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By Primal Thrive


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Disclaimer (2): This is not medical advice.

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Let me tell you a little story first. About a year ago (in 2020) I visited a castle here in
Belgium. During the tour the guide stopped at a painting where she started to
describe what the painting was about.

The medieval painting showed a hall where there was a big feast going on. The
peasants dined together with the royals in the same hall, but not at the same table.

The guide explained to us the following: “the elite ate animals from nose to tail,
they give the left-overs to their dogs and the peasants were fed vegetables at the
feast”. This made a lot of sense.

I connected the dots.

The very reason why the rulers/upper class were able to dominate resided in their
diet. They knew that when you starve someone from their natural diet (animal based)
and feed them a diet based on vegetation, that you would create a domesticated &
obedient human being.

All over the world, when a large amount of people became enslaved, the first thing
that the rulers would do would be to take the animal based food supply away. Hunted
food was served for the elite, whereas the poor were left alone to eat grains, beans
and vegetables.

This diet of predominantly grains and vegetables is high in fiber and low in protein
and nutrition. A perfect combination to injure the gut, make someone weak and to
decrease the lifespan.
Long ago it was common knowledge that health begins in the gut and that nutrition
plays an important role in the health and integrity of this organ. It was also known that
disease manifests out of an injured gut.

So many men are suffering low testosterone, which is obviously connected to the gut
and nutritional intake.

This is why I am dedicated to provide you with the “hidden” information that can
help you understand yourself and the topic of health in such a way that you can apply
these ancestral principles to your advantage.

When you can truly apply the science of food as medicine and when you truly
understand that the food you eat is the original healthcare, then you have obtained
the enlightening truth of your sovereign existence, that you shouldn’t be sick and
diseased, but alive and thriving while enjoying the beauty in this world.

This is written to bring men back to greater health, to make men primal & high T

Remember the obedient peasants we spoke about?

Well it has to be that obedience is linked to elevated serotonin levels (excess), and
to a lack in dopamine (deficiency). The funny thing is that one affects the other,
meaning that if you were to elevate dopamine in a natural way it would automatically
decrease serotonin as one is antagonizing the other.

Serotonin physiology is a quite complicated topic. Serotonin (5-HT) is one of the

major neurotransmitters that is linked to several mental conditions and low vibe
personality traits: Beta male behavior so to speak.

Three main causes serotonin becomes elevated:

1. More conversion of tryptophan into serotonin

2. Less monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) which breaks serotonin down

3. Reduced transport of serotonin

I would also like to add to this the physiological root causes that contribute to
elevated serotonin levels:

4. Stress hormones stimulate serotonin production

5. Hypothyroidism

SSRI’s, Serotonin & Depression?

The use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) shows the opposite effect
in depressed people. SSRI’s caused more bipolar disorders, increased anxiety,
increased aggression, increased suicide and decreased thyroid function. To drugs
prescribed that should make one less depressed are causing more depressive
symptoms and mental disorders. Serotonin must be in the MIDRANGE to be mentally
sane, and not elevated.
The Serotonin Personality

We see typical traits and behaviors in individuals who have HIGH serotonin levels in
the brain. This means that they have serotonin in excess, and in imbalance in other
neurotransmitters such as dopamine and GABA.

The serotonin personality is often described as someone who avoids harm, expresses
learned helplessness, is depressed, is obedient,... traits that we frequently see in
these crazy times we live in.
Some common traits:

• Rigid thinking

• Mental Inflexibility

• Analytical/ Overly Logical

• Aggressive/ Passive aggressive

• Mood swings

• Lethargy

• Anxiety & Depression

• Mental Disorders: Bipolar, Schizoid, Narcissistic,…

Other traits:

• Life-is-a-joke’ mentality

• Anhedonic

• Acute/overly Excitement
Excessive serotonin is related with:

• Headaches via Vasoconstriction

• Cognitive decline

• Depression

• Autism

• Anorexia Nervosa

• Gut disease: IBS, Crohn’s,...

• Hypothyroidism

• Hypogonadism

• Hair Loss
10 Ways to Lower Serotonin Naturally

1. Avoid Serotonin Agonists

Certain foods can increase the turnover of 5HT into serotonin or they contain a lot of
tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin:

• Never take Tryptophan or 5-HT supplements

• Avoid St John’s Worth

• PUFA consumption increases the turnover from 5HT into serotonin

• Reduce Tryptophan rich foods: egg whites, banana, nuts, grains, fatty fish,
poultry, turkey, a lot of red meat*… when eating a lot of meat, have some broth
on the side as the glycine will help mitigate the excessive tryptophan*
2. Lower Stress

Cortisol induces an increase in the expression of the gene coding for the serotonin
transporter, associated with a subsequent elevation in the uptake of serotonin*

This study** observed that extracellular 5-HT or serotonin rose in most regions
whatever the nature of the stressor applied meaning that serotonin rises in areas that
are stressed or where stress is induced.

The best ways to reduce stress induced serotonin are shared below. One thing that
really helps long term are myofascial releases, which lower the tension and thus
elevated (chronic) serotonin levels.

1) Correlation between cortisol level and serotonin uptake in patients with chronic stress and

2) Serotonin and Stress**

3. Up the Magnesium

Magnesium depletion leads to glutamate overactivity (linked with addiction and

high serotonin) and, as a consequence, to depression and anxiety-like symptoms,
neuroendocrine changes including increased cortisol levels, sleep disturbances and
increased inflammatory markers.

Magnesium concentration has an effect on serotonin receptors, nitric oxide

synthesis and release, NMDA receptors, and a variety of other migraine related
receptors and neurotransmitters. The available evidence suggests that up to 50% of
patients during an acute migraine attack have lowered levels of magnesium.

So by upping the magnesium (often depleted due to stress) you keep serotonin levels
in check.
4. Ginkgo Biloba

Works amazing against depression as it lowers serotonin. Gingko Biloba extract is

able to restore stress-induced elevation in whole brain levels of noradrenaline,
serotonin (5-HT) and plasma corticosterone to near normal levels.

Agents like G. biloba which normalize stress-elevated catecholamine and serotonin

concentrations should be considered of potential therapeutic utility in reducing stress.

I have taken Gingko myself for the past months and I can say that my cognitive
performances increased incrementally. I enjoy better focus, stable attention and
better sleep after taking a 50:1 extract daily in the morning.

Ginkgo has opposite effects of serotonin: it dilates the blood vessels increasing blood
flow to the brain, whereas serotonin constricts the blood vessels causing head ache
and hair loss.
5. Ginger

When in doubt use ginger. Ginger lowers serotonin receptivity in the gut. When you
are nauseous or have any digestive problem like cramps, it is caused by serotonin
excess and can be reduced by ginger.

Get some ginger powder, mix with a little warm water and have it before meals or
when feeling sick.

Ginger is also a great herb for the mind and mental performances: Ginger increases
NGF in the brain. NGF (Neuron Growth Factor) is a protein in the brain that stimulates
the growth of neurons, especially in hippocampal region.
6. Creatine, Glycine & Taurine

Treatment with creatine supplementation combined with exercise significantly

decreased depressive symptoms. Creatine also lowers serotonin post workout, which
significantly benefits metabolic function, recovery and stress levels.

Taurine increases dopamine production, whereas glycine found in bone broth/marrow

(very low in tryptophan btw) aids in serotonin clearance.

7. Vitamin B1: Thiamine

A deficiency in thiamine increases serotonin production and decreases its uptake,

resulting in a stronger action of serotonin. Taking B1 when having any depressive
symptoms or as a nootropic for prolonged focus.
8. L-Theanine

Something that really helps with stress and anxiety is supplemental L theanine, which
is normally found in green tea and matcha, but without the stimulatory effects of the
theine and caffeine. Great for reducing stress, anxiety and serotonin. Theanine is also
a potent antioxidant.

9. Increase Dopamine

When serotonin is high it suppresses dopamine production. Increasing dopamine can

prevent and reverse serotonin excess, which can change your personality and
behavior (what you want).
10. Aspirin

Low dose aspirin, 100 – 300mg, can lower serotonin uptake from the gut when taking
it with a meal and can reduce serotonin receptor sensitivity in the brain. Have enough
K2 in the diet when experimenting with higher doses of aspirin. Btw K2 and the other
fat soluble vitamins are at the core for healthy hormones and brain chemicals.

When dopamine is balanced with serotonin, and our reserves of dopamine are
abundant, we can speak of a dopamine/testosterone personality.

The high dopamine personality type is confronting and doesn’t obey easily nor does
he conforms. Questioning authority and standing up against it are all traits of a high
dopamine personality.

HIGH dopamine is what you want.

Low dopamine makes you less in control over addictions/bad behaviors whereas high
dopamine levels make you addicted to improving yourself.
High Dopamine Traits:

• The Go Getter

• Motivated

• Driven

• Ambitious

• Creative

• Abundance of Energy

• Good Memory

• Open Minded

• Explorative
• Happy and Content

• Action Taker

• Completes Tasks (till the end)

• Mental Control

• Addiction Free
Ways to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Dopamine and testosterone give us the drive to go OUT and ACCOMPLISH our
goals. When dopamine is low, we feel low energy while being stuck.

Dopamine and testosterone are the main chemicals that cause the momentum or flow
to be experienced. If you feel resistance, the answer in breaking through resides in
these guides provided for you here.

Low dopamine and not high dopamine, is also related to addictive behavior. When
our neurochemistry is balanced, men are in control.
Nutrition for Dopamine

Nutrition is so important when it comes to brain chemistry and mental health. Most
men don’t know that they can restock their dopamine levels quite quickly. Being
driven and motivated has a lot to do how saturated the brain is. Here are some tips
on elevating dopamine levels naturally via the means of nutrition.

1. Taurine

The amino acid taurine strengthens the effects of dopamine and has a synergistic
effect with dopamine in the brain. Taurine also increases GABA and testosterone,
making it a Primal Thrive’s essential and approved supplement. However, most lack
taurine in the diet so supplementation is advised: 1- 3g per day before bed.
2. Phenylalanine

Dopamine is made from the amino acid phenylalanine, which then converts into
tyrosine and L-Dopa, the precursor to dopamine. Phenylalanine is thus the building
block for dopamine production.

Phenylalanine → tyrosine → L-Dopa → dopamine

Phenylalanine and tyrosine can be found in red meat, white fish, seafood, beef, pork,
chicken, eggs and milk. Vitamin C from berries is a good source of tyrosine.
3. Salt

Salt increases dopamine in the digestive system which shows a reduction of insulin,
followed by a more satiated and content feeling. Salt also lowers stress. Besides that,
salt is also pro-metabolic.

4. The B Vitamins & Zinc

The B vitamins are needed as cofactors for the conversion of phenylalanine into
tyrosine and finally into dopamine. Low zinc levels or a deficiency in zinc is linked to
mood, intelligence and depressive disorders. Zinc plays also a role in dopamine
transport. Best sources of B vitamins and zinc are red meat, organ meats, fish,
shellfish, and cacao.
5. Mucuna Pruriens

Used in Ayurvedic medicine, Mucuna serves as a tonic to the brain as it contains L-

dopa, the precursor to dopamine, and antioxidants that keep the brain young. Get a
standardized extract that contains 20% L-Dopa and you will be a happy man again.

6. Best Foods for Dopamine

• Cacao
• Steak
• Liver, Kidneys, Brains
• Bone Broth and Marrow
• Herbs like chilis, rosemary and Ginkgo Biloba*
• Honey & Maple Syrup

My personal approach for optimizing brain chemistry, creative thinking & focus:

1) Ginkgo Biloba 50:1 extract - 4 caps in the morning (x4 the recommended dose)

2) Hot cacao, cinnamon + honey for breakfast

3) Creatine 1-2g - I usually don’t take creatine but it has a nice effect on activating

the dopamine receptors.

4) Meat or Fish + Broth for lunch or dinner

5) Egg yolks 3 - 6 a day


While you are reading this, your brain and gut are making this chemical called GABA

which stands for Gamma-amino butyric acid.

What is so great about GABA is that:

• Helps with stress control

• Influences mood and emotional control

• Improves mental health

• Blocks negative thoughts

• Improves deep sleep

• Aids in information processing

Low GABA is very common due to lifestyle: alcohol, caffeine, blue light, cell phone

use, stress, nutrient deficiencies all cause low GABA.

When testosterone is high, brain chemistry will become balanced leading to having

enough GABA levels. Low levels can be easily reversed by lifestyle, diet, herbs and


Some have a monkey mind that is hard to silence. By correcting a GABA deficiency

that becomes possible, which is why I included this chapter. If you know how to

control and lead your mental processes - you will also start to gain more control in the

exterior world.
Apply to following to see the most results:

#1 Exercise Routine

Exercising during the day shows over time an increase in GABA. You won’t get the

elevated levels of GABA when you exercise sporadically, consistent exercise will

increase your GABA levels which results in better sleep, memory consolidation and

being able to withstand stress (tolerance to stress).

#2 SOLAR Eating

GABA is produced in the brain from glutamate. Certain foods can boost GABA

production or even contain GABA. Remember that taurine increases GABA so all your

seafood will benefit your sleep. Have seafood for dinner, or meat combined with

bone broth. A high protein diet can help in sleep duration for those who cannot sleep

#3 Take Herbs/Supplements

Natural GABA agonists are: Chamomile, Passionflower, Valerian, Lemongrass,

Skullcap, L-theanine & taurine are all shown to increase GABA in the brain. These

herbs will help with better sleep; while the supplements can help during daytime to

stay focussed.

Alpha Brain Waves

Start the day so that it is in your favor. Don’t check your phone/screens/social media
feed the moment you wake up, as until after you finished your work or content

As soon as you perceive notifications, incoming messages or updates your

brainwaves shift from alpha to a more erratic beta state. Alpha waves are known for a
state of relaxed, focussed and creative awareness, which can favor your productivity
and quality of work. By the way, high testosterone levels are associated with more
alpha brain waves.
Increase alpha waves naturally

Work is best done before noon, why is that? In the morning, after a night of
restorative sleep, your brain has build the necessary neurotransmitters for cognitive

Because the brain and nervous system are so metabolically active, it will build up
metabolic waste products during the day and more at the end of the day - causing to
have less focus (especially when you have put the mind to work).

Avoid coffee and social media.

Have enough choline from egg yolks in the morning. The choline is a building block
for acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter for thinking processes.
Close your eyes and use your imagination (visualization).

Alternating nostril breathing syncs the hemispheres of the brain.

Green tea, matcha, or L Theanine are shown to increase α-brainwaves.


BDNF stands for brain derived neurotropic factor, an essential factor for the survival
and growth of nerves, plasticity and memory. What increases BDNF: (an)aerobic
exercise and nutrition. Specific herbs like cinnamon, turmeric, rosemary, L-theanine or
green tea, Ginseng and Bacopa Munieri improve BDNF production.

Creatine is not only for muscle gains. Creatine supplementation shows improvement
in brain function. Taurine is another amino acid that helps promote brain function by
increasing the expression of BDNF as does magnesium L threonate.

IMF improves concentration and cognitive function. Stay hydrated while doing IMF.
Choline is the building block for acetylcholine, which is the most critical
neurotransmitter that plays a role in functioning of the brain and body. Lack hereof
results in memory loss. Choline is found in liver and egg yolks.

EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate, is a catechin found in green tea. It is responsible

for a calm and alert state, also known as alpha brain waves, which keep you relaxed
but highly focussed. L theanine is another constituent found in green tea that helps
promote alpha brain waves for focus and prolonged concentration.

Ginkgo Biloba and playing Chess is one of my personal favorite combination

regarding brain performance. Take a Ginkgo extract and use it an hour before
(mental) work/playing chess.

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