Braguetto RV0C

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Assessment of the performance curve and degradation of works of art special

features: Case of the Braghetto Bridge

Iberê P. OLIVEIRA 1, Paulo Robert S. MACHADO2, João C. PANTOJA 3 , Márcio A. R. BUZAR 4

UnB, PPGFAU, Brazil,
UnB, PPGFAU, Brazil,
UnB, PPGFAU, Brazil,
UnB, PPGFAU, Brazil,

Abstract: The continuous monitoring requirement of the conservation status of special works of art serves
as a significant justification for delving deeper into studies concerning the performance of bridges, viaducts,
and their respective management and maintenance planning processes. Generally, three factors form the
basis for analyzing the performance of any construction project: Safety, Functionality, and Appearance. With
this theoretical framework, it becomes evident that numerous direct and indirect agents can lead to
performance degradation throughout the lifecycle, especially in special works as aforementioned. This article
provides a synthesis of studies conducted by the LabRAC/FAU/UNB research group, utilizing data collected
from the National Department of Infrastructure and Transport's art management system spanning from 2009
to 2021. The aim of this article is to apply the degradation and performance curve to a landmark of Brasília's
art: the Braghetto Bridge. The analysis in this article is confined to visual inspection and normative concepts
such as ABNT NBR 9452:2019, DNIT 010:2004 – PRO, and ISO 15686-2:2012. Finally, a correlation is presented
with a polynomial adapted to the theoretical performance and degradation curves generated from the 10408
OAEs (Obras de Arte Especiais - Special Works of Art) present in the database under study. The results yield
promising expectations, directly showcasing a 60.0% degradation indicator correlation, corresponding to a
38.0% performance for the partially concrete structure with 62 years of use, serving as one of the main access
points to Brasília's road system

Keywords: Performance, Degradation, Pathology, Bridges, Inspection.

1. Introduction

The creation of Brasília was characterized by international modernist architecture and the landmark for
artistic form and expression. Urban and landscape planning supported the understanding of spatial qualities,
using technological and structural construction innovations. A time of many contributions in civil
construction, mainly leading architecture and structural engineering to original and innovative solutions for
the time of execution. In this section, the Braghetto Bridge, the name of the construction company that won
the bid for the work, was at the time the “Great Viaduct over the lake in Brasília” as can be seen in Figure 1.
One of the thirteen special works of art (OAE) that make up the northern screening interchange, this crossing
has always been an important piece in road planning, meeting the need for future operations and
maintenance of the Brazilian capital's heritage. Considered one of Brasília's main road arteries both in terms
of importance in terms of urban structure and in terms of vehicle volume, its representation could already
be seen in the initial sketches by Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemayer.

Figure 1- Sketch of the Pilot Plan indicating the Braghetto Bridge in 1956 and current aerial view.
With 180 meters of overhead passage and 32 meters wide, not only the bridge, but the entire surrounding
region was changed due to the increase in traffic. The two comparative satellite images presented in Figure
2 record the interventions between 2008 and 2020 and the entire requalification of urban infrastructure to
adapt traffic.

Figure 2- Comparative satellite images between 2008 and 2020. Source: Google Earth 02/10/2023
Built in 1961 and structured in reinforced concrete with a deck slab in partial pretension, it is part of the
collection of projects by the calculation engineer Aderson Moreira da Rocha, a technical reference for the
entire Brazilian scientific community .
Under the administration of the Federal District Highway Department (DER), both the interchange and
especially the bridge were strangled by the growth of the capital. Even with scheduled maintenance to

maintain performance, the natural wear and tear of materials, weather conditions and the region's external
environment caused the level of degradation to become increasingly greater, as can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3- View of the lower face of the central tray – damage caused by humidity. Source: authors
Not only the recovery of the state of conservation, but the necessary increase in the overload of use was the
basis for planning the intervention work. It is undeniable that the northern access to the city of Brasília largely
depends on the performance of the Braghetto bridge, which is why there is permanent maintenance,
avoiding degradation of its parts as much as possible. These types of OAE's can cause major financial and
operational disruption if they are stopped, therefore their performance must be special in terms of
appearance and safety functionality.

2. Theoretical Foundation

For the analysis and application of the study, it is important to delve into concepts and research already
produced regarding degradation, service life, visual inspection, and performance of the built environment.

2.1 Evaluation of degradation, useful life and performance

The process of collecting data on the degradation of any project begins in planning with the study of historical
documentation, analysis of the original projects and construction processes and the standards applied during
construction. Another fundamental point is the perception of the life cycle of the OAE and how the materials
and component elements behave in the external environment, the conditions of use and maintenance of the
place where it is located. This anamnesis must provide the technical inspector with information about the
cause and effect relationship, customizing specific data about the degradation and loss of performance of
the building complex.
It must be understood that materials and construction elements work together, aggregating efforts and
stabilizing systems, as established in BS ISO 15686-5:2017and even in ABNT NBR 15575-1:2021. The
degradation of a material does not mean the total collapse of a project, but it can represent the loss of its
performance and risk to its operation. This is the natural learning curve adopted by researchers and the
fundamental basis for collecting cohesive information.

2.2 Degradation
Noticing degradation is a very efficient way of evaluating performance variation. Routine visual inspections
of agents that can alter performance loss represent low-cost investments with significant returns in project
management. Special works of art (OAE) make up an area of civil construction in which peculiar structures
designed to overcome obstacles are grouped. They have specific methods both in the design process and in
the specification of materials and execution of work. For many years Pfeil e collab. (1980) it prevailed as a
reference text guiding processes and guidelines for analyzing the state of conservation of OAE's , providing
the basis for the majority of the database on the subject, such as the work developed by the General
Coordination of Planning and Investment Program (CGPLAN) of the National Department of Infrastructure
and Transport (DNIT). The contribution was to consolidate the DNIT databases by grouping records from the
Special Works of Art Management System (SGO), Video Registration (2009 to 2010; 2012 to 2015), BR-Legal
(CGPERT/DIR), General Coordination of Road Maintenance and Restoration (CGMRR/DIR), Federal University
of Paraná (UFPR), VGeo and Planning Coordination (CGPLAN/DPP) as shown in Figure 4.

Amount of data per federative state AC

MG; 1703
1600 CE
1400 GO
1200 MS

1000 PB
RS; 825 PI
800 PE; 760 PR
RJ; 723
BA; 643 RN
600 RO
SC; 479 SP; 492 RR
PA; 469
CE; 413 GO; 423 MT; 422 RS
400 SC
PB; 344 PR; 329
MS; 283
AM; 238 MA; 257 RN; 233 SP
PI; 225
AL; 184 RR; 163 TO
200 ES; 155 TO; 150
AP; 129 DF; 106 RO; 101 SE; 91
AC; 68


Figure 4- Amount of OAE by Federative Unit in Brazil. Source: DNIT

In addition to the regions where the OAEs are installed , the data records information such as typology,
allowing deeper knowledge about environmental actions, degradation effects or even the conservation
status of each sample element, as shown in the graph in Figure 5.
1 1 2 1
2 7 12 1
15 1 16 28 12
19 23 59
8 80 115 97 13
90% 36
53 65 41 29 12 14
9 17 63
53 31 95
15 9
69 184 46
248 60
7 265
215 22 59
60% 120

52 204
139 65 62
114 60
108 242
30% 120
150 113 13
108 262 62
33 333
188 92 124 254
118 4

Problemática 1 15 1 80 128 1 17 16 53 115 7 19 63 65 97 41 23 12 36 2 1 59 28 13 1 12
Regular 8 16 2 9 215 114 7 22 71 89 248 53 31 60 120 265 59 69 29 55 12 14 184 95 15 9 46
Boa 52 139 33 33 188 118 4 33 120 92 333 108 114 150 124 254 81 108 204 113 65 62 262 242 60 13 62

Figure 5– Segregation of AOE's according to the final grade obtained in the inspection. Source: DNIT
In addition to the specific nomenclature for OAE, the analysis of degradation, management, maintenance
and operation, there are currently more current regulations such as ABNT NBR 9452:2019, DNIT 010:2004 –
PRO as well as experience learned from other research such as Simões e colab (2021) and Macêdo (2016)
even specialized training courses such as those offered by the Brazilian Concrete Institute (IBRACON).
During the degradation record, the anomalies recorded must represent the disfigurement of the element or
system, keeping in mind the reference of the new state of conservation. The diagnosis of degradation must
make clear the nature of the anomaly as well as the data to track the component element of the structure,
its position within the project and the changes that the pathological manifestation is causing. It ABNT NBR
9452:2019 suggests Table 1with qualitative and quantitative references used to mitigate possible ambiguous
interpretations during the inspection.
Table 1- Classification of OAE condition according to structural, functional and durability parameters. Source: Adapted
from ABNT NBR9452:2019
Note Cond Structure Functionality Durability
Perfect conditions, routine
It is in satisfactory condition, with There is safety and
5 maintenance should be
irrelevant and isolated defects. comfort for users.

There are small damages There are few small anomalies
It presents small damage in areas,
that do not cause that compromise its useful life,
4 without compromising structural
discomfort or insecurity in a region of low

to the user. environmental aggressiveness.
There is damage that could result There are small and few
There is discomfort for
in some structural deficiency, anomalies, which compromise
the user, with defects
3 without risking the stability of the its useful life, in a region of
that require medium-

work. Interventions may be moderate to high

term actions.
necessary in the medium term. environmental aggressiveness.
There is damage that
Compromised The OAE presents moderate to
compromises structural safety,
functionality, with abundant anomalies, which
without imminent risk.
2 security risks for the compromise its useful life, in a
Developments could lead to
user, requiring short- region of high environmental
structural collapse in the short
term interventions. aggressiveness.

There is damage that generates
The OAE is in a high degree of
serious, structural elements in The OAE does not
deterioration, indicating a
1 critical condition, with a tangible present functional
problem of structural and/or

risk of structural collapse. conditions of use.

functional risk.
Immediate intervention required.

The condition classification must be recorded between Critical and Excellent, scoring from 1 to 5 points
according to the characterization of the structure, functionality and durability observed at the site. It can be
seen that the analysis focuses on two criteria: security and functionality. When proposing the term durability,
ABNT NBR 9452:2019the inspector expects to directly evaluate the effects associated with its useful life, that
is, the estimated time in which the structure can still fulfill its functions in service. An extremely complex
indicator as will be seen later in this article.

2.3 Lifespan
The study of the useful life of elements and construction systems is based on stochastic deterioration models,
assigning probabilities of the occurrence of damage in a given sample universe. The sequence of variables
that affect the buildings in use, and the behavior of the systems worked together, was presented by
researchers such as Gomide e colab. (2011) and Pereira (2013). Even with the analysis of the project in a
global way, it BS ISO 15686-5 (2017) indicates that the Expected Total Useful Life (VUE) of the building system
is the grouping of all the variables that are current during the life cycle proposed by equation _ (1):
VUE = VUR * A * B * C * D * E * F * G (1)
Where: VUE = total expected useful life; VUR = reference useful life; A = factor relating to the quality of materials; B =
factor related to the project’s quality level; C = factor relating to the level of execution quality; D = factor relating to the
level of quality of the indoor environment; E = factor relating to the quality level of the external environment; F = factor
related to usage characteristics; G = factor relating to maintenance level.
From the Elsevier digital library repository, in the last twenty years alone, 3682 documents have been
published, including theses, dissertations and articles in various newspapers and magazines. Of these
documents, approximately 29.3% (1080) report service life analysis in collecting information for reference
values of degradation, performance, durability, stability of materials and life cycle of structural systems. The
tables published by laboratories, manufacturers, controlled tests and tested samples cannot justify buildings
that are two hundred years old or more, as found in Italy, France or other countries on the old continent.
This will still be a long journey and the subject of many scholars.
Returning to equation (1) the behavior of orthotropic systems such as reinforced concrete structures,
multiple factors and cause and effect links must be analyzed in a global analysis, making the process of
quantifying the useful life almost unfeasible. The value calculated according to BS ISO 15686-5:2017 can be
the reference line for new construction, with planning, computational support, process control and current
resources and still with few successes when applied to the built environment.

2.4 Visual inspection

Due to their low investment, visual inspections serve as the primary collection basis, using hedonic models
in which the qualification of an item can generate comparative parameters. Studies presented by Oliveira
(2018) demonstrate that subjective variables as established by methods such as Ross-Heidecke can be
reliable, as long as the team of surveyors undergoes specific training and has cohesive forms , aimed at
specifically collecting information with response options already pre-defined.
The registration of observations to analyze the behavior of samples has always been used in technical areas
such as medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and architecture. Like Aldahdouh (2018), the researcher must
maintain routine planning, noting changes in the sample, forming a historical line capable of coherently
describing all the effects observed. According to Gomide e colab. (2011) the total quality of the inspection is:
knowing what you are looking for and what the cause and effect relationship is, registering the inspection
database with criteria and clearly. There is no standard form, but an in-depth anamnesis and study of the
history of the enterprise to be inspected.
It is normal for performance to be affected over time given the number of variables that involve the life cycle
of an enterprise. In this sense, Moser (1999) it provides the graphical basis (Figure 6) for visual reference of
the loss of performance due to the degradation of appearance, functionality and security.

Figure 6– Criteria applied to visual inspections to perceive performance over time. Source: adapted (MOSER, 1999)
The study makes Moser (1999) clear the natural meaning of the pathological manifestation. In the case of
bridges, for example, the loss of appearance such as abrasion of the asphalt layer, bulging of the asphalt,
presence of visual cracks, irregular wear of the roadway, clogging of drainage routes, cracks in expansion

joints already indicate to the inspector a sequence of actions and damages that will occur regarding the
functionality and safety of the project under study. Appearance is most often the first indicator for deeper
analysis or the decision to hire control teams with equipment.
Information obtained through cohesive and targeted inspections supports decisions about the performance
of projects and assists urban management, including for reuse or requalification actions as demonstrated in
Galimi (2021).

2.5 Performance
Since 2015, studies regarding the performance of projects in Brazil have advanced, requiring adjustments as
established in the ABNT NBR 15575-1:2021property life cycle similar to that shown in Figure 7. Such curves
and understandings are being reformulated and new models are emerging, such as the systematic view of
performance, where the useful life does not indicate the end of the structural element as now proposed in
tests and laboratory dose response curves.

Figure 7– Performance over time. Source: ABNT NBR 15575-1:2021

Miranda e Calejo (2020) demonstrate that, in theory, performance suffers at different stages of time, forming
a compound curve. In its most recent studies, performance will always have an increasing characteristic,
leading the investor to invest resources in maintenance, rehabilitation and renewal as shown in Figure8.
An association of resistances and even chemistry that may or may not affect the appearance, functionality
and safety of the project when analyzed globally. This opens the way for the analysis of performance criteria,
separating the effects we inspect from data from suppliers and laboratories, starting to interpret design
actions, construction process, maintenance, environmental actions and condition of use without depending
on useful life. All components and elements come together and form one, with their unique and specific
characteristics, the most natural way found in various scientific models, including concrete structures such
as the OAE.

Figure8 – Performance x Time of recovery processes. Source: Miranda e Calejo (2020)
By restricting performance only to the structural calculation model, the variation in stiffness and deformation
has a close correlation with performance and degradation. Studies on this cause-and-effect correlation are
the convergence of multiple parameters when asked to work together as demonstrated in P.G. Bergan e T.H.
Soreide (1977) and Pantoja (2003). Both studies also leave the material paradigm in isolation and begin to
analyze the set of variables applied in structural systems. This is the closest analysis of the real condition of
use of the structure and its components during the life cycle of a project (Figure 9).

Figure 9– Degradation of the parameters of the structure’s stiffness matrix. Source:Pantoja (2003).
The research demonstrates that after a period of requests and degradation of the structure in its initial phase,
there is a marked loss of performance in the analyzed system. After this critical point, the tendency is for
degradation and performance to follow a less pronounced curve, a parabolic trend until the total decline of
the building, as already demonstrated in Oliveira e Pantoja (2022). In their studies, four segmentations were
presented for the qualification of performance: Minimum (D M), Intermediate (D I), Superior (D S) already
qualified ABNT NBR 15575-1 (2021) and the need to include Special performance (D E) used for engineering
works which require special attention regarding their life cycle, avoiding degradation as much as possible. In
this select group are cultural heritage sites, undertakings of the highest importance such as some OAE's ,
Hospitals, Air Bases and the like in which the interruption would generate significant financial and operational
disruptions to the private or public manager.
These isolated research efforts have facilitated the consolidation of acquired knowledge and the
presentation of the correlation between degradation and performance in projects encompassing symbiotic
construction models. These are instances wherein construction systems, such as structural, pavement,
coating, drainage, and others, collaborate to enhance the overall service life of the bridge. The study
commences with the analysis of bridge degradation, applying values to adjusted curves, thereby enabling the
certification of overall performance, as will be demonstrated in the following sections.
3. Methodology

The methodology adopted for the study involves data collection using pre-formatted reports provided by the
DNIT for visual inspection, adhering to the guidelines of ABNT NBR 9452:2019 and DNIT 010:2004 – PRO.
Following the structured data collection, the degradation indicator (ID) and performance (D) of the bridge
under analysis will be calculated.
With a sampling field of 10,408 special works of art and inspection records collected between 2009 and 2021,
it was possible to adjust variation in degradation over time. Data collection complies with standards ABNT
NBR 9452:2019, DNIT 010:2004 – PRO pathological manifestations and components of bridges and viaducts
that were damaged or altered. For the sample of the Braghetto Bridge and its importance to the road system
in the city of Brasília, the Special Performance was adopted. For projects with composite systems and non-
linear analysis support, the best adaptation to the polynomial obtained is presented in Equation (2):
DE = - 2.6868*(ID) 3 + 4.3466*(ID) 2 - 2.6683*(ID) + 1.0000 (2)
Where: DE = System performance; ID = Degradation Indicator.
Other curves, with composite materials and more building systems are still being composed, fueling future
research. In graphic form, the behavior of the polynomials in Equation (2) with the behavior of performance
in special works (DE) throughout the degradation in the life cycle of a property can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 10– Performance Curve and Structural System Degradation Indicator. Source: Authors.
The relevance of the Braghetto Bridge to the traffic of this capital is significant, which is why the study
adopted the model as a reference for special performance. Years of wear and the action of degradation
agents have severely impacted its use, functionality, and safety, resulting in the bridge being classified with
an "E" performance grade, as will be demonstrated in the next section of the research.

4. Results and discussions

In the case of the sample bridge, it features a structure with a box girder, reinforced by transverse I-beams,
which vary according to the loads and exhibit partial protection, as demonstrated in the Figure11
representing the computational structural model developed based on the provided designs.
Figure11 – Structural model of the Braghetto Bridge. Source: Authors
Much of the data occurred due to vehicle collisions when passing under the bridge (Figure12), damaging
points on the lower slab, exposing and breaking part of these niches.

Figure12 – Damage to the lower slab of the lost coffin. Source:
There is also damage caused by bad weather and natural wear and tear of the material due to the addition
of the external environment at the site. Signs of carbonation agents, excessive humidity, cracks resulting from
temperature variation, among others, as can be seen in Figure13.

Figure13 – Damage to the lower slab of the lost coffin. Source:

Despite the large number of degradation indicators registered on the external part of the viaduct, as shown
in Figure14, the internal part of the box slab was not damaged, especially in sections with greater structural

Figure14 – Internal view of the coffin slab. Source: Actors

With the field data, the calculation of the degradation indicator (DI) was obtained by calculating the average
of the parameterized classification scores as shown in Table 2.
Table 2- Degradation Indicator - Braghetto Bridge. Source: Authors

Durability Structural Note

Structure Element Max. Note Parameterized
note note functionality

Superstructure Alas 4 - Good 4 - Good 15 8 0,47

0 - To be
Superstructure Together 4 - Good 4 - Good 15 8 0,47

Superstructure Slabs 3 - Regular 4 - Good 15 7 0,53

Support 0 - To be
Mesostructure 4 - Good 15 4 0,73
devices classified

Mesostructure Pillars 2 - Bad 2 - Bad 15 4 0,73

Infrastructure Infrastructure 4 - Good 4 - Good 15 8 0,47

Transition 0 - To be
Meetings 3 - Regular 3 - Regular 15 6 0,60
Slab classified

Meetings Slopes 3 - Regular 4 - Good 15 7 0,53

Safety Elements and

Accessories Security 0 - To be 0 - To be
Defense 2 - Bad 15 2 0,87
classified classified

Safety Elements and 0 - To be

Guardrail 4 - Good 4 - Good 15 8 0,47
Accessories Security classified

Safety Elements and 0 - To be

Wheel guards 4 - Good 2 - Bad 15 6 0,60
Accessories Security classified

Table 2 – Cont.

Durability Structural Note

Structure Element Max. Note Parameterized
note note functionality

Safety Elements and 0 - To be

Flooring 3 - Regular 1 - Criticism 15 4 0,73
Accessories Security classified

0 - To be
Drainage Buzinote 3 - Regular 3 - Regular 15 6 0,60

Water 0 - To be
Drainage 4 - Good 3 - Regular 15 7 0,53
descent classified

Degradation Indicator (DI) 0,60

With the degradation indicator already parameterized on the scale of ID = 60.0%, the performance can be
calculated on the special performance curve, with the support of Equation (2) obtaining the value D e = 38%.
Graphically, the system Figure15presents the performance of the Braghetto bridge.

Figure15 – Special performance of the Braghetto Bridge. Source: Authors.

The performance value obtained (DE) for the AOE under analysis indicates that it would be necessary and is
well in line with what was inspected. The “E” certification proposes that factors corresponding to the
appearance, functionality and security of the enterprise must be subject to severe interventions, especially
in external systems that alter the appearance. There are reticent failures in systems with greater use and
functionality, such as rainwater, drainage and electrical systems. Recurrent damage that is easily visible to
the naked eye, isolating or preventing functionality and safety. The full certification scale is still being
adjusted due to the large amount of data that is still being processed.

5. Conclusions

The studies presented leave the paradigm of analyzing performance through a given useful life of materials
and move on to non-linear analyses, as well as in many complex systems with a large number of variables
involved. The data is converging towards the closest view of the real condition of use of the projects.
Materials are grouped into systems and these into a new building with specific degradation and performance
where its components must be analyzed throughout the life cycle.
Models that enable qualitative sample collection, such as inspections, and can propose quantitative value,
such as performance, assist managers' administrative decisions regarding the operation and maintenance of
the built environment.
The polynomial adopted to describe projects that require special performance proved to be compliant, with
values consistent with the observed data. Regarding the certification of projects, studies are well advanced
and will be the subject of new publications.
The database collected periodically and systematically was essential for the analyzes presented.

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