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Zirconia: Cementation of prosthetic restorations (literature review)

Article in Oral & Implantology · October 2010

Source: PubMed


48 1,729

4 authors, including:

Marco Gargari Fabio Gloria

University of Rome Tor Vergata University of Rome Tor Vergata


Alberto Pujia
University of Rome Tor Vergata


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Department of Odontostomatological Sciences - University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy
Department of Dentistry “Fra G.B. Orsenigo - Ospedale San Pietro F.B.F.”, Rome, Italy


Zirconia: cementation of prosthetic restorations. Lit- Zirconia: cementazione dei restauri protesici. Revisione
erature review. della letteratura.

Aim of the work. Aim of the work was to execute a review Scopo del lavoro. Scopo del lavoro è stato eseguire una revi-
of the international literature about the cementation of zir- sione della letteratura internazionale sulla cementazione dei
conia restorations, analyzing the properties of the cements restauri in zirconia, analizzando le capacità dei cementi più co-
most commonly used in clinical activities. munemente utilizzati nell’attività clinica.

Materials and methods. It was performed, through Materiali e metodi. È stata eseguita, attraverso PubMed, una
PubMed, a bibliographic search on the international liter- ricerca bibliografica della letteratura internazionale degli ulti-
ature of the last 10 years using the following limits: stud- mi 10 anni inserendo i seguenti limiti: studi in lingua inglese,
ies in English, in vitro studies, randomized clinical trial, re- studi in vitro, trial clinici randomizzati, revisioni, meta-analisi,
views, meta-analysis, guide-lines. Were excluded from the
In linee guida. Sono stati esclusi dalla ricerca: studi descrittivi, case
search: descriptive studies, case reports, discussion ar- reports, articoli di discussione e dibattiti (opinion’s leader).
ticles, opinion’s leader. Risultati. Dagli studi risulta che i comuni trattamenti di super-
Results. From studies results that common surface treat- ficie (silanizzazione, mordenzatura acida) si rivelano ineffica-
ments (silanization, acid etching) are ineffective on zirco- ci sulla zirconia in quanto costituita da una superficie inerte e
nia because it has an inert surface without glassy com- priva di componente vetrosa (su cui tali trattamenti agiscono
ponent (on which this surface treatments act primarily), in- principalmente), mentre risulta significativamente efficace il trat-
stead the sandblasting at 1atm with aluminium oxide ( Al2O3) tamento con sabbiatura mediante getto ad 1 atm di ossido di

results significantly effective for the resulting roughening alluminio (Al2O3) che, con l’irruvidimento che ne deriva, si ha
that increase the surface energy and the wettability of the aumento dell’energia di superficie e della bagnabilità del ma-
material. Furthermore it has been shown that zinc phos- teriale. Si è inoltre evidenziato che i cementi a base di fosfa-

phate-based cements, Bis-GMA-based and glass-ionomer to di zinco, a base di Bis-GMA e vetro-ionomeri non garanti-
cements can’t guarantee a stable long-term adhesion, in- scono un’adesione stabile nel lungo periodo, mentre i cementi
stead resin cements containing phosphate monomer 10- resinosi contenenti monomero fosfato 10-metacriloilossidecil

methacryloyloxyidecyl-dihyidrogenphosphate (MDP) have diidrogeno fosfato (MDP) hanno mostrato valori di adesione e
shown higher adhesion and stability values than the oth- stabilità nel tempo superiore a tutti gli altri cementi. In particolare
er cements. In particular, it has seen that bond strength of si è visto che la forza di adesione delle cappette in zirconia su
zirconia copings on dentin, using MDP-based cement, is dentina, con cemento contenente MDP, è circa 6,9MPa; tale
about 6,9MPa; this value is comparable to that obtained valore è paragonabile a quello ottenuto con la cementazione
with gold copings cementation. delle cappette in oro.
Conclusions. Analyzed studies have led to the following Conclusioni. Basandosi sugli studi analizzati si è giunti alle se-

conclusions: sandblasting with aluminium oxide ( Al2O3) guenti conclusioni: la sabbiatura con ossido di alluminio
is the best surface treatment to improve adhesion between (Al2O3) è il trattamento di superficie migliore per aumentare l’ade-
resin cements and zirconia; resin cements containing phos- sione tra cementi resinosi e zirconia; i cementi resinosi con-
phate ester monomers 10-methacryloyloxyidecyl- tenenti monomero esterico organofosfato 10-metacriloilossi-

dihyidrogenphosphate (MDP) have shown in the studies decil diidrogeno fosfato (MDP) hanno dimostrato nei vari stu-
an higher bond strength and stability after ageing treat- di una più alta capacità di adesione e stabilità dopo processo
ment; the best procedure for cementing zirconia restora- di invecchiamento; la migliore procedura per la cementazione
tions results the combination of sandblasting with alu- dei restauri in zirconia risulta essere la combinazione di sab-
minium oxide (Al2O3) at 50µm and MDP-based cements. biatura con ossido di alluminio ( Al2O3) a 50µm e cementi con-

tenenti MDP.

Key words: bonding, luting, zirconia ceramic, zirconium ox- Parole chiave: adesione, cementazione, zirconia-ceramica,
ide ceramic, bond strength, surface treatments. ossido di zirconio-ceramica , forza di adesione, trattamenti
di superficie.

ORAL & Implantology - Anno III - N. 4/2010 25

vertheless silaning agents can’t react with the sur-
Introduction face of zirconia as inert (2, 6).
Aim of this study is to analyze, through the inter-

national scientific literature, the different cementa-
Introduction of zirconia in dentistry has expanded
tion systems currently available for zirconia prosthetic
the possible applications of metal-free ceramic re-

storations with greater success and reliability. This
In particular, have been analyzed: adhesion strength
is due to the excellent optical and mechanical pro-
of different cements, the influence of surface treat-
perties of this material. With introduction of
ments on bond strength, effects of aging process on
CAD/CAM system production of zirconia restora-
cement-zirconia interface, the best combination of

tions became a totally digitized process, and than fa-
surface pre-treatment and cementation currently avai-
ster and more accessible.
lable for zirconia’s prosthesis.
Thanks to its excellent biocompatibility, zirconia is

also used as prosthetic implant for medical and den-

tal purposes. Chemical and dimensional stability ma-
kes it a good material for prosthetic rehabilitation. Material and methods
Furthermore, zirconia has a dense and hard surface

which gives an higher resistance to wear. It was performed, through PubMed, a bibliographic
On the other hand its great surface stability creates search on the international literature. Have been se-
several problems especially as regards the efficien- arched studies from January 2000 to January 2010.
cy and duration of the chemical or mechanical bond Following words were searched: cementation of den-
with the different cementing systems. Use of com- tal zirconia, studies in English language, in vitro stu-
mon etching with hydrofluoric acid in combination dies, randomized clinical trial, review, meta-analy-
with silanization, previously used for the other ce- sis, guideline.

ramic systems, has not proven useful against the high Following words were excluded: cementation of en-
acid resistance of zirconia due to the absence of glas- dodontic post, descriptive studies, case reports, di-

sy matrix on which these substances act (1). scussion articles, opinion’s leader.
Different cementing agents has been analyzed and MeSH terms (Medical Subject Headings) used
only those containing an organophosphate ester mo- were: bonding, luting, zirconia ceramic, zirconium

nomer have shown a significant efficacy. In agree- oxide ceramic, bond strength, surface treatments.
ment with recent studies it has seen that the com- From 63 articles have been extrapolated 8.

bination of sandblasting and phosphate monomer 10-

methacryloyloxyidecyl-dihyidrogenphosphate (MDP)
is the best for cementation with resin composite (2).
Unfortunately there aren’t enough studies on the me-
chanism of MPD adhesion and it is not clear whe-

ther there is a true chemical bond with zirconia or Nowadays we haven’t an ideal system for cementing
there is a micro-retentive bond promoted by sand- zirconia restorations on dental tissues (7).
blasting. Furthermore, there are insufficient data re- There is a widely choice of materials for cementing
garding long-term in vivo performances of resin com- metal-free restorations. These include: zinc pho-

posite containing MDP and the effect of hydrolysis sphate, conventional and modified glass-ionomer ce-
on bond strength (3, 4). ments, resin cements and self-adhesive cements (8).
Silaning agents are known and widely used for crea- Anyway, resin cements have several advantages over

ting covalent bonds between matrices of different na- other cements, such as a lower solubility and higher
ture, such as glassy oxides of classic ceramics and optical properties (8, 9).
organic monomer. In particular, silane, that binds the Shear bond strength of 11 cements on zirconia was
methacrylate monomer (3-methacryloyloxypropyl- evaluated by Piwowarczyk et al. (8). Results indica-
trimethoxylane) is widely used in dentistry (5). Ne- ted that zinc phosphate and both conventional and mo-

26 ORAL & Implantology - Anno III - N. 4/2010

dified glass-ionomer cements aren’t able to form a la- adhesion. It has also been seen that composite ce-
sting bond with zirconia; only Rely X Unicem (resin ment Superbond C&B shows higher adhesion values.
cement) and Panavia F2.0 (resin cement containing In the study of Wolfart et al. (14) it was evaluated

MDP monomer) show good results even after aging. the adhesion of 2 resin cements (Variolink, Panavia
From study of Luthy et al. (9) was seen that bond F2.0) at 3 and 150 days (the latter sample was ther-
strength of glass-ionomer cements and conventional mocycled at 37500 cycles). Half of the samples was

Bis-GMA-based composites is significantly lower, sandblasted. It resulted that only cement containing
especially after aging by thermocycling. Only Rely phosphate monomer, in association with sandblasting,
X Unicem and Panavia F2.1 withstands such proce- can obtain higher and durable adhesion values.
dure, with the latter achieves high bond strength. The study of Re et al. (15) analyzes, in particular,

Clinical reality seems to be different because, from the efficacy of the several pre-treatment of zirconia
the study of Palacios et al. (10), where was evalua- surface in improving adhesion of Rely X Unicem and

ted the force required to remove coping cemented Panavia F2.0. It showed that sandblasting gives best
on extracted teeth along the path of insertion. From results due the roughening resulting that allows for

this study was seen that Panavia F2.0 (resin cement better micro-retention of the cement.
containing MDP monomer), Rely X Luting (modi- From all those studies it has been seen that resin ce-
fied glass-ionomer cement) and Rely X Unicem (re- ments containing phosphate monomer 10-methacry-

sin cement) are able to give sufficient adhesion to the loyloxyidecyl-dihyidrogenphosphate (MDP) allows
zirconia’s copings, respectively 6,9MPa, 8,5MPa, to better and lasting results than the other cements.
6,7MPa, without requiring other surface treatment
In MDP monomer could make a chemical bond with me-
except sandblasting. Such values are comparable to tal oxides, such as zirconium oxide (9, 14). In fact al-
those obtained with cementation of gold casting (11). most 100% of cementation failure modes observed in
Such results are in according with study of Ernst et several studies (9, 10, 14) were cohesive type.
al. (12), realized in the same way with 8 cements, Among surface treatments only sandblasting showed
where are found high values of adhesion for the ce- a significant adhesion improvement, in association with
ments mentioned in the previous study, and also for resin cements containing MDP (10, 13, 14). Although

Superbond C&B (resin cement). In such studies must there are studies indicating sandblasting as factor ad-
also be considered the design of preparation as a re- versely affecting for the surface of zirconia, which

tentive factor, so it can’t obtain an accurate asses- would lead to a reduction of flexural strength (16), the-
sment of adhesive properties of various cements. re are other Authors that contrast this view and indeed
Wegner et al. (3) have evaluated the shear bond see this process as a factor strengthening the surface,

strength of 5 cements, before and after long term stoc- promoting transformation toughening (17). A detri-
king (2 years) and thermocycling at 37500 cycles. mental effect on material performance, due to micro-
It was evaluated also the efficiency of different sur- fractures caused by sandblasting, is now questiona-
face treatment as sandblasting with aluminium oxi- ble. Surface roughening is necessary to increase the

de (Al2O3) at 50µm and silanization. It is resulted that surface energy and the wettability of the material (18).
Bis-GMA-based cements have not long term stabi- Acid etching has not proved effective because it act
lity, surface treatments improve the initial bond on the glass matrix (present in silica-based ceramics)
strength but their effect decrease with time. Only re- dissolving it and creating a rough surface. Zirconia

sin cements with phosphatic monomer (Panavia F2.1) does not contain glass matrix, so it can’t be altered
have shown high adhesion values and reliability af- by acid attack (13).
ter thermocycling in association with sandblasting. Silanization is used to create chemical bonds between

The study of Derand et al. (13) has evaluated diffe- glass matrix of classic ceramics and resin cements
rent surface treatments with composite cements (Su- (5). For the same reasons previously indicated this
perbond C&B, Twinlook, Panavia F2.0) and resul- process may not be on the surface of zirconia (18).
ted that etching with hydrofluoric acid at 10% and The studies examined were summarized in the Ta-
sandblasting have just a minimal effect to improve ble 1.

ORAL & Implantology - Anno III - N. 4/2010 27

Table 1 - Zirconia bridges strength.

a zi

28 ORAL & Implantology - Anno III - N. 4/2010

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