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<html><head></head><body style="overflow-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode:

space; line-break: after-white-space;">Notes on PTSD<div><br></div><div>Movies to

watch with PTSD</div><div><ul class="Apple-dash-list"><li>Brothers</li><li>Thank
you for your service</li><li>Taxi Driver</li><li>Ordinary people</li><li>Mystic
Rivers</li></ul><div><span style="white-space-collapse:
preserve;"><br></span></div><div><span style="white-space-collapse: preserve;">What
is PTSD?</span></div><div><ul class="Apple-dash-list"><li>Failure to recover after
witnessing a terrifying /traumatic event.</li><li>There are triggers that can bring
back memories&nbsp;</li></ul><div><span style="white-space-collapse:
preserve;"><br></span></div><div><span style="white-space-collapse:
class="Apple-dash-list"><li>Anxiety</li><li>Feeling detached: having an out of body
experience, feeling like you are witnessing your life in 3rd
person.</li><li>Insomnia: unable to fall asleep</li><li>Hyper vigilance: always
tooting around, anxious for something bad to happen</li><li>Negative thoughts:
thoughts of death and doom/nothing good can happen to me</li><li>Memory
loss</li><li>Depressed mood / feeling of guilt or shame</li><li>Having flashbacks/
night mares</li><li>Avoid situations, places, activities, related to baumatic
events </li></ul><div><span style="white-space-collapse:
preserve;"><br></span></div><div>Cause:</div><div><ul class="Apple-dash-
list"><li>Anything that threatens your existence /sense of safety</li><li>Not
necessarily a single events, can be longterm trauma frequent abuse </li><li>Could
happen to you or you can be a witness</li><li>Accident/ injury /war/ natural
disaster / abuse/ bullying/ death of loved one</li></ul></div><div></div><span
style="white-space-collapse: preserve;"></span></div></div></body></html>

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