Power Engineering & Refrigeration

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Subject Name: Power Engineering & Refrigeration Subject Code: 22562

Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students write answers in Marathi or bilingual language (English +Marathi), the
Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based on matching of concepts with model

Q. Sub Answer Marking

No. Q. Scheme

1. Attempt any FIVE: (5X2=10) 10

a) List the various methods to reduce the pollution in diesel engine

Ans. Emission control options can be grouped into three categories: (1) engine design 2 Marks for
techniques, (2) fuel and lubricant related technologies (3) Exhaust gas after treatment. any 2
1) Engine design technologies for emission reduction
injection timing, injection pressure, Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), Variable valve
actuation , Combustion
2) Fuel & lubricant technologies
Lubricating oil, Alternative fuels, Fuel additives
3) Exhaust after treatment technologies
Diesel particulate filters (DPF), NOx adsorber catalysts,
Note: Any two methods written by student should be consider

1 b) List the various performance parameter of IC Engine. 2 Marks for

The following are some important parameter which is measured in order to calculate the any 4 point
performance of the engine:
1. Indicated Power
2. Brake Power
3. Frictional Power
4. Volumetric efficiency

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
6. Mechanical efficiency
7. Thermal efficiency
8. Indicated Mean Effective Pressure
9. Brake Mean Effective Pressure
10. Air-Fuel ratio
11. Relative Air-Fuel ratio
12. Brake Specific fuel consumption
13. Specific output

1. Classify the air conditioning system

c) Air conditioning systems are classified as
Ans. 1) Classification as to major function- 2 Marks
i) Comfort air-conditioning
ii) Commercial air-conditioning
ii) Industrial air-conditioning
2) Classification as to season of the year
i) Summer air-conditioning
ii) Winter air-conditioning
iii) Year round air-conditioning

1 d) Represent Brayton cycle on P-V & T-S 1 Mark for

Ans. PV&1
Mark for TS

1 e) Define i) Compression ratio ii) Air Standard Efficiency

i) Compression ratio : The compression ratio is given by the ratio of volume before 1 Mark for
compression to volume after compression i.e., It is the ratio of maximum volume to each def.
minimum volume.
ii) Air Standard Efficiency: The air standard cycle is a thermodynamic power cycle that
converts heat energy into mechanical power by considering air as a working fluid with
constant specific heats.

1 f) Define pressure ratio in Air Compressor 2 Marks

Pressure ratio : It is the ratio of pressure after compression to the pressure before
compression OR It is the ratio of the absolute discharge pressure to the absolute inlet

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

1. g)Define SEER & EER.

EER : A room air conditioner's efficiency is measured by the energy efficiency ratio (EER). 1 Marks
The EER is the ratio of the cooling capacity (in British thermal units (Btu) per hour) to the power
input (in watts).
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio or “Rating.” This is the ratio of the cooling output 1 Marks
of an air conditioner and heat pump over a typical cooling season, divided by the energy it uses in

2. Attempt any THREE: (3X4=12) 12

a) Represent Otto cycle on P-V & T-S diagram

2 Marks
for PV&2
Marks for
TS dig.

Explain working of a storage type water cooler with neat sketch

2 b)

2 Marks for

1. Compression (Reversible adiabatic compression)

In this compressor, high pressure and high-temperature superheated vapour will be
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
created by the compressor, & this superheated vapour will be transferred to the
2. Condensation (Constant pressure heat rejections) 2 Marks for
In these condensers, the superheated vapour will give its latent heat to the cooling fluid in working
the condensers. These cooling fluids can be air or water.
After entering the condensers, the superheated vapour will be converted into a liquid as
heats are extracted from the vapour. These are called saturated liquids. After that, this
liquid goes to expansion valves.
3. Throttling And Expansion (Reversible adiabatic expansions)
In the expansion valve, the pressure & temperature of the saturated liquid will decrease.
After that, this low temperature & pressure liquid will be transferred to the evaporator.
4. Evaporation (Constant pressure heat additions)
In the evaporator, the low pressure & temperature liquid will be converted into Vapour.
This liquid will takes all the heat from the evaporator & will get converted to Vapour using
the heat taken from the evaporator. Hence, this liquid will decrease the temperatures
inside the evaporators.

2. c) Represent Joules cycle on P-V & T-S diagram


2 Marks
for PV&2
Marks for
TS dig.

Discuss in brief process of combustion in S.I. Engine with neat sketch.

2 d)

2 Marks

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Combustion phenomenon in SI engine
• In SI Engine homogeneous mixture of air and fuel is formed by the carburetor.
• Air – fuel mixture is compressed upto compression ratio 8 to 12.
• Mixture is ignited by spark plug.
• A turbulent flame is developed which propagates through the charge.
1. Ignition Lag :
• It consists of growth and development of propagated flame.
• It depends on temperature, pressure and nature of fuel.
• It also depends on propagation of exhaust gas residue.
2. Propagation of flame :
• In this stage there is sudden rise in pressure and temperature.
• Velocity of flame is constant.
• Heat release rate depends on reaction rate of charge. 2 Marks
• Heat transfer to cylinder wall is low.
3. After burning :
• In this stage highest pressure is reached.
• Velocity of flame decrease.
• Combustion rate also decrease.
3 Attempt Any Three: (3X4=12) 12

a. Explain with neat Sketch working of Domestic Refrigerator.

2 marks
for Sketch

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
 The low pressure and low temperature refrigerant vapour is sucked through the suction line
to the compressor.

 The accumulator provided between the suction line and the evaporator collects
liquid refrigerant out of the evaporator. 2 Marks for

The compressor then compresses the refrigerant vapour to a high pressure and
high temperature.

 The refrigerant flows through the discharge line into condenser. In the condenser the
vapour refrigerant at high pressure and at high temperature is condensed to the
liquid refrigerant at high pressure and low temperature.

 The high pressure liquid refrigerant then flows through the filter and then enters the
capillary tube (expansion device).

 The warm refrigerant passing through the capillary tube give some of its heat to cold suction
line vapour as capillary coil is coiled around suction line.

 The capillary tube expands the liquid refrigerant at high pressure to the liquid refrigerant at
low pressure & liquid refrigerant is passed into the evaporator.

 In the evaporator the liquid refrigerant gets evaporated by absorbing heat from the
container/ articles placed in the evaporative chamber and is sucked back into the
compressor and the cycle repeated.

3 b. Explain the terms B.S.F.C., M.P.F.I.

1) B.S.F.C: It is defined as the ratio of the mass of fuel consumed per hour for unit
power output (Brake power). It is designated by BSFC. It is parameter which
decides the economics of power production from engine.

2) M.P.F.I: (Multi point/port fuel injection system): The main purpose of the Multi-
Point Fuel Injection (MPFI) system is to supply a proper ratio of petrol and air to
the cylinders. In the port injection arrangement, multiple injectors the injector is
placed on the side of the intake manifold near the intake port. The injector
sprays petrol into the air, inside the intake manifold. The petrol mixes with the
air in uniform manner. This mixture of petrol and air then passes through the
intake valve and enters into the cylinder. Every cylinder is provided with an
injector in its intake manifold.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

3 c.

4 Marks for
Octane number is measure of knock resistance. Justify the statement.
 Knock resistance is fuels ability not to self ignite & burn in an
uncontrolled way while the fuel is being compressed .

 The property of a fuel which describes how fuel will or will not self-ignite
is called the octane number or just octane.

 It is a measure of anti knock properties. The octane number represents a

fuel’s ability to resist engine knocking. Knocking tendency expressed in
terms of octane number.

 The % of iso-octane in a mixture of iso-octane & heptanes under

standard operating conditions is called octane number.

It is classified as – 1. Research octane number (RON)

2. Motor octane number (MON)
3. Aviation octane number (AON)
Research octane number (RON) This method measures anti-knock performance
under relatively mild operating condition. It is considered to be similar to the
detonation tendency of a fuel when the engine is accelerating from ‘low speed’ in top
gear with a wide open throttle under ‘medium load’.
Motor octane number (MON) method :This method measures anti-knock performance
under relatively severe operating conditions. It is considered to be similar to the
detonation tendency of a fuel when the engine is driven at ‘medium speed’ in top
gear with a wide-open throttle under ‘heavy load’.

Give Four Classification of Air Compressor.

3 d.
(a) According to the number of stages:
(i) Single stage: delivery pressure up to 10 bar
(ii) Multi-stage: delivery pressure above 10 bar.
(b) According to the number of cylinders:
(4 marks
(i) single cylinder (ii) multi cylinder
for any four
(c) According to the method of cooling: criteria
(i) air cooled, (ii) water cooled )
(d) According to working:
(a) reciprocating compressor (ii) rotary compressor.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
(e) According to the action of air:
(i) single acting (ii) double acting
(f) According to drive:
(i) steam engine drive (ii) steam turbine drive
(iii) electric motor drive (iv) internal combustion engine drive
(g) According to the method of connection to the driving unit:
(i) direct drive (ii) belt drive (iii) chain drive
(h) According to pressure limits:
(i) low pressure compressors (ii) medium pressure compressors
(iii) high pressure compressors.
(i) According to the capacity:
(i) low capacity: Volume of air delivered 0.15 m3/s or less
(ii) medium capacity: Volume of air delivered from 0.15 m3/s to 5 m3/s.
(iii) high capacity: Volume of air delivered above 5 m3/s.

4 Attempt Any THREE : (3X4=12) 12

a. Explain the working of closed cycle gas turbine.

2 Marks
for sketch

A closed cycle gas turbine, consists of a compressor, heating chamber, gas turbine, which
drives the generator and compressor and a cooling chambers.
In this turbine, the air is compressed isentropically generally in rotary compressor and
then passed in to the heating chamber. The compressed air is heated with the help of
some external source, and made to flow over the turbine, blades (Generally reaction
type.) The gas while flowing over the blades gets expanded. From the turbine the gas is
passed to the cooling chamber where it is cooled at constant pressure with the help of
circulating water to its original temp., Now the air is made to flow into compressor
again. It is thus obvious that in a closed cycle gas turbine, the air is continuously 2 Marks for
circulated within the turbine. A closed cycle gas turbine works on Joule’s or Bray tons explanation
The process 1-2 shows heating of the air in heating chamber at constant pressure. The
process 2-3 shows isentropic expansion of air in the turbine similarly the process 3-4
shows cooling of the air at constant pressure in cooling chamber the process 4-1 shows
isentropic compression of the air in the compressor.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
4 b. Work done by the turbine per kg of air
WT = CP (T2 – T3)
Work required by the compressor per kg of air
WC = CP (T2 – T3)
Now, the net work available
Explain the Following Terms
i) Isothermal efficiency:

It is defined as, "ratio of isothermal power to the indicated power". It is also called as
compressor efficiency.

ii) Volumetric Efficiency:

It is the ratio of free air delivered to the displacement of the compressor. It is also 2M
the ratio of effective swept volume to the swept volume.

4 c. Draw the neat labelled valve timing diagram for four stroke petrol engine .



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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
4 .d State formulae to calculate TEWI and LCCP.

1.Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) can be defined as, "sum of amount of refrigerant
gases released into the atmosphere and amount of CO2 released during electrical energy
generation used to drive refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment."

* TEWI is an index of global warming. Concept of TEWI considers global warming

effect due to refrigerant emissions and release of Carbon dioxide due to energy use
over the lifetime of the refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
TEWI can be calculated using
TEWI = direct emissions + indirect emissions
= (GWP x L x N)+(Ea x βx n),

where L - annual leakage rate in the system, kg (3% of infrigerant

charge annually),

N - life of the system, years (15 years), Ea - energy consumption, kWh

per year (modelled for each refrigerant),
β - carbon dioxide emission factor,
n - system running time, years (based on weather data, 4910 hours)

2. Life cycle climate performance (LCCP)

Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) Is an evaluation method, by which,

refrigeration and air conditioning systems can be evaluated for the global warming
Impact over the course of their lifetime.

LCCP is a rigorous approach to Identifying and quantifying direct and Indirect Impact
on environment. LCCP is calculated as the sum of direct and indirect emissions
generated over the lifetime of the system.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
4 e.

02 M

02 M

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
5 Attempt any TWO: (2X6=12) 12

a Given : B.S.F.C.= 0.272 KJ/KW/hr , C.V = 43961 KJ/kg , ⴄmech = 80 % = 0.80 , r =

5.6, ⴗ=1.4

Brake thermal efficiency : ⴄbth = BP / mf x Cv

= 3600 / (B.S.F.C. x C.V) ----( 1/B.S.F.C.= BP / mf )
= 3600 / (0.272 x 43961) 2 marks
= 0.3011 x 100
ⴄbth = 30.11 %
Mechanical efficiency: ⴄmech = BP/IP
0.80 = BP/IP
IP = BP/0.80 ------- 1
Indicated thermal efficiency : ⴄith = IP / mf x Cv x 100 2 marks
= BP / (0.80 x mf x C.V ) ----- from 1
= 3600 / (0.80 x B.S.F.C. x C.V ) -----(1/ B.S.F.C.= BP / mf )
= 3600 / (0.80 x 0.272 x 43961)
= 0.3763 x 100
ⴄith = 37.63 % 2 marks
Air standard efficiency : ⴄair std = 1 – 1 / rⴗ-1
= 1 – 1 / (5.6)1.4-1
= 1 – 1 / (5.6)0.4
= 0.4980 x100
ⴄair std = 49.80 %

5 b
Given : P2 = 5bar = 5x105 N/m2 , P1 = 1bar = 1x105 N/m2 , T1 = 200 C = 20+273 = 293 K ,
V1 = 2 m3/min , n = 1.2
Calculate : Isothermal efficiency
Solution : Isothermal Power = p1v1 loge (p2/p1)
= ( 1 x 105) x (2/60) x loge (5/1)
= 5364.79 W
2 marks
Isothermal Power = 5.36 KW

Indicated Power = ( n/n-1 ) x p1v1 [ (p2/p1)n-1/n - 1 ]

= (1.2 / 1.2-1 ) x 1 x 105 x 2/60 [ ( 5/1 )1.2 -1 / 1.2 - 1 ]
2 marks
= 5800 W

Indicated Power = 5.80 KW

2 marks
Isothermal efficiency:
ⴄisothermal = Isothermal Power / Indicated Power
= (5.36 / 5.80) x (100)
ⴄisothermal = 92.41 %

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
5 c Given : m = 400 kg , T1 = -50 C = -5 + 273 = 268 K , T2 = 190 C = 292 K , hfg = L = 105 KJ/kg
, Cp = 1.256 KJ/kg0K
Calculate : Refrigeration Capacity ( R.E )
Solution :
The heat absorbed from the fruit in 10 hr. :
Q = m x Cp x (T2-T1)
Q = 400 x 1.256 x (292 - 268)
Q = 12057.6 KJ 2 marks
Total latent heat of freezing : L total = 400 x 105 = 42000 KJ
The Total heat absorbed in 10 hr. : Q total = Q + L total
= 12057.6 + 42000 2 marks
Q total = 54057.6 KJ
Therefore, Total heat removed in 1 minute = (54057.6) / (10 x 60)
= 90.09 KJ / min 2 marks
Refrigeration capacity of the plant = R.E. = 90.09 / 211 =0.4269 TR
6 Attempt any TWO: (2X6=12)

Sr. Reciprocating Air Compressor Rotary Air Compressor

1 Suitable for low discharge of air at Suitable for handling large volume
high pressure. of air at low pressure.

2 Operational speed is low. Operational speed is high.

3 Vibrations are occurred. Balancing is Less vibration. No balancing

major problem. problem.

4 Air supply is pulsating. Air supply is continuous.

5 Size of compressor is large for given Size of compressor is small for

discharge. same discharge.. 1 marks
each point
6 Delivery pressure 800 to 1000 bar Normally below 10 bar (any six
7 Needs proper lubrication and more Needs proper lubrication and more
maintenance. maintenance.

8 Air delivered is less clean. Air delivered is cleaner.

9 Lubrication system is complicated. Lubrication system is simple.

10 Flow rate of air is low. Flow rate of air is high.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
6 bGiven: V1 = 20000 m3/hr = 333.33 m3/min , td1= 300C , td2= 250C , tw2= 200C , RH=15%
Calculate: 1. Dew point temperature
2. Rate of moisture addition to air stream.

From psychrometric chart:
at condition 1 , specific humidity = 1 = 0.0045 kg of kg dry air

at condition 2 , specific humidity = 2 = 0.0126 kg of kg dry air

specific volume of air at point 1 = Vs1= 0.896 m3/kg of dry air

3 marks
Dew point temperature : tdp = 17.60C

Mass of air supplied ma = V1/Vs1 = 333.33/0.896 = 372.02 kg/min

Moisture added to the air stream = ma x ( 2 - 1) 3 marks

= 3.01 kg/min

6 c Solution :
B.P. with all cylinder are working = (B.P.)total = 15.65 KW
Indicated Power of each cylinder after cut off :
(I.P.) 1 =(B.P.)total - (B.P.)2,3,4 = 15.6– 11.1 = 4.5 KW 2 marks
(I.P.) 2 =(B.P.)total - (B.P.)1,3,4 = 15.6 – 11.03 = 4.57KW
(I.P.) 3 =(B.P.)total - (B.P.)1,2,4 = 15.6– 11.88 = 3.72KW
(I.P.) 4 =(B.P.)total - (B.P.)1,2,3 = 15.6– 10.66 = 4.94KW
Total Indicated Power of engine : (I.P.)total = (I.P)1 + (I.P)2 + (I.P)3 + (I.P)4 1 marks
= (4.5 + 4.57 + 3.72 + 4.94)
(I.P.)total = 17.73 KW
Mechanical efficiency : ⴄmech = (B.P.)total / (I.P.)total x 100 1 marks
= 15.6 / 17.73 x 100
ⴄmech = 87.98 %
Indicated Thermal efficiency : ⴄisothermal = I.P. / ( mf x Cv ) 2 marks
= (17.73 x 3600) / (6 x 83600) x 100
ⴄisothermal = 12.72 %


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