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Term Abbreviation Shared Abbreviation MasterFormat

abandon ABAN 02280
abbreviation ABBRV
abnormal ABNL
above finished counter AFC automatic frequency control 06410
above finished floor AFF
above finished grade AFG
above finished slab AFS
above suspended ceiling ASC amps short circuit; asphalt surface course 09510
abrasive ABRSV 09300
abrasive hardness Ha
abrasive resistant ABRSV RES 09600
absolute ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
absorption ABSORB 15620
access door ACS DR 08310
access floor ACS FLR 10270
access panel ACS PNL 15820
accessible ACC
acid/alkaline scale pH
acid resistant ACID RES 15220
acid resistant cast iron ACID RES CI 15105
acid resistant pipe ACID RES P 15105
acid resistant vent ACID RES V 15105
acid resistant waste ACID RES W 15105
acid vent AV air vent; audio visual 15105
acid waste AW actual weight; architectural woodwork 15105
acid waste line AWL 15105
acoustic ACST
acoustic calking ----
acoustical ceiling tile ACT 09510
acoustical insulation ACOUS INSUL 09820
acoustical panel ACOUS PNL 09510
acoustical panel ceiling APC 09510
acoustical plaster ----
acoustical tile ceiling ATC 09510
acoustical wall treatment AWT 09800
across ACR
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ABS absolute
actual weight AW acid waste; architectural woodwork
addendum ADDM 00910
additional ADDL
adhesive ADH Q
adjacent ADJ adjoining; adjustable
adjoining ADJ adjacent; adjustable
adjustable ADJ adjacent; adjoining
administration ADMIN 01310
aggregate AGGR 02720
aggregate base course ABC Associated Builders and Contractors 02720
air condition A/C 15730
air conditioning unit A/C UNIT 15730
air cooled condensing unit ACCU 15670
air handling unit AHU 15720
air pressure drop APD 15210
air pressure return line APR 15210
air separator AS ammeter switch 15210
air supply unit ASU 15210
air vent AV acid vent; audio visual 15180
air water pump AWP 15130
alarm ALM 13700
alarm annunciator panel AAP 13700
alignment ALNMT
allowance ALLOW 00220
alteration ALTRN
alternate ALT altitude 00430
alternate number ALT NO 00430
alternating current AC armored cable; asbestos cement; asphaltic concrete Q
alternative ---- Q
altitude ALT alternate
aluminum ALUM Q
aluminum cable steel reinforced ACSR 16310
ambient AMB
American Architectural Manufacturers Association AAMA
American Association of Cost Engineers AACE
American Concrete Institute ACI
American Gas Association AGA
American Institute of Architects AIA
American Institute of Steel Construction AISC
American National Standards Institute ANSI
American Plywood Association APA
American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM
American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air
Conditioning Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME
American Standard Elevator Codes ASEC
American steel wire gauge ASWG 05150
American Water Works Association AWWA
American Welding Society AWS
American wire gauge AWG 16120
American Wood Preservers' Association AWPA Q
Americans with Disabilities Act ADA
ammeter switch AS air separator 16430
amount AMT
ampere AMP Q
ampere hour AH Q
ampere interrupting capacity AIC 16400
amplifier AMPL 16820
amplitude modulation AM 16820
amps short circuit ASC above suspended ceiling; asphalt surface course 16400
anchor AHR
anchor bolt AB 05090
and so forth ETC et cetera
angle L liter
angle beam ANG BM
angle stop valve ASV 15110
annunciator ANN 13850
anodize ANOD 05080
antenna ANT 02580
apartment APT Association for Preservation Technology
appearance APP atactic propylene
appendix APPX
apply ----
approved APPD
approximate APPROX
Architect ARCH
architect/engineer A/E
Architect's Supplemental Instruction ASI
architectural finish ARF
architectural woodwork AW acid waste; actual weight 06400
Architectural Woodworking Institute AWI
area drain AD 02630
armored cable AC alternating current; asbestos cement; asphaltic concrete 16120
article ART
as-built ----
as required AR
asbestos ASB 13280
asbestos cement AC alternating current; armored cable; asphaltic concrete 13280
asphalt ASPH 02700
Asphalt Institute AI 02740
asphalt roofing ----
asphalt surface course ASC above suspended ceiling; amps short circuit 02740
asphaltic concrete AC alternating current; armored cable; asbestos cement 02065
asphaltic concrete paving ACP automatic control panel 02740
assembled cooling unit ACU 15700
assembly ASSY
Associated Builders and Contractors ABC aggregate base course
Associated General Contractors of America AGC
association ASSN
Association for Preservation Technology APT apartment
asymmetrical ASYM
atactic propylene APP appearance
atmosphere ATM automatic teller machine
attachment ATCH
attention ATTN
audio frequency AF 16800
audio visual AV acid vent; air vent 11130
authority having jurisdiction AHJ
auto transformer AUTO XFMR 16460
automatic AUTO
automatic air damper AAD 15820
automatic air vent AAV 15120
automatic check valve ACHKV 15110
automatic control panel ACP asphaltic concrete paving 13850
automatic control system ACS 13800
automatic control valve ACV 15110
automatic door closer ADC 13800
automatic door seal ADS 13800
automatic frequency control AFC above finished counter 16800
automatic sprinkler ASKLR 13930
automatic sprinkler drain ASD 13930
automatic sprinkler riser ASR 13930
automatic teller machine ATM atmosphere 11030
automatic transfer switch ATS 16410
auxiliary AUX
auxiliary power unit APU 16410
avenue AVE
average AVG
awning window AWN WDW 08500
axial flow AX FL 15830
azimuth AZ
between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color; building
back of curb BC
back to back B/B
backboard BKBD 11480
backdraft damper BDD 15820
backflow preventer BFP 15140
background BKGD
backing BKG 09680
backing rope ----
baffle BAF
baggage BAG 14540
balance BAL 15950
balcony BALC 05500
balestrades ----
ball valve BV 15110
ballast BLST 07500
balled and burlapped B&B bell and bell; grade B or better (lumber) 02900
bar joists ----
base board radiator BBR 15760
base line BL building line
base plate B PL
baseboard BB bulletin board
basement BSMT
basic insulation level BIL 16270
bathtub BT 15410
batt insulation ----
batten BAT battery
battery BAT batten 16240
bay window double hung BAY WDW DH 08500
beam BM benchmark; bending moment
beam, standard S BM
beam, wide flange WF BM 05120
bearing BRG 05200
bearing plate BRG PL 05200
bed joint BJT
bedding BDNG
bedroom BR 12450
bell and bell B&B balled and burlapped; grade B or better (lumber)
bell and flange B&F
bell and spigot B&S
bell mouth BL MTH
below BLW
below ceiling BLW CLG
below finish floor BFF
benchmark BM beam; bending moment
bending moment BM beam; benchmark
better BTR
between BTWN
back of curb; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color; building
between centers BC
bevel BEV
bifolding doors BI FLD DR 08250
Birmingham wire gauge BWG 05150
bituminous BITUM
black steel pipe BSP 15105
blackboard ----
blanket BLKT 12450
block ----
blowdown BLWDN 15510
blower BLO 15830
blowoff BO 15510
board BD butterfly damper
board feet (foot) BD FT
board measure B/M
boiler BLR 15510
boiler feed booster pump BFBP 15520
boiler feedwater BFW 15520
boiler feedwater pump BFWP 15520
boiler horsepower BLR HP 15510
back of curb; between centers; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color;
bolt circle BC 16520
building code
bonding BNDG 05090
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bottom chord; brick color;
bookcase BC 12500
building code
booster BSTR 15130
borrowed light BLT built 06460
both faces BF
both sides BS
both ways BW
bottom BOT
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; brick color; building
bottom chord BC 05200
bottom face BOT F
bottom of steel BOS
boulevard BLVD
boundary BDRY
bracing BRCG 02250
bracket BRKT
brake horsepower BHP 15130
breaker BRKR 16410
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord;
brick color BC 04210
building code
Brick Institute of America BIA 04210
bridging BRDG 05200
bridging joist BRDG JST 05200
bright annealed BA
British thermal unit Btu
British thermal unit (thousand) Mbtu
British thermal unit per hour BtuH
bronze BRZ
broom closet B CL
buck-boast transformer BB XFMR 16460
build BLD
Builder's Hardware Manufacturer's Association BHMA
building BLDG
building automation system BAS 13800
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; brick
building code BC
building line BL
Building Officials and Code Administrators xxAssociation
building paper BP 06160
built BLT borrowed light
built-in BLT IN
built-up BU bushel 07510
built-up roofing BUR 07510
bulb tee beam BLB T BM 05120
bulkhead BLKHD 11285
bulletin board BB baseboard 10120
bulletproof (bullet-resistant) BPRF 08810
bullnose BN 05550
burlap BRLP
bushel BU built-up
butt weld BT WLD 05100
butterfly check valve BCV 15110
butterfly damper BD board 15820
butterfly valve BFV 15110
by pass BYP 15100
cabinet CAB
cabinet unit heater CUH 15760
cable television CTV 16850
calculate CALC
calked joint CLKJ
calking ----
calorie CAL
camber CAM
candela cd construction documents; contract documents 16500
candlepower CP concrete pipe; control panel 16500
canopy CAN
cantilever CANTIL
canvas CANV
capacitor CAP capacity 16280
capacity CAP capacitor
carbon dioxide CO2 13960
carbon monoxide CO cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout; company; cutout
carpet CPT control power transformer 09680
carpet and pad C&P 09680
carriage bolt CB catch basin; cement base; ceramic base; corner bead
cased opening CO carbon monoxide; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout; company; cutout
casement CSMT 08500
casement window CW chemical waste line; clockwise; cold water piping; cool white 08500
casework CSWK Q
casing CSG Q
casing bead ----
cast concrete C CONC 03300
cast-in-place CIP cast iron pipe 03300
cast iron CI curb inlet 05060
cast iron pipe CIP cast in place 15105
cast iron soil pipe CISP 15105
cast steel CSTL 05100
cast stone CS commercial standard; control switch 04720
catalog CAT
catch basin CB carriage bolt; cement base; ceramic base; corner bead 02630
catwalk CATW
cavity CAV
ceiling CLG 09500
ceiling attenuation class CAC 09510
ceiling diffuser CLG DIFF 15850
ceiling duct outlet CLG DCT OUT 15850
ceiling grille CLG GRL 15850
ceiling height CLG HT
ceiling panel ----
ceiling register CLG REG 15850
ceiling tile ----
Celsius C channel
cement CEM cemetery 03050
cement base CB carriage bolt; catch basin; ceramic base; corner bead 02710
cement finish CEM FIN 03300
cement floor CF contractor furnished 03300
cement plaster CEM PLAS 09220
cement plaster ceiling CEM PLAS CLG 09220
cementitious (backer) board CBB 09250
cemetery CEM cement
center CTR contour; cooling tower return
center line CL class; close
center matched CM construction management
center of gravity CG common ground; corner guard
center to center C TO C
centigrade ----
centimeter cm
centimeter per second cm/s
ceramic CER Q
ceramic base CB carriage bolt; catch basin; cement base; corner bead 09310
ceramic glazed structural facing units CGSFU 04210
ceramic tile CT count; current transformer 09310
ceramic tile base CTB 09310
ceramic tile floor CTF 09310
Ceramic Tile Institute of America CTI 09310
Certificate of Occupancy CO carbon monoxide; cased opening; cleanout; company; cutout 00620
certify CERT
Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute CLFMI 02820
chalkboard CH BD 10110
chamber CHMBR
chamfer CHFR
change order request COR 00940
channel C Celsius
charge CHG
check CHK
check valve CHKV 15110
chemical CHEM
chemical waste line CW casement window; clockwise; cold water piping; cool white 15105
chilled drinking water CDW 15140
chilled drinking water return CDWR 15140
chilled drinking water supply CDWS 15140
chilled water CHW circulating hot water 15180
chilled water primary pump CHWPP 15130
chilled water pump CHWP 15130
chilled water recirculating pump CHWRP 15130
chilled water return CHWR 15180
chilled water secondary pump CHWSP 15130
chilled water supply CHWS 15180
chiller CH coat hook 15260
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride CPVC 13910
chlorofluorocarbons CFC 07210
chrome plated CHR PL
circle CIR
circuit CKT
circuit breaker CKT BRKR 16320
circular CIRC
circulating hot water CHW chilled water 15140
circulating water pump CWP condenser water pump 15130
circumference CRCMF
cladding CLDG 07480
class CL center line; close
Class A door A LABEL 08100
Class B door B LABEL 08100
Class C door C LABEL 08100
Class D door D LABEL 08100
Class E door E LABEL 08100
classification CLASS
classroom CLRM
carbon monoxide; cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; company;
cleanout CO 15150
cleanout to grade COTG 15150
clear CLR color; cooler
clear wired glass CLWG 08810
cleat CLT
clockwise CW casement window; chemical waste line; cold water piping; cool white
close CL centerline; class
closed circuit television CCTV 13700
closet CLO
closet rod CR control relay; control room 06270
closure CLOS
clothes dryer CL D 11110
coat hook CH chiller
coated CTD
coating CTG
coaxial cable COAX 16810
coefficient COEFF
coefficient of performance (heating) COP coping 15730
coefficient of utilization CU cubic; copper 16500
cold-formed metal framing CFMF 05400
cold rolled steel CRS 05100
cold water piping CW casement window; chemical waste line; clockwise; cool white 15105
color CLR clear; cooler
color rendering index CRI 16500
column COL
column line CLL contract limit line
combination, combined COMB
commercial standard CS cast stone; control switch
common COM
common ground CG center of gravity; corner guard
common mode rejection CMR 16280
communication COMM 16700
community antenna television CATV 16850
carbon monoxide; cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout;
company CO
compartment COMPT
complete COMPL
component COMP
composite CMPST
compressible CPRS
compressor COMPR 15730
computer CMPTR 11680
computer floor ----
concealed CNCL
concentric CONC concrete
concrete CONC concentric 03300
concrete block ----
concrete floor CONC FLR 03300
concrete masonry unit CMU 04220
concrete opening CONC OPNG 03100
concrete pavement PCCP 02750
concrete pipe CP candlepower; control panel 15105
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CRSI 03200
concrete sewer pipe CSP 15105
concrete splash block CSB casing bead 02630
condensate CNDS 15180
condensate return pump CRP 15130
condensation CONDN
condenser COND condition 15670
condenser water pump CWP circulating water pump 15130
condenser water return CWR 15180
condenser water supply CWS 15180
condition COND condenser
conduit CND 16130
conference CONF
connect CONN
construction CONSTR
construction documents CD candela; contract documents
construction joint CJ control joint 03150
construction management CM center matched 01110
Construction Specifications Institute CSI
consultant CONSULT
contactor CNTOR 16420
continue CONT controller
contour CTR center; cooling tower return
contract CONTR contractor
contract change directive CCD 01250
contract documents CD candela; construction documents
contract limit line CLL column line
contractor CONTR contract
contractor furnished CF cement floor 01110
contractor furnished equipment CFE 01110
contractor furnished/contractor installed CF/CI 01110
contractor furnished/owner installed CF/OI 01110
control CTRL 13800
control contactor CCR 16420
control joint CJ construction joint 03300
control panel CP candlepower; concrete pipe 15915
control power transformer CPT carpet 16270
control relay CR closet rod; control room 15905
control room CR closet rod; control relay
control switch CS cast stone; commercial standard 13800
control valve CV 15110
controller CONT continue Q
convert CONV
conveyor CNVR 14550
cook top CK TP 11420
cool white CW casement window; chemical waste line; clockwise; x cold water piping 16580
cool white deluxe CWX 16580
cooler CLR color; clear
cooling coil C/C 15760
cooling tower return CTR contour; center 15600
cooling tower supply CTS 15600
coordinate COORD
coping COP coefficient of performance (heating)
copper CU coefficient of utilization; cubic 05060
cork tackboard ----
corkboard ----
corner CNR
corner bead CB carriage bolt; catch basin; cement base; ceramic base 09200
corner guard CG center of gravity; common ground 10260
cornice CORN 06450
correct CORR corridor
correspond CORRES
corridor CORR correct
corrugated deck ----
corrugated metal pipe CMP 02610
count CT ceramic tile; current transformer
counter CNTR 12300
counter sunk CSK
counterclockwise CCW
counterflashing CFLG 07620
coupling CPLG 15105
courtyard CRT YD
cover COV cut off valve
cover plate COV PL 16140
critical path method CPM 01320
cross brace X BRACE 05100
cross section X SECT
crossbracing XBRA 05100
crown CRN
crushed stone ----
cubic CU coefficient of utilization; copper
cubic centimeter cm3
cubic feet CU FT
cubic feet per minute CFM 15800
cubic feet per second CFS 15800
cubic inch CU IN
cubic meter m3
cubic meter per second m3/s
cubic millimeter mm3
cubic yard CU YD
cubicle CUB 10100
curb and gutter C&G
curb inlet CI cast iron 02630
current CUR Q
current limiting fuse CLF 16490
current transformer CT ceramic tile; count 16290
curtain CURT
custodian CUST
cut off valve COV cover 05110
cut stone CT STN 04430
carbon monoxide; cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout;
cutout CO 16310
cylinder CYL
cylinder lock CYL L 08710
cylinder locks keyed alike KA 08710
cypress CYP 06200
damage free DF diesel fuel; drinking fountain
damper DMPR 15280
dampproof course DPC 07110
dampproofing DMPF 07110
database DB dry bulb
datum DAT
dead load DL
decibel dB 16280
decigram dg
deciliter dL
decimeter dm
deep D depth; penny (nail)
definition DEF
deflection DFLCT
defrost DFR
degrease DGR 11340
degree DEG
degrees Celsius DEG C
degrees Fahrenheit DEG F
deionized water DIW 15220
delete DEL deliver
deliver DEL delete
delta ----
demolition DEMO demonstration
demonstration DEMO demolition
demountable partition DPTN 10615
density DENS
department DEPT
depth D deep; penny (nail)
describe DESCR description
description DESCR describe
design DSGN
design-build D-B 01110
designation DES
detach DTCH
detail DET
detention DETN 02300
development DEV
dew point DP
dew point temperature DPT differential pressure transmitter 15910
diagonal DIAG diagram
diagram DIAG diagonal
diameter DIA
diesel fuel DF damage free; drinking fountain 16220
difference DIFF differential; diffuser
differential DIFF difference; diffuser
differential pressure sensor DPS 15910
differential pressure transmitter DPT dew point temperature
diffuser DIFF difference; differential 15850
digital DGTL
dimension DIM
dimmer DMR 16140
dimmer control panel DCP 11060
dimmer switch DMR SW 16570
dining room DR door; drain; dressing room; drive
direct current DC 16220
direct digital control DDC 15910
direction DIR
dirt ----
disable DSBL
disabled DA drainage area
discharge DISCH
disconnect DISC 16340
disconnect switch DS double strength (glass); downspout 16340
dishwasher DW distilled water; domestic water 11440
dispenser DISP
display and storage D&S
disposal DSPL 11440
distance DIST district
distilled water DW dishwasher; domestic water 15220
distribution panel DISTR PNL 16400
district DIST distance
divide DIV division
division DIV divide
document DOC
domelite ----
domestic DOM
domestic hot water DHW double hung windows 15140
domestic water DW dishwasher; distilled water 15140
domestic water heater DWH 15480
domestic water return DWR drawer 15140
domestic water supply DWS 15140
door DR dining room; drain; dressing room; drive 08100
door closer DR CL 08710
door frame DR FR Q
Door Hardware Institute DHI 08700
door holder DRH 08710
door louver DRLV 10225
door opening DR OPNG 08150
door stop DRST 08710
door switch DRSW 16140
double DBL
double acting door DBL ACT DR 08100
double extra heavy XXH
double glaze DBL GLZ 08810
double hung (door, window) DH 08500
double hung windows DHW domestic hot water 08500
double joist DJ 05200
double pole, double throw DPDT 16410
double pole, single throw DPST 16410
double strength (glass) DS disconnect switch; downspout 08500
Douglas fir DOUG FIR 06060
dovetail DVTL
downspout DS disconnect switch; double strength (glass) 07620
dozen DOZ
drafting DFTG 11680
drain DR dining room; door; dressing room; drive Q
drain tile DT 02620
drain, waste, and vent DWV 15150
drainage area DA disable 15150
drawer DWR domestic water return
drawing DWG
dressed four sides D4S 06060
dressed one side D1S 06060
dressed two sides D2S 06060
dressing area DR AREA
dressing room DR dining room; door; drain; drive
drinking fountain DF damage free; diesel fuel 15410
drinking fountain, wall mounted DF WL MTD 15410
drive DR dining room; door; drain; dressing room 16260
drop inlet DI
dry bulb DB database 15700
dry bulb temperature DBT 15700
dry chemical D CHEM 13970
dry film thickness DFT
dry standpipe DSP 13935
drywall ----
duct access panel DAP 15820
duct covering insulation DCI 15080
duct liner insulation DLI 15080
duct return DCT/RT 15810
duct rising, duct riser DCT/RS 15810
duct supply DCT SUP 15810
ductile iron pipe DIP 15100
dumbwaiter DWTR 14100
duplex DX
duplex outlet DX OUT 16140
duplicate DUPL
dutch door DT DR 08100
each EA
each end EE
each face EF exterior finish
each layer EL easement line; elevation
each way EW
easement ESMT
easement line EL each layer; elevation
east E modulus of elasticity
eccentric ECC
eccentric reducer ECC RDCR 15105
economizer ECON 15700
edge grain EG 06200
edge of curb EC 02770
edge of pavement (paving) EP electrical panel (panelboard) 02740
edge of shoulder ES electrostatic 02740
edge of slab EOS 03300
effect EFT
effective EFF efficiency
effective horsepower EHP electric heating panel
effective temperature ET
efficiency EFF effective
elastomeric ELAST 09960
electric ELEC Q
electric door opener ELEC DR OP 08460
electric hand dryer EHD 10810
electric heater EH 15540
electric heating panel EHP effective horsepower 15760
electric panel board EPB 16440
electric water cooler EWC 15410
electric water heater EWH 15480
electrical metallic tubing EMT 16130
electrical nonmetallic tubing ENT 16130
electrical outlet EO 16140
electrical panel (panelboard) EP edge of pavement (paving) 16440
electrical resistance welding ERW 05090
electrically operated valve EOV 15905
electro-pneumatic ----
electromagnetic EM expanded metal 16280
electromagnetic interference EMI 13090
electronic data processing EDP
electrostatic ES edge of shoulder
element ELEM elementary
elementary ELEM element
elevation EL each layer; easement line
elevator ELEV 14200
elevator cab ----
emergency EMER Q
emergency monitoring control panel EMCP 16220
emergency power off EPO 16140
emergency shower EMER SHR 15410
enamel ENAM
enclosure ENCL
energy ENGY
energy efficiency ratio EER 15730
energy management system EMS 13800
engine ENG 16230
engineer ENGR
Engineered Wood Association EWA 06110
Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee EJCDC 00700
entering air temperature EAT 15760
entering dry bulb temperature EDBT 15760
entering water temperature EWT 15760
entering wet bulb temperature EWBT 15760
entrance ENTR
environment ENVIR
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
equal EQ
equally spaced EQL SP
equipment EQUIP
equivalent EQUIV
escalator ESCAL 14300
escape ESC escutcheon
escutcheon ESC escape Q
especially ESP
establish ESTB
estimate EST
et cetera ETC and so forth
ethylene propylene diene monomer EPDM 07530
evacuate EVAC
evaporate EVAP
evaporative cooling unit ECU 15670
example EX
excavate EXC 02260
exchanger EXCH 15710
exclude EXCL
execute EXEC
exhaust EXH exhibit 15700
exhaust air EXH A 15830
exhaust air grille EXH GR 15850
exhaust air register EAR 15850
exhaust duct EXH DT 15810
exhaust fan EXH FN 15830
exhaust hood EXH HD Q
exhaust vent EXHV 15830
exhibit EXH exhaust 12350
existing EXIST Q
existing grade EXST GR 02310
existing roof drain ERD 15160
exit light EXT LT 16530
expand EXP expansion; exposed
expanded metal EM electromagnetic Q
expanded polystyrene board (insulation) EPS 07210
expansion EXP expand; exposed
expansion bolt EXP BT 05090
expansion joint EJ Q
explosion proof EPRF Q
exposed EXP expand; expansion
extension EXTN
exterior EXT external; extinguisher
exterior finish EF each face 07240
exterior finish system EFS 07240
exterior grade EXT GR 06060
exterior gypsum board EGB 09250
exterior gypsum sheathing board EGSB 09250
exterior insulation and finish system EIFS 07240
external EXT exterior; extinguisher
external pipe thread EPT 10105
external static pressure ESP 15700
extinguisher EXT exterior; external
extra large XL
extruded polystyrene board (insulation) XPS 07210
extrusion EXTRU
eye guard EGRD
eye wash station EWS 11600
fabric FAB 12050
fabric wallcovering FWC 09700
face area FA final assembly; fire alarm; fresh air
face brick FC BRK 04210
face of concrete FOC face of curb
face of curb FOC face of concrete 02770
face of finish FOF fuel oil return line
face of masonry FOM
face of slab FOS face of stud; fuel oil supply
face of stud FOS face of slab; fuel oil supply 06110
face of wall FOW
face to face F/F
face velocity FV flush valve; foot valve 15760
facial tissue dispenser FTD 10820
facility FACIL
facsimile FAX
factor FAC
factory FCTY
factory mutual FM Q
Fahrenheit F female; fire line
fan coil unit FCU 15760
fan powered terminal FPT 15760
far face FF finish face
far side FS Federal Specification; fire station; full scale; full size
fascia FAS fire alarm station Q
fascia board FAS BD Q
fastener FSTNR Q
federal FED
Federal Energy Administration FEA
Federal Highway Adminstration FHWA
Federal Housing Administration FHA
Federal Specification FS far side; fire station; full scale; full size
federal stock number FSN
federal supply classification FSC
federal test methods FTM
feedback FDBK
feeder FDR fire door 14570
feedout FDO
feedwater FDW 15520
feet FT fire treated; foot; fully tempered (glass)
feet per minute FPM 15810
feet per second FPS 15810
female F Fahrenheit; fire line
feminine napkin disposal ----
feminine napkin vendor ----
fence FN 02820
fiber insulation ----
fiber reinforced gypsum FRG 09220
fiber reinforced polyester FRP fiberglass reinforced plastic 06600
fiberboard ----
fiberglass FGL
fiberglass reinforced plastic FRP fiber reinforced polyester 06600
field order FO finished opening; fuel oil 00940
figure FIG
file cabinet FC footcandle
filler FLR floor 04090
fillet FIL
filter FLTR Q
filter water return FWR 15140
filter water supply FWS 15140
final assembly FA face area; fire alarm; fresh air
finger joint FNGR JT 06110
finish FIN Q
finish both sides FIN BS
finish face FF far face
finish floor FIN FLR
finish floor elevation FF EL
finish four sides F4S 06060
finish grade FIN GR
finish two sides F2S 06060
finish wood FIN WD 06200
finished one side F1S 06060
finished opening FO field order, fuel oil
finned tube radiation FTR 15760
fire alarm FA face area; final assembly; fresh air 13850
fire alarm annunciator panel FAAP 13850
fire alarm bell FABL 13850
fire alarm box FABX 13850
fire alarm control panel FACP 13850
fire alarm station FAS fascia 13850
fire blanket FB flat bar 10526
fire brick F BRK 04580
fire damper FDMPR 15820
fire department connection FDC 13975
fire department connection cabinet FDCC 13975
fire department valve FDV 13975
fire door FDR feeder 08350
fire extinguisher FE 10522
fire extinguisher cabinet FEC 10522
fire hose FH fire hydrant; flat head; flat head screws 13975
fire hose cabinet FHC 13975
fire hose rack FHR 13975
fire hydrant FH fire hose; flat head; flat head screws 02080
fire line F Fahrenheit; female 13930
fire protection FP fireproof; flag pole; freezing point 13900
fire protection water supply FPW 13930
fire rated assembly FRA
fire rating FR fire resistant; frame
fire resistant FR fire rating; frame
fire retardant treated wood FRTW 06070
fire sprinkler head FSH 13930
fire standpipe FSP 13930
fire station FS far side; Federal Specification; full scale; full size
fire treated FT feet; foot; fully tempered (glass)
fire wall FW flood wall
fireplace FPL 04880
fireproof FP fire protection; flagpole; freezing point 07800
fixture FIXT Q
flagpole FP fire protection; fireproof; freezing point 10350
flammable FLMB
flange FLG flooring
flared FLRD
flashing FLASH Q
flat bar FB fire blanket
flat head FH fire hose; fire hydrant; flat head screws
flat head machine screw FHMS
flat head screws FH fire hose; fire hydrant; flat head 08710
flat head wood screw FHWS 06090
flexible FLEX
float finish concrete FL FIN CONC 03300
float glass FLT GL 08810
flood wall FW fire wall 02830
floodlight FLT 16520
floor FLR filler
floor area ratio FAR
floor cleanout FCO 15150
floor drain FD 15150
floor finish FLR FIN 09600
floor outlet FL OUT 16130
floor plate FLR PL 05540
floor register FLR REG 15850
floor sink FLR SK 15150
flooring FLG flange 09600
floorline FL foot-lambert
flow line FLL
flow sensing switch FSS 15920
flow switch FL SW 15920
flowmeter F METER 13420
fluid ounce FL OZ
fluorescent FLUOR 16500
fluorescent fixture FLUOR FIX 16500
fluorescent lighting LT FLUOR 16510
flush mount FLMT
flush valve FV face velocity; foot valve 15140
flushing rim sink FR SNK 15410
fluted concrete masonry unit FLUT CMU 04220
fluting FLUT
foam backer ----
foil backed batt insulation FF BATT 07210
foil backed insulation FF INSUL 07210
foil faced drywall ----
foil faced gypsum wallboard ----
folding FLDG 08350
foot FT feet; fire treated; fully tempered (glass)
foot board measure FBM
foot valve FV face velocity; flush valve 15410
foot/pound FT/LB
foot/pound force FT/LBF
footcandle FC file cabinet 16500
footing FTG
foot-lambert FL floorline 16500
form board FMBD 03500
formica ----
formwork FWRK 03100
foundation FDTN 02450
fountain FOUNT 02815
four-conductor 4/C 16120
four-pole double throw 4PDT 16140
four-pole single throw 4PST 16140
four-way 4WAY 16140
four-wire 4W 16140
frame FR fire rating; fire resistant Q
framed mirror FR MIR 08830
framed mirror and shelf FR MIR/SHF 10800
framing FRMG Q
freeway FRWY
freezer FRZ 11400
freezestat FSTAT 15905
freezing point FP fire protection; fireproof; flagpole
freight FRT
frequency FREQ Q
fresh air FA face area; final assembly; fire alarm
fresh air inlet (intake) FAI 15850
fritted glass FR GL 08810
from floor above FFA
from floor below FFB
frosted glass FRST GL 08810
fuel oil FO field order; finished opening 15190
fuel oil pump FOP 15190
fuel oil return FOR 15190
fuel oil return line FOF face of finish 15190
fuel oil storage tank FOTK 13200
fuel oil supply FOS face of slab; face of stud 15190
fuel oil vent FOV 13200
full height partition FHP
full load amps FLA 16220
full scale FS far side; Federal Specification; fire station; full size
full size FS far side; Federal Specification; fire station; full scale
full voltage non-reversing FVNR 16420
full voltage reversing FVR 16420
fully tempered (glass) FT feet; fire treated; foot 08810
furnace FURN furnish; furniture 15530
furnish FURN furnace; furniture 12500
furnished by owner ----
furniture FURN furnace; furnish 12500
furniture, fixture, and equipment FF&E
furring FURG 09110
fuse box ----
fused switch FU SW 16410
fusible link FUS LINK Q
future FUT 01110
gage GA Gypsum Association Q
gallon GAL
gallons per day GPD 15130
gallons per hour GPH 15130
Gallons Per Hour, Standard SGPH
gallons per minute GPM 15130
gallons per second GPS 02630
galvanic GALV galvanized 05080
galvanized GALV galvanic 05080
galvanized iron GI 15150
galvanized iron pipe GIP 15105
galvanized sheet metal GSM 07600
galvanized steel GALV STL Q
garbage disposal G DISP 11400
garden GRDN
gas bibb GB grab bar 15190
gas fired water heater GWH 15480
gas line G LN 15190
gas pressure regulator GPR 15190
gas vent through roof GVTR 15550
gasoline vent GV gravity vent 15190
gate valve GTV 15110
gauge ----
general GEN generator
general conditions GEN COND 00700
general contractor GC
general purpose GEN PURP
generator GEN general Q
girder G ground; natural gas Q
glass GL ground level 08810
glass block GL BLK 04270
glass-fiber-reinforced concrete GFRC 03490
glass-fiber-reinforced gypsum GFRG 09230
glass-fiber-reinforced plaster GFRP glass-fiber-reinforced plastic 09230
glass-fiber-reinforced plastic GFRP glass-fiber-reinforced plaster 06600
glazed concrete masonry unit GLZ CMU 04220
glazed structural unit GSU 04210
glazed wall tile GWT 09310
glazing GLZ 08800
globe valve GLV 15110
glue ----
glued laminated wood GLU LAM 06180
government GOVT
grab bar GB gas bibb 10800
grade B or better (lumber) B&B balled and burlapped; bell and bell
grade beam GR BM 03110
grade C and better C&BTR 06060
grade cleanout GCO 15150
grade line GR LN
gradient GRAD
grand master key GMK 08710
grand master keyed GMKD 08710
granite GRAN 04410
grating GRTG Q
gravel ----
gravity roof ventilator GRV groove 15850
gravity vent GV gasoline vent 07720
graylite ----
grease trap GT gross ton; grout 15150
grille GRL 10240
grommet GROM 06410
groove GRV gravity roof ventilator
gross GR
gross ton GT grease trap; grout
gross weight GR WT
ground G girder; natural gas 16060
ground fault circuit interrupter GFCI 16140
ground fault interrupter ----
ground floor GR FL
ground level GL glass
grounded outlet GRD OUT 16140
group GP
grout GT grease trap; gross ton 03600
guarantee GUAR 01780
guaranteed maximum price GMP
guard GD
guard rail GDR 15600
gutter GUT Q
gymnasium GYM Q
gyplath ----
gypsum GYP Q
Gypsum Association GA gage 09200
gypsum board GYP BD 09250
gypsum panel ----
gypsum plaster GYP PLAS 09210
gypsum plaster ceiling GPC 09210
gypsum sheathing board GSB 09250
gypsum wallboard ----
hammer HMR
hand-off-automatic HOA 16420
hand dryer HD heavy duty 10810
hand hole HH 16520
hand sink HS heat-strengthened (glass); high strength 15410
handicap HC heating coil; heavy commercial; hollow core; hose cabinet
handicapped HCP
handrail HNDRL 05520
hanger HGR Q
hardboard HDBD Q
hardener HDNR 03300
hardware HDW 08710
hardwood HDWD 09640
hatch (roof) H high 07720
hazard HAZ
hazardous materials HAZ MAT 00340
head joint HD JT
header HDR
headquarters HQ
headwall HDWL 10250
heat-strengthened (glass) HS hand sink; high strength 08810
heat absorbing glass HAGL 08810
heat exchanger HEX hexagon 15110
heat gain HG Q
heat pump HP high pressure; horsepower 15740
heat transfer Q rate of flow
heat transfer coefficient U
heat treated (glass) HT TRD 08810
heating coil HC handicap; heavy commercial; hollow core; hose cabinet 15760
heating water return HTWR 15180
heating water supply HTWS 15180
heating, ventilating, and air conditioning HVAC 15700
heavy HVY
heavy commercial HC handicap; heating coil; hollow core; hose cabinet 08500
heavy duty HD hand dryer
hectare ha
hectoliter hL
hectometer hm
height HT
hemlock HEM
herculite ----
hertz Hz Q
hexagon HEX heat exchanger
high H hatch (roof)
high density overlay HDO
high density polyethylene HDPE
high efficiency particulate air (filter) HEPA 15860
high frequency HF 16700
high intensity discharge HID 16500
high power factor HPF 16500
high pressure HP heat pump; horsepower 15510
high pressure boiler HPB 15510
high pressure drip trap HPDT 15180
high pressure gas HPG
high pressure plastic laminate H PLAM 06065
high pressure return HPR 15180
high pressure sodium HPS high pressure steam 16500
high pressure steam HPS high pressure sodium 15180
high pressure trap HPT 15180
high strength HS hand sink; heat-strengthened (glass)
high temperature hot water HTHW 15180
high velocity diffuser HVD 15850
high velocity terminal HVT 15760
high voltage HV hose valve 16320
highway HWY Q
hoist HST 14600
hold open HO 08710
holddown HLDN
hollow concrete masonry unit HCMU 04220
hollow core HC handicap; heating coil; heavy commercial; hose cabinet 08210
hollow core wood door HCWD 08210
hollow metal HM 08100
hollow metal door HMD humidity 08100
hollow metal door and frame HMDF 08150
hollow metal frame HMF 08110
Hollow Metal Manufacturers Association HMMA 08110
horizontal HORIZ Q
horizontal sliding window SLD WDW 08500
horsepower HP heat pump; high pressure 16220
hose bibb HB 15140
hose cabinet HC handicap; heating coil; heavy commercial; hollow core 13975
hose connector HCONN 15140
hose gate valve HGV 13910
hose valve HV high voltage 13910
hospital HOSP 12560
hot and cold water H&CW 15140
hot water HW
hot water boiler HWB 15510
hot water circulating pump HWCP 15180
hot water coil HWC 15760
hot water heater ----
hot water line HWL 15180
hot water pump HWP 15180
hot water return HWR 15180
hot water supply HWS 15180
hot water tank HWT 15450
house HSE
housekeeping HSKPG
humidistat HSTAT 15905
humidity HMD hollow metal door
hundred cubic feet CCF
hundred weight CWT
hydrant HYD 02080
hydraulic HYDR Q
hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFC 07210
I beam IB
identification ID inside diameter; inside dimension; interior design
identification number ID NO
ignition IGN
illumination ILLUM 16500
Illumination Engineering Society of North America IESNA 16500
illustrate ILLUS
immediate IMED
impact isolation class IIC
impact noise rating INR
impulses per minute IPM
impulses per second IPS international pipe standard; iron pipe size
incandescent INCAND 16500
inch-pound IN-LB
inch-pound force IN-LBF
inches per second IN/S
inches, water column IN WC 15810
incinerator INCIN Q
included INCL
increase INC
increment INCR
independent IND industrial
indoor air quality IAQ
industrial IND independent
infinite INF
information INFO
infrared IR inside radius
inlet manhole IMH 02530
input/output I/O 15900
insect screen IS island 08500
inside diameter ID identification; inside dimension; interior design Q
inside dimension ID identification; inside diameter; interior design
inside face IF intake fan
inside face of stud IFS
inside radius IR infrared
inspect INSP
install INSTL
instantaneous water heater IWH 15480
instrument INSTR 15900
insufficient INSUF
insulated metal panel INSUL PNL 08910
insulation INSUL Q
insurance INS 00700
intake fan IF inside face 15830
intercommunication INTERCOM 16720
interior INT
interior design ID identification; inside diameter; inside dimension
interlocked amored cable BX 16120
intermediate metal conduit IMC 16130
international INTL
International Building Code IBC
international pipe standard IPS impulses per second; iron pipe size 15105
International Standards Organization ISO isometric
International System of Units SI
interrupting capacity IC ironing cabinet 16400
interstate (highway) I moment of inertia
Intertek Testing Services ITS 13900
invert INV
invert elevation INV EL Q
inverted roof membrane assembly IRMA
iron pipe IP 15105
iron pipe size IPS impulses per second; inches per second; international pipe standard 15105
iron pipe threaded IPT 15105
ironing cabinet IC interrupting capacity 11450
irregular IRREG
irrigation water IW 02810
island IS insect screen
isolation transformer IT 16460
isometric ISO International Standards Organization
jalousie JAL 08500
janitor JAN
janitor closet JAN CLO 13030
janitor sink ----
janitor's sink JS 15410
joint filler ----
joint stuffer ----
junction box J-BOX 16130
junior JR
kalamein door ----
kelvin K thousand
keyway KWY
kickplate KPL 08710
kiln dried KD knocked down 06060
kilo k
kilocalorie kCAL
kilogram kg
kilohertz kHz
kiloliter kL
kilometer km
kilometers per hour km/h
kilometers per second km/s
kilpascal kPa
kilovolt kV 16300
kilovolt ampere kVA 16230
kilovolt ampere per hour kVAh
kilovolt ampere reactive kVAR 16210
kilowatt kW 16210
kilowatt hour kWh 16210
kilowatt hour meter kWhm 16210
kips per lineal foot KLF
kips per square foot KSF
kips per square inch KSI
kitchen KIT
kitchen cabinet KC 12350
knee brace KB
knock out panel KOP
knocked down KD kiln dried
knockout KO
laboratory LAB Q
lacquer LAQ 09900
ladder LAD 05510
lagging LAG 02260
lally column L COL
laminate LAM 06065
laminated glass LAM GL 08810
lamp lumen depreciation LLD 16500
landing LDG
landmark LDMK
landscape LNDSCP
lane LN
large LRG
large scale LS lawn sprinkling; lump sum
latch and lock L&L
latent heat LH left hand 15700
latent heat gain LHG 15700
latent heat ratio LHR left hand reverse 15700
lateral LATL 15105
lath ----
lath and plaster L&P 09205
latitude LAT lattice; leaving air temperature
lattice LAT lattitude; leaving air temperature
launch LANH
laundry LAU Q
laundry chute LC 14560
lavatory LAV 15410
lawn sprinkling LS large scale; lump sum 02810
layer LYR
layout LYT
lead lined LL live load; low level; lower left 13090
lead lined gypsum board LL GB 13090
leader LDR
leaving air LA lightning arrester 15700
leaving air temperature LAT latitude; lattice 15700
leaving dry bulb temperature LDBT 15700
leaving water temperature LWT 15700
leaving wet bulb temperature LWBT 15700
left hand LH latent heat
left hand reverse LHR latent heat ratio
left hand side LHS
lexan ----
library LIB
light LT
light emitting diode LED 16510
light gage LT GA
light pole LP lightproof; liquid petroleum; low pressure (mechanical) 16530
light switch LT SW 16130
lighting LTG 16510
lighting panel LTG PNL 16440
lightning LTNG 13100
lightning arrester LA leaving air 16300
lightproof LP light pole; liquid petroleum; low pressure (mechanical)
lightproof louver LPL 11470
lightproof vent LPV 11470
lightweight LT WT 03520
lightweight concrete LWC 03520
lightweight concrete masonry unit LCMU 04220
lightweight insulating concrete LWIC 03520
lightweight plaster LW PLAS 09210
limestone LMST 04410
limit switch LIM SW 13400
limited LTD
line ground LG liquid gas
line of sight LOS
linear LIN
linear ceiling diffuser LCD 15850
linear diffuser LD 15850
linear feet (foot) LF
linen closet L CL 06270
linoleum LINO 09650
liquid LIQ liquor
liquid gas LG line ground 15190
liquid natural gas LNG longitude 15190
liquid oxygen LOX 13240
liquid petroleum LP light pole; lightproof; low pressure (mechanical) 15190
liquid petroleum gas LPG low pressure gas 15190
liquor LIQ liquid
liter L angle
liter per second L/s
live load LL lead lined; lower left; low level
living room LR
load-bearing LD BRG
location LOC
lock on LO lubricating oil
locked rotor amps LRA 16220
locker LKR 10500
locker room LKR RM 10500
locknut LKNT
lockwasher LKWASH
logarithm LOG
long leg horizontal LLH
long leg vertical LLV
longitude LNG liquid natural gas
longitudinal LONG
loose cubic meter LCM
loose cubic yard LCY
loose fill insulation LF INS 07210
loudspeaker ----
louver LVR 15840
louver door LVDR 08100
louvered LVD 15850
louvered roof vent LRV 07720
low density polyethylene LDPE
low level LL lead lined; live load; lower left
low point LPT
low power factor LPF 16510
low pressure (mechanical) LP light pole; lightproof; liquid petroleum 15510
low pressure alarm switch LPAS 15510
low pressure boiler LPB 15510
low pressure condensate return LPCR 15510
low pressure drip trap set LPDT 15510
low pressure gas LPG liquid petroleum gas 15790
low pressure return LPR 15810
low pressure sodium LPS low pressure steam 16500
low pressure steam LPS low pressure sodium 15510
low temperature hot water LTHW 15180
low voltage LV 16500
low water LW
low water cut off LWCO 15440
low water mark LWM
lower left LL lead lined; live load; low level
lubricate LUB
lubricating oil LO lock on 15230
lubricating oil pump LOP 15230
lubricating oil vent LOV 15230
lucite ----
lumber LBR 06060
lumen LM 16500
lumen dirt depreciation LDD 16500
lumens per watt LPW 16500
lump sum LS large scale; lawn sprinkling
machine MACH
machine bolt MB mail box; mixing box
machine room MACH RM
machine screw MS mop sink; motor starter
magnet MAG
magnetic north MN
mahogany MAHOG
mail box MB machine bolt; mixing box 10550
mail chute MCH 10550
main circuit breaker MCB metal corner bead 16440
maintenance MAINT
make up air unit MAU 15700
male pipe thread MPT 15105
management MGT
manhole MH 02580
mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; metal-clad; moisture content;
manhole cover MC 02580
moment connection
manual MAN
manual air vent MAV 15180
manual damper MD metal deck 15820
manual transfer switch MTS 16410
manual volume damper MVD 15820
manufactured MFD
manufacturer MFR mass flow rate
manufacturer's recommendation MFR REC
manufacturing MFG
Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association MFMA Metal Framing Manufacturers Association 09640
marble base MRB 09380
marble floor MRF 09630
Marble Institute of America MIA Q
marble threshold MRT 09630
marker MKR
masonite ----
masonry opening MO motor operated Q
mass flow rate MFR manufacturer
master antenna television system MATV 16700
master bedroom MBR member
master switch MSW
masterkeyed MKD 08700
masthead MHD
mastic ----
mastic floor MF mill finish 09640
material MATL
materials list ML metal lath; monolithic
matrix MTX
maximum MAX
maximum overcurrent protection MOCP 15700
mean sea level MSL
mean temperature difference MTD mounted
measure MEAS
mechanical MECH
manhole cover; medicine cabinet; metal-clad; moisture content; moment
mechanical contractor MC
mechanical engineer ME
mechanical room MECH RM
medical MED medium
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; metal-clad; moisture content;
medicine cabinet MC 10820
moment connection
medium MED medical
medium density overlay MDO
medium pressure MP 15190
medium pressure gas MPG miles per gallon 15190
medium pressure return MPR 15180
medium pressure steam MPS 15180
medium temperature hot water MTHW 15180
meeting MTG mounting
megahertz MHz 16700
megavolt-ampere MVA 16300
megawatt MW microwave 16300
megawatt hour MWh 16300
melamine MEL
member MBR master bedroom
membrane MEMB
membrane waterproofing MWP 07130
memorandum MEMO
mercury Hg
meridian MER
metal MTL Q
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; moisture
metal-clad MC 16300
content moment connection
metal base MTLB
metal corner bead MCB main circuit breaker 09200
metal deck MD manual damper 05300
metal door MTLD 08100
metal flashing MTLF 07620
Metal Framing Manufacturers Association MFMA Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association 05160
metal lath ML materials list; monolithic 09205
metal lath and plaster ML&P 09205
metal nosing ----
metal oxide semiconductor MOS 16140
metal partition MTLP 10600
metal roof MTLR 07410
metal threshold MT mount 08720
meter m
meters per second m/s
methyl ethyl ketone MEK
mezzanine MEZZ 13120
microphone MIC 16820
microwave MW megawatt 11420
middle MID
miles per gallon MPG medium pressure gas
miles per hour MPH
military standard MIL STD
mill finish MF mastic floor
milliampere mA 16290
millimeter mm
million gallons per day MGD 02530
millisecond ms
millivolt mV 16290
milliwatt mW 16290
millwork MLWK 06220
minimum MIN minute
minimum circuit amps MCA 15700
minute MIN minimum
mirror MIRR 08830
mirror glass ----
miscellaneous MISC
miscellaneous metal ----
miter MIT
mixed air MA 15700
mixed air temperature MAT 15700
mixing box MB machine bolt; mail box 15700
model MOD modify; module; motor operated damper
modified bitumen MOD BIT 07580
modify MOD model; module; motor operated damper
modulator-demodulator MODEM
module MOD model; modify; motor operated damper
modulus of elasticity E east
modulus of section Z
moisture MSTRE
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; metal-clad;
moisture content MC 06060
moment connection
moisture resistant MR
molding (moulding) MLDG
moment M
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; metal-clad;
moment connection MC
moisture content
moment of inertia I interstate (highway)
monitor MON monument
monolithic ML materials list; metal lath 09410
monument MON monitor
mop rack MOPR 08710
mop service basin MSB 15410
mop sink MS machine screw; motor starter 15410
mop/broom holder MBH
motor MOT 16220
motor control center MCC 16440
motor direct connect MDC 16420
motor generator MG 16230
motor operated MO masonry opening
motor operated damper MOD model; modify; module 15820
motor operated valve MOV 15110
motor starter MS machine screw; mop sink 16400
mount MT metal threshold
mounted MTD mean temperature difference
mounting MTG meeting
movable MVBL
mullion MULL 08410
multiple MULT
multizone MZ 15720
municipal MUNIC
nameplate NPL nickel plated
narrow NAR
narrow stile NS near side; no scale 08210
national NATL
National Association of Architectural Metal xxManufacturers NAAMM
National Building Code NBC
National Bureau of Standards NBS
National Electrical Code NEC Q
National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA Q
National Fenestration Rating Council NFRC
National Fire Code NFC Q
National Fire Protection Association NFPA Q
National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST
National Paint and Coatings Association NPCA 09900
National Roofing Contractors Association NRCA Q
natural NAT
natural gas G girder; ground 15190
near face NF
near side NS narrow stile; no scale
negative NEG
negotiated NEGTD
net weight NT WT
neutral NEUT
newton N north
nickel NKL
nickel copper NICOP
nickel copper alloy NCA
nickel plated NPL nameplate
nickel silver NI SIL
night light NL 16500
no paint NP
no scale NS narrow stile; near side
noise criteria NC normally closed 15700
noise isolation class NIC not in contract 09800
noise reduction NR 15700
noise reduction coefficient NRC 15700
nominal NOM
non-metallic NM 16130
non-reinforced concrete pipe NRCP 02630
non-slip stair nosing ----
noncombustible NCOMBL
nonflammable NONFLMB
nonfused NFSD 16410
nonloadbearing NLB
nonmagnetic NMAG
nonremovable NRP 08710
nonstandard NON STD
normal NORM
normally closed NC noise criteria 16420
normally open NO number 16420
north N newton
not applicable NA
not exceeding NE
not in contract NIC noise isolation class 01110
not to scale NTS
notice of clarification NOC
notice to proceed NTP 00550
number NO normally open
numeral NUM
obscure glass OGL 08810
obscure wired glass OWGL 08800
observation window OBW 08580
Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration OSHA Q
occupy OCC
octagon OCT
office OFF
oil circuit breaker OCB 16340
oil circuit recloser OCR 16330
oil gage OGA 16270
oil level OLVL 16270
oil pressure OPRS 16270
oil proof OP
oil seal OSL 15190
oil switch OS 15190
oil temperature gauge OTG 16270
on center OC
one thousand gallons per hour MGPH
one thousand square feet MSF
one-way 1WAY 16140
opaque OPQ
open web steel joists ----
opening OPNG
operable OPR
operating room OR outside radius
operating steam pressure OSP 15180
opposite OPP
opposite hand OPH
optimum OPT optional
optional OPT optimum
ordnance ORD overflow roof drain
organic ORG
original ORIG
ornamental ORN Q
ounce OZ
out to out O/O
outlet OUT 15850
outside air OA overall 15700
outside air damper OAD 15820
outside air grille OAG 15850
outside air intake OAI 15850
outside diameter OD outside dimension
outside dimension OD outside diameter
outside face OF
outside face of studs OFS
outside radius OR operating room
over O/
overall OA outside air
overcurrent OVC 16400
overflow OVFL
overflow drain OFD 15160
overflow roof drain ORD ordnance 07710
overhang OH
overhead (coiling) door OH DR 08330
overload OL 16420
override OVRD
owner furnished/contractor installed OF/CI 01110
owner furnished/owner installed OF/OI 01110
oxygen O
package PKG
packaged terminal air conditioner PTAC 15760
paint PT pipe thread; pneumatic tube; post-tensioned; pressure treated
painted base PB panelboard; panic bar; pull box; pushbutton
painted metal PMTL
Painting and Decorating Contractors of America PDCA 09910
pair PR pipe rail; pumped return
panel PNL
panel point PP polypropylene (plastic); push/pull
panelboard PB painted base; panic bar; pull box; pushbutton 16440
panic bar PB painted base; panelboard; pull box; pushbutton 08710
panic bolt PANB 08710
paper cup dispenser PCD 10810
paper towel dispenser PTD printed 10810
paper towel dispenser and receptacle PTDR 10810
paper towel receptacle PTR 10810
paragraph PARA
parallel PAR parapet
parapet PAR parallel 07620
parenthesis PAREN
parging PARG 07110
parking PRKG Q
parking garage PK GAR
parking lot PK LOT
parkway PKWY
part number PN
partial PART
particleboard PBD 06160
partition PTN 09250
parts per milllion PPM
pascal Pa
pass-through window ----
pass window PW 08580
passenger PASS
paste ----
pattern PAT
paved PV 02700
paved road PV RD 02700
pavement ----
paving PVG 02700
pedestal PED
pegboard PGBD 06200
pendant PEND
penetrate PEN
penny (nail) D deep; depth 06090
penthouse PH phase 13120
percent PCT
perforated PERF perform Q
perform PERF perforated
perimeter PERIM
period PER
permanent PERM
perpendicular PERP
petroleum PETRO 11500
pharmacy PHAR
phase PH penthouse Q
phase meter PM 16430
phillips head screw PHS
photoelectric PE pneumatic electric 16100
photoelectric cell PEC 16100
photograph PHOTO
piece PC point of curve; polycarbonate; portland cement
pilaster PIL 04220
piling PLG 02400
pipe anchor PA power amplifier; public address 15060
pipe rail PR pair; pumped return 05520
pipe sleeve PSL 15120
pipe thread PT paint; pneumatic tube; post-tensioned; pressure treated 15105
pitch pocket ----
pivoted PIV post indicator valve
place PLC
plant mix bituminous concrete PMBC 02065
plaster PLAS plastic 09210
plaster wall PLST WL 09210
plastic PLAS plaster
plastic laminate PLAM 06065
plate glass PL GL 08810
platform PLAT 14830
plexiglass ----
plumb PLB
plumbing PLBG 15410
plywood PLYWD Q
pneumatic PNEU Q
pneumatic electric PE photoelectric 15925
pneumatic tube PT paint; pipe thread; post tensioned; pressure treated 14580
point of curve PC piece; polycarbonate; portland cement
point of intersection PI
pole P pump
polished POL
polished plate glass PPGL 08810
polycarbonate PC piece; point of curve; portland cement
polychlorinated biphenyl PCB
polyethylene (plastic) POLY
polyisobutylene (plastic) PIB
polypropylene (plastic) PP panel point; push/pull
polystyrene (plastic) PS pull station
polyvinyl acetate PVA
polyvinyl chloride (plastic) PVC
polyvinyl fluoride (plastic) PVF
porcelain PORC 05080
portable PORT
portland cement PC piece; point of curve; polycarbonate 03600
Portland Cement Association PCA 03600
portland cement plaster PCP 09920
position POS positive
positive POS position
post indicator valve PIV pivoted 02510
post office PO purchase order
post-tensioned PT paint; pipe thread; pneumatic tube; pressure treated 03380
post-tensioned concrete PT CONC 03380
potable water POTW
pound LB
pound-force LBF
pound-force per cubic foot LBF/CF
pound-force per foot LBF/FT
pound-force per horsepower LBF/HP
pound-force per hour LBF/H
pound-force per inch LBF/IN
pound-force per minute LBF/MIN
pound-force per square foot LBF/SF
pound-force per square inch LBF/SI
pounds per cubic foot PCF
pounds per linear foot PLF
pounds per square foot PSF
pounds per square inch PSI
pounds per square inch absolute PSIA
pounds per square inch, gage PSIG
pour ----
poured in place ----
power PWR 16000
power amplifier PA pipe anchor; public address 16800
power factor PF Q
power line POW LN 16300
power panel ----
power pole ----
power roof exhaust PRE 15830
power roof ventilator PRV pressure reducing valve; pressure regulator valve; pressure relief valve 15830
pre-fit ----
pre-trimmed ----
precast PRCST Q
precast concrete PCC precool coil 03400
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute PCI 03400
precool coil PCC precast concrete 15760
precut ----
prefabricate PREFAB
preference PREF
prefinish PREFIN
preformed PREFMD
preheat coil PHC 15760
preliminary PRELIM
premolded PRMLD 02090
premolded expansion joint PEJ 02090
preparation PREP
pressure PRESS
pressure drop or difference PD 15860
pressure gage PG profile grade 13420
pressure reducing station PRS 15110
pressure reducing valve PRV power roof ventilator; pressure regulator valve; pressure relief valve 15110

pressure regulator valve PRV power roof ventilator; pressure reducing valve; pressure relief valve 15110

pressure relief valve PRV power roof ventilator; pressure reducing valve; pressure regulator valve 15110
pressure switch PRESS SW 15920
pressure temperature relief valve PTRV
pressure treated PT paint; pipe thread; pneumatic tube; post tensioned 06070
prestressed concrete PS CONC 03380
previous PREV
primary PRI
primary hot water return PHWR 15180
primary hot water supply PHWS 15180
prime coat ----
primer ----
principal PRIN
printed PTD paper towel dispenser
probable maximum flood PMF
probable maximum precipitation PMP
production PROD
profile grade PG pressure gage
project PROJ
property PROP
property line PL
provisional PROV
PSF absolute PSFA 15130
PSF gage PSFG 15130
public address PA pipe anchor; power amplifier 16820
pull box PB painted base; panelboard; panic bar; pushbutton 16130
pull station PS polystyrene (plastic) 13850
pump P pole 15130
pump discharge PDISCH 15130
pump suction PMPSCT 15130
pumped return PR pair; pipe rail 15180
purchase order PO post office
purlins PUR
purse shelf PSH
push rod PRD
push/pull PP panel point; polypropylene (plastic)
push/pull plate PP PL
pushbutton PB painted base; panelboard; panic bar; pull box 16420
quadrangle QUAD quadrant
quadrant QUAD quadrangle
quadruple receptacle outlet 4OUT 16140
quality QUAL
quality assurance QA 01430
quality control QC 01430
quality control review QCR 01430
quality management QM
quantity QTY
quarry QRY 09330
quarry tile QT 09330
quarry tile base QTB 09330
quarry tile floor QTF 09330
quarter QTR
quotation QUOT
rabbeted RAB
radian RAD radiator; return air duct
radiation RADN
radiation hazard RAD HAZ
radiator RAD radian; return air duct 15760
radio frequency RF resilient flooring 16800
radius R range; riser; thermal resistance
railing RLG
railroad RR roll roofing Q
rain water leader RWL
range R radius; riser; thermal resistance 11400
rapid start RS rough sawn
rate of flow Q heat transfer
rating RTG
reactive kilovolt amperes RKVA 16270
received RECD
receiver RCVR 16800
receptacle RECPT 16140
reception RCPTN
recessed REC
recessed waste receptacle RWR 10800
reciprocal RECIP
recirculate RECIRC
recreation room REC ROOM
rectangle RECT
reducer RDC 15105
redwood RWD 06100
reference REF refrigerator 14120
reflect REFL
reflected ceiling plan RCP reinforced concrete pipe
refractory REFR refrigeration 04500
refrigerant RFGT 15600
refrigerant discharge RD road; roof drain 15610
refrigerant hot gas RHG 15610
refrigerant liquid line RLL 15610
refrigerant suction line RSL 15610
refrigeration REFR refractory 15610
refrigerator REF reference 11400
register REG regulation 15850
regulation REG register
reheat coil RHC 15760
reheat valve RHV 15760
reinforce REINF
reinforced brick masonry RBM 04200
reinforced concrete RC remote control 03300
reinforced concrete box RCB 02640
reinforced concrete culvert pipe RCCP 02640
reinforced concrete pipe RCP reflected ceiling plan 02630
reinforcement ----
reinforcing bar ----
reinforcing steel RST 03210
reinforcing steel bars REBAR 03210
relative humidity RH right hand; roof hatch
relief valve RV roof vent; roof ventilator 15110
remodel ----
remote control RC reinforced concrete
removable REM
repair REP
replace REPL
reproduce REPRO
request for information RFI
request for proposal RFP
require REQ
required REQD
research and development R&D
resilient RESIL 09600
resilient base RB rubber base 09650
resilient flooring RF radio frequency 09650
restroom REST
return RET
return air RA 15850
return air duct RAD radian; radiator 15810
return air fan RA FAN 15830
return air grille RA GR 15850
return air temperature RAT 15810
reveal RVL
reverse RVS
revision REV revolutions
revolutions REV revision
revolutions per minute RPM 16220
revolutions per second RPS 16220
rheostat RHEO
right RT
right hand RH relative humidity; roof hatch
right hand reverse RHR
right of way ROW
rigid insulation, solid RDG INS 07210
riser R radius; range; thermal resistance
road RD refrigerant discharge; roof drain
roadway RW
robe hook RB HK
rocklath ----
roll roofing RR railroad 07580
rolling steel door RSD 08160
roof drain RD refrigerant discharge; road 15160
roof hatch RH relative humidity; right hand
roof leader RL 15160
roof top unit RTU 15730
roof vent RV relief valve; roof ventilator 07720
roof ventilator RV relief valve; roof vent 07720
roofing RFG Q
room RM
room air conditioner RAC 15730
room monitor system RMS root mean square 13800
root mean square RMS room monitor system
rough opening RO
rough sawn RS rapid start
round RND
round head machine screw RHMS
round head wood screw RHWS
rubber RBR
rubber base RB resilient base 09650
rubber tile floor RTF 09650
runway RWY
rusting steel ----
saddle SDL
safety factor SF square foot (feet); supply fan
safety nosing ----
safety valve SV sheet vinyl 15110
salvage SALV 01730
sample SAMP
sand ----
sandblast SDBL 03360
sanitary SAN
sanitary napkin dispenser SND 10810
sanitary napkin disposal unit SNDU 10810
sanitary sewer SS service sink; standing seam (roof); steam supply; storm sewer 02530
saturate SAT suspended acoustical tile
schedule SCHED
schedule of values SOV shut off valve 01290
schematic SCHEM
school SCH
scored joint SJ slip joint
screen SCRN 10240
scupper SCP 07600
scuttle ----
sea level SL spot light
sealant SLNT 07920
seamless SMLS
seat cover dispenser SCD 10800
secondary hot water return SHWR 15180
secondary hot water supply SHWS 15180
section SECT
segment SEG
select SEL
semiconductor controlled rectifier SCR shower curtin rod 16260
sensible heat SH shingles; single hung (window) 15700
sensible heat gain SHG 15700
sensible heat ratio SHR shower 15700
sensor SNSR 16290
separate SEP
septic tank SEP TNK 02540
service SVCE
service sink SS sanitary sewer; standing seam (roof); steam supply; storm sewer 15410
sewage SWG 02530
sewer SWR 02530
shading coefficient SC solid core
shaft SHT sheet
shaft (elevator) SHFT
shaft horsepower SFT HP 16220
sheathing SHTHG
sheet SHT shaft
sheet metal SM silty sand; small; smooth 07600
sheet metal (flashing) SHT MTL FLASH 07620
sheet vinyl SV safety valve
sheeting ----
shelving SHV
shingles SH sensible heat; single hung (window) 07310
shop drawings SD smoke detector; soap dispenser; storm drain; supply duct 01330
short circuit capacity SCC 16400
shoulder SHLDR
shower SHR sensible heat ratio 15410
shower curtain rod SCR semiconductor controlled rectifier 12440
shower drain SHRD 15150
shower head SHR HD 15410
shut off valve SOV schedule of values 15110
shutter SHTR Q
sidewalk SW switch 02775
siding SDG 07460
signal SIG
silty gravel GM 02325
silty sand SM sheet metal; small; smooth 02325
similar SIM
single SGL
single hung (window) SH sensible heat; shingles 08520
single acting (door) SA supply air 08100
single-phase 1PH 16400
single pole 1P 16140
single pole, double throw SPDT 16140
single pole, single throw SPST 16140
single receptacle floor outlet FLOUTS 16130
single receptacle outlet SOUT 16130
single throw ST stairs; street 16140
sink ----
sketch SK
skydome ----
skylight SKLT 08600
skylite ----
sleeve SLV
sliding SLDG
sliding glass door SGD 08160
slip joint SJ scored joint 15120
slop sink ----
small SM sheet metal; silty sand; smooth
smoke SMK 13850
smoke damper SDMPR 15820
smoke detector SD shop drawings; soap dispenser; storm drain; supply duct 13850
smooth SM sheet metal; silty sand; small
soap dispenser SD shop drawings; smoke detector; storm drain; supply duct 10800
Society of American Registered Architects SARA
softwood SFTWD
solder SLDR
solenoid valve SOLV 15120
solid concrete masonry unit SCMU 04220
solid core SC shading coefficient
solid core wood door SCWD 08210
solid plastic SP standpipe; sump pit 06600
solution SOLN
solvent SLVT
sound insulation SND INS 07210
sound transmission class STC 15830
south S
Southern Building Code Congress International SBCCI
space heater SPH
speaker SPKR 16820
special SPCL
special finish SP FIN
specific gravity SP GR
specification SPEC
splash block SB 02630
spline SPL
spot elevation SP EL
spot light SL sea level 06500
sprinkler SPKLR 02810
sprinkler line SPR 13930
spruce-pine-fir SPF 06060
square SQ
square bar SQ BR
square centimeter; centimeter squared cm2
square foot (feet) SF safety factor; supply fan
square inch SQ IN
square kilometer km2
square meter m2
square millimeter mm2
square yard SQ YD
staggered STAG
stained glass ST GL 12170
stainless STNLS
stainless steel SST Q
stainless steel pipe SSP 15105
stairs ST single throw; street Q
standard STD
standard cubic feet per minute SCFM 15850
standard cubic feet per second SCFS 15800
standard temperature and pressure STP 15730
standing seam (roof) SS sanitary sewer; service sink; steam supply; storm sewer 07410
standpipe SP solid plastic; sump pit 13975
start/stop S/S 16420
static pressure ST PR
station STA
steam STM Q
steam gage SG 15905
steam generator ST GEN 15510
steam manhole SMH 02580
steam return SR 15180
steam supply SS sanitary sewer; service sink; standing seam (roof); storm sewer 15180
steam working pressure STWP 15510
Steel Deck Institute SDI Steel Door Institute 05300
Steel Door Institute SDI Steel Deck Institute 08100
steel joist STL JST 05210
Steel Joist Institute SJI 05210
steel lintel STL LNTL 05500
steel plate STL PL 05100
steel roof deck STL RF DK 05310
steel truss STL TR 05120
steel tube STL TB 05120
Steel Window Institute SWI 08510
stepping STPG
stiffener STIF
stirrup STIR
storage STOR
storeroom STRM
storm drain SD shop drawings; smoke detector; soap dispenser; supply duct 02630
storm drain manhole SDMH 02630
storm sewer SS sanitary sewer; service sink; standing seam (roof); steam supply 02630
storm water ST W 02630
straight STR strike; stringers
strainer STN 15120
street ST single throw; stairs
strike STR straight; stringers 08710
stringers STR straight; strike
strobe STRB 13850
strobe/horn STRB/HRN 13850
structural STRUCT
structural clay tile SCT 04210
structural engineer SE
structural steel STRUCT STL 05120
stucco ----
styrene butadien styrene SBS
subfloor SUB FL 06160
subparagraph SUBPAR
subsoil drain SSD 15150
substitute SUB
substrate SBSTR
suction SUCT
sufficient SUF
summary SUM
sump pit SP solid plastic; standpipe 15440
sump pump SMP 15440
sump tank SUTK 15440
supervisor SUPVR
supplement SUPPL
supplementary SUP
supply SPLY
supply air SA single acting (door) 15810
supply air grille SAG 15850
supply duct SD shop drawings; smoke detector; soap dispenser; storm drain 15810
supply fan SF safety factor; square foot (feet) 15830
support SPRT
suppression SUPN
surface SURF
surfaced four sides S4S 06060
surfaced one side S1S 06060
surfaced two sides S2S 06060
surround SURR
surveillance camera SURV CAM 13700
surveillance equipment SURV EQUIP 13700
surveillence monitor SURV MON 13700
survey SURV
suspend SUSP
suspended acoustical plaster ceiling SAPC 09120
suspended acoustical tile SAT saturate 09130
suspended acoustical tile ceiling SATC 09130
suspended ceiling SUSP CLG 09120
suspended plaster ceiling SPC 09120
suspended unit heater SUH 15760
swing door SWDR 08110
switch SW sidewalk 16140
switchboard SWBD 16440
switchgear SWGR 16430
symbol SYM
symmetrical SYMM
synthetic SYNTH
system SYS
table of content TOC top of concrete; top of curb 00010
tabulate TAB
tackboard TK BD 10120
tangent TAN
tar ----
technical TECH
telephone TEL 16720
telephone control panel TCP temperature control panel; traffic control plan 16720
telephone equipment room TER terrazzo
telephone floor outlet FOUTT 16720
telephone jack TEL JK 16130
telephone outlet TEL OUT 16130
telephone pole TP total pressure; twisted pair 02580
telephone terminal board TTB 16720
television TV 16850
television outlet TVOUT 16130
temperature TEMP temporary
temperature and pressure valve T&P VALVE 15110
temperature control panel TCP telephone control panel; traffic control plan 15915
temperature control valve TCV 15110
temperature difference TD towel dispenser; trench drain 15760
tempered TMPD Q
tempered glass TMPD GL 08810
tempered hardboard TEMP HDBD 06250
temporary TEMP temperature
temporary benchmark TBM
tensile strength TS tube steel
terminal TERM
terminal unit controller TUC 15915
terra cotta TC 04210
terrazzo TER telephone equipment room 09400
test boring-xx (e.g. TB-01) TB-xx
thermal THERM
thermal conductance C VALUE
thermal conductivity K VALUE
thermal resistance R radius; range; riser
thermopane ----
thermostat TSTAT 15905
thickness THK
thousand K kelvin
thousand board feet MBF
thousand Btu MBtu
thousand Btu per hour MBtuH
thousand cubic feet MCF
thousand feet board measure MBM
thousand foot/pounds KIP FT
thousand pounds KIP
thread THD
three-conductor 3/C 16120
three-phase 3PH 16400
three-ply 3PLY
three-way 3WAY 16140
threshold THRES 08720
through THRU
through bolt TB towel bar
throughout THRUOUT
Tile Council of America TCA 09300
time and materials T&M
to floor above TFA
to floor below TFB
toilet (plumbing fixture) ----
toilet paper dispenser TPD 10800
toilet paper holder TPH 09305
tolerance TOL
tongue and groove T&G
top and bottom T&B
top elevation TE
top of ___ TO
top of beam TOB
top of concrete TOC table of content; top of curb 03300
top of concrete footing TOC FTG 03300
top of concrete wall TOC WALL 03300
top of curb TOC table of content; top of concrete
top of finish floor TFF
top of floor TOF top of footing; top of frame
top of footing TOF top of floor; top of frame
top of foundation TO FDN
top of frame TOF top of floor; top of footing
top of joist TOJ Q
top of manhole TMH 02530
top of masonry TOM 04200
top of parapet TOP top of pavement
top of pavement TOP top of parapet 02740
top of rim TR towel rack
top of slab TOS top of steel
top of steel TOS top of slab 05120
top of truss TOT
top of wall TOW
topography TOPO
total dynamic head TDH 15130
total pressure TP telephone pole; twisted pair
total quality management TQM
towel bar TB through bolt 10800
towel dispenser TD temperature difference; trench drain 10810
towel dispenser/receptacle TDR 10810
towel rack TR top of rim 10800
towel shelf TSH 10800
tower water return ----
tower water supply ----
traffic control plan TCP telephone control panel; temperature control panel
transfer XFER
transfer grille TG 15850
transformer XFMR 16460
transom TRANS transparent 06460
transparent TRANS transom
transparent wood finish TRANS WD FIN 09330
transverse expansion joint TEJ 05810
tread T Q
treated TRTD
treated water return TWR 15140
treated water supply TWS 15140
trench drain TD temperature difference; towel dispenser 15150
true north TN
tub/shower T/S 15410
tube steel TS tensile strength 05500
tunnel TNL
turnbuckle TRNBKL
turnpike TNPK
twindow ----
twist lock TL 16140
twisted pair TP telephone pole; total pressure 16700
twisted pair shielded TPS 16700
two-conductor 2/C 16120
two-way 2WAY 16140
typical TYP
ultimate ULT
ultraviolet UV
undercut UC
undercut door UCD Q
underfloor duct UFD 05320
underground UGND
Underwriters Laboratories UL
unexcavated UNEX
unfinish UNFIN
uniform UNIF
Uniform Building Code UBC Q
Uniform Fire Code UFC Q
Uniform Mechanical Code UMC Q
Uniform Plumbing Code UPC Q
uninterruptible power supply UPS 16230
unit heater UH 15760
unit of sound level dBA Q
unit weight UWT
universal UNIV
unless noted UN
unless noted otherwise UNO
unless otherwise noted UON
unpaved road UNPV RD
untwisted pair UTP 16720
urinal UR 15140
utility UTIL
utility pole UP 02580
V joint VJ
vacuum VAC vacuum line Q
vacuum breaker VB valve box; vinyl base 15140
vacuum cleaner outlet VCO 11010
vacuum line VAC vacuum 11010
vacuum pump VP vanishing point; vapor pressure; velocity pressure; veneer plaster 15210
vacuum return pump VRP 15210
valve box VB vacuum breaker; vinyl base 15120
vanishing point VP vacuum pump; vapor pressure; velocity pressure; veneer plaster
vanity VAN 12350
vapor barrier ----
vapor pressure VP vacuum pump; vanishing point; velocity pressure; veneer plaster
vapor proof VAP PRF
vapor retarder VR voltage regulator 03300
variable air volume VAV 15840
variable frequency VF 16260
variable frequency drive VFD 16260
variation VAR varies; volt ampere reactive
varies VAR variation; volt ampere reactive
vehicle VEH
velocity VEL
velocity pressure VP vacuum pump; vanishing point; vapor pressure; veneer plaster 15800
veneer VNR 04800
veneer plaster VP vacuum pump; vanishing point; vapor pressure; velocity pressure 09210
vent stack VS voltmeter switch 10310
vent through roof VTR 07720
ventilation VENT ventilator
ventilator VENT ventilation Q
veranda VRNDA
verify VRFY
verify in field VIF 01710
vertical VERT
vertical curve VC
vertical grain VG
vertical unit heater VUH 15760
very high frequency VHF 16800
very high output VHO
vestibule VEST
vibration VIB
vicinity VIC
video VID 16840
video amplifier VIDAMP 16840
video integration VINT
village VIL
vinyl base VB vacuum breaker; valve box 09650
vinyl composition tile VCT vitrified clay tile 09650
vinyl faced acoustical tile VFAT 09510
vinyl tile ----
vinyl wall covering VWC 09720
vinyl wall fabric VWF 09720
viscosity VISC
visqueen ----
visual VIS
vitreous VIT
vitrified clay tile VCT vinyl composition tile
volatile organic compound VOC
volt V Q
volt-ammeter VAM 16490
volt ampere VA Q
volt ampere reactive VAR variation; varies Q
voltage VOLT Q
voltage drop VD volume damper Q
voltage regulator VR vapor retarder 16280
voltage relay VRLY 16280
voltmeter switch VS vent stack 16440
volume VOL
volume damper VD voltage drop 15820
volumeric flow rate VFR
wainscot WSCT
wall ash urn WAU 12460
wall board ----
wall cabinets W CAB 06410
wall cleanout WCO 15150
wall covering WC water closet; water column 09700
wall fabric WFAB 09720
wall hung WH wall hydrant; water heater; weep hole 15410
wall hydrant WH wall hung; water heater; weep hole 15140
wall to wall W/W
warehouse WHSE
warm white WW wastewater; wireway 16580
warm white deluxe WWX 16580
Warnock Hershey International ----
warranty WARR 01780
wash fountain WF wide flange 15410
waste W watt; west; wide
waste disposer WDSP 11400
waste water WW warm white; wireway
water WTR
water chiller WCHR 15620
water closet WC wall covering; water column 15410
water closet, wall hung WC WL HNG 15410
water column WC wall covering; water closet 15700
water cooled WCLD
water cooler WCLR 15410
water cooler, wall hung WCL WL MTD 15410
water cooling tower ----
water elevation WT EL
water gage WG 15700
water hammer arrestor WHA 15410
water heater WH wall hung; wall hydrant; weep hole 15480
water jacket WJ
water line WL wind load 02510
water meter WM wire mesh 15140
water pressure drop WPD 02510
water pump WP waterproofing; weatherproof; working point 15130
water repellent WR weather resistant; wire rope
water table WT watertight; weight
waterproof membrane WPM 07130
waterproofing WP water pump; weatherproof; working point 07100
watertight WT water table; weight
watt W waste; west; wide Q
watthour meter WHM 16210
weather WEA
weather resistant WR water repellent; wire rope
weather seal WSL 08720
weatherproof WP water pump; waterproofing; working point
weatherstrip WS 08720
weep hole WH wall hung; wall hydrant; water heater 04090
weight WT water table; watertight
welded WLD
welded wire fabric WWF 03220
welded wire mesh WWM 03300
west W waste; watt; wide
wet bulb WB wood base 15700
wet bulb temperature WBT 15700
where occurs WO work order
wide W waste; watt; west
wide flange WF wash fountain 05120
wind load WL water line
window WDW 08050
Window and Door Manufacturers Association WDMA 08210
window unit WU 11030
wire glass ----
wire mesh WM water meter 03300
wire rope WR water repellant; weather resistant 05150
wired glass WGL 08810
wireway WW warm white; waste water 16130
with W/
without W/O
wood WD wood door Q
wood base WB wet bulb 06450
wood blocking WBL 06100
wood door WD wood 06210
wood door and frame WDF 08250
wood frame WFR 06460
wood furring strips WFS 06100
wood louvers WD LOUV 08200
wood panelling WDP 06200
work order WO where occurs
working point WP water pump; waterproofing; weatherproof
working pressure WPR 15180
working steam pressure WSP 15180
wrought brass WBS 05500
wrought iron WI 05700
yard YD yard drain; yard drainage pipe
yard cleanout YCO 15150
yard drain YD yard; yard drainage pipe
yard drainage pipe YD yard; yard drain
yard hydrant YH 02080
yard inlet YI
year YR

acoustic sealant
acoustical finish


record drawings

built-up roofing
joint backer


steel joists

blanket insulation

concrete masonry unit

metal trim

acoustical panel

acoustical tile
access flooring
concrete masonry unit
also, provide


steel roof deck

porous fill
Use symbol (see Symbols Module)
plastic skylight
gypsum board
pneumatic electric

elevator car
sanitary napkin disposal
sanitary napkin vendor

rigid insulation

rigid insulation
backer rod

foil faced gypsum board

foil faced gypsum board
plastic laminate



porous fill
gray sheet glass

ground fault circuit interrupter

gypsum lath or metal lath

gypsum board

gypsum board
tempered glass
water heater
service sink
joint backer
joint backer

metal clad door

gypsum lath or metal lath
plastic glazing
acrylic sheet

abrasive nosing

reflective glass

metal fabrications
abrasive nosing
steel joists
counter shutter or sliding window


sealant pocket

acrylic sheet
cast in place

utility pole

factory fit
factory fit

factory fit
shop coat
shop coat

alter or finish
gypsum lath or metal lath

weathering steel
abrasive nosing

porous fill

roof hatch



service sink
cement plaster
insulating glass
water closet
condenser water
condenser water

insulating glass
vapor retarder
resilient tile

vapor retarder

gypsum board
Intertek Testing Services

cooling tower
wired glass
Abbreviation Term
1PH single-phase
1P single pole
1WAY one-way
2/C two-conductor
2WAY two-way
3/C three-conductor
3PH three-phase
3PLY three-ply
3WAY three-way
4/C four-conductor
4OUT quadruple receptacle outlet
4PDT four-pole double throw
4PST four-pole single throw
4W four-wire
4WAY four-way
A LABEL Class A door
A/C air condition
A/C UNIT air conditioning unit
A/E architect/engineer
AACE American Association of Cost Engineers
AAD automatic air damper
AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association
AAP alarm annunciator panel
AAV automatic air vent
AB anchor bolt
ABAN abandon
ABBRV abbreviation
ABC aggregate base course
ABC Associated Builders and Contractors
ABNL abnormal
ABRSV abrasive
ABRSV RES abrasive resistant
ABS absolute
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
ABSORB absorption
AC alternating current
AC armored cable
AC asbestos cement
AC asphaltic concrete
ACC accessible
ACCU air cooled condensing unit
ACHKV automatic check valve
ACI American Concrete Institute
ACID RES acid resistant
ACID RES CI acid resistant cast iron
ACID RES P acid resistant pipe
ACID RES V acid resistant vent
ACID RES W acid resistant waste
ACOUS INSUL acoustical insulation
ACOUS PNL acoustical panel
ACP asphaltic concrete paving
ACP automatic control panel
ACR across
ACS automatic control system
ACS DR access door
ACS FLR access floor
ACS PNL access panel
ACSR aluminum cable steel reinforced
ACST acoustic
ACT acoustical ceiling tile
ACU assembled cooling unit
ACV automatic control valve
AD area drain
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADC automatic door closer
ADDL additional
ADDM addendum
ADH adhesive
ADJ adjacent
ADJ adjoining
ADJ adjustable
ADMIN administration
ADS automatic door seal
AF audio frequency
AFC above finished counter
AFC automatic frequency control
AFF above finished floor
AFG above finished grade
AFS above finished slab
AGA American Gas Association
AGC Associated General Contractors
AGGR aggregate
AH ampere hour
AHJ authority having jurisdiction
AHR anchor
AHU air handling unit
AI Asphalt Institute
AIA American Institute of Architects
AIC ampere interrupting capacity
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
ALLOW allowance
ALM alarm
ALNMT alignment
ALT alternate
ALT altitude
ALT NO alternate number
ALTRN alteration
ALUM aluminum
AM amplitude modulation
AMB ambient
AMP ampere
AMPL amplifier
AMT amount
ANG BM angle beam
ANN annunciator
ANOD anodize
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANT antenna
APA American Plywood Association
APC acoustical panel ceiling
APD air pressure drop
APP appearance
APP atactic propylene
APPD approved
APPROX approximate
APPX appendix
APR air pressure return line
APT apartment
APT Association for Preservation Technology
APU auxiliary power unit
AR as required
ARCH Architect
ARF architectural finish
ART article
AS air separator
AS ammeter switch
ASB asbestos
ASC above suspended ceiling
ASC amps short circuit
ASC asphalt surface course
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASD automatic sprinkler drain
ASEC American Standard Elevator Codes
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air
Conditioning Engineers
ASI Architect's Supplemental Instruction
ASKLR automatic sprinkler
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASPH asphalt
ASR automatic sprinkler riser
ASSN association
ASSY assembly
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ASU air supply unit
ASV angle stop valve
ASWG American steel wire gauge
ASYM asymmetrical
ATC acoustical tile ceiling
ATCH attachment
ATM atmosphere
ATM automatic teller machine
ATS automatic transfer switch
ATTN attention
AUTO automatic
AUTO XFMR auto transformer
AUX auxiliary
AV acid vent
AV air vent
AV audio visual
AVE avenue
AVG average
AW acid waste
AW actual weight
AW architectural woodwork
AWG American wire gauge
AWI Architectural Woodworking Institute
AWL acid waste line
AWN WDW awning window
AWP air water pump
AWPA American Wood Preservers' Association
AWS American Welding Society
AWT acoustical wall treatment
AWWA American Water Works Association
AX FL axial flow
AZ azimuth
B CL broom closet
B LABEL Class B door
B PL base plate
B&B balled and burlapped
B&B bell and bell
B&B grade B or better (lumber)
B&F bell and flange
B&S bell and spigot
B/B back to back
B/M board measure
BA bright annealed
BAF baffle
BAG baggage
BAL balance
BALC balcony
BAS building automation system
BAT batten
BAT battery
BAY WDW DH bay window double hung
BB baseboard
BB bulletin board
BB XFMR buck-boast transformer
BBR base board radiator
BC back of curb
BC between centers
BC bolt circle
BC bookcase
BC bottom chord
BC brick color
BC building code
BCV butterfly check valve
BD board
BD butterfly damper
BD FT board feet (foot)
BDD backdraft damper
BDNG bedding
BDRY boundary
BEV bevel
BF both faces
BFBP boiler feed booster pump
BFF below finish floor
BFP backflow preventer
BFV butterfly valve
BFW boiler feedwater
BFWP boiler feedwater pump
BHMA Builder's Hardware Manufacturer's Association
BHP brake horsepower
BI FLD DR bifolding doors
BIA Brick Institute of America
BIL basic insulation level
BITUM bituminous
BJT bed joint
BKBD backboard
BKG backing
BKGD background
BL base line
BL building line
BL MTH bell mouth
BLB T BM bulb tee beam
BLD build
BLDG building
BLKHD bulkhead
BLKT blanket
BLO blower
BLR boiler
BLR HP boiler horsepower
BLST ballast
BLT borrowed light
BLT built
BLT IN built-in
BLVD boulevard
BLW below
BLW CLG below ceiling
BLWDN blowdown
BM beam
BM benchmark
BM bending moment
BN bullnose
BNDG bonding
BO blowoff
Building Officials and Code Administrators Association
BOS bottom of steel
BOT bottom
BOT F bottom face
BP building paper
BPRF bulletproof (bullet-resistant)
BR bedroom
BRCG bracing
BRDG bridging
BRDG JST bridging joist
BRG bearing
BRG PL bearing plate
BRKR breaker
BRKT bracket
BRLP burlap
BRZ bronze
BS both sides
BSMT basement
BSP black steel pipe
BSTR booster
BT bathtub
BT WLD butt weld
BTR better
Btu British thermal unit
BtuH British thermal unit per hour
BTWN between
BU built-up
BU bushel
BUR built-up roofing
BV ball valve
BW both ways
BWG Birmingham wire gauge
BX interlocked amored cable
BYP by pass
C Celsius
C channel
C CONC cast concrete
C LABEL Class C door
C TO C center to center
C VALUE thermal conductance
C&BTR grade C and better
C&G curb and gutter
C&P carpet and pad
C/C cooling coil
CAB cabinet
CAC ceiling attenuation class
CAL calorie
CALC calculate
CAM camber
CAN canopy
CANTIL cantilever
CANV canvas
CAP capacitor
CAP capacity
CAT catalog
CATV community antenna television
CATW catwalk
CAV cavity
CB carriage bolt
CB catch basin
CB cement base
CB ceramic base
CB corner bead
CBB cementitious (backer) board
CC cubic centimeter
CCD contract change directive
CCF hundred cubic feet
CCR control contactor
CCTV closed circuit television
CCW counterclockwise
cd candela
CD construction documents
CD contract documents
CDW chilled drinking water
CDWR chilled drinking water return
CDWS chilled drinking water supply
CEM cement
CEM cemetery
CEM FIN cement finish
CEM PLAS cement plaster
CEM PLAS CLG cement plaster ceiling
CER ceramic
CERT certify
CF cement floor
CF contractor furnished
CF/CI contractor furnished/contractor installed
CF/OI contractor furnished/owner installed
CFC chlorofluorocarbons
CFE contractor furnished equipment
CFLG counterflashing
CFM cubic feet per minute
CFMF cold-formed metal framing
CFS cubic feet per second
CG center of gravity
CG common ground
CG corner guard
CGSFU ceramic glazed structural facing units
CH chiller
CH coat hook
CH BD chalkboard
CHEM chemical
CHFR chamfer
CHG charge
CHK check
CHKV check valve
CHMBR chamber
CHR PL chrome plated
CHW chilled water
CHW circulating hot water
CHWP chilled water pump
CHWPP chilled water primary pump
CHWR chilled water return
CHWRP chilled water recirculating pump
CHWS chilled water supply
CHWSP chilled water secondary pump
CI cast iron
CI curb inlet
CIP cast-in-place
CIP cast iron pipe
CIR circle
CIRC circular
CISP cast iron soil pipe
CJ construction joint
CJ control joint
CK TP cook top
CKT circuit
CKT BRKR circuit breaker
CL center line
CL class
CL close
CL D clothes dryer
CLASS classification
CLDG cladding
CLF current limiting fuse
CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute
CLG ceiling
CLG DCT OUT ceiling duct outlet
CLG DIFF ceiling diffuser
CLG GRL ceiling grille
CLG HT ceiling height
CLG REG ceiling register
CLKJ calked joint
CLL column line
CLL contract limit line
CLO closet
CLOS closure
CLR clear
CLR color
CLR cooler
CLRM classroom
CLT cleat
CLWG clear wired glass
cm centimeter
cm2 square centimeter; centimeter squared
cm3 cubic centimeter
CM construction management
cm/s centimeter per second
CMP corrugated metal pipe
CMPST composite
CMPTR computer
CMR common mode rejection
CMU concrete masonry unit
CNCL concealed
CND conduit
CNDS condensate
CNR corner
CNTOR contactor
CNTR counter
CNVR conveyor
CO carbon monoxide
CO cased opening
CO Certificate of Occupancy
CO cleanout
CO company
CO cutout
CO2 carbon dioxide
COAX coaxial cable
COEFF coefficient
COL column
COM common
COMB combination, combined
COMM communication
COMP component
COMPL complete
COMPR compressor
COMPT compartment
CONC concentric
CONC concrete
CONC FLR concrete floor
CONC OPNG concrete opening
COND condenser
COND condition
CONDN condensation
CONF conference
CONN connect
CONSTR construction
CONSULT consultant
CONT continue
CONT controller
CONTR contract
CONTR contractor
CONV convert
COORD coordinate
COP coefficient of performance (heating)
COP coping
COR change order request
CORN cornice
CORR correct
CORR corridor
CORRES correspond
COTG cleanout to grade
COV cover
COV cut off valve
COV PL cover plate
CP candlepower
CP concrete pipe
CP control panel
CPLG coupling
CPM critical path method
CPRS compressible
CPT carpet
CPT control power transformer
CPVC chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
CR closet rod
CR control relay
CR control room
CRCMF circumference
CRI color rendering index
CRN crown
CRP condensate return pump
CRS cold rolled steel
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
CRT YD courtyard
CS cast stone
CS commercial standard
CS control switch
CSB concrete splash block
CSG casing
CSI Construction Specifications Institute
CSK counter sunk
CSMT casement
CSP concrete sewer pipe
CSTL cast steel
CSWK casework
CT ceramic tile
CT count
CT current transformer
CT STN cut stone
CTB ceramic tile base
CTD coated
CTF ceramic tile floor
CTG coating
CTI Ceramic Tile Institute of America
CTR center
CTR contour
CTR cooling tower return
CTRL control
CTS cooling tower supply
CTV cable television
CU coefficient of utilization
CU copper
CU cubic
CU FT cubic feet
CU IN cubic inch
CU YD cubic yard
CUB cubicle
CUH cabinet unit heater
CUR current
CURT curtain
CUST custodian
CV control valve
CW casement window
CW chemical waste line
CW clockwise
CW cold water piping
CW cool white
CWP circulating water pump
CWP condenser water pump
CWR condenser water return
CWS condenser water supply
CWT hundred weight
CWX cool white deluxe
CYL cylinder
CYL L cylinder lock
CYP cypress
D deep
D depth
D penny (nail)
D CHEM dry chemical
D LABEL Class D door
D&S display and storage
D1S dressed one side
D2S dressed two sides
D4S dressed four sides
DA disabled
DA drainage area
DAP duct access panel
DAT datum
dB decibel
DB database
DB dry bulb
D-B design-build
dBA unit of sound level
DBL double
DBL ACT DR double acting door
DBL GLZ double glaze
DBT dry bulb temperature
DC direct current
DCI duct covering insulation
DCP dimmer control panel
DCT SUP duct supply
DCT/RS duct rising, duct riser
DCT/RT duct return
DDC direct digital control
DEF definition
DEG degree
DEG C degrees Celsius
DEG F degrees Fahrenheit
DEL delete
DEL deliver
DEMO demolition
DEMO demonstration
DENS density
DEPT department
DES designation
DESCR describe
DESCR description
DET detail
DETN detention
DEV development
DF damage free
DF diesel fuel
DF drinking fountain
DF WL MTD drinking fountain, wall mounted
DFLCT deflection
DFR defrost
DFT dry film thickness
DFTG drafting
dg decigram
DGR degrease
DGTL digital
DH double hung (door, window)
DHI Door Hardware Institute
DHW domestic hot water
DHW double hung windows
DI drop inlet
DIA diameter
DIAG diagonal
DIAG diagram
DIFF difference
DIFF differential
DIFF diffuser
DIM dimension
DIP ductile iron pipe
DIR direction
DISC disconnect
DISCH discharge
DISP dispenser
DIST distance
DIST district
DISTR PNL distribution panel
DIV divide
DIV division
DIW deionized water
DJ double joist
dL deciliter
DL dead load
DLI duct liner insulation
dm decimeter
DMPF dampproofing
DMPR damper
DMR dimmer
DMR SW dimmer switch
DOC document
DOM domestic
DOUG FIR Douglas fir
DOZ dozen
DP dew point
DPC dampproof course
DPDT double pole, double throw
DPS differential pressure sensor
DPST double pole, single throw
DPT dew point temperature
DPT differential pressure transmitter
DPTN demountable partition
DR dining room
DR door
DR drain
DR dressing room
DR drive
DR AREA dressing area
DR CL door closer
DR FR door frame
DR OPNG door opening
DRH door holder
DRLV door louver
DRST door stop
DRSW door switch
DS disconnect switch
DS double strength (glass)
DS downspout
DSBL disable
DSGN design
DSP dry standpipe
DSPL disposal
DT drain tile
DT DR dutch door
DTCH detach
DUPL duplicate
DVTL dovetail
DW dishwasher
DW distilled water
DW domestic water
DWG drawing
DWH domestic water heater
DWR domestic water return
DWR drawer
DWS domestic water supply
DWTR dumbwaiter
DWV drain, waste, and vent
DX duplex
DX OUT duplex outlet
E east
E modulus of elasticity
E LABEL Class E door
EA each
EAR exhaust air register
EAT entering air temperature
EC edge of curb
ECC eccentric
ECC RDCR eccentric reducer
ECON economizer
ECU evaporative cooling unit
EDBT entering dry bulb temperature
EDP electronic data processing
EE each end
EER energy efficiency ratio
EF each face
EF exterior finish
EFF effective
EFF efficiency
EFS exterior finish system
EFT effect
EG edge grain
EGB exterior gypsum board
EGRD eye guard
EGSB exterior gypsum sheathing board
EH electric heater
EHD electric hand dryer
EHP effective horsepower
EHP electric heating panel
EIFS exterior insulation and finish system
EJ expansion joint
EJCDC Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee
EL each layer
EL easement line
EL elevation
ELAST elastomeric
ELEC electric
ELEC DR OP electric door opener
ELEM element
ELEM elementary
ELEV elevator
EM electromagnetic
EM expanded metal
EMCP emergency monitoring control panel
EMER emergency
EMER SHR emergency shower
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMS energy management system
EMT electrical metallic tubing
ENAM enamel
ENCL enclosure
ENG engine
ENGR engineer
ENGY energy
ENT electrical nonmetallic tubing
ENTR entrance
ENVIR environment
EO electrical outlet
EOS edge of slab
EOV electrically operated valve
EP edge of pavement (paving)
EP electrical panel (panelboard)
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPB electric panel board
EPDM ethylene propylene diene monomer
EPO emergency power off
EPRF explosion proof
EPS expanded polystyrene board (insulation)
EPT external pipe thread
EQ equal
EQL SP equally spaced
EQUIP equipment
EQUIV equivalent
ERD existing roof drain
ERW electrical resistance welding
ES edge of shoulder
ES electrostatic
ESC escape
ESC escutcheon
ESCAL escalator
ESMT easement
ESP especially
ESP external static pressure
EST estimate
ESTB establish
ET effective temperature
ETC and so forth
ETC et cetera
EVAC evacuate
EVAP evaporate
EW each way
EWA Engineered Wood Association
EWBT entering wet bulb temperature
EWC electric water cooler
EWH electric water heater
EWS eye wash station
EWT entering water temperature
EX example
EXC excavate
EXCH exchanger
EXCL exclude
EXEC execute
EXH exhaust
EXH exhibit
EXH A exhaust air
EXH DT exhaust duct
EXH FN exhaust fan
EXH GR exhaust air grille
EXH HD exhaust hood
EXHV exhaust vent
EXIST existing
EXP expand
EXP expansion
EXP exposed
EXP BT expansion bolt
EXST GR existing grade
EXT exterior
EXT external
EXT extinguisher
EXT GR exterior grade
EXT LT exit light
EXTN extension
EXTRU extrusion
F Fahrenheit
F female
F fire line
F BRK fire brick
F METER flowmeter
F/F face to face
F1S finished one side
F2S finish two sides
F4S finish four sides
FA face area
FA final assembly
FA fire alarm
FA fresh air
FAAP fire alarm annunciator panel
FAB fabric
FABL fire alarm bell
FABX fire alarm box
FAC factor
FACIL facility
FACP fire alarm control panel
FAI fresh air inlet (intake)
FAR floor area ratio
FAS fascia
FAS fire alarm station
FAS BD fascia board
FAX facsimile
FB fire blanket
FB flat bar
FBM foot board measure
FC file cabinet
FC footcandle
FC BRK face brick
FCO floor cleanout
FCTY factory
FCU fan coil unit
FD floor drain
FDBK feedback
FDC fire department connection
FDCC fire department connection cabinet
FDMPR fire damper
FDO feedout
FDR feeder
FDR fire door
FDTN foundation
FDV fire department valve
FDW feedwater
FE fire extinguisher
FEA Federal Energy Administration
FEC fire extinguisher cabinet
FED federal
FF far face
FF finish face
FF BATT foil backed batt insulation
FF EL finish floor elevation
FF INSUL foil backed insulation
FF&E furniture, fixture, and equipment
FFA from floor above
FFB from floor below
FGL fiberglass
FH fire hose
FH fire hydrant
FH flat head
FH flat head screws
FHA Federal Housing Administration
FHC fire hose cabinet
FHMS flat head machine screw
FHP full height partition
FHR fire hose rack
FHWA Federal Highway Adminstration
FHWS flat head wood screw
FIG figure
FIL fillet
FIN finish
FIN BS finish both sides
FIN FLR finish floor
FIN GR finish grade
FIN WD finish wood
FIXT fixture
FL floorline
FL foot-lambert
FL FIN CONC float finish concrete
FL OUT floor outlet
FL OZ fluid ounce
FL SW flow switch
FLA full load amps
FLASH flashing
FLDG folding
FLEX flexible
FLG flange
FLG flooring
FLL flow line
FLMB flammable
FLMT flush mount
FLOUTS single receptacle floor outlet
FLR filler
FLR floor
FLR FIN floor finish
FLR PL floor plate
FLR REG floor register
FLR SK floor sink
FLRD flared
FLT floodlight
FLT GL float glass
FLTR filter
FLUOR fluorescent
FLUOR FIX fluorescent fixture
FLUT fluting
FLUT CMU fluted concrete masonry unit
FM factory mutual
FMBD form board
FN fence
FNGR JT finger joint
FO field order
FO finished opening
FO fuel oil
FOC face of concrete
FOC face of curb
FOF face of finish
FOF fuel oil return line
FOM face of masonry
FOP fuel oil pump
FOR fuel oil return
FOS face of slab
FOS face of stud
FOS fuel oil supply
FOTK fuel oil storage tank
FOUNT fountain
FOUTT telephone floor outlet
FOV fuel oil vent
FOW face of wall
FP fire protection
FP fireproof
FP flagpole
FP freezing point
FPL fireplace
FPM feet per minute
FPS feet per second
FPT fan powered terminal
FPW fire protection water supply
FR fire rating
FR fire resistant
FR frame
FR GL fritted glass
FR MIR framed mirror
FR MIR/SHF framed mirror and shelf
FR SNK flushing rim sink
FRA fire rated assembly
FREQ frequency
FRG fiber reinforced gypsum
FRMG framing
FRP fiber reinforced polyester
FRP fiberglass reinforced plastic
FRST GL frosted glass
FRT freight
FRTW fire retardant treated wood
FRWY freeway
FRZ freezer
FS far side
FS Federal Specification
FS fire station
FS full scale
FS full size
FSC federal supply classification
FSH fire sprinkler head
FSN federal stock number
FSP fire standpipe
FSS flow sensing switch
FSTAT freezestat
FSTNR fastener
FT feet
FT fire treated
FT foot
FT fully tempered (glass)
FT/LB foot/pound
FT/LBF foot/pound force
FTD facial tissue dispenser
FTG footing
FTM federal test methods
FTR finned tube radiation
FU SW fused switch
FURG furring
FURN furnace
FURN furnish
FURN furniture
FUS LINK fusible link
FUT future
FV face velocity
FV flush valve
FV foot valve
FVNR full voltage non-reversing
FVR full voltage reversing
FW fire wall
FW flood wall
FWC fabric wallcovering
FWR filter water return
FWRK formwork
FWS filter water supply
G girder
G ground
G natural gas
G DISP garbage disposal
G LN gas line
GA gage
GA Gypsum Association
GAL gallon
GALV galvanic
GALV galvanized
GALV STL galvanized steel
GB gas bibb
GB grab bar
GC general contractor
GCO grade cleanout
GD guard
GDR guard rail
GEN general
GEN generator
GEN COND general conditions
GEN PURP general purpose
GFCI ground fault circuit interrupter
GFRC glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
GFRG glass-fiber-reinforced gypsum
GFRP glass-fiber-reinforced plaster
GFRP glass-fiber-reinforced plastic
GI galvanized iron
GIP galvanized iron pipe
GL glass
GL ground level
GL BLK glass block
GLU LAM glued laminated wood
GLV globe valve
GLZ glazing
GLZ CMU glazed concrete masonry unit
GM silty gravel
GMK grand master key
GMKD grand master keyed
GMP guaranteed maximum price
GOVT government
GP group
GPC gypsum plaster ceiling
GPD gallons per day
GPH gallons per hour
GPM gallons per minute
GPR gas pressure regulator
GPS gallons per second
GR gross
GR BM grade beam
GR FL ground floor
GR LN grade line
GR WT gross weight
GRAD gradient
GRAN granite
GRD OUT grounded outlet
GRDN garden
GRL grille
GROM grommet
GRTG grating
GRV gravity roof ventilator
GRV groove
GSB gypsum sheathing board
GSM galvanized sheet metal
GSU glazed structural unit
GT grease trap
GT gross ton
GT grout
GTV gate valve
GUAR guarantee
GUT gutter
GV gasoline vent
GV gravity vent
GVTR gas vent through roof
GWH gas fired water heater
GWT glazed wall tile
GYM gymnasium
GYP gypsum
GYP BD gypsum board
GYP PLAS gypsum plaster
H hatch (roof)
H high
H PLAM high pressure plastic laminate
H&CW hot and cold water
Ha abrasive hardness
ha hectare
HAGL heat absorbing glass
HAZ hazard
HAZ MAT hazardous materials
HB hose bibb
HC handicap
HC heating coil
HC heavy commercial
HC hollow core
HC hose cabinet
HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbons
HCMU hollow concrete masonry unit
HCONN hose connector
HCP handicapped
HCWD hollow core wood door
HD hand dryer
HD heavy duty
HD JT head joint
HDBD hardboard
HDNR hardener
HDO high density overlay
HDPE high density polyethylene
HDR header
HDW hardware
HDWD hardwood
HDWL headwall
HEM hemlock
HEPA high efficiency particulate air (filter)
HEX heat exchanger
HEX hexagon
HF high frequency
HG heat gain
Hg mercury
HGR hanger
HGV hose gate valve
HH hand hole
HID high intensity discharge
hL hectoliter
HLDN holddown
hm hectometer
HM hollow metal
HMD hollow metal door
HMD humidity
HMDF hollow metal door and frame
HMF hollow metal frame
HMMA Hollow Metal Manufacturers Association
HMR hammer
HNDRL handrail
HO hold open
HOA hand-off-automatic
HORIZ horizontal
HOSP hospital
HP heat pump
HP high pressure
HP horsepower
HPB high pressure boiler
HPDT high pressure drip trap
HPF high power factor
HPG high pressure gas
HPR high pressure return
HPS high pressure sodium
HPS high pressure steam
HPT high pressure trap
HQ headquarters
HS hand sink
HS heat-strengthened (glass)
HS high strength
HSE house
HSKPG housekeeping
HST hoist
HSTAT humidistat
HT height
HT TRD heat treated (glass)
HTHW high temperature hot water
HTWR heating water return
HTWS heating water supply
HV high voltage
HV hose valve
HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
HVD high velocity diffuser
HVT high velocity terminal
HVY heavy
HW hot water
HWB hot water boiler
HWC hot water coil
HWCP hot water circulating pump
HWL hot water line
HWP hot water pump
HWR hot water return
HWS hot water supply
HWT hot water tank
HWY highway
HYD hydrant
HYDR hydraulic
Hz hertz
I interstate (highway)
I moment of inertia
I/O input/output
IAQ indoor air quality
IB I beam
IBC International Building Code
IC interrupting capacity
IC ironing cabinet
ID identification
ID inside diameter
ID inside dimension
ID interior design
ID NO identification number
IESNA Illumination Engineering Society of North America
IF inside face
IF intake fan
IFS inside face of stud
IGN ignition
IIC impact isolation class
ILLUM illumination
ILLUS illustrate
IMC intermediate metal conduit
IMED immediate
IMH inlet manhole
IN WC inches, water column
INC increase
INCAND incandescent
INCIN incinerator
INCL included
INCR increment
IND independent
IND industrial
INF infinite
INFO information
IN-LB inch-pound
IN-LBF inch-pound force
INR impact noise rating
INS insurance
IN/S inches per second
INSTL install
INSTR instrument
INSUF insufficient
INSUL insulation
INSUL PNL insulated metal panel
INT interior
INTERCOM intercommunication
INTL international
INV invert
INV EL invert elevation
IP iron pipe
IPM impulses per minute
IPS impulses per second
IPS international pipe standard
IPS iron pipe size
IPT iron pipe threaded
IR infrared
IR inside radius
IRMA inverted roof membrane assembly
IRREG irregular
IS insect screen
IS island
ISO International Standards Organization
ISO isometric
IT isolation transformer
ITS Intertek Testing Services
IW irrigation water
IWH instantaneous water heater
JAL jalousie
JAN janitor
JAN CLO janitor closet
J-BOX junction box
JR junior
JS janitor's sink
k kilo
K kelvin
K thousand
K VALUE thermal conductivity
KA cylinder locks keyed alike
KB knee brace
KC kitchen cabinet
kCAL kilocalorie
KD kiln dried
KD knocked down
kg kilogram
kHz kilohertz
KIP thousand pounds
KIP FT thousand foot/pounds
KIT kitchen
kL kiloliter
KLF kips per lineal foot
km kilometer
km2 square kilometer
km/h kilometer per hour
km/s kilometer per second
KO knockout
KOP knock out panel
kPa kilopascal
KPL kickplate
KSF kips per square foot
KSI kips per square inch
kV kilovolt
kVA kilovolt ampere
kVAh kilovolt ampere per hour
kVAR kilovolt ampere reactive
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt hour
kWhm kilowatt hour meter
KWY keyway
L angle
L liter
L CL linen closet
L COL lally column
L&L latch and lock
L&P lath and plaster
L/s liter per second
LA leaving air
LA lightning arrester
LAB laboratory
LAD ladder
LAG lagging
LAM laminate
LAM GL laminated glass
LANH launch
LAQ lacquer
LAT latitude
LAT lattice
LAT leaving air temperature
LATL lateral
LAU laundry
LAV lavatory
LBF pound-force
LBF/FT pound-force per foot
LBF/SF pound-force per square foot
LBF/CF pound-force per cubic foot
LBF/HP pound-force per horsepower
LBF/H pound-force per hour
LBF/IN pound-force per inch
LBF/SI pound-force per square inch
LBF/MIN pound-force per minute
LBR lumber
LBS pound
LC laundry chute
LCD linear ceiling diffuser
LCM loose cubic meter
LCMU lightweight concrete masonry unit
LCY loose cubic yard
LD linear diffuser
LD BRG load-bearing
LDBT leaving dry bulb temperature
LDD lumen dirt depreciation
LDG landing
LDMK landmark
LDPE low density polyethylene
LDR leader
LED light emitting diode
LF linear feet (foot)
LF INS loose fill insulation
LG line ground
LG liquid gas
LH latent heat
LH left hand
LHG latent heat gain
LHR latent heat ratio
LHR left hand reverse
LHS left hand side
LIB library
LIM SW limit switch
LIN linear
LINO linoleum
LIQ liquid
LIQ liquor
LKNT locknut
LKR locker
LKR RM locker room
LKWASH lockwasher
LL lead lined
LL live load
LL low level
LL lower left
LL GB lead lined gypsum board
LLD lamp lumen depreciation
LLH long leg horizontal
LLV long leg vertical
LM lumen
LMST limestone
LN lane
LNDSCP landscape
LNG liquid natural gas
LNG longitude
LO lock on
LO lubricating oil
LOC location
LOG logarithm
LONG longitudinal
LOP lubricating oil pump
LOS line of sight
LOV lubricating oil vent
LOX liquid oxygen
LP light pole
LP lightproof
LP liquid petroleum
LP low pressure (mechanical)
LPAS low pressure alarm switch
LPB low pressure boiler
LPCR low pressure condensate return
LPDT low pressure drip trap set
LPF low power factor
LPG liquid petroleum gas
LPG low pressure gas
LPL lightproof louver
LPR low pressure return
LPS low pressure sodium
LPS low pressure steam
LPT low point
LPV lightproof vent
LPW lumens per watt
LR living room
LRA locked rotor amps
LRG large
LRV louvered roof vent
LS large scale
LS lawn sprinkling
LS lump sum
LT light
LT FLUOR fluorescent lighting
LT GA light gage
LT SW light switch
LT WT lightweight
LTD limited
LTG lighting
LTG PNL lighting panel
LTHW low temperature hot water
LTNG lightning
LUB lubricate
LV low voltage
LVD louvered
LVDR louver door
LVR louver
LW low water
LW PLAS lightweight plaster
LWBT leaving wet bulb temperature
LWC lightweight concrete
LWCO low water cut off
LWIC lightweight insulating concrete
LWM low water mark
LWT leaving water temperature
LYR layer
LYT layout
m meter
m2 square meter
m3 cubic meter
m3/s cubic meter per second
m/s meter per second
M moment
mA milliampere
MA mixed air
MACH machine
MACH RM machine room
MAG magnet
MAHOG mahogany
MAINT maintenance
MAN manual
MAT mixed air temperature
MATL material
MATV master antenna television system
MAU make up air unit
MAV manual air vent
MAX maximum
MB machine bolt
MB mail box
MB mixing box
MBF thousand board feet
MBH mop/broom holder
MBM thousand feet board measure
MBR master bedroom
MBR member
MBtu thousand British thermal unit
MBtuH thousand Btu per hour
MC manhole cover
MC mechanical contractor
MC medicine cabinet
MC metal-clad
MC moisture content
MC moment connection
MCA minimum circuit amps
MCB main circuit breaker
MCB metal corner bead
MCC motor control center
MCF thousand cubic feet
MCH mail chute
MD manual damper
MD metal deck
MDC motor direct connect
MDO medium density overlay
ME mechanical engineer
MEAS measure
MECH mechanical
MECH RM mechanical room
MED medical
MED medium
MEK methyl ethyl ketone
MEL melamine
MEMB membrane
MEMO memorandum
MER meridian
MEZZ mezzanine
MF mastic floor
MF mill finish
MFD manufactured
MFG manufacturing
MFMA Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association
MFMA Metal Framing Manufacturers Association
MFR manufacturer
MFR mass flow rate
MFR REC manufacturer's recommendation
MG motor generator
MGD million gallons per day
MGPH one thousand gallons per hour
MGT management
MH manhole
MHD masthead
MHz megahertz
MIA Marble Institute of America
MIC microphone
MID middle
MIL STD military standard
MIN minimum
MIN minute
MIRR mirror
MISC miscellaneous
MIT miter
MKD masterkeyed
MKR marker
ML materials list
ML metal lath
ML monolithic
ML&P metal lath and plaster
MLDG molding (moulding)
MLWK millwork
mm millimeter
mm2 square millimeter
mm3 cubic millimeter
MN magnetic north
MO masonry opening
MO motor operated
MOCP maximum overcurrent protection
MOD model
MOD modify
MOD module
MOD motor operated damper
MOD BIT modified bitumen
MODEM modulator-demodulator
MON monitor
MON monument
MOPR mop rack
MOS metal oxide semiconductor
MOT motor
MOV motor operated valve
MP medium pressure
MPG medium pressure gas
MPG miles per gallon
MPH miles per hour
MPR medium pressure return
MPS medium pressure steam
MPT male pipe thread
MR moisture resistant
MRB marble base
MRF marble floor
MRT marble threshold
MS machine screw
MS mop sink
MS motor starter
ms millisecond
MSB mop service basin
MSF one thousand square feet
MSL mean sea level
MSTRE moisture
MSW master switch
MT metal threshold
MT mount
MTD mean temperature difference
MTD mounted
MTG meeting
MTG mounting
MTHW medium temperature hot water
MTL metal
MTLB metal base
MTLD metal door
MTLF metal flashing
MTLP metal partition
MTLR metal roof
MTS manual transfer switch
MTX matrix
MULL mullion
MULT multiple
MUNIC municipal
mV millivolt
MVA megavolt-ampere
MVBL movable
MVD manual volume damper
mW milliwatt
MW megawatt
MW microwave
MWh megawatt hour
MWP membrane waterproofing
MZ multizone
N newton
N north
NA not applicable
NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
NAR narrow
NAT natural
NATL national
NBC National Building Code
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NC noise criteria
NC normally closed
NCA nickel copper alloy
NCOMBL noncombustible
NE not exceeding
NEC National Electrical Code
NEG negative
NEGTD negotiated
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEUT neutral
NF near face
NFC National Fire Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NFRC National Fenestration Rating Council
NFSD nonfused
NI SIL nickel silver
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
NIC noise isolation class
NIC not in contract
NICOP nickel copper
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NKL nickel
NL night light
NLB nonloadbearing
NM non-metallic
NMAG nonmagnetic
NO normally open
NO number
NOC notice of clarification
NOM nominal
NON STD nonstandard
NONFLMB nonflammable
NORM normal
NP no paint
NPCA National Paint and Coatings Association
NPL nameplate
NPL nickel plated
NR noise reduction
NRC noise reduction coefficient
NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association
NRCP non-reinforced concrete pipe
NRP nonremovable
NS narrow stile
NS near side
NS no scale
NT WT net weight
NTP notice to proceed
NTS not to scale
NUM numeral
O/ over
O/O out to out
O oxygen
OA outside air
OA overall
OAD outside air damper
OAG outside air grille
OAI outside air intake
OBW observation window
OC on center
OCB oil circuit breaker
OCC occupy
OCR oil circuit recloser
OCT octagon
OD outside diameter
OD outside dimension
OF outside face
OF/CI owner furnished/contractor installed
OFD overflow drain
OFF office
OF/OI owner furnished/owner installed
OFS outside face of studs
OGA oil gage
OGL obscure glass
OH overhang
OH DR overhead (coiling) door
OL overload
OLVL oil level
OP oil proof
OPH opposite hand
OPNG opening
OPP opposite
OPQ opaque
OPR operable
OPRS oil pressure
OPT optimum
OPT optional
OR operating room
OR outside radius
ORD ordnance
ORD overflow roof drain
ORG organic
ORIG original
ORN ornamental
OS oil switch
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration
OSL oil seal
OSP operating steam pressure
OTG oil temperature gauge
OUT outlet
OVC overcurrent
OVFL overflow
OVRD override
OWGL obscure wired glass
OZ ounce
P pole
P pump
Pa pascal
PA pipe anchor
PA power amplifier
PA public address
PANB panic bolt
PAR parallel
PAR parapet
PARA paragraph
PAREN parenthesis
PARG parging
PART partial
PASS passenger
PAT pattern
PB painted base
PB panelboard
PB panic bar
PB pull box
PB pushbutton
PBD particleboard
PC piece
PC point of curve
PC polycarbonate
PC portland cement
PCA Portland Cement Association
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
PCC precast concrete
PCC precool coil
PCCP concrete pavement
PCD paper cup dispenser
PCF pounds per cubic foot
PCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
PCP portland cement plaster
PCT percent
PD pressure drop or difference
PDCA Painting and Decorating Contractors of America
PDISCH pump discharge
PE photoelectric
PE pneumatic electric
PEC photoelectric cell
PED pedestal
PEJ premolded expansion joint
PEN penetrate
PEND pendant
PER period
PERF perforated
PERF perform
PERIM perimeter
PERM permanent
PERP perpendicular
PETRO petroleum
PF power factor
PG pressure gage
PG profile grade
PGBD pegboard
pH acid/alkaline scale
PH penthouse
PH phase
PHAR pharmacy
PHC preheat coil
PHOTO photograph
PHS phillips head screw
PHWR primary hot water return
PHWS primary hot water supply
PI point of intersection
PIB polyisobutylene (plastic)
PIL pilaster
PIV pivoted
PIV post indicator valve
PK GAR parking garage
PK LOT parking lot
PKG package
PKWY parkway
PL property line
PL GL plate glass
PLAM plastic laminate
PLAS plaster
PLAS plastic
PLAT platform
PLB plumb
PLBG plumbing
PLC place
PLF pounds per linear foot
PLG piling
PLST WL plaster wall
PLYWD plywood
PM phase meter
PMBC plant mix bituminous concrete
PMTL painted metal
PMF probable maximum flood
PMP probable maximum precipitation
PMPSCT pump suction
PN part number
PNEU pneumatic
PNL panel
PO post office
PO purchase order
POL polished
POLY polyethylene (plastic)
PORC porcelain
PORT portable
POS positive
POS position
POTW potable water
POW LN power line
PP panel point
PP polypropylene (plastic)
PP push/pull
PP PL push/pull plate
PPGL polished plate glass
PPM parts per milllion
PR pair
PR pipe rail
PR pumped return
PRCST precast
PRD push rod
PRE power roof exhaust
PREF preference
PREFAB prefabricate
PREFIN prefinish
PREFMD preformed
PRELIM preliminary
PREP preparation
PRESS pressure
PRESS SW pressure switch
PREV previous
PRI primary
PRIN principal
PRKG parking
PRMLD premolded
PROD production
PROJ project
PROP property
PROV provisional
PRS pressure reducing station
PRV power roof ventilator
PRV pressure reducing valve
PRV pressure regulator valve
PRV pressure relief valve
PS polystyrene (plastic)
PS pull station
PS CONC prestressed concrete
PSF pounds per square foot
PSFA PSF absolute
PSH purse shelf
PSI pounds per square inch
PSIA pounds per square inch absolute
PSIG pounds per square inch, gage
PSL pipe sleeve
PT paint
PT pipe thread
PT pneumatic tube
PT post tensioned
PT pressure treated
PT CONC post-tensioned concrete
PTAC packaged terminal air conditioner
PTD paper towel dispenser
PTD printed
PTDR paper towel dispenser and receptacle
PTN partition
PTR paper towel receptacle
PTRV pressure temperature relief valve
PUR purlins
PV paved
PV RD paved road
PVA polyvinyl acetate
PVC polyvinyl chloride (plastic)
PVF polyvinyl fluoride (plastic)
PVG paving
PW pass window
PWR power
Q heat transfer
Q rate of flow
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
QCR quality control review
QM quality management
QRY quarry
QT quarry tile
QTB quarry tile base
QTF quarry tile floor
QTR quarter
QTY quantity
QUAD quadrangle
QUAD quadrant
QUAL quality
QUOT quotation
R radius
R range
R riser
R thermal resistance
R&D research and development
RA return air
RA FAN return air fan
RA GR return air grille
RAB rabbeted
RAC room air conditioner
RAD radian
RAD radiator
RAD return air duct
RAD HAZ radiation hazard
RADN radiation
RAT return air temperature
RB resilient base
RB rubber base
RB HK robe hook
RBM reinforced brick masonry
RBR rubber
RC reinforced concrete
RC remote control
RCB reinforced concrete box
RCCP reinforced concrete culvert pipe
RCP reflected ceiling plan
RCP reinforced concrete pipe
RCPTN reception
RCVR receiver
RD refrigerant discharge
RD road
RD roof drain
RDC reducer
RDG INS rigid insulation, solid
REBAR reinforcing steel bars
REC recessed
REC ROOM recreation room
RECD received
RECIP reciprocal
RECIRC recirculate
RECPT receptacle
RECT rectangle
REF reference
REF refrigerator
REFL reflect
REFR refractory
REFR refrigeration
REG register
REG regulation
REINF reinforce
REM removable
REP repair
REPL replace
REPRO reproduce
REQ require
REQD required
RESIL resilient
REST restroom
RET return
REV revision
REV revolutions
RF radio frequency
RF resilient flooring
RFG roofing
RFGT refrigerant
RFI request for information
RFP request for proposal
RH relative humidity
RH right hand
RH roof hatch
RHC reheat coil
RHEO rheostat
RHG refrigerant hot gas
RHMS round head machine screw
RHR right hand reverse
RHV reheat valve
RHWS round head wood screw
RKVA reactive kilovolt amperes
RL roof leader
RLG railing
RLL refrigerant liquid line
RM room
RMS room monitor system
RMS root mean square
RND round
RO rough opening
ROW right of way
RPM revolutions per minute
RPS revolutions per second
RR railroad
RR roll roofing
RS rapid start
RS rough sawn
RSD rolling steel door
RSL refrigerant suction line
RST reinforcing steel
RT right
RTF rubber tile floor
RTG rating
RTU roof top unit
RV relief valve
RV roof vent
RV roof ventilator
RVL reveal
RVS reverse
RW roadway
RWD redwood
RWL rain water leader
RWR recessed waste receptacle
RWY runway
S south
S BM beam, standard
S/S start/stop
S1S surfaced one side
S2S surfaced two sides
S4S surfaced four sides
SA single acting (door)
SA supply air
SAG supply air grille
SALV salvage
SAMP sample
SAN sanitary
SAPC suspended acoustical plaster ceiling
SARA Society of American Registered Architects
SAT saturate
SAT suspended acoustical tile
SATC suspended acoustical tile ceiling
SB splash block
SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International
SBS styrene butadien styrene
SBSTR substrate
SC shading coefficient
SC solid core
SCC short circuit capacity
SCD seat cover dispenser
SCFM standard cubic feet per minute
SCFS standard cubic feet per second
SCH school
SCHED schedule
SCHEM schematic
SCMU solid concrete masonry unit
SCP scupper
SCR semiconductor controlled rectifier
SCR shower curtain rod
SCRN screen
SCT structural clay tile
SCWD solid core wood door
SD shop drawings
SD smoke detector
SD soap dispenser
SD storm drain
SD supply duct
SDBL sandblast
SDG siding
SDI Steel Deck Institute
SDI Steel Door Institute
SDL saddle
SDMH storm drain manhole
SDMPR smoke damper
SE structural engineer
SECT section
SEG segment
SEL select
SEP separate
SEP TNK septic tank
SF safety factor
SF square foot (feet)
SF supply fan
SFT HP shaft horsepower
SFTWD softwood
SG steam gage
SGD sliding glass door
SGL single
SGPH Gallons Per Hour, Standard
SH sensible heat
SH shingles
SH single hung (window)
SHFT shaft (elevator)
SHG sensible heat gain
SHLDR shoulder
SHR sensible heat ratio
SHR shower
SHR HD shower head
SHRD shower drain
SHT shaft
SHT sheet
SHT MTL FLASH sheet metal (flashing)
SHTHG sheathing
SHTR shutter
SHV shelving
SHWR secondary hot water return
SHWS secondary hot water supply
SI International System of Units
SIG signal
SIM similar
SJ scored joint
SJ slip joint
SJI Steel Joist Institute
SK sketch
SKLT skylight
SL sea level
SL spot light
SLD WDW horizontal sliding window
SLDG sliding
SLDR solder
SLNT sealant
SLV sleeve
SLVT solvent
SM sheet metal
SM silty sand
SM small
SM smooth
SMH steam manhole
SMK smoke
SMLS seamless
SMP sump pump
SND sanitary napkin dispenser
SND INS sound insulation
SNDU sanitary napkin disposal unit
SNSR sensor
SOLN solution
SOLV solenoid valve
SOUT single receptacle outlet
SOV schedule of values
SOV shut off valve
SP solid plastic
SP standpipe
SP sump pit
SP EL spot elevation
SP FIN special finish
SP GR specific gravity
SPC suspended plaster ceiling
SPCL special
SPDT single pole, double throw
SPEC specification
SPF spruce-pine-fir
SPH space heater
SPKLR sprinkler
SPKR speaker
SPL spline
SPLY supply
SPR sprinkler line
SPST single pole, single throw
SQ square
SQ BR square bar
SQ IN square inch
SQ YD square yard
SR steam return
SS sanitary sewer
SS service sink
SS standing seam (roof)
SS steam supply
SS storm sewer
SSD subsoil drain
SSP stainless steel pipe
SST stainless steel
ST single throw
ST stairs
ST street
ST GEN steam generator
ST GL stained glass
ST PR static pressure
ST W storm water
STA station
STAG staggered
STC sound transmission class
STD standard
STIF stiffener
STIR stirrup
STL JST steel joist
STL LNTL steel lintel
STL PL steel plate
STL RF DK steel roof deck
STL TB steel tube
STL TR steel truss
STM steam
STN strainer
STNLS stainless
STOR storage
STP standard temperature and pressure
STPG stepping
STR straight
STR strike
STR stringers
STRB strobe
STRB/HRN strobe/horn
STRM storeroom
STRUCT structural
STRUCT STL structural steel
STWP steam working pressure
SUB substitute
SUB FL subfloor
SUBPAR subparagraph
SUCT suction
SUF sufficient
SUH suspended unit heater
SUM summary
SUP supplementary
SUPN suppression
SUPPL supplement
SUPT support
SUPVR supervisor
SURF surface
SURR surround
SURV survey
SURV CAM surveillance camera
SURV EQUIP surveillance equipment
SURV MON surveillence monitor
SUSP suspend
SUSP CLG suspended ceiling
SUTK sump tank
SV safety valve
SV sheet vinyl
SVCE service
SW sidewalk
SW switch
SWBD switchboard
SWDR swing door
SWG sewage
SWGR switchgear
SWI Steel Window Institute
SWR sewer
SYM symbol
SYMM symmetrical
SYNTH synthetic
SYS system
T tread
T&B top and bottom
T&G tongue and groove
T&M time and materials
T&P VALVE temperature and pressure valve
T/S tub/shower
TAB tabulate
TAN tangent
TB through bolt
TB towel bar
TBM temporary benchmark
TB-xx test boring-xx (e.g., TB-01)
TC terra cotta
TCA Tile Council of America
TCP telephone control panel
TCP temperature control panel
TCP traffic control plan
TCV temperature control valve
TD temperature difference
TD towel dispenser
TD trench drain
TDH total dynamic head
TDR towel dispenser/receptacle
TE top elevation
TECH technical
TEJ transverse expansion joint
TEL telephone
TEL JK telephone jack
TEL OUT telephone outlet
TEMP temperature
TEMP temporary
TEMP HDBD tempered hardboard
TER telephone equipment room
TER terrazzo
TERM terminal
TFA to floor above
TFB to floor below
TFF top of finish floor
TG transfer grille
THD thread
THERM thermal
THK thickness
THRES threshold
THRU through
THRUOUT throughout
TK BD tackboard
TL twist lock
TMH top of manhole
TMPD tempered
TMPD GL tempered glass
TN true north
TNL tunnel
TNPK turnpike
TO top of ___
TO FDN top of foundation
TOB top of beam
TOC table of content
TOC top of concrete
TOC top of curb
TOC FTG top of concrete footing
TOC WALL top of concrete wall
TOF top of floor
TOF top of footing
TOF top of frame
TOJ top of joist
TOL tolerance
TOM top of masonry
TOP top of parapet
TOP top of pavement
TOPO topography
TOS top of slab
TOS top of steel
TOT top of truss
TOW top of wall
TP telephone pole
TP total pressure
TP twisted pair
TPD toilet paper dispenser
TPH toilet paper holder
TPS twisted pair shielded
TQM total quality management
TR top of rim
TR towel rack
TRANS transom
TRANS transparent
TRANS WD FIN transparent wood finish
TRNBKL turnbuckle
TRTD treated
TS tensile strength
TS tube steel
TSH towel shelf
TSTAT thermostat
TTB telephone terminal board
TUC terminal unit controller
TV television
TVOUT television outlet
TWR treated water return
TWS treated water supply
TYP typical
U heat transfer coefficient
UBC Uniform Building Code
UC undercut
UCD undercut door
UFC Uniform Fire Code
UFD underfloor duct
UGND underground
UH unit heater
UL Underwriters Laboratories
ULT ultimate
UMC Uniform Mechanical Code
UN unless noted
UNEX unexcavated
UNFIN unfinish
UNIF uniform
UNIV universal
UNO unless noted otherwise
UNPV RD unpaved road
UON unless otherwise noted
UP utility pole
UPC Uniform Plumbing Code
UPS uninterruptible power supply
UR urinal
UTIL utility
UTP untwisted pair
UV ultraviolet
UWT unit weight
V volt
VA volt ampere
VAC vacuum
VAC vacuum line
VAM volt-ammeter
VAN vanity
VAP PRF vapor proof
VAR variation
VAR varies
VAR volt ampere reactive
VAV variable air volume
VB vacuum breaker
VB valve box
VB vinyl base
VC vertical curve
VCO vacuum cleaner outlet
VCT vinyl composition tile
VCT vitrified clay tile
VD voltage drop
VD volume damper
VEH vehicle
VEL velocity
VENT ventilation
VENT ventilator
VERT vertical
VEST vestibule
VF variable frequency
VFAT vinyl faced acoustical tile
VFD variable frequency drive
VFR volumeric flow rate
VG vertical grain
VHF very high frequency
VHO very high output
VIB vibration
VIC vicinity
VID video
VIDAMP video amplifier
VIF verify in field
VIL village
VINT video integration
VIS visual
VISC viscosity
VIT vitreous
VJ V joint
VNR veneer
VOC volatile organic compound
VOL volume
VOLT voltage
VP vacuum pump
VP vanishing point
VP vapor pressure
VP velocity pressure
VP veneer plaster
VR vapor retarder
VR voltage regulator
VRFY verify
VRLY voltage relay
VRNDA veranda
VRP vacuum return pump
VS vent stack
VS voltmeter switch
VTR vent through roof
VUH vertical unit heater
VWC vinyl wall covering
VWF vinyl wall fabric
W waste
W watt
W west
W wide
W CAB wall cabinets
W/ with
W/O without
W/W wall to wall
WARR warranty
WAU wall ash urn
WB wet bulb
WB wood base
WBL wood blocking
WBS wrought brass
WBT wet bulb temperature
WC wall covering
WC water closet
WC water column
WC WL HNG water closet, wall hung
WCHR water chiller
WCL WL MTD water cooler, wall hung
WCLD water cooled
WCLR water cooler
WCO wall cleanout
WD wood
WD wood door
WD LOUV wood louvers
WDF wood door and frame
WDMA Window and Door Manufacturers Association
WDP wood panelling
WDSP waste disposer
WDW window
WEA weather
WF wash fountain
WF wide flange
WF BM beam, wide flange
WFAB wall fabric
WFR wood frame
WFS wood furring strips
WG water gage
WGL wired glass
WH wall hung
WH wall hydrant
WH water heater
WH weep hole
WHA water hammer arrestor
WHM watthour meter
WHSE warehouse
WI wrought iron
WJ water jacket
WL water line
WL wind load
WLD welded
WM water meter
WM wire mesh
WO where occurs
WO work order
WP water pump
WP waterproofing
WP weatherproof
WP working point
WPD water pressure drop
WPM waterproof membrane
WPR working pressure
WR water repellent
WR weather resistant
WR wire rope
WS weatherstrip
WSCT wainscot
WSL weather seal
WSP working steam pressure
WT water table
WT watertight
WT weight
WT EL water elevation
WTR water
WU window unit
WW warm white
WW waste water
WW wireway
WWF welded wire fabric
WWM welded wire mesh
WWX warm white deluxe
X BRACE cross brace
X SECT cross section
XBRA crossbracing
XFER transfer
XFMR transformer
XL extra large
XPS extruded polystyrene board (insulation)
XXH double extra heavy
YCO yard cleanout
YD yard
YD yard drain
YD yard drainage pipe
YH yard hydrant
YI yard inlet
YR year
Z modulus of section
Shared Abbreviation




Associated Builders and Contractors

aggregate base course

acrylonitrile butadiene styrene


armored cable; asbestos cement; asphaltic concrete

alternating current; asbestos cement; asphaltic concrete
alternating current; armored cable; asphaltic concrete
alternating current; armored cable; asbestos cement
automatic control panel
asphaltic concrete paving


adjoining; adjustable
adjacent; adjustable
adjacent; adjoining

automatic frequency control

above finished counter


atactic propylene

Association for Preservation Technology


ammeter switch
air separator

amps short circuit; asphalt surface course

above suspended ceiling; asphalt surface course
above suspended ceiling; amps short circuit
automatic teller machine

air vent; audio visual

acid vent; audio visual
acid vent; air vent

actual weight; architectural woodwork

acid waste; architectural woodwork
acid waste; actual weight


bell and bell; grade B or better (lumber)

balled and burlapped; grade B or better (lumber)
balled and burlapped; bell and bell


bulletin board

between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color; building code
back of curb; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color; building code
back of curb; between centers; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color; building code
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bottom chord; brick color; building code;
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; brick color; building code
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; building code
back of curb; between centers; bolt circle; bookcase; bottom chord; brick color

butterfly damper


building line
base line

borrowed light
benchmark; bending moment
beam; bending moment
beam; benchmark



catch basin; cement base; ceramic base; corner bead

carriage bolt; cement base; ceramic base; corner bead
carriage bolt; catch basin; ceramic base; corner bead
carriage bolt; catch basin; cement base; corner bead
carriage bolt; catch basin; cement base; ceramic base

construction documents; contract documents

candela; contract documents
candela; construction documents


contractor furnished
cement floor
common ground; corner guard
center of gravity; corner guard
center of gravity; common ground

coat hook

circulating hot water

chilled water

curb inlet
cast iron
cast iron pipe
cast in place

control joint
construction joint

class; close
center line; close
center line; class
contract limit line
column line

color; cooler
clear; cooler
clear; color

center matched

cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout; company; cutout

carbon monoxide; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout; company; cutout
carbon monoxide; cased opening; cleanout; company; cutout
carbon monoxide; cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; company; cutout
carbon monoxide; cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout; cutout
carbon monoxide; cased opening; Certificate of Occupancy; cleanout; company




coefficient of performance (heating)


cut off valve


concrete pipe; control panel

candlepower; control panel
candlepower; concrete pipe

control power transformer


control relay; control room

closet rod; control room
closet rod; control relay

commercial standard; control switch

cast stone; control switch
cast stone; commercial standard

count; current transformer
ceramic tile; current transformer
ceramic tile; count

contour; cooling tower return

center; cooling tower return
center; contour

copper; cubic
coefficient of utilization; cubic
coefficient of utilization; copper

chemical waste line; clockwise; cold water piping; cool white

casement window; clockwise; cold water piping; cool white
casement window; chemical waste line; cold water piping; cool white
casement window; chemical waste line; clockwise; cool white
casement window; chemical waste line; clockwise; cold water piping
condenser water pump
circulating water pump

depth; penny (nail)

deep; penny (nail)
deep; depth
drainage area

dry bulb



diesel fuel; drinking fountain

damage free; drinking fountain
damage free; diesel fuel
double hung windows
domestic hot water

differential; diffuser
difference; diffuser
difference; differential



differential pressure transmitter

dew point temperature

door; drain; dressing room; drive

dining room; drain; dressing room; drive
dining room; door; dressing room; drive
dining room; door; drain; drive
dining room; door; drain; dressing room

double strength (glass); downspout
disconnect switch; downspout
disconnect switch; double strength (glass)

distilled water; domestic water

dishwasher; domestic water
dishwasher; distilled water

domestic water return

modulus of elasticity

exterior finish
each face
electric heating panel
effective horsepower

easement line; elevation

each layer; elevation
each layer; easement line


expanded metal

electrical panel (panelboard)

edge of pavement (paving)

edge of shoulder

et cetera
and so forth


expansion; exposed
expand; exposed
expand; expansion

external; extinguisher
exterior; extinguisher
exterior; external
female; fire line
Fahrenheit; fire line
Fahrenheit; female

final assembly; fire alarm; fresh air

face area; fire alarm; fresh air
face area; final assembly; fresh air
face area; final assembly; fire alarm

fire alarm station


flat bar
fire blanket

file cabinet

fire door
finish face
far face

fire hydrant; flat head; flat head screws

fire hose; flat head; flat head screws
fire hose; fire hydrant; flat head screws
fire hose; fire hydrant; flat head




finished opening; fuel oil

field order; fuel oil
field order; finished opening
face of curb
face of concrete
fuel oil return line
face of finish

face of stud; fuel oil supply

face of slab; fuel oil supply
face of slab; face of stud

fireproof; flagpole; freezing point

fire protection; flagpole; freezing point
fire protection; fireproof; freezing point
fire protection; fireproof; flagpole

fire resistant; frame

fire rating; frame
fire rating; fire resistant

fiberglass reinforced plastic
fiber reinforced polyester

Federal Specification; fire station; full scale; full size

far side; fire station; full scale; full size
far side; Federal Specification; full scale; full size
far side; Federal Specification; fire station; full size
far side; Federal Specification; fire station; full scale

fire treated; foot; fully tempered (glass)
feet; foot; fully tempered (glass)
feet; fire treated; fully tempered (glass)
feet; fire treated; foot

furnish; furniture
furnace; furniture
furnace; furnish

flush valve; foot valve

face velocity; foot valve
face velocity; flush valve

flood wall
fire wall

ground; natural gas

girder; natural gas
girder; ground

Gypsum Association

grab bar
gas bibb


glass-fiber-reinforced plastic
glass-fiber-reinforced plaster

ground level
gravity roof ventilator

gross ton; grout

grease trap; grout
grease trap; gross ton

gravity vent
gasoline vent


hatch (roof)

heating coil; heavy commercial; hollow core; hose cabinet

handicap; heavy commercial; hollow core; hose cabinet
handicap; heating coil; hollow core; hose cabinet
handicap; heating coil; heavy commercial; hose cabinet
handicap; heating coil; heavy commercial; hollow core

heavy duty
hand dryer

heat exchanger

hollow metal door

high pressure; horsepower

heat pump; horsepower
heat pump; high pressure

high pressure steam

high pressure sodium

heat-strengthened (glass); high strength

hand sink; high strength
hand sink; heat-strengthened (glass)
hose valve
high voltage


moment of inertia
interstate (highway)

ironing cabinet
interrupting capacity
inside diameter; inside dimension; interior design
identification; inside dimension; interior design
identification; inside diameter; interior design
identification; inside diameter; inside dimension

intake fan
inside face


international pipe standard; iron pipe size

impulses per second; iron pipe size
impulses per second; international pipe standard

inside radius

insect screen
International Standards Organization

knocked down
kiln dried


lightning arrester
leaving air
lattice; leaving air temperature
lattitude; leaving air temperature
latitude; lattice

liquid gas
line ground
left hand
latent heat

left hand reverse

latent heat ratio


live load; low level; lower left

lead lined; low level; lower left
lead lined; live load; lower left
lead lined; live load; low level

liquid natural gas
lubricating oil
lock on

lightproof; liquid petroleum; low pressure (mechanical)

light pole; liquid petroleum; low pressure (mechanical)
light pole; lightproof; low pressure (mechanical)
light pole; lightproof; liquid petroleum

low pressure gas

liquid petroleum gas

low pressure steam

low pressure sodium

lawn sprinkling; lump sum

large scale; lump sum
large scale; lawn sprinkling

mail box; mixing box

machine bolt; mixing box
machine bolt; mail box

master bedroom

mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; metal-clad; moisture content; moment connection

manhole cover; medicine cabinet; metal-clad; moisture content; moment connection
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; metal-clad; moisture content; moment connection
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; moisture content; moment connection
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; metal-clad; moment connection
manhole cover; mechanical contractor; medicine cabinet; metal-clad; moisture content

metal corner bead

main circuit breaker

metal deck
manual damper


mill finish
mastic floor

Metal Framing Manufacturers Association

Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association
mass flow rate


metal lath; monolithic

materials list; monolithic
materials list; metal lath

motor operated
masonry opening

modify; module; motor operated damper

model; module; motor operated damper
model; modify; motor operated damper
model; modify; module


miles per gallon

medium pressure gas

mop sink; motor starter

machine screw; motor starter
machine screw; mop sink

metal threshold
mean temperature difference



normally closed
noise criteria


not in contract
noise isolation class

normally open

nickel plated

near side; no scale

narrow stile; no scale
narrow stile; near side
outside air

outside dimension
outside diameter

outside radius
operating room
overflow roof drain


power amplifier; public address

pipe anchor; public address
pipe anchor; power amplifier


panelboard; panic bar; pull box; pushbutton

painted base; panic bar; pull box; pushbutton
painted base; panelboard; pull box; pushbutton
painted base; panelboard; panic bar; pushbutton
painted base; panelboard; panic bar; pull box

point of curve; polycarbonate; portland cement

piece; polycarbonate; portland cement
piece; point of curve; portland cement
piece; point of curve; polycarbonate

precool coil
precast concrete

pneumatic electric

profile grade
pressure gage


post indicator valve



purchase order
post office

polypropylene (plastic); push/pull

panel point; push/pull
panel point; polypropylene (plastic)

pipe rail; pumped return

pair; pumped return
pair; pipe rail

pressure reducing valve; pressure regulator valve; pressure relief valve

power roof ventilator; pressure regulator valve; pressure relief valve
power roof ventilator; pressure reducing valve; pressure relief valve
power roof ventilator; pressure reducing valve; pressure regulator valve
pull station
polystyrene (plastic)
pipe thread: pneumatic tube; post tensioned; pressure treated
paint; pneumatic tube; post tensioned; pressure treated
paint; pipe thread; post tensioned; pressure treated
paint; pipe thread; pneumatic tube; pressure treated
paint; pipe thread; pneumatic tube; post tensioned

paper towel dispenser

rate of flow
heat transfer


range; riser; thermal resistance

radius; riser; thermal resistance
radius; range; thermal resistance
radius; range; riser
radiator; return air duct
radian; return air duct
radian; radiator

rubber base
resilient base

remote control
reinforced concrete

reinforced concrete pipe

reflected ceiling plan

road; roof drain

refrigerant discharge; roof drain
refrigerant discharge; road


resilient flooring
radio frequency

right hand; roof hatch

relative humidity; roof hatch
relative humidity; right hand

root mean square

room monitor system

roll roofing
rough sawn
rapid start

roof vent; roof ventilator

relief valve; roof ventilator
relief valve; roof vent
supply air
single acting (door)

suspended acoustical tile


solid core
shading coefficient

shower curtin rod

semiconductor controlled rectifier

smoke detector; soap dispenser; storm drain; supply duct

shop drawings; soap dispenser; storm drain; supply duct
shop drawings; smoke detector; storm drain; supply duct
shop drawings; smoke detector; soap dispenser; supply duct
shop drawings; smoke detector; soap dispenser; storm drain

Steel Door Institute

Steel Deck Institute
square foot (feet); supply fan
safety factor; supply fan
safety factor; square foot (feet)

shingles; single hung (window)

sensible heat; single hung (window)
sensible heat; shingles

sensible heat ratio


slip joint
scored joint

spot light
sea level

silty sand; small; smooth

sheet metal; small; smooth
sheet metal; silty sand; smooth
sheet metal; silty sand; small

shut off valve

schedule of values
standpipe; sump pit
solid plastic; sump pit
solid plastic; standpipe

service sink; standing seam (roof); steam supply; storm sewer

sanitary sewer; standing seam (roof); steam supply; storm sewer
sanitary sewer; service sink; steam supply; storm sewer
sanitary sewer; service sink; standing seam (roof); storm sewer
sanitary sewer; service sink; standing seam (roof); steam supply

stairs; street
single throw; street
singlethrow; stairs

strike; stringers
straight; stringers
straight; strike
sheet vinyl
safety valve


towel bar
through bolt

temperature control panel; traffic control plan

telephone control panel; traffic control plan
telephone control panel; temperature control panel

towel dispenser; trench drain

temperature difference; trench drain
temperature difference; towel dispenser


telephone equipment room

top of concrete; top of curb

table of content; top of curb
table of content; top of concrete

top of footing; top of frame

top of floor; top of frame
top of floor; top of footing

top of pavement
top of parapet

top of steel
top of slab

total pressure; twisted pair

telephone pole; twisted pair
telephone pole; total pressure

towel rack
top of rim
tube steel
tensile strength


vacuum line
varies; volt ampere reactive
variation; volt ampere reactive
variation; varies

valve box; vinyl base

vacuum breaker; vinyl base
vacuum breaker; valve box

vitrified clay tile

vinyl composition tile
volume damper
voltage drop


vanishing point; vapor pressure; velocity pressure; veneer plaster
vacuum pump; vapor pressure; velocity pressure; veneer plaster
vacuum pump; vanishing point; velocity pressure; veneer plaster
vacuum pump; vanishing point; vapor pressure; veneer plaster
vacum pump; vanishing point; vapor pressure; velocity pressure
voltage regulator
vapor retarder
voltmeter switch
vent stack

watt; west; wide

waste; west; wide
waste; watt; wide
waste; watt; west

wood base
wet bulb

water closet; water column

wall covering; water column
wall covering; water closet

wood door

wide flange
wash fountain
wall hydrant; water heater; weep hole
wall hung; water heater; weep hole
wall hung; wall hydrant; weep hole
wall hung; wall hydrant; water heater

wind load
water line

wire mesh
water meter
work order
where occurs
waterproofing; weatherproof; working point
water pump; weatherproof; working point
water pump; waterproofing; working point
water pump; waterproofing; weatherproof

weather resistant; wire rope

water repellent; wire rope
water repellent; weather resistant

watertight; weight
water table; weight
water table; watertight

waste water; wireway

warm white; wireway
warm white; waste water
yard drain; yard drainage pipe
yard; yard drainage pipe
yard; yard drain
Preferred Terms
Non-Preferred Terms Preferred Terms
acoustic calking acoustic sealant
acoustical plaster acoustical finish
alternative alternate
apply install
as-built record drawings
asphalt roofing built-up roofing
backing rope joint backer
balestrades railing
bar joists steel joists
batt insulation blanket insulation
blackboard chalkboard
block concrete masonry unit
calking sealant
casing bead metal trim
ceiling panel acoustical panel
ceiling tile acoustical tile
centigrade Celsius
computer floor access flooring
concrete block concrete masonry unit
cork tackboard tackboard
corkboard tackboard
corrugated deck steel roof deck
crushed stone porous fill
delta Use symbol (see Symbols Module)
dirt earth
domelite plastic skylight
drywall gypsum board
electro-pneumatic pneumatic electric
elevator cab elevator car
feminine napkin disposal sanitary napkin disposal
feminine napkin vendor sanitary napkin vendor
fiber insulation rigid insulation
fiberboard rigid insulation
foam backer backer rod
foil faced drywall foil faced gypsum board
foil faced gypsum wallboard foil faced gypsum board
formica plastic laminate
furnished by owner OF/CI or OF/OI
fuse box panelboard
gauge gage
glue adhesive
gravel porous fill
graylite gray sheet glass
ground fault interrupter ground fault circuit interrupter
gyplath gypsum lath or metal lath
gypsum panel gypsum board
gypsum wallboard gypsum board
herculite tempered glass
hot water heater water heater
janitor sink service sink
joint filler joint backer
joint stuffer joint backer
kalamein door metal clad door
lath gypsum lath or metal lath
lexan plastic glazing
loudspeaker speaker
lucite acrylic sheet
masonite hardboard
mastic adhesive
metal nosing abrasive nosing
mirror glass reflective glass
miscellaneous metal metal fabrications
non-slip stair nosing abrasive nosing
open web steel joists steel joists
pass-through window counter shutter or sliding window
paste adhesive
pavement paving
pitch pocket sealant pocket
plexiglass acrylic sheet
pour place
poured in place cast-in-place
power panel panelboard
power pole utility pole
pre-fit factory fit
pre-trimmed factory fit
precut factory fit
prime coat shop coat
primer shop coat
reinforcement reinforcing
reinforcing bar reinforcing
remodel alter or refinish
rocklath gypsum lath or metal lath
rusting steel weathering steel
safety nosing abrasive nosing
sand porous fill
scuttle roof hatch
sheeting sheathing
sink lavatory
skydome skylight
skylite skylight
slop sink service sink
stucco cement plaster
tar pitch
thermopane insulating glass
toilet (plumbing fixture) water closet
tower water return condenser water
tower water supply condenser water
twindow insulating glass
vapor barrier vapor retarder
vinyl tile resilient tile
visqueen vapor retarder
wall board gypsum board
Warnock Hershey International Intertek Testing Services
water cooling tower cooling tower
wire glass wired glass

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