

stupidity n

violence n



centre n

cosmopolitan adj

district n

friendly adj

historic buildings

lively atmosphere
market n

middle of nowhere

modern adj

peaceful adj

picturesque adj

remote adj

run down adj

rural life

sense of community

square n

welcoming adj


ad n

advert n

advertiser n

billboard n

brand n

commercial break n

consumer n

convince v

flyer n

influence v

logo n

market research n

marketing executive n

poster n
product n

promotion n

sign n

slogan n

City life

a lot going on

admire the architecture

backstreets pl n

boutique n

commercial centre n

congestion n

culture n

designer outlet n

detour n

explore v

fast-food diner n

get around v

get there

head (to somewhere) v

high street names

land n

market stall n

movie screen n

on sale adj

pedestrianised adj
public transport n

shopping mall n

take in (a gallery) v

theme park n

treat (yourself) v

urban lifestyle

Compound nouns

cycle lane n

exhaust fumes pl n

fast-food restaurant n

housing estate n

nightlife n

one-way street n

outskirts pl n

pedestrian crossing n

pushchair n

rush hour n

skyscraper n

steering wheel n

taxi rank n

traffic fumes pl n

traffic jam n

Underground station n

Easily-confused verbs

been v (pp)
gone v (pp)

lose v

miss v

beat v

win v

get v

go v

bring v

take v

borrow v

lend v

expect v

hope v

deny v

refuse v

hear v

listen v

look v

see v

remember v

remind v


Health & fitness

allow yourself the occasional


be in great shape
bike ride n

challenge n

do some exercise

exercise trainer n

go for a walk

go on a diet

goal n

gym n

injury n

keep fit

lose weight

low-calorie diet n

nutritionist n

overdo (it) v

overeat v

overweight adj

push (yourself) too hard

put weight back on

realistic adj

trainer n

underweight adj


baked adj

bland adj

disgusting adj

flavour v
fresh adj

fried adj

preserve v

raw adj

rich adj

roast v

season v

spicy adj

stuffed adj

sugary adj

sweet adj

tasteless adj

tasty adj


balance (on one leg) v

bend (towards the ground) v

catch (a ball in mid air) v

hit (with a racquet) v

jog (in the park) v

jump (into the air) v

kick (as hard as you can) v

lift (a heavy weight) v

punch (an opponent) v

sprint (towards the finishing line) v

stretch (as far as you can) v

throw (a ball) v

actually adv

again adv

amazingly adv

bravely adv

frequently adv

healthily adv

highly adv

in just a short while adv

luckily adv

often adv

quite adv

rapidly adv

really adv

regularly adv

seriously adv

slowly adv

sometimes adv

surprisingly adv

well adv

Phrasal verbs (3): health

cut down on v

cut out v

eat out v

give up v
stick to v

take up v

work out v

Adverb collocations

absolutely essential

bitterly disappointed

extremely important

fast asleep

highly successful

quite insistent

totally different

wide awake


Science & technology

astronomer n

astronomical adj

astronomy n

biological adj

biologist n

biology n

carry out v

chemical adj

chemist n

chemistry n

come up with v
dream up v

engineer n

engineering n

look into v

mathematical adj

mathematician n

mathematics n

psychiatric adj

psychiatrist n

psychiatry n

science n

scientific adj

scientist n

set out v

work out v


avatar n

check emails

cyberspace n

download v

gaming n

joystick n

keyboard n

log out v

monitor n

mouse n
software n

surf v

switch off v

technologically minded adj

technophobe n

virtual adj


call back v

call the wrong number

get cut off

hang up v

internet access n

keep up with the latest


lose the signal

make arrangements

mobile phone n

phone call n

pick up v

ring v

ring tone n

send a text

stay in touch

talk face-to-face

text n,v

webchat n
wrong number

Negative prefixes

disagree v

disapprove v

disobedient adj

illegal adj

illiterate adj

illogical adj

immature adj

immoral adj

improbable adj

inaccurate adj

inconsiderate adj

independence n

irregular adj

irresponsible adj

irreversible adj

unemployment n

unimportant adj

unreliable adj

Collocations (2): verbs + prepositions

depend on

help with

interfere with

laugh at
study for

suspect of

think about

Word stem transformations

competitive adj

competing adj

competition n

competitor n

competitiveness n

compete v

competitively adv

dead adj

dying adj

death n

die v

memorable adj

memory n

memorise v

memorably adv

believable adj

belief n

believe v

believably adv

destructive adj

destructiveness n

destroy v
destructively adv

successful adj

success n

succeed v

successfully adv

living adj

life n

live v

alive adj



anxious adj

be down

be over the moon

chilled out adj

crazy (about something) adj

despairing adj

drive (someone) mad v

fed up adj

gloomy adj

insecure adj

light-hearted adj

miserable adj

sick (of something) adj

suspicious adj
upbeat adj
Abstract nouns

bliss n

confidence n

contentment n

depression n

development n

enjoyment n

entertainment n

freedom n

fulfilment n

fun n

glamour n

happiness n

health n

joy n

misery n

passion n

pleasure n

satisfaction n

success n

well-being n


a sense of humour n

amusing adj

cartoon n

comedian n
comedy n

be great fun

funny adj

have some fun

hilarious adj

joke n

laugh (at something) v

laugh out loud

make fun (of someone)

sitcom n

stand-up comedy n

take (yourself) too seriously

tell jokes v

witty adj



Good for you!

I don’t believe it!

Never mind.

No problem.

Of course.

Oh dear!

That’s fine by me.

Well done!

What a shame!

You can’t be serious!

You must be joking!

Phrasal verbs (4): behaviour

calm (someone) down v

cheer (someone) up v

fit in v

let (someone) down v

look down on v

make (things) up v

rely on v

rush into v

stand up for v

tire (someone) out v

Make and do

do (someone) a favour

do (someone) a good turn

do (someone) harm

do a course

do badly

do business

do homework

do housework

do nothing

do well

do your best

make a living
make a mistake

make a suggestion

make an appointment

make an effort

make an excuse

make an offer

make money

make plans

make the best of something


Success & failure

ambition n

believe (in yourself) v

confidence n

let (something) get the better of you

famous relatives

good looks

good planning

hard work

luck n

give up v

qualifications pl n

reach for the stars

realise (your) ambitions

set (yourself) goals

stand out from the crowd

successful adj

take action

talent n

the sky’s the limit

turn (your)dreams into reality


(surf) board n

acrobatic routine n

amateur n

award n

cheat v

coach n

come first

competitive adj

court n

equipment n

free running n

funding n

championship n

opponent n

professional adj

racquet n

referee n

spectator n

sponsor n
sportsperson n

sportswear n

supporter n

team mate n

tennis n

track n

train v

trophy n

work out v

Body idioms

(pay) an arm and a leg

(someone’s) heart isn’t in


a good head for (business)

give (someone) a hand

see eye to eye

up to your eyes in (something)

Words with similar meanings

succeed v

achieve v

realise v

score v

exhibition n

performance n

display n

act n
match n

contest n

race n

game n

spectator n

onlooker n

audience n

viewer n

earn v

profit v

win v

gain v

Collocations (3): adjectives + prepositions

brilliant at

concerned about

considerate to

experienced in

fascinated by

guilty of

interested in

keen on

obsessed with

passionate about

responsible for

Word families
compete v

competition n

competitor n

competitiveness n

competitive adj

competitively adv

uncompetitive adj

imagine v

imagination n

imaginer n

imaginative adj

imaginatively adv

unimaginative adj

possibility n

possible adj

possibly adv

impossible adj

reason n

reason v

reasonableness n

reasoned adj

reasonable adj

reasonably adv

unreasonable adj

critique n

criticism n

critic n
critical adj

critically adv

uncritical adj


Film, fiction & TV

animated film

artwork n

author n

cast n

change the channel

chapter n

character n

episode n

fantasy n

historical drama

Hollywood movie

I’m a fan of…

manga film

musical n

novel n

plot n

romance n

science fiction film

sequel n

series n
sitcom n

soundtrack n

stunt n

acting n

thriller n

trilogy n

watchable adj

Action & atmosphere

boast v

contemplate v

deserted adj

desperately adv

gloom n

murmuring adj

shifting adj

sweetly adv


a good memory

a logical mind

an eye for detail

creativity n

empathy n

imagination n

intelligence n
Expressions with mind

Do you mind!

Don’t mind me.

I don’t mind.

I’ve changed my mind.

Make up your mind!

Mind out!

Mind your own business!

My mind went blank.

Never mind.

That’s a weight off my mind.

What’s on your mind?

Would you mind … ?

You’re out of your mind!

Phrasal verbs (5): life’s dramas

build (your strength) up v

call (something) off v

end up v

get over (something) v

get through (something) v

own up v

put up with v

turn (someone) down v

turn out v

walk out v

Words with similar forms

advice n

advise v

bored adj

boring adj

breath n

breathe v

childish adj

childlike adj

cook n

cooker n

fun n

funny adj

historic adj

historical adj

horrible adj

horrific adj

murder n

murderer n

practice n

practise v

sensible adj

sensitive adj

terrible adj

terrific adj


Art and culture

architect n

architecture n

art n

artist n

composer n

composition n

design n

designer n

drama n

dramatist n

photography n

photographer n

poet n

poetry n

sculptor n

sculpture n

The senses

acid (yellow) adj

bittersweet adj

bright adj

clear adj

colourless adj

damp adj

deafening adj

monochrome adj

rough adj
round adj

sharp adj

smooth adj

stinking adj

whispered adj

ballad n

catchy adj

chart n

classical adj

concert n

cover version n

disco n

download tracks

duet n

fan (of something) n

folk music

heavy metal

in tune adj

instrument n

instrumental adj

jazz music

live music

lyrics pl n

melody n

music festival n

on tour adj

opera n

performance n

punk n

rap n

recorded music n
solo n

soundtrack n

stage n

similar tastes in music

Comparative expressions


as if

as though


Collocations (4): verbs + nouns

do research (into something)

get a (new) job

have an effect (on something)

make a discovery

make use (of something)

pay attention

take (an) exam

take (better) care of (yourself)

take an interest (in something)



apply for a job

bar worker n

bricklayer n
career n

carpenter n

chef n

cleaner n

cook n

director n

experience n

part-time adj

permanent adj

promotion n

qualification n

receptionist n

restaurant owner n

salary n

shift n

skills pl n

temporary adj

tourist guide n

TV presenter n

work overtime


be arrested

break the law

case n

clue n

commit a crime
courtroom n

criminal n

defendant n

evidence n

trial n

forensics n

guilt n

high-speed car chase

illegal adj

inmate n

innocence n

international fraud

judge n

kidnap v

lawyer n

murder n

officer n

paperwork n

prison officer n

prisoner n

punishment n

reoffend v

rob v

spy v

steal v

surveillance n

suspect n
suspected terrorist

thief n

victim n

villain n

weapon n

witness n


concentrate (on something) v

distracted (by something) adj

keep calm

learn (something) by heart

look up words

on your own

remember things

repeat v

revise for exams

stay alert

take (your) exams

write down (something) v

Affixes: review

advertise v

annoying adj

antisocial adj

blacken v

careless adj
delighted adj

dislike v

effectively adv

endurance n

existence n

historical adj

impatient adj

impossible adj

independent adj

irresponsible adj

isolation n

lover n

non-vegetarian adj

obviously adv

opportunity n

optimist n

personality n

physical adj

poisonous adj

profession n

properly adv

requirement n

starvation n

strength n

suitable adj

unlikely adj

wealthy adj
Phrasal verbs (6): work

catch (someone) out v

come across v

come up against v

cope with v

get (something) across v

jump at the chance to v

look after v

see through v

sort out v

take (something) in v

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