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Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

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A review on under-deposit corrosion of pipelines in oil and gas fields:

Testing methods, corrosion mechanisms and mitigation strategies
Z.B. Wang, L. Pang, Y.G. Zheng∗
CAS Key Laboratory of Nuclear Materials and Safety Assessment, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Under-deposit corrosion (UDC) due to the presence of deposits has become a major concern threatening the
Received 25 January 2022 safe service of pipelines in oil and gas fields, causing economic loss and even irreversible damage to life and
Received in revised form 28 March 2022 environment. Herein, we provide a critical review of UDC in terms of testing methods, corrosion mechanisms
Accepted 29 March 2022
and mitigation strategies, so as to better understand and prevent UDC. Two deposit simulation methods and
Available online 19 September 2022
three UDC testing systems are summarized. Two popular UDC mechanisms are discussed based on the coverage
Keywords: and protectiveness of deposits, and the galvanic couple caused by the uneven distribution of deposits is found
Under-deposit corrosion to be the root cause for the prevailed localized corrosion under deposits. The mitigation strategies for UDC are
Pipeline reviewed from the aspects of scale controlling and corrosion inhibition. In the last, the demands for developing
accurate deposit simulation methods, effective UDC inhibitors and advanced on-site scale monitoring technologies
Corrosion mechanism
are proposed.
Scale controlling
Corrosion inhibitor © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction conventional ones for the corrosion of bare metals. UDC has even been
sometimes identified as a stand-alone corrosion mechanism, apart from
Oil and gas are presently the major global energy sources, the pro- the well-known sweet corrosion, sour corrosion, microbiologically influ-
duction of which relates directly to economic development. Pipelines enced corrosion, crevice corrosion and erosion-corrosion [6]. Therefore,
stretching across the globe are the safest and most economical mode considering the high demand for addressing the unique issue of UDC,
of transporting millions of barrels of petroleum products every day to this paper critically reviews the UDC in terms of testing methods, cor-
supply the ever-growing energy market [1,2]. Corrosion is one of the rosion mechanisms and mitigation strategies, aiming at providing some
threats causing pipeline failure, costing billions of dollars annually to useful information for clarifying how to evaluate UDC, why UDC occurs
the global transmission pipeline industry, in addition to the irreversible and what strategies can be employed to mitigate UDC.
damage to life and the environment [3–5]. Among various corrosion
types, under-deposit corrosion (UDC) has been regarded to be respon- 2. Testing methods of UDC
sible for high corrosion rates and as one of the major reasons for the
As compared to the conventional corrosion of bare metals, evaluat-
perforation of oil and gas pipelines, and has also been considered as a
ing UDC must consider the deposits that play significant roles in UDC.
threat to the pipeline integrity [6].
How to simulate the features of deposits similar to those of practical
In general, UDC refers to the facilitated uniform and especially the
deposits as much as possible and how to evaluate the uniform and lo-
localized corrosion occurring beneath or around deposits present on a
calized corrosion of metal under deposits are the two significant issues
metal surface [6,7]. In the pipelines in service, many deposits can be
for evaluating UDC.
frequently found, which consist of silica sand, calcite, clays, alumina,
corrosion products, organics and so on [8]. In severe cases, perforation
2.1. Methods simulating deposits
of pipelines caused by UDC could occur unexpectedly, resulting in unac-
ceptable accidents. Due to the presence of deposits, the testing methods, There are mainly two methods to simulate deposits: one is in-situ
mechanisms and mitigation strategies for UDC are different from the forming deposits/scales on the metal surface [9–13] and the other is

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y.G. Zheng).
2667-2669/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

artificially preparing deposit layers using available powders [7,14-18]. 2.2.3. Wire beam electrodes
The first method is mainly used to simulate the deposits of corrosion In order to evaluate the UDC under either fully or partially covered
products. Pang et al. [13] pre-formed a corrosion product (iron oxides) conditions more microscopically, many investigations have employed
layer on the carbon steel surface by in-situ immersing the sample in the the wire beam electrodes (WBE, or called as multiple electrodes) [19],
test solution, so as to study the effects of local damage of this deposited as displayed in Fig. 2(c). The WBE is composed of multiple wires (typ-
layer on UDC, while the corrosion products of iron carbonates and iron ically 100 wires) distributed in an XY array. The localized corrosion
sulfides can be also in-situ formed via immersion prior to evaluating the can be judged based on the distribution of galvanic current density.
UDC beneath them [9,11]. The second method has been employed to The measured galvanic current density of each wire is that between this
simulate both the inert deposits and corrosion product deposits, as well wire and the other connected wires. If one wire exhibits a higher anodic
as their mixtures. The inert deposits found in the pipelines in oil and galvanic current density, its corrosion is much severer than the other
gas fields include sand, clay and limescale (CaCO3 , MgCO3 , BaSO4 and wires; in other words, localized corrosion occurs on this site. The higher
so on). Fig. 1 illustrates the simulation of deposits using CaCO3 or sand the anodic galvanic current density, the severer the localized corrosion,
powders [7]. The composition and porosity of simulated deposits can which has been verified by the observation of corrosion morphology
be controlled by adjusting the ratio and height/mass of the powders, re- of WBE [24]. Based on this principle, Prof. Tan, who has focused on
spectively [7,17,19]. The permeable nylon membrane is used to prevent the WBE for a long time, proposed the localized corrosion intensity in-
the deposit powders from leaking to the solution. Moreover, the pow- dex (LCII) calculated from the galvanic current density distribution map
ders used in this method can be obtained from commercially available [24–27]:
chemicals (such as CaCO3 and sand) [7], laboratory synthesis (such as
𝑖g ,max
iron sulfides) [16] or field-collected deposits [12]. However, it must be LCII = (1)
mentioned that all the presently developed methods have difficulties in ∑
completely simulating the complicated practical deposits in the fields, 𝑖a
which is still an unsolved tough and common issue for the UDC study.
where ig,max is the maximum galvanic current density, ia is the anodic
2.2. Testing systems evaluating UDC galvanic current density, and Na is the number of wires with anodic
current density. This index can provide useful information on the occur-
Up to now, three kinds of testing systems, regardless of their various rence and the degree of localized corrosion. If corrosion is highly uni-
specific experimental set-up [6,20], have been developed to evaluate form, a very small LCII (0.02) can be obtained, while localized corrosion
the UDC behavior, which differ in the electrode number. is identified if the LCII is larger than 0.1. Under the extreme condition
where a larger current density concentrates only on one anodic wire, it
can lead to an LCII of 1 corresponding to the severest localized corrosion.
2.2.1. Single electrode
With the aid of WBE, many UDC phenomena, which could not be easily
The single electrode was generally employed to study the UDC under
identified by other methods, have been revealed, such as DO-enhanced
fully covered conditions [15,17,21-23]. Since many deposits, especially
localized corrosion under fully covered CaCO3 deposits [18], inhibitor-
sand, clay and limescale, are poorly conductive, it is difficult to evalu-
induced acceleration of localized corrosion under partially covered sand
ate the localized corrosion under deposits by electrochemical methods.
deposits [28] and the facilitated localized UDC caused by local damage
In this situation, the single electrode is mainly used to assess uniform
of fully covered corrosion products deposits [13].
corrosion under fully covered deposits. Meng et al. [10] improved the
single electrode by purposely in-situ forming deposits on part of the sur-
face via using a PCR plate thermal adhesive sealing film, as shown in 3. Mechanisms and influencing factors of UDC
Fig. 2(a), and then characterized the localized behavior using the scan-
ning vibrating micro-electrode technique. 3.1. UDC mechanisms

There are mainly two mechanisms that have been employed to ex-
2.2.2. Double electrodes
plain the uniform and localized UDC behavior under various conditions,
Double electrodes were developed to investigate the localized corro-
sion behavior of deposit-covered and uncovered pipeline steels [11,22].
Fig. 2(c) presents a typical double-electrode testing system, in which the (1) When a metal is fully covered by microscopically homogeneous de-
localized corrosion can be evaluated by the galvanic corrosion testing posits, there are generally no local cathodes and anodes distributed
method. So far, researchers have clarified the effects of deposit types, on the metal surfaces under deposits. In this situation, if the deposits
corrosion inhibitors and the area ratio between the deposit-covered and are porous with poor protectiveness, the UDC tends to occur uni-
bare electrodes on localized corrosion under sand or corrosion products formly [13,14,18,29,30], as shown in Fig. 3(a). Some authors at-
deposits, by using double electrodes. tributed the observed uniform UDC of pipeline steels to the porous

Fig. 1. (a) Illustration of artificially preparing the deposits using the powders of (b) CaCO3 and (c) SiO2 (sand) [7].

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

Fig. 2. Generally employed testing systems evaluating under-deposit corrosion: (a) single electrode [10], (b) double electrodes [11] and (c) wire beam electrodes

and homogeneous features of the deposits of sands [30], corrosion lieved that UDC of the pipeline immersed for a long time follows this
products [13] and CaCO3 [18]. mechanism, resulting from the oxygen concentration cells caused by the
(2) In practice, most UDC exhibits the feature of localized corrosion, difference in hindering the diffusion of dissolved oxygen (DO) through
corresponding to the local perforation of pipelines. Extensive stud- different regions inside the deposits. Pang et al. [18] also experimentally
ies demonstrate that such localized UDC always follows the galvanic confirmed that the increase in DO content can enhance the localized cor-
corrosion mechanism, regardless of whether the pipeline is fully or rosion occurring under fully covered CaCO3 deposits. By comparison,
partially covered by deposits. The difference is just that the specific Meng et al. [10] attributed the separation of local anodes and cathodes
local anodes depend on environments and the coverage and protec- under deposits to the heterogeneously porous structure of deposits.
tiveness of deposits, which can be divided into three cases. The second case refers to the preferential corrosion occurring on par-
tially deposited regions [20,23,28,33], as shown in Fig. 3(c). The prac-
The first case is localized corrosion occurring under fully covered tical example is the unacceptable bottom corrosion of pipelines where
conditions. If the composition or compactness inside deposits is micro- solids (such as sands) are only deposited at the 6 o’clock position [20].
scopically inhomogeneous, local cathodes and anodes will be generated There are mainly two reasons responsible for the preferential corro-
on the surfaces of metals under deposits. As a result of galvanic couples, sion of deposited regions. One reason is the oxygen concentration cells
localized corrosion located at anodic regions occurs beneath the deposits formed between deposited surface depleted in DO and the bare surface
[10,17,31,32], as shown in Fig. 3(b). Wang and Melchers [17,31] be- rich in DO [28]. The other reason is related to the addition of corrosion

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

Fig. 3. (a) Uniform corrosion morphology of 1020 carbon steel with fully covered CaCO3 deposits in deoxygenated 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution [18], (b) counting of
maximum pit depth (localized corrosion) of API 5LB pipeline steel with fully covered deposits consisting of magnetite, calcium carbonate and sea sand after long-term
immersion in deoxygenated natural seawater [31], (c) 2-D scanning vibrating micro-electrode current density map of API X70 pipeline steel with partially covered
deposits in NS4 solution, indicating localized corrosion occurring on the deposit-covered surface (region A) [10], and (d) localized electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy maps of API X65 pipeline steel with partially covered deposits in 90 ◦ C CO2 -saturated formation water of an oilfield, indicating localized corrosion
occurring on the bare surface (central region) [11].

inhibitors which can only protect the bare surface but not the deposited Apart from the three cases for localized UDC, a new mechanism has
surface due to the hindering effects of deposits on the diffusion of in- been recently reported accounting for the enhanced localized corrosion
hibitors to the deposited metal surface [28,33], finally leading to the de- under deposits induced by the local damage of non-protective deposits
posited regions acting as local anodes. Besides, once localized corrosion (iron oxides) [13]. When the pre-formed corrosion products film was
occurs on the small surface covered by deposits, the formed Fe2+ cannot locally broken, the damaged region acted as the anode initially. Nev-
diffuse easily to bulk solutions due to the presence of deposits. As a con- ertheless, the galvanic coupling relationship reversed with prolonging
sequence, acidification prevails under deposits owing to the hydrolysis the immersion time, and finally the regions surrounding the damaged
of Fe2+ , which has been experimentally verified in the previous work one became the anode, exhibiting severer corrosion. This phenomenon
[34]. It compels more Cl− in bulk solutions to penetrate through the was ascribed to the formation of relatively protective corrosion products
deposits, so as to neutralize the acidification-produced positive charges, on the damaged surface increasing the corrosion potential and resulting
further facilitating the corrosion under deposits. in intensive anodic polarisation effects on the surrounding undamaged
The third case of localized corrosion occurs on the bare regions act- regions.
ing as local anodes [19,35,36], as shown in Fig. 3(d). The typical ex-
ample is the localized corrosion of pipeline steels caused by the local 3.2. Factors influencing UDC
damage of protective deposits, such as the FeCO3 scales formed at high
temperatures. Han et al. [35] reported that the corrosion rate of the In this section, three types of widely studied factors influencing UDC
uncovered region where protective FeCO3 scales were damaged was or- will be summarized, including deposit, environmental and material fac-
ders of magnitude larger than that of the surrounding deposited region. tors.
It should be mentioned that the galvanic coupling relationship (polarity)
could change even in the same environments, leading to the preferen- 3.2.1. Deposit factors
tial corrosion of bare regions. For instances, Wu et al. [37] reported a It is undoubted that the deposited layer acts like a barrier chang-
phenomenon of polarity reversal (anode to cathode) for the bare region ing the diffusion of corrosive species and chemical agents from bulk
with increasing immersion time and Tan et al. [28] found that adding solutions to metal surfaces, hence playing the most significant role in
corrosion inhibitors can lead the originally cathodic region covered by affecting UDC. The effects of deposits on UDC mainly lie in their com-
deposits to be the anode. positions, compactness (porosity) and coverage. It is worth noting that

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

the compositions, compactness and coverage of deposits are usually cor- mon iron oxides. Under most situations, iron oxides are relatively porous
related, therefore their effects on UDC cannot be separated. and their partial coverage or local damage can lead to localized corro-
In general, the compositions of on-site found deposits in pipelines sion [13,38-41]. The common iron sulfides (Fig. 4(b)), which are semi-
can be classified into three types: inorganic deposits, organic deposits conducting, formed on pipeline surfaces include mackinawite (FeS1- x ),
and mixed deposits [6]. The inorganic deposits mainly include corro- troilite (FeS), pyrrhotite (Fe1- x S) and pyrite (FeS2 ), depending on envi-
sion products, limescale and sands, and are widely studied in UDC in- ronments and the corrosion stages [42–45]. It has been reported that
vestigations. The corrosion products of pipeline steels in oil and gas mackinawite and pyrrhotite are the main corrosion products at low and
fields consist of iron oxides, sulfides and carbonates, whose typical high temperatures and H2 S partial pressure, respectively [42]. The in-
morphologies are displayed in Fig. 4(a-c), respectively. Red lath/cube- vestigations related to UDC under iron sulfides deposits are relatively
shaped Fe2 O3 , black ring-shaped Fe3 O4 (Fig. 4(a1)), bronzing Fe(OH)3 , few, probably owing to the feature of semiconductivity bringing some
orange flake-shaped 𝛾-FeOOH (lepidocrocite, Fig. 4(a3)), dark brown difficulties in performing UDC tests [16], albeit localized attack has been
powder-shaped 𝛼-FeOOH (goethite, Fig. 4(a4)), rod-shaped 𝛽-FeOOH observed in H2 S-containing environments [46]. The limited research re-
(akaganeite, Fig. 4(a5)) and their mixtures (Fig. 4(a2)) are the com- ported that mackinawite was relatively porous with inferior protective-

Fig. 4. Typical morphologies of deposits: (a) iron oxides such as (a1) Fe3 O4 , (a2) a mixture of Fe2 O3 and Fe(OH)3 , (a3) 𝛾-FeOOH, (a4) 𝛼-FeOOH and (a5) 𝛽-FeOOH
[65–67], (b) iron sulfides such as (b1) mackinawite, (b2) troilite and pyrrhotite and pyrite [42,45], (c) iron carbonates [50], (d) CaCO3 [68], (e) mixed deposits

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

ness, hence inducing UDC [47]. In contrast, the UDC under pyrrhotite in the presence of deposits [74]. Therefore, the effects of microstructure
or troilite deposits was found to be not severe due to their relatively on UDC are still controversial.
high compactness [47–49]. FeCO3 is the most typical iron carbonate
in oil and gas fields, which forms at higher temperatures in the pres- 4. Mitigation strategies of UDC
ence of CO2 [32,50,51], as shown in Fig. 4(c). It has been accepted that
the effects of FeCO3 on UDC depend on its compactness and coverage. There is a general consensus that both scale controlling and corrosion
Compact and fully covered FeCO3 deposits can inhibit UDC to some ex- inhibition can mitigate UDC effectively [6].
tent [11,19,51], while severe localized corrosion can be identified when
pipelines are partially covered by FeCO3 deposits or the FeCO3 deposits 4.1. Scale controlling
are incompact under certain circumstances [15,19,52,53].
The limescale is formed by the precipitation of alkaline-earth metal Since the presence of deposits/scales is the root cause for UDC, pre-
ions (Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Ba2+ and Sr2+ ) with carbonate and sulfate ions, among venting depositing (scale inhibition) and removing the deposits/scales
which CaCO3 is often employed to simulate the deposits when conduct- that have already existed on pipeline surfaces are undoubtedly two effec-
ing UDC tests [7,18,54,55]. The typical morphology of CaCO3 deposits tive ways in mitigating UDC, which have been practically applied in oil
is shown in Fig. 4(d). The higher compactness of CaCO3 deposits can and gas fields [54]. The most widely employed method for scale inhibi-
also protect pipelines [54]. However, the effects of coverage of CaCO3 tion is adding scale inhibitors to prevent the limescale from precipitating
deposits have not yet been clarified. The sand originates from the oil on pipeline surfaces by the complexing mechanism [75]. Duccini et al.
and gas reservoir and can be deposited on pipeline surfaces if the fluid [76] proposed that high performance oilfield scale inhibitors should ex-
flow is low [56]. Similar to iron oxides deposits, sand deposits are also hibit the characteristics of low dosage, good compatibility, slow release,
porous and can not only promote uniform corrosion under fully cov- high thermostability, hypotoxicity, high biodegradability and low cost.
ered conditions but also induce localized corrosion under partially cov- It has been found that some organic compounds, such as polyacrylic
ered conditions [20,22,28,29,57-60]. Nonetheless, some investigations acids, amino acid salts, sulfonated polymers and phosphonate, are high-
reported the protection effects of sand deposits on UDC [61–63]. The performed scale inhibitors [75].
organic deposits are mainly composed of wax and bitumen in crude oil Mechanical removal, physical descaling and chemical dissolution
and schmoo is the typically mixed deposit, which is the mixture of in- are the three major methods of removing scales [54]. The most com-
organic and organic deposits [17,64], as shown in Fig. 4(e). It is a pity mon mechanical methods for removing scales include wiping, brushing,
that seldom studies focused on the effects of these two deposits on UDC, scraping, penning, and abrasion/erosion by using special-purpose de-
although the localized corrosion of pipelines under deposits has been vices, and the physical methods remove scales via ultrasonic or elec-
ascribed to them [64]. tromagnetic waves. The removing method of chemical dissolution is
generally more suitable for carbonate scales because they can be eas-
3.2.2. Environmental factors ily dissolved by acids or chelating agents. Due to the concerns of po-
Environmental factors can affect UDC by influencing the feature of tential corrosion of pipeline steels when using acids to dissolve scales,
deposits, especially for CaCO3 [54], iron carbonates [19,28,53] and chelating agents have attracted more and more attention [54]. Ly et al.
iron sulfides [47–49] which are compact at higher pH, temperature [64] have developed a novel dispersant consisting of two chelating
and gas (CO2 or H2 S) partial pressure. For the sand deposits, exten- agents (nonionic surfactants), which can remove schmoo based on field
sive studies have found that the temperature and atmosphere have pro- tests.
nounced impacts on localized corrosion under partially covered de-
posits: bare surfaces are corroded faster by acting as anodes at low 4.2. Corrosion inhibition
temperatures [19,28,69] while the introduction of O2 alters the gal-
vanic polarity enhancing the corrosion of sand deposited surfaces that Adding corrosion inhibitors is an effective method to control the cor-
act as anodes [19,23,59]. The flow velocity has promotion effects on rosion of pipelines in oil and gas fields [77–79]. In order to combat UDC,
localized UDC [6]: lower flow velocity is beneficial for the deposit- many engineers and researchers have attempted to assess the DUC in-
ing of solid particles like sand and higher flow velocity can damage hibition effectiveness of some corrosion inhibitors that have exhibited
the deposits, especially the protective deposits like FeCO3 , both of good corrosion inhibition performance in the practical environments of
which can induce localized corrosion by the second mechanism as men- oil and gas fields [8,9,14,20,22,28,29,57,58,62,80-89]. The results indi-
tioned in Section 3.1. Besides, the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in cate that not all the inhibitors are effective for inhibiting UDC and some
solutions is also a non-negligible factor influencing UDC. Some failure of them can even promote UDC. Even so, mitigating UDC by adding
analyses reported that there were SRB in/under deposits causing se- specially developed corrosion inhibitors is still promising owing to the
vere localized corrosion to pipelines in oil and gas fields [17,70-72]. advantages of low cost, easy operation, high flexibility, and high effi-
Yang et al. [34] have experimentally confirmed that the presence of ciency, which hence deserves more investigations. Table 1 summarizes
SRB can enhance UDC significantly by accumulating in/under sand almost all the reported inhibition efficiencies (𝜂) of various inhibitors
deposits. on UDC of pipeline steels covered by different deposits, on the basis of
our previous work [7]. Table 1 leads to some interesting findings. First,
3.2.3. Material factors the mainly studied UDC inhibitors are organic compounds, probably due
The microstructure of pipeline steels has been found to affect UDC. to the disadvantages of high concentration and low efficiency of inor-
Some researchers claimed that ferrite and Fe3 C in the lamellar pearlite ganic corrosion inhibitors. Second, almost all organics containing N, O
can constitute much more corrosion microcells, promoting the corro- and P heteroatoms, especially the widely employed imidazoline and its
sion process and leaving Fe3 C as the initial corrosion product [66,73]. derivatives, exhibit UDC inhibition efficiencies lower than 70%. It sug-
Then, the gap/crevice between lamellar Fe3 C could hinder the diffusion gests that the traditional experience for developing corrosion inhibitors
of ions and favor the concentrating of anodically produced Fe2+ and ca- for bare steels is not so valid for UDC. Third, it is interesting that most of
thodically produced OH− . As a result, it is easier for the corrosion prod- the S-containing compounds show superior UDC inhibition performance
ucts (such as FeCO3 ) and CaCO3 to precipitate at these sites forming (𝜂>90%). These compounds could be taken as the candidates of UDC
denser deposits to inhibit corrosion. However, some opposite opinions inhibitors for practical application in oil and gas fields. However, the S-
can be also found that the galvanic effects between ferrite and Fe3 C in containing compounds are not always good for inhibiting UDC, such as
the lamellar pearlite and the possible acidification in the gap/crevice be- the thiourea-based alkyl Imidazoline under mixed deposits [90]. More-
tween lamellar Fe3 C can promote corrosion of pipeline steels, especially over, there are still also some N-containing compounds showing high

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng
Table 1
Summary of inhibition efficiencies (𝜂) of different inhibitors on UDC of pipeline steels covered by different deposits [7,8,12,14,22,23,28,29,33,57,63,80,82-85,87,89-95].

Inhibitor Concentration Material Medium Test condition Deposit icorr (𝝁A/cm2 ) 𝜼 (%) Refs.

S-containing organic compounds

2-mercaptobenzimidazole 100 mg/L 1020 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C SiO2 2.18 a 94.67 [7]
100 mg/L 1020 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C CaCO3 0.59 a 98.17 [7]
2-mercaptopyrimidine 100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 1.23 a 95.02 [29]
100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C Al2 O3 0.51 a 98.24 [29]
100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C CaCO3 0.32 a 90.62 [29]
100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 1.05 a 96.6 [80]
Thiourea oleic acid imidazoline quaternary ammonium salt 200 mg/L Q235 3.5 wt.% NaCl 25 ◦ C CaSiO3 + MgCO3 + CaSO4 + water 3.6 a 87.03 [91]
Thiourea oleic acid imidazoline 200 mg/L Q235 3.5 wt.% NaCl 25 ◦ C CaSiO3 + MgCO3 + CaSO4 + water 2.3 a 91.92 [91]
2-mercaptoethanol 200 mg/L X65 Brine solution (3.4 wt.%) CO2 -saturated, 70 ◦ C SiO2 0.26 c No inhibition [57]
45 mg/L X65 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 50 ◦ C SiO2 2.56 b 92 [22]

Thiourea-based alkyl Imidazoline 1000 mg/L X65 Brine solution CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C Sand + clay + FeCO3 + FeS + S 690.38 a −297 [90]
Thiobenzamide 100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 1.91 a 95.2 [80]
200 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 0.30 a 99.3 [89]
100 mg/L 1030 30 g/L NaCl + 0.1 g/L NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 0.51 b 98.33 [8]
100 mg/L 1030 30 g/L NaCl + 0.1 g/L NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C Al2 O3 0.51 b 99.30 [8]
100 mg/L 1030 30 g/L NaCl + 0.1 g/L NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C CaCO3 1.54 b 97.80 [8]
Sulfur organic compound - - 30 g/L NaCl + 100 mg/L NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 50 ◦ C SiO2 < 8.54 b 84 [14]
Imidazoline and its derivatives
Oleic acid imidazoline 200 mg/L Q235 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C CaSiO3 + MgCO3 + CaSO4 + water 13.0 a 53.41 [91]
Imidazoline 25 mg/L X65 1 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C SiO2 9.40 b No inhibition [63]
50 mg/L X65 1 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C 1.71 b 20 [63]
Imidazoline 250 mg/L X65 3.5 wt.% NaCl DO > 5.5 mg/L, 30 ◦ C SiO2 0.87 a 42.76 [33]
Imidazoline derivative 45 mg/L X65 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 50 ◦ C SiO2 30.77 b 4 [22]
Fatty acid imidazoline 300 mg/L X60 Brine solution CO2 -saturated, 48 ◦ C Sludge deposits 1196.58 b 53 [12]
(continued on next page)

Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng
Table 1 (continued)

Inhibitor Concentration Material Medium Test condition Deposit icorr (𝝁A/cm2 ) 𝜼 (%) Refs.

Imidazoline derivative 25 mg/L - Brine solution CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C Sand 8.55 b 47.74 [87]
40 mg/L - Brine solution CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C Sand 5.98 b 62.44 [87]
Tall oil diethylenetriamine imidazoline 70 mg/L X65 1 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C Al2 O3 25.64 b 90 [92]
70 mg/L X65 1 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C SiO2 32.05 b 14.77 [92]
Imidazoline 10−30 mg/L 1035 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 21 ◦ C sand - -∗ [28]
Imidazoline-based inhibitor 500 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 20 ◦ C Silica sand - Little inhibition [85]
Imidazoline salt 30 mg/L X65 10 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 60 ◦ C Sand 42.74 b 29 [84]
Imidazoline salt - - 30 g/L NaCl + 100 mg/L NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 50 ◦ C SiO2 68.38−85.47b −160 to −200 [14]
Oleic Imidazoline 40 mg/L X65 3 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 55 ◦ C BaSO4 5.12 b 76 ∗ [83]

Other organic compounds

2-hydroxybenzimidazole 100 mg/L 1020 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C SiO2 22.55 a 44.78 [7]
100 mg/L 1020 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C CaCO3 19.93 a 51.19 [7]
2-aminobenzimidazole 100 mg/L 1020 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C SiO2 3.47 a 89.33 [7]
100 mg/L 1020 3.5 wt.% NaCl CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C CaCO3 2.46 a 92.45 [7]
2-Dodecylpiridinium chloride hydrate 100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 23.72 a 3.89 [29]
100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C Al2 O3 27.92 a 3.66 [29]
100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C CaCO3 3.10 a 38.42 [29]
100 mg/L 1030 3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3 CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C SiO2 14.91 a 52.7 [80]
Amino trimethylene phosphonic acid 250 mg/L X65 3.5 wt.% NaCl DO > 6.0 mg/L, 26 ◦ C SiO2 2.47 a −174 ∗ [23]
250 mg/L X65 3.5 wt.% NaCl DO > 6.0 mg/L, 26 ◦ C CaCO3 1.72 a −177 [23]
250 mg/L X65 3.5 wt.% NaCl DO > 5.5 mg/L, 30 ◦ C SiO2 9a −592 ∗ [23]
(continued on next page)

Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

UDC inhibition efficiencies. It implies that the factors dominating UDC

inhibition performance of an inhibitor are not unique. Fourth, the com-

position of deposits has effects on UDC inhibition of inhibitors. For ex-




ample, for one inhibitor, sand (SiO2 ) deposits can decrease the UDC inhi-
bition efficiency drastically, as compared to Al2 O3 and CaCO3 deposits.


𝜼 (%)


57 ∗
73 ∗

Fifth, the addition of some inhibitors can promote UDC or even lead to



the occurrence of localized corrosion under deposits. All the above find-
icorr (𝝁A/cm2 )

ings demonstrate that whether an inhibitor is effective for mitigating

UDC depends on the nature of inhibitors and deposits, as well as their
769.23 b
26.92 b

11.97 b

30.68 b

10.26 b
38.42 a
6.84 b

0.45 b
0.53 b
0.63 b

5.93 b

5.98 b
8.55 b

9.40 b
8.55 b
2.96 a

It has been accepted that the failure of organic compounds in in-

hibiting UDC is mainly attributed to the adsorption of inhibitors on de-
Fe2 O3 + Fe3 O4 + Fe(OH)3

posits. This is supported by Table 1 in which most of the inhibitors that
failed to inhibit UDC were reported to be adsorbed a lot by deposits.
Furthermore, the work from Suarez et al. [29] implies that the penetra-
Sludge deposits

+ Fe2 O3
+ Fe2 O3
+ Fe2 O3
+ Fe2 O3
tion of an inhibitor through deposits could also play an important role
in determining whether and how many inhibitors can reach the metal



Fe3 O4
Fe3 O4
Fe3 O4
Fe3 O4
Al2 O3


surface beneath deposits. Vera et al. [6] also proposed that both the




penetration and adsorption of inhibitors through/on deposits should ac-
count for the bad UDC inhibition performance [4]. Recently, Pang et al.
H2 S + CO2 + N2 balanced, 48 ◦ C

[7] have figured out the design strategy of an ideal UDC inhibitor, by
simultaneously considering the penetration and adsorption of inhibitors
icorr is obtained from potentiodynamic polarization curve a , linear polarization resistance b and mass loss c ; DO represents dissolved oxygen.
through/on deposits. They purposely selected three kinds of benzimida-
DO > 6.0 mg/L, 19 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 50 ◦ C

CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 40 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 30 ◦ C

CO2 -saturated, 55 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 55 ◦ C

CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 60 ◦ C

CO2 -saturated, 50 ◦ C
CO2 -saturated, 25 ◦ C

zole derivatives with various heteroatoms as the UDC inhibitors and two
Room temperature
Test condition

types of mineral deposits with different porosity as the deposits, and fi-

nally verified that an effective UDC inhibitor must satisfy three require-
ments: (1) it possesses a certain inhibition performance for corrosion
80 ◦ C
80 ◦ C
80 ◦ C

25 ◦ C
25 ◦ C
25 ◦ C
25 ◦ C

of a bare metal, (2) it can penetrate easily through deposits to reach

the metal surface, and (3) it has a low tendency to be adsorbed on de-
3 wt.% NaCl + 0.01 wt.% NaHCO3

posits, as shown in Fig. 5. The first requirement guarantees the inhibitor

30 g/L NaCl + 0.1 g/L NaHCO3
30 g/L NaCl + 0.1 g/L NaHCO3
30 g/L NaCl + 0.1 g/L NaHCO3

to exhibit good corrosion inhibition performance once it can reach the

metal surface by penetrating through the deposits, while the latter two
requirements allow more inhibitors to reach the metal surface with less
adsorbed when penetrating through the deposits. Such a design strategy
0.25 mol/L NaCl
0.25 mol/L NaCl
0.25 mol/L NaCl
0.25 mol/L NaCl

could provide an avenue for developing good UDC inhibitors that can
0.2 mol/L NaCl
3.5 wt.% NaCl
3.5 wt.% NaCl

3.5 wt.% NaCl

Brine solution
Brine solution
Brine solution

Brine solution
Brine solution
Brine solution

10 wt.% NaCl
1 wt.% NaCl

3 wt.% NaCl
3 wt.% NaCl

1 wt.% NaCl

1 wt.% NaCl

be practically applied to mitigate UDC of pipelines in oil and gas fields.


Based on the previous work as shown in Table 1, S-containing micro-

molecular organics could satisfy the aforementioned three requirements.
However, more effort is still needed to guide the design of molecules,
such as establishing the structure-function relationship for UDC in-

hibitors and clarifying how to avoid promoting UDC under some specific







0.0005 mol/L

4.3. Comparison of various UDC mitigation strategies

1000 mg/L
1000 mg/L
1000 mg/L
1000 mg/L
300 mg/L

220 mg/L
100 mg/L
100 mg/L
100 mg/L
100 mg/L

430 mg/L
35 mg/L
45 mg/L

25 mg/L
40 mg/L

20 mg/L
20 mg/L
20 mg/L

40 mg/L
40 mg/L

50 mg/L

45 mg/L
30 mg/L

Table 2 compares briefly the advantages and disadvantages of vari-

ous UDC mitigation strategies. It needs to be emphasized that mitigat-
ing UDC sometimes cannot count on one strategy even for the same
Tall oil diethylenetriamine imidazoline + sodium thiosulfate

pipeline, since the environments, such as water chemistry, fluid condi-

represents the occurrence of localized corrosion.

tions, temperature and pressure, change temporally and spatially. In this

situation, combining multiple strategies and adjusting strategies could
Tetradecylbenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride
Ethylene diamine tetra methy-lene phosphonic

Hexadecylbenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride

be more effective for inhibiting UDC. Adding mixtures of corrosion and

Dodecylbenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride
2-phosphonobutane-1,2,4 tricarboxylic acid

Alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride

scale inhibitors or just one organic having both two functions in wa-
Benzyl coco dimethyl ammonium chloride

Imidazoline + betaine + amine ethoxylate

ter injection or formation pipelines of oil and gas fields, which can be
Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate

Generic phosphate ester in tridecanol

combined with regular pigging, is such the practical example.

Which strategies need to be combined and when to adjust strategies
Quaternary amine derivative

could be the practically concerned issues, so as to mitigate UDC more

Benzyl chloride quaternary

costly, effectively and efficiently. Keeping in mind that the presence of

Inorganic compounds

Cerium (III) chloride

deposits/scales is the root cause for UDC, on-site monitoring and de-
Table 1 (continued)

Sodium thiosulfate
Sodium thiosulfate
Sodium molybdate

tecting the position and number of deposits/scales is the key to solving

Sodium laurate

Sodium nitrite

Zinc sulphate

these issues. Yuan et al. [96] have summarized that the presently de-

veloped scale monitoring and detection methods can be categorized as

thermal and non-thermal methods. The thermal methods judge the scal-
ing degree by monitoring the difference in fluid temperature or thermal

resistance of the pipe. Whilst the on-site employed non-thermal methods

mainly include pressure drop method via detecting the scaling-induced

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

Fig. 5. Illustration of the under-deposit corrosion inhibition mechanism of 2-hydroxybenzimidazole (2-OH-BI), 2-aminobenzimidazole (2-NH2 -BI) and 2-
mercaptobenzimidazole (2-SH-BI) inhibitors under CaCO3 and SiO2 deposits in terms of three aspects: (a) adsorption on deposits, (b) penetration through deposits,
(c) adsorption on metal surface [7].

Table 2
Brief summary of advantages and disadvantages of various UDC mitigation strategies.

UDC mitigation strategy Advantage Disadvantage

Scale controlling Adding scale inhibitors ● High efficiency ● Mainly suitable for limescale
● Low cost ● Relatively low flexibility
● Easy operation
Mechanically removing scales ● Relatively easy operation ● Low efficiency
● No environment pollution ● Possible mechanical damage to
● Relatively low cost pipelines
● Mainly suitable for long and
straight pipelines
Physically removing scales ● No environment pollution ● Incomplete removal
● Relatively low cost ● Limited range of action
● Easy operation
Chemically dissolving scales ● High efficiency ● Risk of undesired corrosion
● Low cost ● Relatively low flexibility
● Environment pollution
Corrosion inhibition Adding UDC inhibitors ● High efficiency ● Risk of promoting UDC
● Low cost ● Rare practical applications at
● Easy operation present
● High flexibility

pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the pipe, ultrasonic artificially preparing methods. However, a more accurate method
detection method and the infrared detection method. Achieving auto- that can completely simulate the complicated practical deposits is
matic, fast and accurate monitoring of scaling in the presence of complex still demanded. Such the deposit simulation method could be de-
interference factors on-site is the goal that engineers and researchers are veloped by establishing the relationship of water chemistry-deposit
pursuing. It is believed that with the continuous development of related feature-UDC behavior of pipeline steels and clarifying the dominat-
technology, on-site scale monitoring and detecting can play more im- ing deposit features such as composition and porosity affecting UDC
portant roles in addressing the UDC issue of pipelines in oil and gas under different conditions via probably statistical analysis.
fields. Three testing systems of single, double and wire beam electrodes can
be referred to when evaluating UDC. The single electrode is gener-
ally used to evaluate the uniform corrosion under deposits when the
5. Conclusions and outlook
metal is fully covered by deposits. The double and wire beam elec-
trodes can be used to assess both the uniform and localized corrosion
Herein, the UDC of pipelines in oil and gas fields is critically reviewed
under either fully or partially covered deposits. Specially, the test-
in terms of its testing methods, corrosion mechanisms and mitigation
ing system of wire beam electrodes seems to be a more advanced
strategies. The main conclusions can be drawn and related outlook is
method since it not only has the functions of the other two testing
systems but also can provide information on localized corrosion un-
(1) Simulation of deposits is important for evaluating UDC. Two simu- der deposits in a more microscopic scale.
lation methods have been developed, including in-situ forming and

Z.B. Wang, L. Pang and Y.G. Zheng Corrosion Communications 7 (2022) 70–81

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